1:05pm Jan 13 2010
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Posts: 1,789
Nite sighed "I do not need to hide my thoughts from you... you should know what i think... also, it saves time" She looked around. "Your wanting to head straight to this battle?" Again, she waited on the gods answer... she was unable to do much, seeing as her job was to keep an eye on this guy. ~(crappy post xD)~
1:11pm Jan 13 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Loki started chanting, and then a few moments later a portal opened up to the battle "let us make our leave." Loki stepped through the portal and go into battle, Nite followed only to see the God doing his most braceful fighting style, the style of the Gods, he used this on Earth as whilst here he may as well show that he is more important than any mortal, plus it helps to strike fear into his enemies, he used his sword to disembowel a few of his opponents, and then got to using his staff to rip through some more enemies, the staff acting as blade staff, although it was perfectly rounded, yet another one of the mischief God's tricks.
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1:15pm Jan 13 2010
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Nite stepped through the portal after Loki, immediately taking to the air once again as humans swarmed all over them both. Nite activated her poisonious spirit, which covered her body in a glowing purple form as she hid in shadows... If any human came near her they'd get poisoned, they'd die in seconds... and no-one would know she was there... she was hidden... she sighed and watched as the god tore his way through.
1:17pm Jan 13 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Xiang was on a snowy mountain side. The cold snow was all over him. You could barely see his black scales. His long black tail was completely submerged in the snow. With a mighty flap of his wings he did not rise, but got rid of some of the blistering cold snow. He was near the top, hungry and freezing he was, though determined and strong willed he is.
3:17pm Jan 13 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Could I join the next time I'm on? I'll be a female dragon who has no picture. She was my first dragon, and her name is Fialys. -nodnod- And possibly a plain human male. c:))
10:14am Jan 14 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Loki was in battle when he glanced to the left, where was a cage with many human's locked in, normally he would have just byp*censored*ed this, but this time however he saw a demi-goddess there, he changed his course, disembowelling enemies as he went, but now he was heading towards the cage, "Nite, do not be alarmed, I am talking straight into your mind. I shall need your help in a minute, I will free this Demi-Goddess, and then I am going to need you to fly her to safety." Loki then continued on in the battle, and got to the cage, used one end of his staff to break the lock, whilst using the other end of the staff to disemember one of his opponents. "Loki, since when have you been one for saving people?" The Demi-Goddess asked when she lay gazes on the God in battle. "hehe, hello to you as well old friend, I am a changed God now, I have signalled for a friend of mine to fly you to safety, I will teleport straight to you. Your powers will not work whilst on earth as you are of limited powers being a Demi-Goddess, now stand up strai--" Loki was cut off as one of the enemy bounced their blade off his helmet, he turned slowly and his eyes glowed as the mortal exploded, he then started slaying the enemies more fiercly, bloodlust in his eyes.
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10:16am Jan 14 2010
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Posts: 17
Then bluty ran in the middle of the fighting and stared at reu all cut up n odd looking. Why are you fighting reu? she asked.
10:19am Jan 14 2010 (last edited on 10:23am Jan 14 2010)
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Nite was still watching the battle from the air, sat with her legs crossed, still invisible to the beings below. She was not startled at Loki's voice in her mind, many gods spoke to her this way and she them, it was a useful way of communicating quickly. She lifted herself to her feet in midair when Loki and spoken of the demi-goddess... ah... so he did notice the goddess... good... it wasd all part of the plan that had been laid out for Loki. She swiftly dived, landing lightly feet first on top of the cage, still no one could see her, no-one besides the demi-goddess that is.
10:21am Jan 14 2010
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Posts: 17
stand next to reu with her sword, sheild and helmet as the eye of the tiger starts to play. "Lets do this".
10:25am Jan 14 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Loki tore through the ranks of the enemy forces, not sure what he would do afterwards, he would have to find more ways to redeam himself, and he sort of like this whole 'being good' thing, he could get in these battle more often.
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10:29am Jan 14 2010
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Posts: 1,789
Nite watched the god with a smile. He was improving fast... she was almost, "proud" of him... admittedly, he'd been doing this longer than she had been with him, so it made sense. She sighed, looking at the people Loki killed... there was another mission he needed to go on... she needed to tell him as soon as this battle was finished... she turned her eyes to the demi-goddess. "Do you want to fight? or do you want to run?"
10:47am Jan 14 2010
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Posts: 17
The demi-goddess stared deep into Nites eyes, thinking there is no other way. "I shall fight", said the demi goddess. We shall fight till there isn't even one more left. It is left up to us and the gods now!
10:49am Jan 14 2010
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Posts: 2,378
When Loki had finished with his slaying, he stood in the middle of the barren area of death land, with his pole-staff up his right arm, he was trying to become one with the planet again, as he had lost it too much during the battle.
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11:04am Jan 14 2010
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Posts: 1,789
Nite nodded at the demi-goddess then quite promptly took flight again, landing not far from Loki. "Are you alright, Loki?" she asked lightly, her voice concerned. It was also a task she needed to do, to ensure Loki didnt overwork himself... she was his partner now for as long as it took for him to return to his realm... she needed to ensure his safety. She strolled over to him, keeping her eyes on what he was doing... he looked fine... he was capable. She sighed a relieved sigh, and smiled
11:23am Jan 14 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Loki snapped his eyes open and stretched to work out a few kinks, "I am fine thank you for asking, although you need not worry about how I am, I should not be able to over do it whilst in this realm, this part of Earth is highly in-tune with the magic I tend to tap into, but it is by far no asgard." Loki turned to his new friends, "Nite, I had sudden realisation, once I have earned my respect back, I would like to free you from your job and you can be my permenant ally in my many battles, as with you by my side I believe we shall never be defeated, also if Hemaphrodity decides to stay with us, we would be a trio."
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11:32am Jan 14 2010
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Posts: 1,789
Nite smiled slightly... "No need to release me Loki... technically my job ends when you've made it that far... and id be happy to take you up on that offer" She smiled warmly at the god. She'd got to know him in such a short space of time... but then again, that was only natural. They were both beings of another world. She bowed slightly as her sign of respect to the power of this fallen god. She was going to do anything in her power to help him.
11:37am Jan 14 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Loki nodded his head in respect to her, he wasn't one for bowing as it made you vunerable to back stabbers, rather literal in Asgard. "well then, let us find somewhere we can bed down and rest for the night, I need to sync my spirit back in with mother nature, that way I can get my full self back." Loki then started walking towards the tree line, happy once again.
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4:08pm Jan 14 2010
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Posts: 1,789
"That is not a bad idea... besides, there is something i need to tell you and you alone." Nite had accepted Loki's own gesture of respect with a small smile, which quickly left her face when she thought of what she needed to tell him. A mission, if you will, that only he could complete, and along the way he was going to find something... something that would grant him immense power, power enough to return to his world. She sighed lightly and with a quick step followed the great, fallen god.
11:40am Jan 15 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Loki had found a large clearing in the forest, "this is good, no branches over-head that can fall on us, the ground is clear so no snakes are present, not that they would bother us anyway." Loki then started chanting as he built his shelter, trying to get back in sync with nature once again.
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11:44am Jan 15 2010
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Posts: 1,789
Nite lifted herself using her wings up onto a nearby tree branch as she watched the great god work. She'd wait until he finished before talking to him... She looked up at the sky, currently a dark blood red, sunset was here... night would soon fall... the time Nite herself was most powerful... She sighed lightly and sat in the tree branch with her back to Loki, her wings folded as she watched the coming of night.