7:39am Jan 16 2010
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~(pfft stop roleplaying my chara's *slaps* LOL xD)~ Tei walked over and placed a hand on Nites forehead... she looked at Loki as she did so. "Another reason your father sent me" she smiled slightly. Nite sat up suddenly, then looked between Tei and Loki. "Oh well... that wasnt so bad" she stood up, brushing herself off. "Thankyou, Tei" Tei nodded and also stood. "Your getting rusty, Night Angel" she laughed, her eyes on Nite. "You are usually capable of holding it much longer" Nite shrugged. "I have not done it for a while... practice will help me get back into it. Also... the day makes me weaker, you know that~" Tei nodded, then looked at Loki with a serious ex pression. "Him? Theres one main crature after you? He must control the others..."
7:46am Jan 16 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Loki itched the back of his head, "I beg your forgiveness Nite, I caught you as you where falling, I would hate for yyou to come to harm, big or small, it may of hurt you if you hit the ground." The god then actually started to blush, he had not been so close to anyone or anything before unless he was killing it, he wasn't sure what to make of it, he had never felt anything like it.
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7:50am Jan 16 2010
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Nite blinked, then quite promptly blushed herself and turned away. Tei tried to hide a smile behind a hand, then got herself under control. "So, great one... What do you think of your fathers words?" After a few minutes, Nite turned back and looked at Tei" I thought that was obvious" She rolled her eyes" Clearly someones planning Loki's downfall..." she sighed... "And thankyou for that Loki..." Tei smiled again, then nodded and looked back at the great god.
7:54am Jan 16 2010
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Loki then swallowed his pride and spoke up about what he felt, the words came surprisingly easily to him as he ahd never had to say them before. "I need to say this before whatever is persuing me catches up, as I do not want my lifeless body to lie dead on the cold hard ground until I have said this, I believ i may love you Nite, and I don't care who is in knowing of this knowledge." Loki then stared into Nite's purple eyes, the look of shock on her face.
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8:00am Jan 16 2010
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Nite didnt speak, she simply stared at the god. Tei however, was looking between the both of them. Clearly, the whole "Someones out to get the god" didnt matter just then, so she sat herself on the ground and crossed her legs. Nite glanced at Tei, before turning back to Loki. "That's a lot to say to a messenger, great one" She had fallen back into her formal form of address. She didn't know how she felt, and at the moment, had no idea what to do about it. She was a messenger of gods, an angel, a being existing as helpers. "Know however... that i now know..." Taking one step back, she flared her wings. Tei simply watched, things were getting complicated...
8:07am Jan 16 2010
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Loki just stared blankly at Nite, wondering what she was doing, this was not going how he thought it was going to. He then sat on the ground and crossed his legs, he was having trouble moving from the spot and didn't too much want to, he wasn't sure what to make of the moment, and he was regretting telling her already, he should of ust kept up his manly facade, after all, that is most probably the only reason she stuck with him, he hid his feelings because he was embarr*censored*ed, he had always been doing it, and now he had stopped himself from feeling most things, but now he as getting his humanity back, he was still a god none-the-less, but he was getting a morality, maybe this is what Odin wanted to happen.
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8:12am Jan 16 2010
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Tei had noticed the immeasurable silence and delibrately raised a small wind to cover it. Nite was looking off in the distance, wings still flared when a whistle reached Tei and her eyes shot open, just in time to see a small spurt of blood emerge from the great black wing of the Night Angel "Nite?!" Within a split second Nite had taken place besides Tei, her hand grasping the arrow that now emerged from her wing. With a wince, she pulled out the aroow and looked at it, then at the direction it came from. Shadows... moving shadow like poeple... Neither Nite or Tei had seen these before. But Tei knew... "Them... workers of the non-human"...
8:22am Jan 16 2010
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Loki stood and drew his blade and staff, twirling the staff around his upper body, "This should get me my own ways back," Loki opened up a hole in the ground similar to the one he had caused the human to fall through earlier, and he leapt down it, appearing again behind one of the smaller shadows, he opened his hand up and placed it on the small of his back, and a burst of light erupted through the shadows stomach, causing it to drop to it's knees, before falling onto it's front. "shadow reapers? I have fought these before, this was my first battle, he is replaying my battles? uh, I can't wait to gut this enemy." Loki then infused his staff with the true power of light, and started carving through the shadows as if it came naturally to him, this is where he was at his most seperated, he was truely alone when he battled, which now he needed more then ever.
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8:31am Jan 16 2010
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Nite simply watched... "I cant help him..." she was looking at Reu with a strange ex pression. Tei looked up at Nite... "Your not that weak" she said lightly. "Thats not what i meant... Shadow Reapers are dark matter... my powers are dark matter... none of my attacks would work on them" She drew a long, thing, silver sword. "The best i can do is close range" Tei nodded, "understandable" she stood up, shadow reapers were quickly surrounding them as she took of into the air, a very powerful wind slicing through the battlefield.
8:37am Jan 16 2010
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Loki wuickly finished through the battalion of shadows that where attacking him and then used another hole to appear in the middle of the battalion that where attacking Nite and Tei, he was carving through these beings of pure darkness as if they where ants, strange to think that the first time he fought them he had trouble with them. "Nite... Hnn, you do know after this is all over, we need to talk, I do not care who or what you are, as it is who you are that has caused these feelings, you need not worry about what you are or what your employment is, if your feelings are true, follow them." Loki then got back to carving, to him, this was the number one sport in Asgard.
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8:40am Jan 16 2010
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Nite was slightly taken aback by Loki's voice. then she pulled a face... damn mind reader... well, no point hiding her thoughts now. she shrugged to herself, and in a flash of purple dissapeared into the shadows, moving at unbelievable speed and cutting down every creature in her way. Around the same time, Tei whipped up a small but powerful tornado which zigzagged its way through more of the reapers, as she floated on air and watched Loki and Nite from above.
8:46am Jan 16 2010
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Loki finished the ones that where immediately surrounding him, and then sent out a burst of light to finish the rest of them, "We should expect the next attack tomorrow, Tei, tend to Nite's injured wing, if the next batle is what I think it will be she will need it, after that Nite, we need to talk, you will find me sitting in the tree line." Loki then spun on his heels and strolled into the forest.
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8:52am Jan 16 2010
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Nite watched Loki leave then turned to Tei with a raised eyebrow, as Tei smiled warmly and walked over. She grasped Nite's wing gently, and held a hand over the small injury the arrow had inflicted. "Well... this journey might yet be a fun one..." "I dont know what makes you say that" Nite stretched her wing once Tei had finished, then delibrately followed Loki's trail and flew into a branch some way behind him. "You wanted to talk..." She leaned against the tree truck, one leg crossing the other as she looked down at Loki.
8:57am Jan 16 2010
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Loki took a few moments to get the words right in his mind and then turned to the Angel of the night sat up the tree not too far behind him, "Yes Nite, we do need to talk, about what I said earlier, I was sure that you would be happy, but I just seemed to make it worse, forgive me if it was my forwardness that caused you such confusion, that was the first time I had to declare true love, I mean I have been with godesses and demi-godesses alike, but you are the first person whom I have ever felt this way about, sorry if it is impossible, I shall continue on as i was before, but if you feel the same way I need to know." Loki then turned back around and faced the ground at his feet.
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9:20am Jan 16 2010
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Nite inhaled. "If your looking for truth... the most i can say is... i... dont know...." Nite bit her lip. It was true, she didnt know. she glanced at the sky, then turned her face back to Loki. "I was sent as a messenger, a helper, your guide... i had not expected this to happen... my job was to help you back to your world, and i swore i would" She once again brought her gaze away from the god, looking over the horizon with unseeing eyes. She wasnt sure how she felt... how complicated Tei waited, floating again in mid air... this was all fated, she'd as.sumed. Odin had asked she as.sist the god and the angel... for what she didnt know... she sighed and looked at the sky.
9:31am Jan 16 2010
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Loki was now confused greatly, he wasn't sure what to do in this situation, he was going to go to Tei for advice, that was it, that should help him through this, Loki then stood and started towards Tei.
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9:38am Jan 16 2010
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Nite watched Loki's leave... then sat herself down on the tree branch, here eyes Skyward. Tei had been apying very little attention to anything in her surroundings, but she heard the footsteps. Rolling into a sitting position in the air, she turned and then stopped at the sight of the god. "Loki?" she asked, allowing her feet to touch the ground.
9:42am Jan 16 2010
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"It is I, I need to talk to you Tie... all these emotions I am having, it doesn't seem that Nite is feeling the same way, I would like you to advise me as to what I should do. I mean, I love her, I am as sure of that as I am sure my name is Loki, but she doesn't seem to feel the same way about me, or is this just an old god repeating himself? however, I need your help, I do not know of what my next move should be."
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9:47am Jan 16 2010
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Tei smiled slightly. "Great one... think about it... its been a short space of time... Angels are bound to their roles alongside the gods... Nite may have feelings for you... she's just... confused" Tei walked over to the god and looked at him. "Give it time~"
9:49am Jan 16 2010
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"You obviously do not know me for the God I am Tei, you should know patience is't one of my many virtues, but never the less I shall leave off, lookin forward to tomorrow," Loki then stood in the middle of the clearing and began practising his combat skills
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