Ren flinched back, a reflex acquired from always being snapped at by the village elders, but relaxed again when her tone returned to what he could consider normal. He looked away and blushed, unable to believe that, even for a second, he had been afraid of a human. It's fine. Even in his head his voice sounded small.
Ribunny giggled a little when he flinched. Then senced right away that it may be rude to. Anyway, I want to know, are there any dangerious creatures here? So I can warn the rest of the humans? She had been wanting to know that for a while, especially now that it was getting late.
Ren scratched his cheek shyly, knowing his face was getting redder as Ribunny giggled. Yeah, there are plenty. A lot of the ones here wont eat meat, or fear my kin and will not tell the difference between our species. He paused. But there is one creature that you have to be worried about. We call them the Razk. They're about as tall as your shoulders but very long. They are quick and tricky, with long fangs and large claws that tear through flesh easily. They only come out at night and are dark in color so they're hard to spot.
Nope. Ren answered, allowing a rather mean smile to cross his lips. Well, actually, He corrected himself, they can't climb. Even though they can jump pretty high if you get up high enough in a tree, they can't get you. That's why my village is built up in the-- He gasped and simultaneously covered his mouth and shut off his thought process, unable to believe he had allowed himself to start telling Ribunny about his village.