1:54am Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 454
Jackie held the basket out to him saying, “As far we know, yes.” Leah took one and popped it into her mouth. She spat it out and stuck out her tongue. She fell down onto the ground gasping for air. She choked and coughed. Jackie stared in disbelief. Leah continued to cough.
2:01am Apr 9 2010
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"Apparently not," Rune said, equally shocked. "Leah!" Dusty gasped, moving quickly to kneel by her side. 'Did she swallow some?' He wondered frantically. He knew there were plants that could make a person sick and vomit up poison, but he didn't know where any were. "Leah!" he said again, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her up to hold her against his chest.
2:04am Apr 9 2010 (last edited on 2:12am Apr 9 2010)
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Posts: 454
Leah looked at him surprised and laughed."Sorry, I did that mainly for two reasons. I wanted to see everyone's reactions, and i was trying to get a feel of what it's like if the berry actually was poison. I guess that won't work unless it really was." She laughed, scratching the back of her head. "Oh, i'm really sorry if i scared you though."
2:13am Apr 9 2010
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"That was cruel," Rune muttered letting out the breath he had been holding. He really didn't need this right after he woke up. Dusty's first response was to drop her, but he held her where she was. "Don't...do that! You scared me." he said. He blushed, embarras.sed at his reaction to her act.
2:17am Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 454
“Yeah, I guess it was pretty mean of me. Sorry. I don’t usually do things like that so… sorry.” She looked down. It was kind of funny at first, then she wondered how she would feel if the same thing were to happen to Dusty or Jackie only for her to find out it was some kind of cruel trick. “So Rune, the berries are edible. You can eat them.” She chuckled softly.
2:25am Apr 9 2010
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"Yeah, yeah, you people are the reason I'm gonna have a heart attack when im 30," Rune grumbled, popping a few of the berries into his mouth. "I'm pretty sure one of your stupid jokes will kill you before then," Dusty commented. "What are you talking about, my jokes are gold!" "Let's see, you humiliated Leah, indirectly bruised my back, and got yourself bitten in the leg, yeah, you're the next Jerry Seinfeld." "Everybody's a critic!" Rune muttered, stuffing a few more berries into his mouth and clearly sulking.
2:29am Apr 9 2010
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Leah smiled." You guys, get along, sheesh." She laughed. Though, i do think we should watch our actions more carefully." She looked down, making sure not to leave herself out. "Also," she looked to Dusty once more, "We know a little more about where we are." she glance back at Rune.
2:42am Apr 9 2010
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"We're always like this," Rune said, "and what more do we know?" He wasn't awake to hear about the bubble. Dusty quickly explained to him about it, leaving out the part about the moon. He'd tell him that later. "Well that's not good," Rune sighed. "You two don't have any enemies that could do this, do you?"
2:51am Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 454
Jackie stared at the tree he was facing. “Nope, not any I can think of at the moment. Let’s see, who do I know that would hate a 15-year-old?” Leah looked up. “Pretty much everyone is my ene—“ She cut her self off and stared at the dirt. Nervously, she looked up. “Nope, no one… really comes to… mind.” She said uneasily. Her voice faded. “Uh… what about you? You’re sure to have enemies. Right?” She looked, hoping they wouldn’t notice her signs of weakness.
2:59am Apr 9 2010
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"All mine are either in jail or the wacky-shack," Rune stated, "Although I doubt they'd even remember me. Besides, I'm pretty sure they're human. And all Dusty's, well, they're not human but they can't do this." He tapped his chin, trying to think of anyone that could trap them in a bubble. None came to mind. Dusty sat quietly, he had caught something in Leah's voice, but he couldn't figure out what. He shook his head to clear his thoughts. He shouldn't pry.
3:08am Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 454
((gtg >.< just when it was getting good! I'll try to get on tomorrow sometime. bye)) Leah backed away from the others and sat down. Her mind wanted to go to an automatic shutoff. She rested her head on her knees and tuned out from the conversation. She sat there thinking in her own mind about what really happened. She knew part of the reason now why they were here, but she was too afraid to tell. Dusty and Jackie might believe her, but they would be at a loss for words, completely astonished. She sighed to herself going back to her thoughts of being a ghost and not having to worry. She trashed those thoughts. She had to worry… for Jackie and Dusty’s sake, for everyone’s sake.
3:21am Apr 9 2010
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((Aww, oh well goodnight xD)) Dusty noticed Leah backing away and went after her, sitting down next to her. He didn't want her just to retreat away and be depressed. Carefully, he put his arm around her and pulled her so she was pressed against him. He didn't say anything, even though he knew she was keeping something from them, instead he just sat there quietly. Comfort first, questions later. Rune watched the pair silently. How long had he been asleep? He shrugged and ate a few more berries.
1:53pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 454
Jackie was also quite puzzled. Leah never let anyone except himself get close to her, at least, not without shoving them away first. She looked extremely depressed. He always knew there was something she wasn’t telling him but he didn’t ask her about it because whenever he had brought up the subject, she isolated herself and didn’t let anyone see her. He was even more surprised that it had only been one day. It must have been something that happened a while ago. He picked out a few berries himself before Rune could take them all and popped them into his mouth, laughing when he recalled Leah’s sly trick. Leah sat quietly. She was happy that Dusty wanted to comfort her and she wanted them to become good friends. Tears slowly dribbled down her cheeks. It was painful to think about… she tried to get it out of her mind. It would only make her feel worse. The truth was, of course everyone is different, but she was far different than all these kindhearted people. Even Rune had goodness deep down inside of him; she just hadn’t seen it yet. She had ghost powers sure, but they weren’t only powers. Before, she hadn’t quite taken it so seriously. Surely that crazy woman couldn’t have been the one who did this. And, if she did, why bring everyone else into it? ((Wow, that's a lot more than i expected it to be...))

2:17pm Apr 9 2010
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(Yo. :D) Rose trudged into camp, tripping over her platinum-furred paws. She shook her broad head, causing the dead rabbit in her jaws flop around limply. Brennion was beside her, a light brown wolf carrying another rabbit, Keto and Laanie beside him as well. Rose dropped her rabbit beside Keto and morphed back to human."Good morning!" she sang, happily. She threw a branch into the small fire and started looking around for her sweater. Brennion sat down beside Jackie and grabbed a berry, staring at it for a few seconds, before asking "Is it edible?"
2:24pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 454
Jackie was tempted to pull Leah's trick, but there was enough stress already. He handed the jacket now half filled with berries and nodded. Leah refused to say anything. She knew her secret would most likely come out to Dusty before her own brother. She needed to get it off her chest, knowing it would help her feel better. She leaned her head on Dusty's shoulder, shaking softly.
2:31pm Apr 9 2010
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Dusty's head snapped up as more people entered camp. He sighed. He doubted more people around would make her feel any better. He put his other arm around her and embraced her tightly, showing he was there for her. Rune just sat, looking away. He didn't want to deal with the wolf pack at the moment.
2:36pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 454
Leah was a bit surprised when Dusty threw his other arm around her. She continued to sit there, shaking less. Hugs really did help when used at the right time. She looked up at Dusty. She would tell him. “Dusty…” She whispered quietly, “I need to tell you something.” She looked into his eyes, hoping he would understand.
2:40pm Apr 9 2010
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Dusty blinked in surprise but knew whatever she had to say was important. "Should we go someplace more private?" he whispered back. Leah probably didn't want the whole camp hearing. ((Gah, no idea what to say xD))
2:45pm Apr 9 2010
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Rose shrugged and shook her head a bit at Leah and Dusty. Aww! How cute! the girly side of her said. Uh, never gonna end up like that. the other, more dominant part of her brain thought. Rose snickered and Keto appeared beside her, dangling the rabbit in his jaws. Rose took the rabbit in her hands before she slowly started scraping off the fur of the animal with a sharp little rock she found. (>.> Dunno what to write....)
2:47pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 454
Leah rose to her feet and walked into the forest, head down, waiting for Dusty to follow her. She wondered if she had the strength to get it out, but she needed to tell him before anything else happened. The full moon was coming and she wanted to tell him before he started to begin to have his own problems. She also knew deep inside that he would have wanted to know what was bugging her. She would tell him in return for his kindness.