9:57am Jan 16 2010
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Tei continued to smile "Thats it Loki... you cant rush love" She then moved away from him to allow him space to practice, sitting herself in front of a tree and simply watching him. Nite remained seated on the tree branch, her eyes closed. Could she possibly learn to love a god? the masters of the angels, the creatures of superior power. Her eyes opened. Power. Loki was supposed to get power from love... but, from her?... she sat up and blinked... she sorted through the possibilies... she didnt, not like him... that was obvious... she wanted to be with him... is that what love was?... wanting to be with him... she sighed, allowing that last thought to ring through the forest, Loki would catch it... she knew he would.
10:06am Jan 16 2010
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Loki spun on his heels, he knew who that thought had come from, immediately he started sprinting towards the tree that Nite was sat on, shocking Tei who was watching him. "NITE! I'M COMING!"
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10:13am Jan 16 2010
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Nite remained where she was, her eyes once again sky bound. My, what a confusing world... and what in heavens name would Odin think of this? She pulled a face... pfft Tei jumped slightly as Loki rushed past. What? was Nite in danger?... she stood up and followed, taking to the air as she did so. When she finally reached Nite however, there was nothing wrong... atleast nothing she could see. She stayed up in the air, a distance away... hmm
10:33am Jan 16 2010
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would you 2 like to join my horse roleplay?
WANTED: Adult Zenirix - blonde{X} Adult Zenirix - amber{}
5:43am Jan 17 2010
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Loki drew his pole-staff out as he was reaching the tree and used it to pole-vault himself up into the tree, onto the brach on which Nite was sitting, "I felt your last thought, you have found the feelings? or at least that is what I got, sorry if that was an intrusion, I can't help but hear and feel the thoughts of all living creatures." Loki then stared into The Night Angels eyes, waiting for her reply, not sure whether the thought he felt was true.
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6:44am Jan 17 2010
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Nite blinked a few times then looked off, down towards the ground. "That thought was delibrate... your not the only one who has not felt this before" she sighed then put her head on a hand, her eyes still looking some few feet below. "Oh... there was no need to stampede through the forest either..." She smiled slightly, closing her eyes for a second, then turning them skyward once again.
6:49am Jan 17 2010
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Loki looked down and realised that he didn't have to, but he wanted to, he wanted to get to Nite, he felt lonely with Tei and now he felt happy once again, "Hmm, yes I suppose I didn't need to come through, I must thank you for clearing my confusion, I felt as if you felt the same, but wasn't sure, thank you Nite." Loki then picked the Night angel up and started carrying her into the clearing, hand signalling for tei to stay where she stood, he wanted to talk to Nite.
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6:53am Jan 17 2010
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Nite froze when she felt herself being lifted, and she blinked a few times, a confused look on her face. Tei simply nodded at Loki and walked back the way she had come, smiling... she really should talk to Odin... he'd want to know about this afterall... when Tei finally reached the place they had been previously, she pulled out a small and beautiful crystal, her link with Loki's father. She brought the wind to the cyrstal, having it circling the gem, then put it onto the ground and waited, still smiling.
6:58am Jan 17 2010
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Loki put Nite down when they reached a clearing, privacy at last, "Heh, sorry for the lift, I had no choice, you where too shy back there to talk in front of Tei, no wonder with how forward that one is. now, I believw we feel the same way. I would like to tell my father of this, if he disagrees and banishes me from Asgard forever, so be it, I shall not age still, and neither shall you if I can get the right incantations, but I must see him."
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7:03am Jan 17 2010
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Nite looked at the god with a raised eyebrow... "I was not shy, not really... Im still getting used to this..." she shrugged. "If you wish to tell your father" She stopped there, shrugging a second time... "I take it you want another connection made to him?" Tei was waiting with the patience of an element. The god, Odin was incredibly busy... she knew, and he had asked her to inform him of any changes but... she sighed and looked at the cyrstal.
7:09am Jan 17 2010
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Loki changed his voice to his Asgard one, it sounded a lot more normal this way, plus it may help to make him sound calm, "*cough* hmm, this may help. I would like for you to forge a connection to my father, however I do not want you to exaust yourself, you mean a lot more to me now, the first time I hardly knew you, now I do I don't want to exaust you, is there anyway you can do a less exausting method?"
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7:15am Jan 17 2010
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"Im not completely useless... and no there isnt... i told you already anyway, last time was the first in a while... this time i can do it with far less trouble" She began to repeat her first process in order to open a connection. This time, however, she was stronger, and after doing it once already she knew she was capable of doing it again. Once the glowing orb had appeared, she simply waited for Loki. Tei shrugged... perhaps it was a faulty crystal... great, what should she do if she couldnt contact him. She sighed, throwing the little gem off to one side, and sitting herself in front of a tree, waiting for her comrades to return.
7:30am Jan 17 2010
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Loki shrigged his shoulders when he saw the bubble, "Here we go again, I hate doin this," Loki then stepped through the bubble, only to be left facing Odin who was already there waiting for him. Loki got down onto one knee before he started speaking, "Hail and well met father, I am here to inform you of an update as to my quest, it is very important to me and I would like it if you where okay with it." "What are you talk aboutson? you know I have always been proud of you, no matter what you have done I shall always be with your ideas." "Hmm, well then mighty Odin, I am in love with Nite, the angel you sent to guide me in my task, I thought I would inform you of this, and then add to the end... if you disagree with this I shall not care, we shall live on earth and protect te people of the planet if you choose to extradite us from Asgard, and if you choose to agree, I wish for her to have a permenant residence as a goddess, as she deserves much better than the post you currently have her in" Loki then stood on both of his feet, having been knelt on one knee, and prepared to face the wrath of Odin. Odin then started to chuckle at what his son had said, "Come son, your quest is almost finished, you must defeat your persuer and with your new found love you shall be allowd back into Asgard." Loki then hugged his father and then leapt back through the bubble to tell Nite of the news.
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7:43am Jan 17 2010
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At the sight of Loki re-emerging from the contact portal, she sighed slightly and waved a hand, the portal tearing itself into wisps of smoke that rose and dissapeared. She stood with her eyes on Loki. "Well?"
7:52am Jan 17 2010
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Loki grinned and hugged Nite, lifting her from the ground slightly "He is happy for me! he has even agreed that you are going to be cl*censored*ed as a goddess, no more meaningless quests, you shall be with me, and we shall be able to ride into battle together." Loki then placed her on the gorund again and gazed into her eyes, "there is a however to this, we have to do battle one more time, this time with our persuer, but I am not going to play his game, the next time he sends creatures for us, we will leave Tei to sort them out, as she is an elemental she should have no problem, and I can track him, and you will follow."
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7:59am Jan 17 2010
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Nite sighed slightly and tried to smile. "Loki... im an angel and always will be... i dont need the ti tle of goddess" she looked at him her eyebrows raised. "You wish to go straight after your persuer?" Nite looked off in another direction... how strange. She sighed again, then nodded "My job still means much to to me "she smiled. "I'll follow you" Tei was sleeping by this point... the wind gently drifting through the forest. She'd known it wouldnt take long for the others to return, but she'd found herself feeling tired, she shrugged to herself, half asleep.
8:05am Jan 17 2010
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Loki stared at Nite for a few moments in bermusement, "Why do you not wish to be a goddess, you shall live forever, you shall not age, I do not wish to have to out live you, I would hate that, you can see the logic in this can't you?"
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8:17am Jan 17 2010
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Nite sighed... "Angels are a form of immortal, great god... i am no closer to death in terms of age than you are" She looked at him again. "I do not want the ti tle Loki. I am comfortable as i am, a messenger and helper. If any being should call me goddess becuase of my involvement with you, fine. But i do not wish to have the ti tle thrown on me... I am happy as i am"
8:21am Jan 17 2010
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Loki smiled, "Your head strongedness is probably why I fell in love with you, so that is fine, I will tell ymfather when we reach Asgard, we shall be together, but you shall have the ti tle that makes you feel comfortable." Loki the hugged Nite tightly, "now my love, let's return to Tei, we must inform her of our plan so she does not attempt to follow is when we leave the battle-field."
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8:26am Jan 17 2010
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Nite simply nodded. "As you wish" she took a few quick steps back then flared her wings, lifting herself into the air and vaulting towards where Tei currently waited. Tei had already awoke when Nite landed not far from her. "Ah, Nite... how did it go?" she asked it with a straight face, and in return, Nite stuck out her tongue in a childish manner. Tei laughed. "Well?" she asked, looking between Nite and Loki