5:51pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 454
((my net keeps working and not working and working and not working so i might not be able to post right away.)) Jackie stood up and moved behind a fallen tree where he could see everyone else. This looks bad. I think things are going to get dangerous. Leah stared at him blankly. "You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to. I just felt that i could lift the weight off your shoulders if you wanted me to." She smiled. She didn't want him to feel pressure.
6:01pm Apr 9 2010
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((Its ok, I have to go soon anyways. Going out to eat then go shopping with my parents >.<)) Dusty thought for another second before shaking his head sadly. "I'm sorry. I want to tell you but I just can't." He hugged her again. "But I promise I'll tell you eventually." He sighed. Maybe he'd be able to tell her once the full moon p*censored*ed, but right now it was just to stressful to think about. ((Gah, writers block Dx anyways see you guys later))
6:23pm Apr 9 2010 (last edited on 6:25pm Apr 9 2010)
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(Back.) Rose smirked, no longer laughing. "Are you sure you want to fight me Bone Head?" she put a finger on her Chin. "You'll probably lose." she frowned. She kicked off her shoes. When she morphed she didn't want her shoes to get ruined. Or her coat. She threw hat off too, and took the purple ribbon of her rist to tie her long blonde hair back into a high, ponytail. Her fingers tarted turning into the talons of a bird, feathery wings sprouting from her back. Noticing Jackie behind the tree, she threw a rock at him. "Coward." she sighed, turning her icey blue gaze back on her... Enemy. For now anyway.
6:33pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 454
Jackie was almost smacked in the eye by the sharp rock. He glared. This wasn’t his fight and he was no coward. He wasn’t quite the fighter either. He would rather sit in a library reading books the whole day. His thoughts strayed back to Leah and Dusty. They had been gone for quite some time. He wondered if everything was okay. He smiled. Sure it was. Dusty had everything in his hands. Leah smiled. “Okay. If you want to say anything though, you can tell me.” She trusted Dusty now and she hoped she always would. “Maybe we should head back to camp to see what we’re missing.” She turned her head, thinking she heard yelling.
6:34pm Apr 9 2010
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6:40pm Apr 9 2010
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Rose glared back, before turning her head to Rune. She gave up on getting Jackie to fight. Long, pale feathered wings unfolded themselves from the back of her back. "Still want to chalenge me Bone boy?" she asked Rune, not really believing that he'd back down. She felt as though pure adrenaline was running through her veins instead of blood. (When I say shape-shift, I mean they can turn into anything. As long as they've seen it, like a picture of a dragon, or they've actually seen the thing they're turning into, like a tree, then they can turn into it. And if they shapeshift for too much, they get sick for a little while, and weak too.)
6:53pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 454
((Oo… Dusty and Leah are out in the forest so I can’t do anything with her…)) Jackie looked at Rose. She was really mature for her age. He sighed. He hoped that the two would come back soon and more that they would sort everything out. Leah needed someone else she could trust other than himself. Maybe she finally found someone. He also hoped the fight would soon be over and the same thing from the night before wouldn’t happen. Remembering the past night, Rune was injured pretty badly. Good luck Rune, hope you meant what you said when you can move quickly.
6:57pm Apr 9 2010
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((Back for i dunno, my parents are doing something so I have a little time -_-)) Rune's ex pression didn't change. He liked to spar, and if he could hold his own against Dusty and his monster strength, he was confident he could take on Rose as well. Even though his leg hurt, the plant Dusty had found was amazing at healing wounds. He had fought with greater injuries before. Dusty nodded at Leah's suggestion. He was confident Rune had shouted and he wondered what was going on. Shyly, he took Leah's hand and led her back to camp.
7:00pm Apr 9 2010
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(We gotta wait for Zombie. D:) Laanie padded up to Brennion, tugging on the sleeve of his shirt. Brennion sighed, pulling his sleeve out of the wolf's mouth, pushing her toward Keto. Brennion sighed and sat down beside Jackie. "What do you do?" he asked. "What's your power? Everyone of us has a power, but I haven't seen you do anything. Rune is all skeleton-y, your sister is like a ghost sometimes, Dusty is... I 'm not sure wat Dusty is actually," he said, his brows knotting together. "Anyway, Rose and I can shift, so..." he trailed off, grabbing the pointed stick from the ground and began drawing yet another circle. He grabbed one of the berries that were still there from earlier, surprised that Rune hadn't ate them all.
7:00pm Apr 9 2010 (last edited on 7:05pm Apr 9 2010)
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(Gah, late post.) EDIT:// Rose smiled sweetly, before turning into a small white dove. She immediatly shifted into her wolf form, before deciding that the form was too common for her. She shifted into a form that no one had ever seen, witnessed, or heard of before in real life. She grew into a larger dove, and then the wings turned golden-yellow. her beak elongated and turned into the beak of an eagle. Her little orange dove-legs became thicker until they resembled those of a lion, and at the end where eagle-talons. When she was done shifting, she looked like a half lion-eagle creature, staring proudly at Rune, wondering why she didn't use this form more recently.
7:10pm Apr 9 2010
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"Ah, impressive." Rune muttered. Figuring there would be no use hiding his Necromancy he pulled the rabbit bones out of his pocked and dropped them to the ground, where they reformed into a full skeleton. "Aim for her face" He commanded. The skeleton did just that, leaping into the air and lunging right at Rose's face.
7:13pm Apr 9 2010
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Rose tried to dodge, but the stupid thing still scratched her in the face. She realized she couldn't get into the air, because their was no space to run and jump because of all the trees. So she shifted back into human form, and stubled for a second, before losing all of her human characteristics and becoming the shape of a tawny cat, growing bigger until it was a tiger. She tried to claw at the skeleton-thing.
7:22pm Apr 9 2010
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Rune laughed, a rabbit hadn't been his first choice as a weapon but apparently it had its advantages. Roses claws hit its mark but did little good, the skeleton broke up and fell to the ground only to reform and lunge back at her face. Rune smirked, he had already come up with a strategy to defeat Rose.
7:39pm Apr 9 2010
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Rose growled in anger, grabbing the stupid annoying skeleton in her strong jaws. She crushed it in her mouth before spitting it out. Rose ran at Rune and leaped onto him, scratching at his face with her tiger-claws. She snarled vicously. Strangely, the icey blue turned into the icey blue eyes of a human. Rose could feel heself becoming weaker, knowing that the affects of her past shifting had finally caught up to her.
7:55pm Apr 9 2010
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Rune ducked and rolled away, Rose's claws missing him by inches. In a fight Rune relied mostly on instincts and reflexes honed by many years of sparing with Dusty, this fight was no exception. He quickly righted himself and stood up. While Rose was getting weaker, Rune felt the adrenaline pumping new energy into his body. He smirked. "Ready to give up?" Even though she had destroyed his rabbit, there were plenty more skeletons laying around camp.
8:08pm Apr 9 2010
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Rose spit at him, before shifting back to human and standing infront of him with her hand on her hip, hanging her head low as though she gave up, put her hands behind her back and rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet. She nodded. Suddenly she jumped onto him, scratching at his face with her red painted fingernails, leaving long scracthes down the side of his face.
8:14pm Apr 9 2010
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Rune smirked triumphantly but yelped in surprise as she scratched him. He fell back onto the ground and slammed his foot hard into her shin. He scrambled to his feet and backed away, pressing his hand to his stinging cheek. Blood was already starting to run down his cheek. "Jeez..." he muttered. That girl had claws. ((Auto-hit for Auto-hit :/))
8:18pm Apr 9 2010
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((Gotta go. Be back on later bye!))
8:20pm Apr 9 2010
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Rose grimaced in pain and rubbed her shin before grabbing a small peppble and threw it straight at Rune, getting him the eye. She leaned back to look at her shin for a moment, realizing she was gonna have a major bruise there. She put her hand behind her, trying to find another rock, but instead she caught her hand on a rose vush. Stupid thorns! she stared at the palm of her hand and pulled a few thorns out, before licking her hand to clean off the blood and spit to the side, morphing into her wolf form.
8:24pm Apr 9 2010
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(Aww, bye Zomebie. D:)