10:20am Jan 22 2010
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She stopped for a second. Nite blinked a few times then spoke. "What now?" She was slightly confused at the fact they were just simply... well walking... "Is there a point to this?"
10:23am Jan 22 2010
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Loki turned to Nite, "Not really, I mean, we're meant to be house hunting but I just want to... walk with you for some reason." Loki then put his arm around Nite.
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11:26am Jan 26 2010
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As Loki and Tei started walking down the road Ares, the god of war and a few demi gods started walking towards Loki, the craving of battle in their eyes, "What's up Ares? not enough humans left for you to kill or something? why don't you try it on with Hercules again? he normally seems like your sparring partner, you don't want to start something you can't finish, and we are definately something you can't finish." "Oh God of mischief, your lips are fast and your words fleeting, now listen up, we shall finish you now and take Asgard for ourselves, I hear you have lost your immortality. Either way I shall slay you and then move onto that sorry excuse for a father you have. now Loki, time doth wear on, unsheath your sword so you may have means to defend yourself." "Ares, you are meerly a boy in comparison to my skills, I do not need a weapon for the begining of this fight, now ready your blows as you may only getr a few chances in the upcoming brawl." Loki took a ready stance, knowing what was coming next, the two gods ran at each other on a collision course, both with a blow ready for their opponent.
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11:34am Jan 26 2010
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For those of you who are pretty uneducated when it comes to mythology, here is a bio for Ares Name: Ares Age: Immortal Image:
Deion: Ares is the good of war, he had a long term rivalry with Hercules, and got along with very few Gods other than the ones that thought exactly the same things that he did, he is a very narrow minded god, and took delight in killing anything.
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11:39am Jan 26 2010 (last edited on 11:56am Jan 26 2010)
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Name: Zavienne Age: Immortal Appearance: 
Dragon Form~
Other: Zavienne is known as the God of the Black Dragons, the largest, most dangerous and violent of all Dragons. His own form is that of his kind, and his abilities are his Illusionary tactics which, when cast, can actually kill. He can possess earth animals, including humankind, and has a great amount of black magic. As a God himself, his powers are easily capable of destroying the other Gods. He also creates Shadow Beings, and small shadow Demons, creatures that do his bidding.
11:51am Jan 26 2010
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Tei stood back, watching Loki and Ares. She wasn't going to get involved in this... She was not a Goddess, and quite frankly, it wasn't any of her business anyway. As her eyes remained on the Gods in front of her, she felt another presence step up behind and turned to face the oncoming figure. "Oh... There you are Nite... Was wondering where you'd got off to" Tei smiled at the Angel of Night, then turned her face back towards the Gods. Nite stepped into place beside Tei, her violet eyes also on the scene before them. "They should really learn their place... those lot" She sighed. Troublesome. Why did Gods constantly have the need to beat the crap out of eachother, and for what? To lead? To be in charge. She sighed again. Honestly... --- It was dark in that tavern, the place smelt of rank beer and people. Oh well. He was here for a reason, he was awaiting word... Zavienne turned around and placed his elbows on the bar, his face turned towards the misty windows of the old building. Damn. How did his Shadow Being fall to that God? Pfft... He couldnt rely on anyone. He shifted slightly... The body he was in currently was old, old and stiff... He hated possessing people like this... but sometimes, it needed to be done. Whatever... That messenger needed to hurry if he wanted to keep his life...
11:59am Jan 26 2010 (last edited on 12:01pm Jan 26 2010)
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Loki threw a blow into Ares face, knowkcing Ares sprawling onto the ground behind him, the three Demi-Gods then grabbed Loki in an attempt to restrain him, Loki used his light power once again, blasting two of their heads off, and then seperating the other one's leg from the rest of his body, in this distraction Ares was on him, he mounted the god and held his arms down to the floor "Now, irritating thorn in my side, that distraction was enough for me to finish this, shame I thought this battle would be a lot more." "No Ares, nobody shall die today, but you shall not come back to Asgard, you insignificant whelp." Loki then opened up a dark coloured portal, which Ares got sucked into.
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12:09pm Jan 26 2010
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Nite rolled her eyes. Loki was always one for throwing his weight around, which wasnt always a bad thing. She did smile however, Ares had been getting more violent lately... As far as she was concerned, it was about time someone threw him out of Asgard. Tei leaned over slightly towards Nite "Asgard... Is never boring~" She said quietly, smiling. It was true, ever since they had returned much seemed to have happened in a short space of time. "I'm getting kind of used to this place" "You would" Nite looked at Tei. "You've always shown up in chaotic situations" She smiled slightly, then walked over and watched as Ares was taken away through the portal created. Tei joined her within seconds, bending down and looking into it with curiosity. --- He'd had enough. Zavienne had disposed of his "temporary" body easily. He didnt like leaving them around... The humans always knew something had happened to them, they were never quite the same after the Dragon God had taken over their bodies. And killing them made it so much easier, and enjoyable. He snorted slightly as he walked. He was nowhere near any towns, he preffered not to walk aruond in his "true" human form, even though he looked human, he still preferred to keep it to himself. As for that messenger... he was dead when he showed up... he was late.
12:13pm Jan 26 2010
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Loki raised his legs up in the air and kicked up, tired of Ares constantly looking for a fight, he looked at Nite endearingly, "Now, where were we before we where rudely interrupted by that irritation?" Loki the put his arm around Nite and began walking down the path.
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12:19pm Jan 26 2010
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Nite shook her head "Dont worry about it... He's not too much of a bother is he?" She looked at Loki, she didnt really want an answer. She didnt need one. She was just pointing out a fact. Tei strolled up on the other side of Loki. "Is he like that constantly?" --- "I-im sorry... M-my Lord... " The voice got no further as a hand was thrust through the beings stomach. "I do not accept this apology. I told you a time, i expected you to be there. You failed. Therefor, you die" Pulling his arm away from the now dead creature, Zavienne took one look at his blood covered arm and laughed quietly. How pathetic. Within seconds, a great swirling whirpool appeared in the sky, its swirling colours darkening the area around Zavienne... He looked at the swirling m*censored*, unamused.
12:23pm Jan 26 2010
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Loki nodded in agreement with Nite and turned his head to Tei whilst still walking with nite, "Yes he is Tei, he is an annoyance, no more, he would slay yourself or anyone lesser ahn an experienced god,but to me and most gods he is nothing, so do not worry." Loki then continued walking with Nite, turning his mind to another problem, who had sent Ares to try and take over Asgard?
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12:29pm Jan 26 2010
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Nite snorted. Gods... Some beings were so high and mighty... She sighed slightly and looked up, the sky glaring above them. Tei simply slipped into thought. Interesting... --- Zavienne continued to watch the swirling m*censored*. It wouldnt take much to send a bolt of energy up there and cause some damage. Whatever. He never liked Asgard, hated it, in fact. Why? Who knew, perhaps the hatred was born into him. Taking his eyes away from the portal, he walked directly under it, curious as to what it had been created for.
9:55am Jan 27 2010
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Loki and Nite continued to stroll down the beaten path, looking for at a house is more of a secondary objective to them right now, all they really want to do for now is enjoy each other's company, I mean it's Loki and Nite, what's not to enjoy? It isn't as if there is never any exitement, just keep on going, you'll get to a battle rather soon.
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11:19am Jan 27 2010
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Nite just kept walking. Nothing else to do. Her mind was still on the gods and the confrontation they had just walked away from. She had a bad feeling... A very bad feeling. Tei however, was quite the opposite. Strolling alongside the great God with a slight skip to her step. Being in a good mood was perfectly natural for her, even after a scrap. Her mood wasn't shifting anytime soon, so she simply continued to walk, her eyes roaming their surroundings as she past. --- Zavienne was getting impatient... Surely the Gods had not just created the phenomenon for the sake of it? It was not the style of the Gods, he knew. Ridiculous. He turned on his heel and started to walk, away from the swirling clouds in the sky behind him. He'd lost interest... There was no point staying any longer... Damn Ares, where the hell was that God...
11:33am Jan 27 2010
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A few months later... Nite was pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl, the couple where happier than they had ever been, Loki had continued to help the humans from the tyrrany of shadow forces, he returned home one day to check on Nite's condition only to hear a knock on the door after saying hello to his love, he opened the door only to see Ares, his old nemesis, "haha, is that ex pression how you greet the good of war, villian?" "What? are you going all shakespearean on me? here's me thinkin you where a modern soul, well, I am good on literature," Loki placed his hand on the tip of his blade, "This is my fiddlestick, now stay your words before I beat you about the ears with it."
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11:39am Jan 27 2010
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Nite sighed as she spotted who was outside the door. Oh well, that figured... They hadn't heard from Ares for awhile. Suppose he was going to show up sooner or later. Tei, over the past months, as a creature of nature, became protective of Nite, and immediately started suggesting Loki leave the area if he was going to fight. She wouldn't let Nite get hurt. Not that Nite enjoyed this... In fact, she hated being constantly worried on, but she never complained. No point, it was Tei, afterall. --- Zavienne's eyes narrowed as the God of Mischief opened th door to Ares. So... this was the God who had vanquished the Shadow Being. He tilted his head slightly as he watched Ares and Loki, his body hiding in the shadows quite some distance from the house. This was going to be interesting.
11:44am Jan 27 2010
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Loki tilted his head upwards, "Shall I kill this irritation now my love? may be easier than him showing up every few months." Loki placed the palm of his hand onto Ares's chest, preparing a blast for the Night Angels answer, "Your life is in her hands, either retreat or leave it to fate."
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5:48pm Jan 27 2010
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Before Nite could so much as reply, A wall of shadow threw itself between Loki and Ares. Nite narrowed her eyes as another figure approached the door. However, the being stayed at a distance, barely visible behind the shadow's. "I apologise... But i cannot allow you to slay this God. He is useful." Zavienne smirked and bowed slightly, keeping his glowing amber eyes on Loki. "Protect all that is dear to you, God of Mischief. Your world will die around you, and eventually, you will join it..." The Dragon God spoke nomore. In a flash of shadow, both he and Ares had dissapeared, nowhere to be seen. Nite blinked "What in the...?" Tei looked dumbfounded. "Who was... that?" She had never seen this God before... Never, and yet... she knew he was a God, his aura emitted it. Tei had been filled with horror at the handsome God's arrival. He was evil. Pure. Evil.
5:48pm Jan 27 2010 (last edited on 5:49pm Jan 27 2010)
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~(stupid double post o-o)~
11:59am Jan 28 2010
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Loki knew this god was trouble, he had heard legend of a dragon god, but he never thought he really existed, he though it was merely a tale to frighten young gods into growing into warriors, but apparently his views on the matter where false. "Did you recognise him from the tales Nite? guess it's time for me to slay a legend, if he thinks he has a chance in slaying all that I hold dear, he has another thing coming, my blade coming in contact with his neckbone." Loki turned and hugged his wife who was now behind him, "Do not fret, I doubt you are but just in case, I will not let him near you and the little ones."
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