((Yay, the second won! Bio thingy:))
Name: Zero Panther
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Personality: Zero is smart but awkward in social situations. He tends to come off a bit mean but he is actually quite nice once you get to know him. He's facinated by new things and is always ready to learn.
Powers: Shadow Magic, although he rarely uses it
Pets: A sky blue small fuzzy creature that he'll find later on
History: Blah, it's nothing important.
He also wears grey-camo pants and blue tennis shoes.
Other: None
Name: Ren (In his own language) West (In human language)
Age: 81 (Looks about 13)
Gender: Male
Personality: Ren is very curious and is always sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. He's strong willed and wont back down from a challenge. He's also selfish and is unlikely to do something for anyone unless it benefits him.
Species: Elf
Powers: Nature Magic (which is common for his kind)
Other: Likes gemstones.
Looks: Ren has light violet-blue hair thats pulled back in a ponytail. His bangs reach down below his eyes and ponytail only goes a little past his shoulder blades. He wears a blue tunic (much like the color of the gras$) over a white t-shirt and brown pants. His boots go up to about halfway to his knees and are black. He has amber eyes and pale skin.