7:44am Jan 31 2010
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Nite had looked immediately towards the door at the sound of the explosion, as Tei stood up sharply and looked around. "Whatever was that?..." Tei spoke more to herself than anyone else in the room. As the two Gods of the room teleported, Tei took her own route out of the window, appearing on the roof of the house and looking over at the army before them. Damn, that wasn't good. She was startled at Thor's arrival, but smiled gratefully to herself, atleast Loki wouldnt be battling alone. Nite had pulled herself out of bed, still tired. She sighed slightly as she collected the twins in her arms and sat by the window of the bedroom. She couldn't see much from here, but she didn't want to take the children anywhere unsafe. Instead, she sat watching her newborns, hoping that whatever was happening outside was working in their favour.
8:01am Jan 31 2010
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Loki ran towards the left flank of minions, as Thor ran to the right, they always could fight in perfect stnc, scary as they where born a thousand years apart. Loki got right into the thick of the battle along with Thor, they where both gutting minions as they went. (sORRY FOR THE SHORT ONE BUT I HAD TO GO.)
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8:20am Jan 31 2010
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~(It's fine Reu xD)~ Nite was still at the window as Tei returned through it, stopping just next to the Angel of Night. She looked at the two children in Nite's arms and smiled. "Looks like Loki and the others will be busy for awhile... There's a small army approaching, though I doubt they'll get past Loki..." Nite looked up. "Others?" Tei tilted her head slightly and nodded. "Loki, his father and Thor... That is... Loki's brother" "I know who Thor is Tei... I've never had the chance of meeting him though." Nite looked back at the babies, both of them sleeping, blissfully unaware of the events outside. She shifted them both and sighed slightly... Another army... Great... She looked back out of the window and leaned her head against it.
10:33am Feb 1 2010
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Loki was battling the minions one by one, surprisingly they wheren't putting up much of a fight, he sensed that Nite was fed up with the fighting, he was sure she was sending these thoughts to him, "Nite, this may seem like a bit of a bad idea, but I'm going to keep on fighting these small armies that the Dragon god keeps sending until he stops sending them, and then when you are better, we are going to destroy him, possibly with Thor's and Odin's help, but we will vanquish the foul beast."
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10:39am Feb 1 2010
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Nite recieved Loki's thoughts, and then did the thing she had not yet done with him. She closed her mind to him, putting the twins to rest, and turned to Tei, who was looking at her with a serious ex pression. "Now? You need to go now?..." Nite nodded. "If i dont i lose my life... the children will lose their life... and Loki will lose Asgard to the Dragon God... Its all been prophesised. I didnt know i was supposed to create the half God, half Angel's from this body... but... i need to go back" Nite opened the window... stopping on the ledge to look at Tei. "Look after Dryac and Enzeru... please... for me..." Tei nodded as she watched the angel take off in a flash... it was her job to explain to Loki when he got back...
10:52am Feb 1 2010
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Loki and Thor killed the army, and Loki started wandering back, looking forward to see his wife he got not 10 paces forward when he realised nobody was following him he turned his head t see Thor stood there, "Brother, come, your nephew and niece await their uncle, follow and you shall be proud of your little brother." Thor's jaw dropped at his brithers invitation,"You would invite me into your home when I abandoned you? I mean you had father, but you looked up to me, and I left, I don't deserve to be cl*censored*ed as your brother." Thor faced the ground, dissapointed in himself, "To Hades with that tripe, you will come and see my new born twins, and you shall be like a brother to Dryac and a role model to Enzuru, that isn't a request, consider it an order."
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11:01am Feb 1 2010 (last edited on 11:03am Feb 1 2010)
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Nite landed with swiftness in the castle entrance... this was not going be pleasant... she sighed, and, grasping the necklace from her neck, starting walking towards the building. once the necklace broke free, Nite dropped her disguise. She was not an angel... well, not an ordinary one. Her true name was Nyx, although she went by Nite, and she was personification of night. The goddess of Night. As she stepped into the building, a voice rang out to her. "Well... you sure took your time... " Zavienne stood looking down at the goddess. She was a prisoner, afterall, the black dragons and the night were related. "Dear sister..." Nite had taken the form of an angel to escape the dragon god and fulfill a prophecy that would give Loki the best chance against this God. To unite the angels and the gods through the new half breeds. In Nites form, her DNA had been all angel... therefor... her children were half angel, even though she was a goddess. No one would recognise her in this form unless she told them... Tei waited... she wasnt looking forward to this... the form of Nyx
11:10am Feb 1 2010
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Loki and Thor entered into their house only to see Tei holding the babies, nobody else around, "Where is Nite? I was looking forward to seeing her with my children." Loki shot a worried glance over to Thor, telling him he may need his help with this.
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11:16am Feb 1 2010
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Tei sighed and put both children down. "Nite... " Tei struggled a bit... she wasnt sure how to say it... "Nite had to leave, Loki... she... found something out a long time ago... she disguised herself in order to follow a prophecy that will help Asgard against the dragon god. She didnt know she'd play such a big part, she thought she was just overlooking it.... " Tei sighed again, and continued..." Loki... Nite is not an Angel, and nor is her name Nite... Her true name is Nyx... the goddess of night itself and... she' was born as the younger sister of the dragon god. Nite no longer exists Loki..." "As for Nyx, she is tied to her brother unless he is slain... i know this is a lot to take in... its just... she couldnt stay... staying would have killed her, the twins... and you'd have lost everything for it..."
11:32am Feb 1 2010
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Loki snapped, twisted round and punched Air, forcing visible ripples to flow thourhg the air, putting his full strength into it, "Tell me where his b.astard castle is, I'll take it down and slay him, after saving Ni-- I mean Nyx of course, Thor I will need your help, we're going to take his world down." "I will help you brother, I have wanted to meet your other half since word reached me, although I didn't want to come incase you held the fact that I had to go against me." "Haha, no I never held it against you brother, we had a slight rivalry as of course you will remember, but I wouldn't have extrdited my brother," they did the god's hand shake, they both held the others forearm and squose slightly, just another sign that the two brothers had been reunited, nothing would stop them now.
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12:24pm Feb 1 2010
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Tei smiled sadly. SHe knew Nyx. Nyx was most stunning of all night angels, of course, she was their goddess, and her power was great. Being tied to her brother stopped her using this power. Tei of course would be the one to find Nyx, seeing as Loki would not recognise the goddess in her true and more beautiful form. Nyx stood looking out of the castle window. She had lied to all she knew, all vbesides Tei. Her heart ached at the thought of the twins, and fear took hold overall. Nite... Nite wasn't real... she had been created to follow the prophecy... Loki... should he ever forgive her lies, would need to learn she was not Nite... and never would be Nite... She looked at the blood red dress she wore and sighed... she was free in Nites form... As perfect as this form was, there was no freedom.
1:04pm Feb 1 2010
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Loki had read Tei's thoughts, she had constantly put barriers up to stop the good but Loki could force his way through any barriers, including mental ones, "You shall take me to the castle, point Nyx out to me and Thor and let us do our work, we shall be in and slay that foul and pathetic excuse for a god and get out of there with Nyx, after me totalling that castle." Loki glanced over at Thor, and Thor nodded at him, "I'm with you all the way brother, we can save her, and I have no doubt we will kill Zevienne, however destroying a castle that is in tune with maagic, are you sure you have the strength?" "It isn't about strength brother, my will is strong and I can take it down, if I can summon enough of my powers to aid me, that castle will crumble lie a crust of bread."
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1:10pm Feb 1 2010
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Tei nodded "lets get going then" she wasnt sure how Loki would manage against Zavienne. Zavienne was sneaky and powerful, a bad combination for anyone facing him. Tei set off first, the gods could follow. She led them straight out of Asgard and towards the castle. She only knew the location of the castle because Nyx had told her. She pointed as soon as she saw the gods... "Theres the dragon gods lair"
1:15pm Feb 1 2010
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Loki was holding onto Thor's ankle, as only Thor could fly, Loki clicked his neck, "stay back for a few moments Brother, I am going to knock, so he can hear it." Tei was worried, she knew Loki was powerfull when unhinged, but h may do things to the Dragon god that are... unmentionable. Loki twitched his fore finger and middle finger, and the Giant, iron bolted double doors flew off their hinges.
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1:29pm Feb 1 2010
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Tei nodded... Loki versus the dragon god... Loki was powerful... the Dragon was merciless... and there was no guarantee the dragon god would be killed. He was still Nyx's brother. Tei flew into the castle and landed swiftly in front of the door. Nyx had been watching her brother's face when the door caved in. Zavienne swirled around, coming face to face with Tei at the other end of the room. "Who the hell are you?" Nyx stood just behind her brother, looking at Tei in a worried way. Tei was no way strong enough to fight Zavienne. And what was she doing here? She wasnt supposed to move this soon...
1:41pm Feb 1 2010
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Loki stepped up behind Tei, and Thor approached by the other side, their weapons drawn and bloodlust in their eyes, Thor had already gotten his britherly instincts, he thought what Loki did, he also wanted to kill the parasite that claimed to be a god. "You dare do this to me? Zevienne, who do you think you are? you get me in love and then take everything away from me? you think I can survive with dead memories in my heart? well you think wrong, prepare to die." Loki had been working on tapping into his full god power, his weapons glew a bright gold power and his voice emminated fear into even the black heart of Zevienne.
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1:50pm Feb 1 2010
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Zevienne simply smiled creully at the gods, but his face changed. "Got you in love? with whom?..." What the hell was this god talking about... he hissed at them, both gods stood there bold as br*censored*. Zavienne cursed. Stupid gods always throwing their weight around. Nyx stood alongside her brother, eyes on the gods. Why... Why come after her... She was scared, slightly frightened. She knew of her brothers ways... but did she truly want him dead?... She looked away from them all, her eyes on the window to her right. Tei glanced at Nyx, then back at the dragon god. "Nyx..." she said just loud enough for Loki and Thor to hear. Seeing as the beautiful sibling gods both stood in the room. Loki should notice immedaitely that the female had to be Nyx.
1:57pm Feb 1 2010
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Loki had realised that it was his beloved, there was no knocking what he felt for her, and it wasn't skin deep, it was deep, Loki sheathed his staff pulled out his staff and twirled it around his head, "Stop talking and let's get to the killing, either one, or two will be left standing today, now I think better of our odds, but I know of your power and trickery, seems you are a perfect example of me in the old days." Loki slammed the butt of his staff on the castle floor, causing it to splinter and a large crack formed, a jutt of rocks travelled towards and slammed into Zevienne's face.
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2:08pm Feb 1 2010
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Zevienne lifted a fist just in time to stop the rocks from hitting him directly... even though they did hit him. He staggered back a few steps and glared. Damn them. Nyx had turned to watch her brother get hit... She moved back against the wall and sat, putting her head in her hands. The quicker Loki killed Zevienne the better... Zevienne would destroy this world. Asgard had a hope in Loki and the twins. As for Nyx, so bound by her brother, she would die here with him. Her brothers last breath would be here own, and Tei knew this. Nyx kept her thoughts shrouded in darkness... the only thing Loki couldnt penetrate. Tei stood with tears in her eyes. She wouldnt think about what would happen... if she did... Loki would not kill the dragon god... and it needed to be done...
9:39am Feb 2 2010
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Loki leapt through the air and came down hard on the dragonlords shoulder with his staff, "Die damn you! Die! I am sicj of this happening, I shall slay this pitiful being and hope it is enough for me to retire from battling! you always seem to drag me into it! I hate everything about your kind!"
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