(Sorry for the wait.)
Merlin Kiteford
He looks about seventeen, wich is when he died, but he's alot older than that.
Replace the wings with a cloak. (Also, credit to Petra for being the awesome person that she is and finding this pic)
I'm pretty sure he's human.
::~Guard ,Rare Being, Other? ~::
I don't know... other?
Don't you dare think warlock, he's a necromancer! (My version: A being (not nesesarily human) that has captured souls chained to their will and trapped in an item which then gives them control over a power of their choice (generaly the element of darkness because everybody loves to link darkness with death (Necro= death, mancy=magic (I'm pretty sure)) the more souls they have the stronger they are. There is a limit to how strong a necromancer is alowed to get because power corrupts and necromancers are prone to corruption, so when one gets too strong they are killed, the souls they have under their comand are freed and get revenge so there is nothing left of that necromancer to come back.) That very nearly turned into a ramble.
He has a shapeshifting familiar by the name of Pranx.
And now I have to go into the whole 'dead' thing... Merlin was a pretty failish necromancer with only one soul trapped in his staff, while his 'friend' got well past the limit of strenth, so the guy ran off and due to the person sent to kill him being blind *looks acusingly at Myst* Merlin was killed instead. The soul failed epicly at destrying him, and only managed to blind him (which had basically no efect because dead people can see souls (eg Soul is bright, shines through skin enabling him to see beings, light from soul bonces off stuff and he sees like a normal person, unless the being has no soul, because then the light goes right through them like they aren't there)) and then he came back and took it out on the world, got way way way past the power limit, then got trapped in a box made out of some stuff from space. Spent 16 years in the box, went crazy, spent another 984 years in the box, got bored of being insane and went sane again a week before some idiot let him out.
(If you want me to explain anything more, just ask XD)
Myst Velox
She was the one that killed Merlin, so that makes here pretty old XD but she basically acts like a five year old with about 1000 years of experiance.
She's a morph, it changes
::~Guard ,Rare Being, Other? ~::
She killed Meriln, and I'll leave it at that.