7:25pm May 12 2011
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((Ah, I see, I didn't see the thread.))
10:03pm May 12 2011
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wuss poppin jimbo
6:09am May 13 2011
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[[ Yoop o: I'm back. Sorry if I caused trouble :c ]] "I'd love to!" Leto barked happily. At last, a traveling companion! Leto didn't have to worry about going crazy with loneliness then. Wagging her tail happily, Leto trotted to Axis' side. "So, where are we off to today?" She asked him eagerly, amber eyes sparkling. [[ Herp. Since wolves don't have blue eyes xD ]] --- Ketu jerked his head up, awake. He looked around, finally seeing the she-wolf that called him. Instinctively, Ketu's lip curled into a threatening snarl. He didn't like being snuck up on, especially when he was dozing off. "What do you want, wolf?" He asked, eyes blazing with hostility.
8:31am May 13 2011
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Mocha stumbled backwards over herself in an attempt to put some distance between them. She stared at him with wide eyes full of both fear and admiration. "Hi," she mumbled, feeling oddly stupid now for waking him up. "My name's Mocha, not wolf, and I was just wondering if you wanted to go hunting with me. I'm starving my tail off over here." She didn't like the look in his eyes and snarl on his face, but knew she should counter anger with friendliness.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:43am May 13 2011
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Ketu made a 'tch' noise under his breath. He didn't exactly like it when wolves decided to be smart-alecky around him. The anger did die a little from his eyes, though. A starved female wolf would never dare to attack him. "Hunt? With you?" He echoed. Ketu's stomach was full, along with his desires to hunt. But the she-wolf intrigued him ever so slightly. It wasn't normal for a wolf to cordially invite another to go hunting with them.
10:45am May 13 2011 (last edited on 10:49am May 13 2011)
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Kismet's eyes softened when she heard the brute's story. It was eerily similar to hers and to be truthful is sent a shiver down her spine. "I suppose the least I can say is that I know the burden you carry," she murmured after a while, turning her eyes to the horizon behind Jem. It shone bloodred, testament to their tales. From the sorrow in the male's voice she assumed that Jem's littermate was dead. For all Kismet knew Sikoi was still alive terrorizing a neighbourhood pack into submission. He had always taken after their mother Desria. Shaking her head at the thought Kismet returned her attention to Jem, stiffening at his suggestion. "How could a pack help you?" she asked fiercely, a growl entering her voice. "How could you trust them? Just wait. They'll throw you out at the first chance and leave you for dead. You were thrown out yourself!" Kismet had believed that the male would understand what it was like to have a home ripped away from him. Obviously he had room for forgiveness. -- Kiite lifted his head and flicked his large black-tipped ears in a questioning manner. There were voices ahead. Making a humming noise he trotted in that direction, head held high so he could see past the thick undergrowth. Pushing past it he found himself at the bottom of a hill. Golden eyes thoughtful he clambered up it as gracefully as he could, long legs giving him the necessary reach to make it up in record time. There were two wolves. A black and white male, obviously the stronger of the two, and a small tan and cream she-wolf. The brute appeared to be rather consternated by whatever the female had said while said she-wolf simply watched him fearfully. "You two certainly made an odd couple," he said, bemused. Standing a little ways away from the male he glanced between the two of them in confusion.

4:23pm May 13 2011
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Jem only shrugged. "But not all wolves are the same. There must be one place out there, a safe haven, where I am wanted. Life alone is just that; alone. I crave the unity of a pack. I want to trust and be trusted, perhaps even settle down with a family of my own some day." He stared past her, ears drooping slightly as he examined the forest scenery. "I want a home, not this... this wandering from place to place." His dreams seemed far off, even for a young male like himself. He didn't understand Kismet's anger with him. "Perhaps it is just me then, Kismet, but is it not better to forgive and forget than to hold grudges? Believe me, I hate that pack. I wish the most fiery deaths on them. But not every pack is like that." __ "Y-yes," Mocha stuttered, "Where I come from we didn't find our own food. I need somebody to show how to catch a deer." She wondered, faintly, why he didn't mention his own name but decided not to press. Perhaps wild wolves didn't have names. She let her fur lay flat, seeing that he didn't seem as angry with her anymore. When Kiite spoke, it startled her. Mocha turned to look at him, shock reflected in her eyes. She hadn't heard him climb up the hill. However, once his words were processed, she began to burn under her fur. "Oh, no, we're not an item; I don't even know this wolf, in fact." Mocha wondered why somebody would say something like that, but decided not to ask.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:33pm May 13 2011
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"Home..." Kismet echoed softly, her head dropping to the side. Had she ever thought about settling down with a mate...no, another mate? Gryf had been her love. His tales, his enthusiasm, his undying love. My heart died with his, she thought. "The wandering has its merits," she answered, as if trying to defend her lifestyle. There wasn't much to defend though. Even Gryf, with his restless soul, had decided to stay with her. Before he was murdered, that is. "But how can I let go?" she replied in a harsh voice, angry with herself. "My mate was killed and because I killed his killer myself I got thrown out! What's to say that once my past is learned again I am left to fend for myself again?" Agitated Kismet sat down and pawed the ground in anger, frustration and a mixture of emotions she had never let herself feel before. His next words shook her. "They aren't?" she asked, almost naive. Of course there had to be kind, understanding wolves out there. But Kismet had not chanced upon them before. "But...where are they?" [Replying with Kiite after Tld does. :B]

5:04pm May 13 2011
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Jem couldn't relate to her, as his only love had not died. She had, in fact, picked ambition over passion. He remembered Launi, the joy and pain she brought, and how quickly she picked a wolf she didn't love over him only too well. The Alpha of her pack, Norse, had shown interest in her not long after they'd confessed their feelings for each other. Launi said they couldn't be together because she had to do what was best for her pack. And when he asked her to run away with him? She'd laughed. He wanted nothing more than to rip Norse apart, but didn't care to find them again. Seeing Launi one more time would probably kill whatever self-respect he had left. He shook his head, as if to rid himself of those painful memories. It had only been half a year since then, and the wounds were still fresh. "I don't know," he admitted, "That's not something I can answer. But I know, deep down, there's wolves out there. Perhaps closer than we think." He stared at her for a moment, as if trying to read what she was thinking.
wuss poppin jimbo
10:37pm May 13 2011
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Ketu resisted a snort of contempt. "Yes, we're not a couple." He echoed the she-wolf's words. Ketu sighed and the hapless she-wolf. Perhaps they would make a good hunting trio, with the new male wolf. "Fine." He said, sounding like he was forced to do so. "I'll teach you how to hunt. Only Toruk knows how you survived this long." Ketu narrowed his eyes. [[ Toruk is the Wolf-Gooood o: Well, let's just assume that in Ketu's previous pack, they believed Toruk was the god x3 Like how the warriors refer to Starclan. ]]
11:13pm May 13 2011
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"Shame," Kiite replied for no obvious reason. Tilting his head he looked at the cream she-wolf. "You don't know how to hunt," he stated slowly, eyes widening with disbelief. If she was lame or a runt Kiite would have been inclined to acknowledge that she wouldn't be able to fend for herself. But she wasn't. She was fat, well-fed and in obviously good condition. Shaking his head Kiite sighed. "Toruk?" he asked curiously. He had not heard the term before, though it seemed like the name of another. Perhaps a deity the male believed in. "Is it your...god? Of some sort?" Interest piqued Kiite stretched out his body in a cat-like motion and settled his golden eyes on the male. "On the subject of names, I'm Kiite. You are...?" -- "Closer such as you?" Kismet asked with a snort, though her mood was lightened somewhat. Perhaps talking and feeling weren't such bad decisions. Not if it made her feel so upbeat. "And if not you, then do you have any suggestions on where we can find such wolves? This forest is large as any. Perhaps bigger." Quietly amused Kismet stared back at the male, her eyes catching his. His words had brought back painful memories. Yet they had awake hope as well. [Crap o_O Watching Pirates of the Carribbean; Dead Man's Chest. XD]

7:06am May 14 2011
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Posts: 194
Axis curled his lips into a smile, when was the last time he had ever spoke to another wolf? Let alone a female. Without realizing, he had offered her to travel with him, he was surprised that she even wanted to. Already he was regretting it, she seemed to be an energetic furball, it would be difficult to handle her. Plus, she was perambulating carelessly through a vast forest, unknowning if she crossed to another territory. "Maybe it's about time we join a pack," Axis pondered,"it'll be difficult to catch large prey with only two wolves." Axis turned his head to Leto, "What do you think?"
11:41am May 14 2011
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"Well, where I came from, we were given food every day." Mocha defended herself stiffly, eyes burning into every inch of Kiite's body. He didn't seem hostile, like Ketu had been, so she let herself assume his statement was just one of curiousity or disbelief. Then she listened, quietly, as he said his name. Kiite, she thought, what an interesting name. "As I said earlier, my name's Mocha," she declared, turning to looked back at Ketu. Quickly, she added, "Thank you! I don't know how I could ever thank you!" She wondered if Kiite was to tag along, but she left that decision up to Ketu. -- "Well, I've searched for a long time. This is the furthest north I've come; perhaps we should head in that direction a little more." He shrugged, breaking eye contact with Kismet. It made his head feel fuzzy and he didn't like that one bit. "We should explore this forest as much as possible first though." Jem waited a moment to speak again. "It is 'we', isn't it?" He couldn't hide the fact that the idea of travelling with Kismet was appealing to him.
wuss poppin jimbo
12:11pm May 14 2011
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Ketu snorted for real this time. "Given food?" He asked. Ever since he could walk on his four paws, Ketu remembered being trained to become the best hunter and fighter in his pack by his parents. "What sort of pack did you live in?" He asked, then turned to the wolf named Kiite. "I am Ketu. Used to be from the Pack of Rushing Streams." He cringed slightly at the thought of his old pack. --- Leto lowered her ears a little, afraid at the thought of joining a pack. "Pack?" She echoed Axis' words. She took a moment to think. "Uh, it does seem like a promising idea." She mumbled, then nodded. "Are there any packs in this area at all?" She asked Axis. He was the only wolf Leto had met so far.
4:19pm May 14 2011
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"Haven't heard of that pack. Then again, I'm from the eastern plains. My kind tend to not form packs." Shrugging Kiite tilted his head at the female once again. Mocha, a strange name to be sure. Kiite could have sworn it was used to describe something, perhaps the color of her fur. "And if you're planning on hunting, may I help out? It's been a while since I've eaten impala. But it's too far north here for you to find it." Pausing a moment to revel in the feeling of the wind rustle his mane, a remnant from his old home, Kiite sighed. "Fed food...give food? How many wolves out there would just hand their food over to you?" The statement was not meant to be hurtful. More...confused. -- "I suppose it is," Kismet said in a resigned manner, though at least Jem wasn't a chattery she-wolf. Farther north, she thought quietly, wondering if it could possibly get colder. Kismet knew her species were well-built against the chill but even her own thick pelt couldn't prevent her from shivering every once in a while. "If we go north then back the way I came," she said after taking a moment to regain her bearings. "The land there's a bit less wooded too. I think it has something to do with the cold...or something." Chuckling she flicked her ears in the direction they were to take.

11:53pm May 14 2011
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[[ Bump let's wait for Moo owo ]]
12:07am May 15 2011
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{ Sorry. ;-; It ate my post and I was too frustrated after that to re-type everything. } { It'll be up in a moment. <3 }
wuss poppin jimbo
4:24pm May 16 2011
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{ ... I'm a horrible person for making you guys wait like this. ;-; } Mocha shook her head, unable to feel anything but amused. "Not wolves. People; There are no wolves where I come from. People put me in a small pen with fake plants, and every day they would feed me fresh meat slices. Other people would look at me through the glass walls and sometimes even throw me things over them." Her tail whipped through the air back and forth, tongue lolling out of the side of her mouth. Both males were probably older than her, smarter than her, and stronger than her, but she felt perfectly comfortable sitting with them. It was just her nature. Looking up at them she added after, "So. When are we going hunting?" -- Jem frowned, glancing behind him for a moment as if he sensed something there. After a small stretch of silence he looked back at Kismet with a hint of dark amusement in his eyes. "I should probably take my leave now, as it seems to be getting dark. Perhaps we should meet back here tomorrow? If that's alright with you, of course." He wanted to fit in some hunting before it got dark; Jem had an irrational fear of darkness. He just hoped that Kismet wouldn't ask why, for he didn't plan to tell her or any other wolf about his weakness, no matter how long they knew each other.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:46pm May 16 2011
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"Oh, why not hunt together?" Kismet suggested in a fit of serendipity. To be honest the lonely she-wolf had not had a hunting partner in a few years. Perhaps the two of them could take down a nice plump deer. It would certainly be useful to fill up before the frost set in, for rabbits and mice could only feed a wolf of her size so much. She voiced her opinions as such. "I mean, together we might get one of those caribou, I think they're called. You should see the size of some of those does." Mouth watering at the thought Kismet waited patiently for Jem to answer, wondering if he was nervous about hunting with her. She had asked before one time and had recieved a terse 'no' as an answer. Apparently the idea of a wolf such as she running behind them was a terrifying thought.
3:10am May 17 2011
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[[ where 'tis Misscutie? o-o ]]