10:41am Feb 10 2010
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Posts: 1,789
Nyx looked up at Loki. "You'll never get rid of that need to battle you know... I think its in your blood. Look... if you go, I'll go with you... We'll leave the children here with Tei~" Better to find out first hand she thought... If there really was something down there causing trouble, then Loki would be the best one to deal with it. "You might want to inform your father however... He takes Enzeru's feelings seriously... Maybe he'll know something."
11:01am Feb 10 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Loki let go of Nyx, "Okay then Nyx, you go and tell Tei that she is going to have to watch the children, i will be to Odin and back in no time at all." Loki then just dissapeared, leaving no trace yet again, he was good at this whole teleporting lark. Loki re-appeared in front of Odin."Son? what is wrong? you have a serious ex pression upon your face." "Enz has had a feeling father, she has felt that all the animals of earth are worried, and I felt a slight tremor, and as you know I practically cut myself off from these feelings." "Well then, you must go and check immediately, there is no reason for you to hang around here, go at once!" Loki the nodded to his father, teleported to Nyx, teleported them both toearth, and they where in the middle of a crater in the ground.
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11:05am Feb 10 2010
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Posts: 1,789
Nyx had told Tei swiftly what was going to happen, and Tei, as she was, accepted immediately. The children threw a few objections her way but Nyx quickly put a stop to that. Once she and Loki had been teleported to earth, she took one look around and then at Loki. "Well" she said, a slight smile in her voice. "This is not looking too good so far..."
11:11am Feb 10 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Loki took a glance around and sniffed the air, "Aye, that it isn't. Plus the smell that is lingering in the air is sulfur, normally left over from the explosives the humans use, it will be harmless to us." Loki then put his hands in his pockets, and gestured to Nyx to follow him, then he begaon strolling.
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11:18am Feb 10 2010
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Nyx followed Loki with a small nod. This wasnt looking good at all. She doubted humans were involved... but it was possible she supposed. "Where are you going to start with this?" She asked Loki, her eyes still roaming the surrounding landscape.
11:21am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Loki drew his sword, closed his eyes and pointed in a completely random direction, "That way!" Loki then started strolling in that general direction, looking forward to finding an interesting fight ahead of him.
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11:29am Feb 20 2010
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Nyx rolled her eyes and smiled. He so didnt know where he was going. She followed him anyway, however.
11:33am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Loki stopped and sniffed the air, "Can you smell that in the air Nyx? that isn't usual for this part of the galaxy, nevermind just earth."
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11:38am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 1,789
"I agree"... Ny blinked... " you got any clue as to what this is?" She hadn't come across it before, and it made her slightly nervous...
11:46am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Loki sniffed a few more times, "It smells like the sands of Sakarr, but... no it can't be, the green menace known as the hulk is attacking earth, you may have to go home Nyx, this will be no easy fray, I must contact Thor at once."
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11:50am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 1,789
Nyx rolled her eyes. "You may need my protection... dont throw me down so easily... what is this thing you speak of, however?" She looked around, getting herself used to the smell and aura that surrounded the place.
12:00pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Loki had a worried look on his face, there was only a handful of people that matched the strength of the greek brother, hulk was one of a few, "Hulk was an accident, he was a man named Banner, he was a fool that messed around with Gamma radiation, now when he gets mad he become a monster that matches my strength, however I and Thor should stand a chance, I don't want to risk you howver."
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12:08pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 1,789
"Your forgetting who I am..." Her eyes narrowed. She was far more powerful in terms of protection. It was her greatest strength. The hiding and power of being looked after the Night. She shrugged. "If you truly believe I cannot handle a human gone wrong, then you know very little." She was just alittle put out by Loki's lack of faith.
7:27am Feb 21 2010
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Posts: 2,378
"Fine, but after this is over you will learn your place and begin respecting my judgement."Loki then Called for Thor, and when he got there hflew Loki closer to the city that the Hulk was attacking, Nyx followed close behind as usual.
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