9:42am Feb 2 2010
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Zevienne smiled the entire time... he wanted to destroy Loki's world. Eventually he would, he kept his mind open, allowing the god to read him like a book. Tei took the moment to run towards Nyx and fall in beside her. "Why does it have to be this way?... There's no other choice?..." There were tears in her voice, as she looked at the beautiful form of the Goddess of Night. Nyx shook her head. "No other way" her voice had changed with her body, it was musical and alluring, and yet, filled with an unescapable sadness.
9:46am Feb 2 2010
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Loki could tell that Zevienne was attempting to play mind games with him, attempting to lure him into his mind so he could torture him mentally, Loki read his next move, Zevienne was going to try and slap him he drew his sword and cut Zeviennes two fore fingers off, as they hit the floor Loki bellowed, "You should know that your mind games aren't going to work Zevienne!"
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9:51am Feb 2 2010
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Zevienne was still smiling. "Then kill me... Or you will regret it" and he laughed, a merciless laugh, ignoring the pain inflicted by the God. Nyx watched simply, her amber eyes reamining on the battle in front of her, as Tei kept her eyes on Nyx's face. "I dont want..." "Dont worry about it Tei... it needs to happen this way... let Loki do what he's supposed to do..." She still sat on the floor, her back pressed against the stone wall. Tei bit her lip, she didnt want this to happen... there seemed to be no way around it.
9:55am Feb 2 2010
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Loki then severed Zeviennes entire hand from his arm, ha wasn't going to kill him straight away, what was Zevienne thinking, Loki had gone back to how he used to be for this battle, he knew how to tap into this power only he didn't like doing it as it tends to consume him for a while like it had for this battle. "I am not going to kill you straight away Knave, I am going to savour this, just like you seem to savour my anguish." Thor then ran up and used his hammer to crush every bone in Zevienne's foot, causing the dark god to scream in agony. "And I'm with him, all the way."
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10:00am Feb 2 2010
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Tei stood up, glaring at Loki. "Just kill him Loki..." She didnt think about it... she wasn't going to allow Loki to prolong Nyx's suffering... She didnt want what was going to happen to happen... but she had no choice, Nyx had done everything for this chance to kill Zevienne. Nyx's eyes fell to the floor. The quicker, the better. He needed to hurry with this... She got small satisfaction from knowing Zevienne would no longer torture the world once it was over. Until then..
10:07am Feb 2 2010
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Loki threw his staff into the air, it twirling around 6 time before he caught it, he then forced it round in a perfect circualr motion, behead Zevienne, he then turned and walked towards Tei.
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10:15am Feb 2 2010
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Tei put a hand over her mouth at the death of the Dragon God, then looked at Nyx, whose eyes were closed. She bent down and looked at Nyx, a single tear running down her cheek. "I'm sorry Loki... " she managed as the God approached. "It... had to be done..."
10:18am Feb 2 2010 (last edited on 10:22am Feb 2 2010)
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Loki immediately hurled his staff at one of the walls, imbedding it half way int the thick stone wall, "This cant happen! I need her back! this whole fight for her! if I do not have anythingin my life..."
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10:18am Feb 2 2010
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Loki immediately hurled his staff at one of the walls, imbedding it half way int the thick stone wall, "Th
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10:25am Feb 2 2010
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Tei shook her head... "This is what Zevienne wanted... for you to fall apart like this... Nyx knew it, but he needed to be stopped..." Tei put her hands over her face and sighed. "There has to be something we can do... surely..."
10:40am Feb 2 2010
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Loki thought for a few moments and Tei realised a moment of realisation in his eyes, "Normally in this case if we revived one we would revive the other, which, since I beheaded Zevienne I doubt he would, but the gods have the ability to severe ties between siblings, now normally this would be impossible if they where dead, but the children, they are the key."
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10:55am Feb 2 2010
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Tei looked at Loki. "The power of a God to severe another God's ties is impossible... but... the children born of Nyx?" Tei's eyes widened slightly. The children held Nyx's blood, her life energy, if that could be restored to Nyx's body... She looked at Loki, then at Nyx. She placed a gentle hand on one side of nyx's face. "One of the most stunning of Goddesses. We cant lose her... I cant lose my friend Loki... This goddess has done too much for me over the years." She looked at the perfect features of the lifeless goddess. "We cant have day, without Night... let's see if we can do something... we need to be quick..."
11:00am Feb 2 2010
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"Right, now I'm sorry if you fail to keep up with this but..." Loki picked Nyx's body up and draped her over his shoulder, he then went into an unfollowable speed and took her straight to Asgard, Thor merely teleported, he always could teleport further than his brother.
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11:15am Feb 2 2010
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Tei, as an elemental of wind, made it to Asgard just after Loki. He really should not underestimate her... she'd mentioned her speed. Sighing, she landed beside him. "I have no idea what we should do, Loki... Do you have the knowledge? Or do you know someone we could ask?"
11:18am Feb 2 2010
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"I know how it is done, the children will recognise her as their mother and revive her without thinking, just lay her between them." Loki teleported the body upstairs to his children.
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11:23am Feb 2 2010
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Tei nodded and silently followed Loki upstairs. As the body of Nyx was laid down, black hair spreading around her form, Tei gently lifted both twins. She looked at them for a moment. They were barely a few hours old... and already they were going to save a life. Normally, using one child in this way would sacrafice the child, becuase all of the life force would leave them. But because Nyx had had twins, each twin only needed to give half its life force... therefor, both would survive. She walked over to Loki, and handed him the children. It was his job... He was the father, he was the one who needed to save the goddess of Night.
11:42am Feb 2 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Loki stared into the childrens eyes, "Now, Dryac and Enzeru, make your father proud." Loki then placed the two children at their mother's side and backed off, he knew they would know what to do. Loki was confident in his children's ability, and he had a plan to restore their life force when they had finished.
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11:47am Feb 2 2010
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Tei watched, astounded, as both children almost seem to move towards their mother. Both of them had placed one small hand on each side of Nyx's body. Tei could not see anything that said it was working, in fact, everything was unbelievably quiet. She'd almost thought it failed when she saw Nyx's chest rise. She was breathing, her eyes still closed... sleeping probably... but she was alive. Tei had to hold back tears... this time, tears of happiness.
9:46am Feb 3 2010
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Loki stood firm, no emotions on his face to show how he felt at this moment in time, "Of course, I shall have to take the children to Odin to restore their life force, Ni-- Nyx, I mean will have to be cared for well, she deserves it after the ordeal she has been through" Loki then turned to Thor and gave him yet another handshake of the gods, "I shall be honoured if, when I get attacked, you would fight beside me my brother." Thor nodded and then glanced up at the god, "What, you plan on getting attacked again Loki?" Loki smirked "No, but with me it is pretty much inevitable, no?"
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10:08am Feb 3 2010
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Tei nodded at Loki, keeping her eyes on the Goddess of Night. "It must be strange for you, Loki... To fall in love with an Angel only to discover she was a Greek Goddess..." She smiled slightly. Nite... Nite, like all Night Angels had been almost childlike in form, Nyx was quite the opposite, seeing as she was the Goddess of that kind. She no longer had snow white hair, it was black as onyx and far longer than Nites had been, and her eyes had reverted from violet to their warm amber. Nyx was also taller in form than Nite. Tei thought about it... Nyx had been in Nite's form for a few years now... It was nice, seeing her as her true self, not pretending to be an Angel, not when she was so much more than that.