11:47am Jan 15 2010
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Loki finished his shelter at the same moment that he had synced himself in, he then sat in the doorway of his shelter, waiting for complete nightfall.
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11:54am Jan 15 2010
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At the sound of... well... nothing, Nite turned and faced the god. She sighed lightly and stood up, opening her wings and stepping off of the branch to fall slowly to the earth. She strolled over to Loki, taking one last look at the darkening sky before speaking. "I was told of an aim, great god... You have been told you need to prove yourself, which is true, but your father believes... ah, thats something is missing... this something will give you untold power, power enough to return home... There is a catch however... the risks of finding and keeping this something will prove a challenge for you..." It sounded cryptic, even from the angels lips. But in truth... it wasnt all that hard to decipher...
12:02pm Jan 15 2010
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Loki opened his eyes at the cryptic code that came from the Night Angel's lips, he then stood before speaking, "is this 'thing' love, as I have been feeling as if that is what was missing for some time now, my father Odin, could have aided my thinking towards this, anyway, I can see this only being achieved through a lot more battles and searching, so we need rest, good night Nite,"
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12:06pm Jan 15 2010
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Nite nodded and smiled slightly at his last words. How typical she'd be named after the Night itself. So.. he already understood, then again he'd probably just read her mind. She shhrugged and took off, taking residence on the branch she'd left earlier. There was one thing bothering her... If love was all the god needed to find... then why was she here? Surely it wasnt her job to go and ask every female in existance whether they liked him or not... pfft, she put her arms behind her head and leaned back, closing her eyes as Nights shadows spread.
12:20pm Jan 15 2010 (last edited on 12:24pm Jan 15 2010)
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Name: Tei Age: Immortal - Elemental being 
Other: Tei literally means Air. She is not really a goddess of sorts, she is a wind elemental and is close to the gods as one of the fastest messengers in existance. Her power controls all air, to the extent of whipping up hurricanes and moving at a speed faster than even Nite. She is a very close friend to Nite, caring, forward, and powerful. She also has a very accurate eye, the power of flight without wings and a healing ability.
12:27pm Jan 15 2010
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Loki was working on a portal to a town, he wasn't sure what would be there, but he thought he would go anyway, "Nite, this will take me a while, the town is not exactly how I remember it, and the portal is unstable, so it is going to take longer than normal" Loki then returned to the task at hand, as it was going to take a fair bit to open this portal.
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12:33pm Jan 15 2010
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Nite looked over at the god "Its fine... " There was that feeling again, a presence. hmm. Nite flared her wings and took off into the air, flying quite some distance away, then stopping, keeping hrself in mid air with powerful thumps of her wings. Her eyes widened. "Tei?" Not far from Nite stood a tall, blonde haired woman wearing a long, silken white gown and flat white boots that ended just above her ankles, she was "stood" on air, looking like she was stood on an invisible platform. She smiled, her dark green eyes locking with the violet of Nite's. "Its nice to see you again, daughter of the night" She smiled and bowed very slightly to Nite. Nite snorted "What are you doing here Tei?" Tei shrugged "Odin said something... he wanted me accompany you for awhile"
12:38pm Jan 15 2010
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Loki had finished the portal and was now sitting at the mouth of it, meditating, attempting to place Nite, as he wasn't sure where to she had ventured. He was chanting as he meditated, it was extremely difficult for any good to place anyone who is flying.
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12:43pm Jan 15 2010
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Nite blinked "Whatever for?" Tei shrugged lightly "perhaps the new messenger" the night angel laughed. "You? the powerful beings who helped create the planet playing messenger? i thought that was my job" Tei shook her head lightly and walked towards Nite, taking no heed to the fact they were in mid air. "I dont think its just the messenger business... somethings gonna happen, Odin believes i may be of as.sistance..." Nite nodded "With powers like yours im not surprised... but whats supposed to happen..." Tei smiled. "I need to speak to the god your following... seeing as it concerns him"
12:46pm Jan 15 2010
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Loki had given up attempting to place Nite, she was an extremly arkward to place. He was not sure how he felt for Nite either, he knew that he liked her as a friend, but there was something else... something... deeper, on a much more serious level, but he chose to ignore it, focusing at the task at hand, finding Nite.
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12:52pm Jan 15 2010
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Nite shrugged, then turned in midair and flew back towards the area she had last been. "It must be a serious matter... if they went and sent an elemental to help us..." Tei looked sideways at Nite, flying alongside her with the absence of wings. "It would seem that way... the elementals are powerful beings afterall, i was sure an angel could handle it..." she sighed lightly as Nite descended, Tei closely following. Nite stopped on the ground not far from Loki... "Loki... i think we have a problem" Tei had stopped about 6 feet in the air, sat with her legs crossed as she waited to address the god.
12:56pm Jan 15 2010
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Loki spun around twirling his pole-staff in one hand and drawing his blade with the other, "What is it? if there is trouble I must deal with it before moving on, I cannot leave this place if it is still in peril." Reubin spotted the elemental hovering in the air and sheathed his weapons, "Is this the trouble of which you spoke off Nite?" (SORRY KURO BUT I GOTTA GO! CYA GAL, BE ON TOMORROW.)
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1:06pm Jan 15 2010 (last edited on 3:49pm Jan 15 2010)
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Tei started laughing, her voice ringing in the still air. Nite shook her head and smiled. "This, Loki, is an old friend of mine... and a very loyal friend of your father, so you probably know of her... her name is Tei" Tei stood on air, remaining at the same height she'd been before, and bowing to the god. "I've seen you around, great one" she laughed, lifting herself back to a standing position and smiled regally at the god. Nite smiled at Tei "great one?" Tei nodded lightly and sat back down, still floating in mid-air "Its respectful for the guardians of the earth, or elementals as they are better known, to greet other gods as such" ~(okay Reu xD)~
6:53am Jan 16 2010
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Loki grunted and nodded at the elemental, who came accross as a bit too forward to them, "I do not need such respect, Nite is a friend and I am hoping you have the capibility inside you to become a friend of mine, so you need not hold me in such high standing." The god then stepped through the portal to the town without even hesitating, not much caring what faced him on the other side.
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6:59am Jan 16 2010
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Tei tilted her head to one side and blinked at the departing god. she sighed "My... does he not care for formalities?" she looked at Nite, who was also staring after Loki with a strange ex pression. "I suppose he's been down on earth too long" Nite said with a sideways smile at Tei. "Dont mind him... the elementals are powerful beings, and it takes a lot for a powerful being to be respectful" Tei brought herself down to the ground and shrugged. "I suppose... if he does not care for it..." After thinking for a few seconds Tei suddenly remembered. "Ah... Loki!" She ran after the god through his portal, closely follwed by Nite.
7:03am Jan 16 2010
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The great god had emerged on the other side of the portal only to find another barren wasteland, he then took 12 paces forward and faced the portal, ready to close it when the two following him emerged.
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7:09am Jan 16 2010
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Tei was the first to emerge, Nite followed shortly after. She stopped and looked around. Nite however, looked at Loki. "Stop walking off you great brute... i need to keep an eye on you..." she sighed then turned to Tei. Tei pulled her eyes away from the wastelands to look at the god. "I came with a warning..." she put a hand on the back of her head. "There are... things, that are coming after you, great one. And they're not human. They wish to keep you tied to this earth... tied so they can get to you themselves, i dont know much about them... thats all i was told, you needed to be warned" she allowed her arm to drop as Nite spoke. "Non... humans?"
7:12am Jan 16 2010
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Loki, on hearing the warning, turned to Nite, "I need to commune with my father, there is a loophole I can call in, please start the enchancements so I can talk to him, if I can not go to Asgard just yet fine, but I must talk to him." Loki then started neatening himself up, ready for his father.
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7:18am Jan 16 2010
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Nite raised an eyebrow but nodded and closed her eyes. Holding one hand in front of her heart, she began to glow, her purple aura melting into the air around her. She re-opened her eyes and looked at Loki. "I cant hold this open too long" she then put the hand that had been over her heart out in front of her, palm up. The gods great father could be seen and heard with this technque. A glowing white sphere appeared over her hand, then floated into the air and expanded, this could hold the entire form of a person, and it stopped directly in front of Loki. "You'll need to call him, obviously" Tei watched Nite with apprehension, this was one thing she couldnt do. She was not a messenger of the gods, she was a "type" of god. She waited on Loki, hopefully... this whole journey wouldnt plan out too badly.
7:31am Jan 16 2010
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Loki stepped into the bubble, he had done this before so he was sort of used to it, "Odin, father, I am calling you, I would like to request commune with you, and only you." Loki then got down on one knee in respect to his father, he still loved the old god even though twas him that was made to take his immortality, and set him on a perilous task. Odin then appeared in front of Loki, he loved his son eternally, even if he sometimes appeared to favour Thor more, of course this made Loki despise Thor, he could kill him but he chooses not to, something ties him to the god, it may be blood, it may be something else, only time will tell. "Son, I am happy to see you at long last, what is you wanted to discuss with me? the God's advised me to exdradite you until you completed your task, they do not know I am sending this message." "Hail Father, it is the warning you sent to me through Tei, I need you to tell me of what is persuing me, so I can prepare, and if the odds are stacked against me, I would like time to find a way to help myself to even the odds, you know I shall not run from a battle however." "Okay son, for you I shall tell you of the details, it is a being of mystical power, your powers out weigh his slightly, and I mean of the most miniscule proportion, you will need all of your cunning to defeat him, I believe in you my son, now, I sense Nite becoming weak, please this must be the end of this conversation." Loki then turned and sstepped out of the bubble, catching Nite as she fell from exaustion.
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