10:52am Jan 19 2010
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Tei smiled as Nite looked at her. Tei returned the look. "You really didnt need to worry you know..." Nite smiled and looked away. "I wasnt all that worried... I felt kind of sorry for those shadow reapers..." She said, looking back at the air elemental. Tri laughed and put an arm over Nite's shoulders. "But of course" she giggled... "I think its about time you let Odin know you succeeded no?" Nite shook her head and laughed. "I think he knows already"
11:03am Jan 19 2010 (last edited on 11:03am Jan 19 2010)
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Loki on hearing this turned to the two beings, as they where all in Asgard once again, "Succeeded in what? may I ask? Oh, and Nite, we shall need to see my father as to sort out a residence for is."
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11:21am Jan 19 2010
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Tei laughed again. "Great one, Nite was sent to help you remember?... she succeeded in a sense" She laughed again as Nite pulled a face at her. "Whatever you say Loki" Nite replied, still looking at Tei, who was still giggling. Nite sighed and looked away from Tei, who promptly decided at that moment to hug the Night Angel. "Im glad your both alright too by the way~"
11:27am Jan 19 2010
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Loki stared at Nite, "Please do not treat me as if I am your god, treat me as if you would treat any other." Loki then looked ove at Tei, "thank you, all though I was more concerned over you, I wasn't comepletely positive they would efinately be shadow reapers."
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2:07pm Jan 19 2010
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Nite shrugged. "It'll be a hard habit to break im sure" She smiled slightly as she looked around at the area they now resided in. Tei had finally let go of her and looked at the god. "I appreciate your worry, but they took very little to deal with" She laughed lightly. "I'll always be here should you need my services" She bowed slightly, and joined Nite in looking at their new surroundings.
10:38am Jan 20 2010
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Loki walked over to Nite and hugged her, "Hmm, feels better to be back home, now, let us go find my father."
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10:44am Jan 20 2010
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Nite nodded. "Sure Loki" She turned to Tei, who was still scoping the surrounding area, and smiled slightly. Tei was such a child sometimes, easily amused and impressed by such little things. It wasnt like Tei had not been in Asgard before. At that moment, Tei chose to look around at them, and smiled at Nite. "I think we should probablt get going, no?" Tei said, turning her attention to the sky.
10:49am Jan 20 2010
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Loki then turned around and started walking towards his father, one of the greatest gods to ever rule the earth, Odin. "Come one then, we may as well report to my father before he becomes impatient, you know he gets better than anyone Nite."
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10:53am Jan 20 2010
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Nite shrugged slightly and smiled. She started forward, then stopped, turning to look back at Tei, She blinked a few time and sighed, then walked back and promptly grabbed Tei's arm, dragging her along in Loki's wake. Tei was still smiling, cheerful as ever, and when they reached the great god, she bowed in respect. "Great Odin... I'm hoping i have helped in some slight way since you sent me off to find these two" She looked up at the god. She'd always done as Odin had asked, she knew him well, and as a friend, she didnt want to let him down.
11:05am Jan 20 2010
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Loki stood, and grinned at his father, it was impossible for him to keep a straight face as he had missed him, "Hail father! well met, I have missed you greatly since I was sent to earth." Odin then cracked, smilling back at Loki, he loved his son and had also missed him, "SON! you would not believe what a relief it is to see you in one pice in the flessh." Odin then darted over and wrapped his arms around Loki in a hug, and Loki hugged back, happy to see his father once again.
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11:17am Jan 20 2010
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Tei smiled, as Nite regarded Odin with a strange ex pression. Did he know what was going to happen? She sighed lightly and pulled a face, probably. Tei looked around again. "Well... its nice to back... i havnt been here for awhile as it is..." Nite looked at her, then smiled and shrugged. "We've been preoccupied"
11:22am Jan 20 2010
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Loki was released from his father and, still with a happy ex pression on his face, started to talk, "Father, sorry if this seems a bit forward, I will need a residence for I an Nite, also I would like to be able to organise an army for when I go to help earth, the humans are in dire need of help right now, and I believe I am the one to help" Odin agreed to it all, and told Loki that he may sort it himself, as he trusted him.
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11:45am Jan 20 2010 (last edited on 11:46am Jan 20 2010)
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Nite and Tei simply watched as Loki spoke to his father. There was very little they could do... Atleast not yet. Tei was surprised however, that Loki was willing to help the humans with nothing in return. The god was gaining something he'd never truly had before. Compas.sion
11:45am Jan 20 2010 (last edited on 11:45am Jan 20 2010)
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11:48am Jan 20 2010
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Loki thought to himself, he was happier tha he had ever been, and he was feeling very kind, was it Nite that had done that? or did it just come to him naturally? he would never know. "Come my love, we may as well look for a suitable place for us to stay."
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11:52am Jan 20 2010
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Nite shrugged and looked at Tei. "You have business?" Tei nodded. "I'll return to earth in the meantime, my element is down there" She smiled lightly. "I'll take my leave here, and i'll see you soon~" With that said, Tei took flight, heading back to earth to keep an eye on things from down there. Nite ran a hand through her hair, then sighed, turned, and followed Loki.
11:52am Jan 20 2010 (last edited on 11:57am Jan 20 2010)
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~(stupid double posts xD)~
11:55am Jan 20 2010
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Loki was strolling through the streets of Asgard, every now and then turning and glancing back at Nite, he wasn't doing it on purpose, but there was something that made him just want to look at her, "You are beautiful Nite." with saying this he continued to walk, not really expecting a reply, but just feeling happy that he got it said.
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12:00pm Jan 20 2010
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Nite had been looking off in one direction when Loki spoke. She turned to him with a raised eyebrow. "Why thankyou Loki... your not too bad yourself" She smiled slightly... She couldnt help the sarcastic reply, it was just who she was. Sracastic and witty. She carried on walking, constantly looking around at Asgard for a lack of anything better to do.
10:18am Jan 22 2010
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Loki chuckled slightly at the sarcasm of his newly found love, he did like her whit, a sign of intelligence if ever there was one.
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