2:52pm Apr 9 2010
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Dusty quickly stood up and followed Leah. He knew what she had to say way important, but he couldn't figure out what it was about. He had his hopes, but he was usually bad at guessing. Rune watched the pair disappear before pumping his fist into the air and saying "Go Dusty!" Suddenly, he remembered who was with and scrambled back away from Jackie. "Er...hi?" Rune let out a nervous laugh.
2:53pm Apr 9 2010
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Rose stared after Leah, wondering why she was leaving. She shook her head realizing she probably just had her own problems to deal with. "God." she sighed, taking in a breath of the crisp forest air she had begun to be used to. "When are we gonna get out of this stupid forest?" she threw the rock at a tree, feeling so bored she wished she was dead.
2:58pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 454
Jackie watched Leah leave. He smiled to himself. Best to not interfere. Leah walked a little further until they were far enough from the area for the others to hear them. She sat on a tree stump and let out a sigh, then exhausted laugh. “Well, here goes. Are you ready to hear something weird?” She looked up at him.
3:02pm Apr 9 2010
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Dusty sat down cross-legged in front of her and looked up to look her in the eye. "I've seen and heard some pretty weird stuff." he said with a grim laugh. "Try me." he rested his elbows on his knees and was ready to give her his full attention.
3:03pm Apr 9 2010
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(I can't really post anything right now... D:)
3:05pm Apr 9 2010
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((Lol, sorry. There's still Rune and Jackie back at camp so even though Leah and Dusty are off talking you can still RP with the ones in camp xD))
3:08pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 454
"All right, this will be a bit strange and probably sound a bit dumb. Okay, a few weeks ago, i went to this new Chinese restaurant that was in my neighborhood. It was the only restaurant in my neighborhood, ever has been, probably ever will be. There was this creepy lady there who gave me weird tasting food. Afterwards, she gave me a fortune cookie and i opened it. It talked about the weirdest things, like death will quickly come to you, and then there was something about an alternate universe type of thing. I laughed about it, and walked home. The next day, the shop was gone and i thought it must have been some weird kind of dream. But... that isn't the worst part." She looked back at him, wondering if he wanted to know more.
3:12pm Apr 9 2010
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Dusty slapped his hand over his eyes and began laughing. "Crazy Chinese Cookie Lady got us!" Even though they were in a bad situation, Dusty couldn't help but laugh. He coughed and stopped laughing. "Ok...so what's the worst part?" he asked, looking up at here with a serious face again. He hoped she wasn't offended because he laughed. It was just his way of finding humor in a bad situation.
3:17pm Apr 9 2010
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"What do you guys want to do?" she asked the people gathered around the fire (Brennion, Jackie, and Rune) "Because I sure as heck don't want to just sit here like a person waiting for my death, which will porbably come soon, seeing as I'm dying of boredom!" she lashed out, annyed that there was nothing to do. "Can't we at least try to find a way out of this stupid forest?"
4:14pm Apr 9 2010
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Ba-Bump. >D Anyone here?
4:25pm Apr 9 2010
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((sorreh, my comp is way screwed up. THe net isn't working well so i don't know if i can post after this. <.< My mom had to use my comp too.) Jackie dragged out a long, “Ahhhh.” "Yeah, that is kinda weird, but... the next day, I was walking home and I got hit by a car. Next thing i know, it was night. The same lady was there. She had this weird smile on her face and she whispered into my ear. She said… she said I wouldn’t be normal anymore. I know that as a half ghost, I am sort of dead, but like your werewolf problem, I have the same thing. She said I would wander the earth forever, still aging, but doomed with death for eternity. Then she put her hand on my head and I p*censored*ed out. I woke up in my bedroom. It was my birthday. Jackie walked in the room. He knew I was there, but he couldn’t see me. I sort of was able to control my powers from there. Just, not on that day. That’s why I can’t show my face on my birthday. I become a ghost and no one likes ghosts. Only once my brother had seen me on my birthday and he thought I was trying to be funny. I wasn’t though. I’m not a person. I’m… pretty much a monster. I’m sorry to tell you this too, but my birthday is the next full moon. You have to suffer, and so do I.” She looked at her feet.

4:38pm Apr 9 2010
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Rose, being bored and all, decided to throw her sharp rock at Jackie, hitting his shoulder. Rose lay back down against the tree as though nothing had happened, while KEto shook his broad head and finished off the part of the rabbit that Rose didn't eat. (Dunno what to post.)
4:51pm Apr 9 2010
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Dusty tilted his head down so his eyes were hidden by his bangs. He had no idea what to say. Instead, he stood up and paused for a few seconds before throwing his arms around her and burying his face in her shoulder. "Don't worry Leah. I don't care if you're a ghost or a human. I like you because you're you." He smiled and looked her in the eye. "And I wont stop liking you just because your a ghost." He looked down at the ground, embaras$ed at what he said. Rune gave Jackie a look and said. "Your problem, not mine." He flopped back down onto the ground and stared up at the tight canopy of leaves and branches above him.
4:56pm Apr 9 2010 (last edited on 4:57pm Apr 9 2010)
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Posts: 454
Jackie was surprised at the sharp rock hitting his shoulder. He groaned when it started to drip blood. whatever, it's just a scratch. Leah hugged Dusty back. "I like you too, no matter what you are, werewolf or human. Tomorrow, when the full moon is out, we can suffer together." She slightly blushed. ((urgh, Brain lag again... <.<))
5:06pm Apr 9 2010
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Rose rolled her eyes, fiding another rock, this one smooth and round, and aiming it at Rune's face. When it hit him in the forehead, she fell on the ground, clutching her sides in laughter, laughing and crying at the same time. I'm going insane! she laughed even harder at this thought.
5:17pm Apr 9 2010
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"GAH! OWW!" Rune shouted sitting up quickly. Blood trickled down his forehead and he glared at Rose. "In this past day you people have kicked, bitten, and stoned me! Is there any plots of my death I should know about?!" He was not in a good mood and Rose's laughter was getting on his nerves. He was bored too, and would love to be practicing Necromancy but he wasn't physically harming people to make up for his boredom. Dusty blushed also and looked away. Unsure of what to do next, he pressed his forehead against Leah's and gave her a shy smile.
5:20pm Apr 9 2010
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Rose laughed harder, which she didn't think was even possible. She tried to shoot Rune a death glare, but instead it resulted in more of a strange grimace. "We'll see." she said, still laughing. She grabbed another rock and threw it in the air, catching it, and smiling creepily at Rune. This rock was much pointier.
5:22pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 454
She smiled and hugged him tighter. It was getting awkward, so she stood up on the tree stump. She hopped down and took Dusty’s hand. “Is there anything else that should be said or are you ready to go back?” She said seriously.
5:34pm Apr 9 2010
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(I have to go. I'll be back on in maybe 1-2 hours. Later. :D)
5:39pm Apr 9 2010
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Rune smirked deviously, knowing a challenge when he saw one. He shifted his position so he was now crouching, ready to move at a moments notice. "Let me warn you, Wolf Girl, I'm pretty fast for a human." Dusty paused. There was something he wanted to say to Leah. He felt like he owed it to her trust to tell her about that night but he just couldn't form the words to do so. He swallowed nervously. Unsure if he should tell her or not.