12:06pm Feb 5 2010
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Nyx had travelled through shadows to get here, appearing shortly after Loki and sitting on a tree branch, legs crossed, looking like the Goddess she was. "Do as you wish, Loki~" To be honest, Nyx didn't care either way. Once this God was disposed of, she'd be able to return home and relax for awhile. No doubt something else would crop up after this. It was natural for the God of Mischief to be followed by trouble. She kept the powerful darkness over her mind and Loki's, the only way Ares could now injure Loki was physically.
9:50am Feb 6 2010
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Loki threw his staff towards Ares' leg with such might that it went through the leg and nailed him into the ground, "You're going to die today Ares, that much is for certain, but for how much pain you will feel is not yet decided." Loki then caused the power in his staff to fluxuate to the one spot that was buried in Ares' leg, this caused Ares excrutiating pain, causing him to scream in agony, "I can't do this, I feel mercy." Loki then drew his blade and beheaded Ares, an honourable end.
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9:56am Feb 6 2010
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Nyx slipped from the tree, landing quietly and walking over to Loki, putting a hand on his arm as she reached him. "Are you okay, Loki?..." She looked at Ares. It was a pity... she was sure her brother had had a big say in the way Ares acted towards Loki. Either way, Ares had chosen his own path after her brothers death. She gently pulled her mind barrier back in on itself, covering her mind and releasing Loki's. He no longer needed the protection of her ability this time... all was fine, for now.
9:44am Feb 7 2010
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Nyx put his opposite hand in Nyx's, "I am, do not fret, however I do not know why I could not torture Ares, normally I would have delighted in myaking a maggot like him squirm..." Loki then hugged Nyx and teleported them back to their family home, "Now, what say we go to bed, we could do with rest." Time skip a fewyears, Dryac and Enzeru are both eight years of age. Loki was in the abck garden, training his son, he was about to come of age where his aging slowed to an almost snail pace, and then it would only be a hundred years until his aging stopped, so he thought he would begin training the boy now. Loki put his palm face out, "Hurt my hand, --" Dryac rushed into it and went to heel kick Loki's hand, but he moved it out of the way, he then turned to his son who was lay on the floor, he then put his palm out again, "--without using your physical strengths."
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9:56am Feb 7 2010
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Enzeru was watching her brother and father with a smile. She loved watching them, it was something she almost always did. Enzeru's own ability had been p*censored*ed from her late uncle, whom she knew had been the Dragon God of certain legends. She could possess animals and other beings, and she did not require training for this ability, it came naturally as breathing. Alongside this, she had a knack for creating illusions, and, once harnessed and practiced, could be used to kill if need be. Atleast, that is what her father had told her. She crossed her legs and continued watching Dryac and her father. Her violet eyes narrowed, and her snow white hair falling over one shoulder as she continued to smile at her brother's attempts at aiming an attack.
10:03am Feb 7 2010
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Dryac focused all of his efforts into a small air strike, these where the most powerful attacks that he had trained in, he got Loki in the hand, Loki's hand flew back and he shook it from the twinge of pain, "Nice hit, I am proud of you my boy, now, I want you to leap skywards, and jump to a height taht is two feet above my head, do not worry about your landing, you are like me so should have no problem clearing it." Dryac did as he was asked with surprising ease, "Okay, I had extreme doubts about that." Dryac hugged his father, "Could we call that a revolution of the sun now? I am tired." Loki patted Dryac's head, "Of course you can, I'm sure your mother wants to see you anyway." Dryac then ran past his sister to his mother, Nyx. "Want to train with your father Enzeru?"
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10:18am Feb 7 2010
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Enzeru shook her head and stood up, still smiling. "It's fine father~ You've been doing this all day with Dryac anyway" She ran over to him, jumping and catching the God in a hug. "Hug's I wouldn't say no to, though.." She giggled and wrapped her arms around her fathers neck, kissing him lightly on the cheek. Nyx was inside the house, talking with Tei. She looked around in time to see Dryac run into the room. "How was it today with your father, Dryac?" She asked, smiling at the young Angel God hybrid as she sat herself next to Tei.
10:24am Feb 7 2010
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Loki spun around in the hug and returned his daughters kiss, he loved his children dearly and would do anything for them, "Haha, funny enough I wouldn't say no Enz, so how has your day been?" Loki held Enzeru as he sat on a chair, just wanting to talk to his daughter as he had been training Dryac all day and it is about time he gave her some attention. "It was brilliant mother, father taught me to leap like he does, and I perfected my air strikes, I managed to hurt dads palm!" Dryac was beaming with delight with the thought of managing to to earn his father respect through hurting his hand, it was surprisingly easy.
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10:52am Feb 7 2010
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Enzeru giggled. "The days' been fine, father." She stopped there, a small frown appearing on her face. "The animals on earth are nervous though... I don't know why" Enzeru had a knack for understanding nature, and it was this that promted her to tell her father about the animals. It wasn't often different species became worried over the same thing. Nyx smiled and held out her arms to her son. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. He's doing his best to teach you, you know" Tei turned away from the window and looked at Dryac, her usually smile in place. "Its nice to know your doing so well~ And it's nice to see you" It had been a while since Tei had visited the household of the Gods.
9:44am Feb 8 2010
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Loki started bobbing Enzeru up and down on his knee, "Any idea why they're so Enz?" Dryac ran into his mother's arms, "I know he is mother, and I could not ask for a better teacher. Auntie Tei, so how has your life been of late, eventful?"
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9:54am Feb 8 2010
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Enzeru looked at her father, still frowning. "I just said I didn't..." She sighed slightly and smiled again. "It's probably nothing father~" Nyx wrapped her arms around her son and looked over at Tei, who was smiling at the boy in her arms. "Not really all that eventful Dyrac. Peaceful would be a much better word for it~" She chuckled lightly and looked back out of the window. It had been "peaceful" for years now... After Ares' death not much else had happened, the Gods had returned to Asgard and simply lived their lives in bliss. It was a pity really... Tei was almost starting to miss the hectic atmosphere that used to exist around this small group of beings.
10:02am Feb 8 2010
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"Ah well, if it is nothing let us go into the house, I think I want to talk to your mother for a while..." Loki then sat the girl on his shoulders and walked through the back door of the house and saw his wife nursing his son. "I see you found him then Nyx." Loki smiled as he put Enzeru down, "can I talk to you in the garden Nyx?"
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10:09am Feb 8 2010
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Nyx looked up at Loki's entrance into the room, and nodded at him. She let go of Dryac and stood, smiling at Tei. "Look after these two for a minute..." She gestured lightly at the two children in the room, then headed off into the garden. Enzeru giggled at her father as he put her on the floor, then she quite suddenly ran at her brother, catching him in an off guard hug, smiling all the while. Tei looked away from the window and watched both children for a few moments, sighing slightly. Well... Seems there was still some form of "hectic" in this household afterall. She grinned at them, and sat herself down.
10:29am Feb 8 2010
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Loki turned to his wife (Yeah, that's right, sorry you missed the wedding) when they got half way down the garden and began to talk, "Enzeru sensed a disturbance in the animals, and to tell the truth I felt a disturbance from down on earth, I believe a god is causing trouble down there." Loki then glanced from side to side to make sure nobody was listning in, "now if this is right, it has to be pretty major for me to feel it like this, there is a threat to Earth as a planet, not just the people, so me must go and help."
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10:36am Feb 8 2010
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Nyx stopped to look at Loki as he spoke. She knew her daughter had an affinity with the animal's of the earth, and it proved to be a good indication of any events or catastrophe's that may be taking place down there. "You have no idea what might be causing this?..." Nyx looked back towards the house and sighed. "Perhaps you should go and take a look..." She looked back at him, slightly confused. Whatever would a God be doing on earth?...
10:20am Feb 10 2010
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Loki held Nyx and hugged her, "You know I could just report it and get another god to go, I don't have to do this anymore, however there is the choice that we could leave the kids with tei and both go." Loki then stared into Nyx's eyes awaiting a reply.
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10:24am Feb 10 2010
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Nyx blinked. "Do it either way you wish Loki. I know you like getting personally involved and if you'd want the company I'd be fine to go with you" she shrugged lightly. "I'll leave that particular choice to you, great one" She then kissed him lightly on the cheek and walked towards the house, her mind still asking questions with no answers.
10:29am Feb 10 2010
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Loki teleported in front of Nyx, "Now come one, you know I'm not going to leave you here." And please stop being so undecisive, I would love it for you to start deciding a few things for me, I mean you leave all of the decisions to me, why not you? I mean you are the wise one."
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10:33am Feb 10 2010
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Nyx smiled."Its not like I cant make the choice. Only... I feel no personal need to. Look. If you wish to see for yourself what has upset the balance on earth, please do. I'm not sure as of yet whether its suspicious enough for us to take charge... although I guess it wouldnt hurt" She then laughed, raising an eyebrow at Loki as she did so. "And you should really stop teleporting in front of me like that... one of these days I'm going to end up walking into you" she laughed quietly again.
10:36am Feb 10 2010
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Loki held Nyx loving ly and nuzzled his chin into the top of her head, "Ah well, I guess I will have to take that risk, I can't see it being a problem for me. Now, love, I think it may be severe, if I feel it it must be, I mostly cut myself off from those feelings to try and avoid combat ever since the twins where born."
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