6:05pm Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 6:06pm Apr 10 2010)
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Prof. Winter gasped when he saw Aurora pinned under the metal.. thingy. He raced over and tried to lift it, but could not. "Ugh..." He grunted, trying to lift it. Ribunny raced over, "Oh no!" She exclamed, "I'll help!" She tried to lift the metal, but it was too heavy, If only I had strength like a gorrila! She thought, then suddenly her arms started to look like gorrila arms and she was able to lift the metal off Aurora, the gorrila arms dissapeard as soon as metal was off Aurora, so even Ribunny didn't know what had happned. Prof. Winter was panting, he had missed the gorrila arms. "Are you... Alright?" He asked, "Is anything... Broken?"
6:17pm Apr 10 2010
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"I think I may have just strained my leg...I hope nothing it borken." Aurora said trying to bend her leg. She winced as pain flared up and down her leg.
6:22pm Apr 10 2010
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"You probably need a splint." Prof. Winter said, getting a first aid kit, "I'm happy I brang this." He put a splint on Aurora's leg. "There we go." He said.
7:08pm Apr 10 2010
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Zero groaned as he slipped back into consciousness. "What a rude awakening..." he muttered crossly, wondering what had happened. He had been sleeping when the ship crashed. He pushed a light piece of metal off his leg and stood up. Other then a gash running up his left arm, he was unharmed. He tried to climb down the wreckage but lost his balance and fell the rest of the way down and landed roughly on the ground below.
7:09pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 3,002
((stalk...ribunny. r u still doing the will you tame it? if so, bump it. *poofs*))
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
7:10pm Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 7:11pm Apr 10 2010)
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((Lol, okay Shadow ^^)) Ribunny saw Zero fall and ran over. "Are you okay?!" She asked, worred that he might have broken something. She was like that. Always thinking the worst.
7:15pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 454
((Urg, sorry i'm late. My computer finally works again. O.o)) Name:Kira Charter
Personality:Gentle and talks quietly. Doesn't like to raise her voice or repeat things and gets along with others all right. Doesn't feel the urger to tell things that shouldn't be said unless necessary. Says what should be said without complaint. Crush?: Uhh...
Powers: Can talk to animals and communicate with them, not that there are any animals on the distant planet Pets: A kitten named sparky History: When she was a child, the goo goos and gaa gaas that her parents thought were only bits and peices of baby language were actually words spoken to other animals Looks: Green eyes and short reddish brown hair. peachy skin? Usually wears combat boots and jeans and t-shirts with a hoodie on top of it all. Other:Nope
7:17pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 4,848
((Thats okay ^^ and your Bios accepted ^^))
7:19pm Apr 10 2010
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"I'm fine for someone who just went through...through...what happened anyways?" Zero asked, carefully standing up. Nothing felt broken. He looked around, his mind still disoriented from the crash.
7:24pm Apr 10 2010
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"The plane.. Er... Ship..." Ribunny said, getting a bit teary eyed, "It crashed... And we are stuck here...." She looked at the thick forest that was by them. They had apparently crashed into a feild just a few feet from a very thick forest, which was very lucky, since the trees looked like they could split the ship in half.
7:30pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 454
Kira lifted her head. Ouch. What thinks you Sparky? She looked at the kitten under her arm who meowed quietly, taking shelter from the enormous crash. I think my head is bleeding. She lifted her head, feeling a dripping down her neck. She rubbed her hand back and swiped away the blood. Yuck. She wiped the blood on her pants that would clearly be stained for some time. Oh well. It's just a little bit of blood. Um... we aren't on earth anymore, are we? She stood up, lifting Sparky out of the chair. She tried to move around but felt extremely lightheaded. Why am i here again? I can't remember. She looked out the smashed up window. "Sparky, this is someone's cue to say, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore." She whispered, staring unbelievably at the terrain outside.
7:38pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 3,141
"Just great..." Zero muttered. -------- Ren dashed through the trees at a blinding speed. A quiver full of arrows was strapped on his back and he was holding a longbow in his hand. He had been hunting when the ship had crashed and the sound had scared off his prey. He was determined to find what had scared his dinner off. He stopped at the edge of forest and hid behind a tree, watching carefully.
7:41pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 454
Kira stood up to follow the other students out. Her head was hurting terribly. She didn't really know how bad it looked so she threw her hood over her head to keep anyone from seeing and being disgusted. She braced herself against the side of the ship as she tried to follow the other students and make her way out.
7:47pm Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 7:48pm Apr 10 2010)
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Prof. Winter stood on top of an aqua colored rock. He banged a peice of metal on the rock, getting everyone's attention. "I would like everyone's attention please!" He said. "Now, as you may know, we have seemed to crashed on a planet that can support us, and we are the only survivers of the crash." He was silent a moment, then resumed, "We must build shelter, find food and water, and try to live on this planet, it is very likely that we wont be rescued.... any questions?"
7:59pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 454
Kira stood there, not knowing what to say. She slowly peered around. Her vision was blurring. It wasn't anything serious probably, but her back felt as if it was beginning to feel more damp. She fidgeted nervously. Her sweater was black so the red wouldn't really be able to show. She was glad for that. Sparky climbed up onto her shoulder. What would they make the shelter out of anyway? She didn't see any food either and the water, or what she thought was supposed to be water, didn't look drinkable at all.
8:00pm Apr 10 2010
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Zero scowled after listening to Prof. Winter's speech. "Yeah, who wants to make bet's on who goes insane first?" he said quietly, not intending to be heard. He ran his hand over his arm. It was caked with blood but it had stopped bleeding. He breathed a sigh of relief. Ren scowled. He couldn't understand what these invaders were saying but he could tell who the leader was, the old man standing on a rock. He knocked an arrow and pulled it back, ready to fire a warning shot to show these invaders that they weren't welcome.
8:06pm Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 8:08pm Apr 10 2010)
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((*Chants* Shoot him Shoot him shoot him! Prof winter: But I'm your characture! D8 Me: So? >:p Prof. Winter: D8)) Ribunny's sensitve ears picked up on something that sounded like an arrow being made ready. She narrowed her eyes in the direction of where it came from. Who is there? She damanded, using her wild magic that allows her to talk telepathicly to all species of creatures, and she still didn't know she had it. ((XD)) Prof. Winter sighed, and sat down on the rock. "I thought the speach may make you feel a little better... But I fail at speaches..." He said. ((That was probably the ONLY time prof. Winter will say something funny XD)) ((Oh.. and would anyone like me to explane exactly what wild magic is so they know?)
8:13pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 3,141
((I kinda get it but you should probably explain anyways.)) Ren blinked in surprise as he heard a female's voice in his head, speaking his language. He shook his head, trying to clear it. He aimed the arrow a few inches below the old man's foot and fired. Its aim was true hitting where he had aimed. There. That should get my point across. He thought, smirking.
8:21pm Apr 10 2010
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((There is actually a bunch of parts to it XD 1. The first part is that you are able to speak to other creatures telephathicly and be able to heal them. 2. When you learn more about it, you are able to go into a creatures mind and see what they see, hear what they hear, ect 3. Soon you will learn to replace a body part that you have with anouther creatures for a limited amount of time (Example~ You want to hear like a bat, you replace your ears with bat ears) 4. When you are skilled at it, you can transform into a creature, but it requires a lot of meditation. Also, when you fight, creatures will come to your aid out of instinced. Ribunny is only on part one though.)) Prof. Winter gasped. "We are being attacked!" He yelled. "Everyone take cover!" He slipped behind the rock and hid. Ribunny, however, did not try to hide. She asked into Ren's mind, Why did you do that? And sat on the ground, waiting for a responce.
8:25pm Apr 10 2010
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Zero didn't need told twice. He slipped into the shadows, literally, and waited. Ren shook his head again trying to rid his head of the strange voice, thinking he must be going mad. He stepped out from the shelter of the trees. "You are not welcome in this world! Leave at once or face death!" He shouted in his own language.