10:23am Feb 3 2010
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"Aye Tei, tis weird, I must say, but I believe I feel the same for her as I ever did. It isn't the form one falls in love with, it is the person." Loki thent urned with the children and leaped out of the window and strolled towards the double gates tat lead to Odin's residence.
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10:33am Feb 3 2010
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Tei smiled at Loki's retreating back, before turning towards her oldest friend. She looked like she was going to be fine, and Tei sighed lightly in relief. The twins would also be fine... She knew for a fact Odin had the power to help them, not to mention he would not allow himself to lose his new grandchildren so eaily. Tei sat by the bed, her eyes looking through the window at the horizon beyond.
10:57am Feb 3 2010
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Loki landed perfectly on the ground underneath his wondow, and of in the fardistance he saw the castle that he ahd slew Zevienne in, that battle would go down in history books for sure, however he didn't want the fame, it just brought too much attention, and he was a father now, he ran to Odin, left the babies and explained what he wanted him to do and then flitted over to the castle. "There will not be any evidence of this, nobody will find the body, nobody shall now," Loki then used his right fist to punch a large hole in the wall of the castle, he then continued to punch holes until the castle collapsed, he then flitted back to Odin in time to pick up the babies, "Sorry about that father, just had to run a small errand." "Aye son, run seems an appropriate term for it."
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11:15am Feb 3 2010
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Tei had stood, she was still looking at the ditance beyond the window, thoughts flying through her mind about what had happened and what would happen now. She sighed, the turned at the sound of moving material. Nyx was stood, perfectly wide awake, not far behind her, and she quite literally flew into Nyx's arms. "I'm so glad your alright..." Nyx smiled, she was taller than Tei now, and had Tei run into her while in Nite's form she would have knocked her over. Tei looked up and smiled back. "I'm slightly confused..." Nyx looked out of the window over Tei's head. "Why am I still here?..." Tei pulled away from Nyx and swiftly began to explain. Nyx blinked a few times. "The twins?..." She smiled and looked back out of the window. "I see..."
11:20am Feb 3 2010
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Loki then teleported into the room just next to the window with the two children, "Well, there is nothing like a brisk run and smashing a castle to work out the ki-- NYX! your awake?!? surely you need your rest." Loki had a worried yet loving ex pression on his face, he cared for Nyx even in this form.
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11:27am Feb 3 2010 (last edited on 12:19pm Feb 3 2010)
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Nyx raised her eyebrows at Loki's sudden appearance, then quite delibrately looked at Tei. Tei nodded, and, gently taking both twins from Loki, left the room. Nyx waited a few silent moments before turning to Loki. "I lied to you" She said it blatantly, truthfully. Looking at Loki without a single trace of anything. Everything had been a lie... So far atleast. Why would he trust her otherwise... Why... She kept her mind closed in her own Darkness. The one thing Loki could not break through.
11:30am Feb 3 2010
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Loki smailed to Nyx, "It does not matter, I fell in love with you for who you are, what you did is of no consequence to me, as you are a kind person and I believe you shall repenet all you have done and be truthful, as I believe that is the natural kind of person you are."
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5:01pm Feb 3 2010
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Nyx looked away from Loki. "Everything about me now is different Loki... taking another form can change you slightly. I became too much of an Angel as Nite." She looked back at the God. She sighed and pulled a face, one hand lifting a black lock from her bare shoulder as she looked at it. "I delibrately made everthing opposite of myself in Nites form... It mades things easier..." She allowed the lock of hair to fall from her hands as she looked once again, beyond the window of the room. It was so strange... being back in this form, and yet... she felt more comfortable this way. Natural, she supposed.
9:57am Feb 5 2010
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"Aye, but underlying all you changed when you where Nite was your true self, and that is the part you truly fall in love with, not the mere appearance or personality, 'tis the true person." Loki then sat on the winowledge and started juggling balls they had bought for the kids, he was getting bored and just wanted to get life back on track, Nite or Nyx, either one, it didn't matter to him, it was the person that counted.
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10:11am Feb 5 2010
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Nyx watched Loki with a detached amusement. "It's still going to be alittle strange... for both of us..." She understood how he felt, she realised he'd love her either way. That wouldn't stop it being complicated however, Loki was still going to have to get used to her in her true form, and he was going to need to get used to her real self. She sighed slightly, and placed a hand on the side of his face, looking at him with a small smile. "I'm still more sorry than you realise..." She leant forward, kissing him lightly on the forehead, then quite promptly turned away and starting walking towards the door. What a situation to get herself into...
10:21am Feb 5 2010
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Loki grabbed Nyx's arm, twirled her round and hugged her tight, "Your mine now, and have been for quite a while now, and I plan to keep you forever, you need to accept it and forgive yourself, I already have, and I believe I can love you easily much as I loved you before."
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10:30am Feb 5 2010 (last edited on 10:31am Feb 5 2010)
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Nyx sighed and closed her eyes. "I know, Loki..." Which was true. She knew he'd forgiven her, her Goddess senses were far sharper and more defined than the Angel's had been. She couldn't feel any sort of anger or irritation directed at her, and she pulled away slightly to look at him. "Just give me time... I'll get used to this... It's not that I can't forgive myself... I will, eventually" She shifted out of his grasp and continued to look at him. This person, this god... would be one of the most powerful of his kind one day... or so prophecy had foretold.
10:36am Feb 5 2010
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Loki dropped to his knee, head in his hands and started roaring in agony, "ARRRGG, what is this?!?! must be sorcery, it feels like my skull is openeing up and a thousand demons are clawing at my brain! help me! I can't stand this pain!" even Nyx was shocked at the goods reaction to this, as he had one of the highest pain thresholds of all of the gods, and he had reacted badly to wahtever this pain was.
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10:36am Feb 5 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Loki dropped to his knee, head in his hands and started roaring in agony, "ARRRGG, what is this?!?! must be sorcery, it feels like my skull is openeing up and a thousand demons are clawing at my brain! help me! I can't stand this pain!" even Nyx was shocked at the goods reaction to this, as he had one of the highest pain thresholds of all of the gods, and he had reacted badly to wahtever this pain was.
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10:43am Feb 5 2010
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Posts: 1,789
Nyx, as shocked as she was, approached calmy. Had she still been in Nites form, there was no way she could have done what she did. Only as a goddess could she perform her act. She knelt to Loki's level, and delibrately placed both hands on each side of his head, drawing his mind into the darkness where hers resided. While his mind was covered like this, she could not hide her thoughts from him, seeing as he was now inside the same barrier as her, blocking the pain and allowing him to talk coherently. "I think we need to speak to your father... I'm not sure what this is, and if I let you out of this barrier you'll fall apart again..." They needed to find out what this was, and quickly... Nyx looked over her shoulder, and in her musical voice called out to Tei.
10:51am Feb 5 2010
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Loki glanced around, still holding his head from the slight pain that managed to reside still in his skull, "Aye, twas a strange pain, never felt such agony, and I've been in all the good wares, and a few of the not so famous ones." Loki stood and glanced around, still in the room, but he sensed something else... something, different, "how did you manage to make that pain subside Nyx?"
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11:13am Feb 5 2010
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Nyx looked at Loki. "Your under the very same barrier I am. You have not been able to read my mind since I took this form... Purely because I keep my mind covered in a veil of darkness. As long as your under it, you should be fine. We need to find out what that was though." At that very moment, Tei ran into the room, skidding to a stop at the look on Loki's face. She ran her eyes over the scene, and then looked directly at Nyx. "What was that?... What did you want me for?" Nyx briefly explained to Tei the events that had just taken place. "Ah" Tei replied, turning her eyes to Loki. "I thought I'd heard him... So what was it?" Nyx shook her head "We dont know."
11:22am Feb 5 2010
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Loki cracked his neck and grimaced, "I have heard of something similar to this being caused by Ares, he puts all of his energy into trying to kill a victim mentally, normally if they are too strong for his to kill in any normal means, it would have killed me if I didn't put up such a fight, and of course if you didn't come to the rescue Nyx, we need to find him, it's about time I taught that b.astard a lesson."
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11:33am Feb 5 2010
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Tei smiled, of course. Nyx's most powerful ability was her ability to protect, hide and cover, which is exactly what Night itself exists for. She could fight, easily, but protection was her strong point, and no-one could break her barriers or see through her illusions. Nyx looked at Loki. "I'd forgotten about him..." Ares... Of course, he was no longer commanded by her brother, he was free to do as he wished with Loki, not that Loki would fall that easily. "I'm going with you" Nyx said, looking directly at the God. "Without the barrier... Your minds at risk. Tei-" She turned to the elemental. "Take care of the twins for me..." Tei smiled and nodded. "Of course"
11:55am Feb 5 2010
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Loki grimaced slightly at the slight pain that was still there, it was slight to him but to anyone else it would have been excrutiating. Loki strolled over to Nyx and hugged her, "Come then," Loki then teleported straight to Ares' location, "Now that wasn't very nice was it Ares?" as Ares threw a punch towards Loki's face, Loki caught it mid-flow and crushed every bone in Ares' hand, then got his staff and slapped him hard across the face with the butt of the staff, "I take it I can make him suffer Nyx, right?"
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