8:24pm Apr 9 2010 (last edited on 8:26pm Apr 9 2010)
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(Aww, bye Zombie. D:) -Eats double post
8:44pm Apr 9 2010
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((Urg, my internet sucks. O.O)) Leah was walked hand in hand with Dusty and they trudged back to the others, just as the battle was ending. Jackie ran over to Leah and smiled, she smiled back. She turned her head to Rune and her eyes widened. "Dusty... I think you should go see if Rune is okay." She said, shocked. She ran over to Rose. "Are you all right?"
8:48pm Apr 9 2010
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Rose glanced at Leah. "Yea, yea. Fine." she said, grabbing a rock and throwing it at Jackie's head. "Whoops. I missed Rune." she said cheerfully, still mas.saging her shin. "Let's stop." she glared at Rune. "Later, okay? I'm hungry." she said, smiling, showing her pearl-white teeth. She tugged on Leah's hand. "Come on. Let's go find something to eat."
9:16pm Apr 9 2010
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(I gotta go. D: See ya tomorrow. 'Night.)
1:01am Apr 10 2010
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((my comp is fixed! yay! XD)) Leah smiled. Apparently, she would have to get used to all the fighting. Everyone seemed to at least know each other. She laughed. She was feeling a bit hungry too after what she just told Dusty. So what she wasn't alive, well, half? She knew there were still people out there that cared for her. Jackie was relieved the fight was over. He walked over, taking a seat by Brenn. "Oh, and to answer your question, i have powers of Empathy, to see people's emotions, feelings, and dreams. It isn't that great." He laughed. He turned to Dusty. "Did everything go well?"
1:08am Apr 10 2010
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((Back, finally. Shopping is exhausting >_<)) Dusty went over to and knelt beside Rune. "You ok." Rune rubbed his injured eye and shook his head, not trusting himself to speak. He looked over at Rose. "Yeah, and while your out looking for something to eat, how about you find a good tree for your scratching post!" he spat. Dusty sighed, when would Rune learn? He jumped slightly when Jackie spoke to him and turned around to look at him. "Err...yeah, everything went fine..." Dusty answered quietly, knowing he shouldn't tell Jackie what Leah told him.
1:14am Apr 10 2010
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((I know! Especially if you're shopping with my mom and grandma! We spent like 2 hours in the same store at one clothing rack in the clearance isle! XD)) Jackie smiled. "That's good. She needs someone else to trust. I think it's you Dusty." He stood up and walked over to eat the last of the berries, handing one to Scratch who squeaked on his shoulder. He put more wood in the fire and sat back down on the fallen down tree. He shook his head.
1:27am Apr 10 2010
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((Lol, we must be related xD I don't get what's so hard about finding a shirt that fits and just buying it and leaving. 10 minutes and I'm done shopping)) Dusty nodded. He wasn't sure how much Jackie knew but he was glad he wasn't prying. He looked over to Rune, who was still trying to stop the blood-flow from his cheek. Rune caught him staring. "Don't even think about it." Rune growled, knowing what his friend was about to do. Dusty laughed nervously. "I still say it helps." "It's still weird." Rune retorted. He gave up trying to stop the bleeding and allowed it to drip down his neck. The wound wasn't that deep and would stop on its own after a while.
1:35am Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 454
((just like me and my dad. Dive-bomb shoppers we call ourselves. My mom never leaves the store without checking the clearance first.)) When are we getting out of here? Why are we here? Where is here? I'm going nuts--speaking of which... he reached into his pocket and pulled out a nut, handing it to Scratch. "That must have been what was hurting my back the other night." He laughed. ((Hrm, can't do anything with Leah and i dunno what to write.))
1:50am Apr 10 2010
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((Heh, most of my clothes are are from the clearance rack xD I don't think I paid full price for anything I wear.)) While Jackie was talking to Scratch. Dusty and Rune were glaring at each other, fighting a silent battle. Finally, Rune gave in with a sigh. "Fine, if it'll get you to leave me alone, just do it." He grumbled. Dusty laughed. He moved closer to Rune and began licking the scratches on his cheek to clean them. Rune shivered. "Your such a weirdo." he muttered. ((Gah, my characters always end up being so weird! xD I don't really know what to write either))
2:03am Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 454
((most of my clothes are hand me downs so i get the weird clothes my mom and sister wear. I have to give my clothes up to my younger kin as well. :3)) Jackie looked over to the others. He was freaked out for a moment and then shrugged. It looked weird but he decided to keep to himself. He stroked Scratch. Leah was barely around him for the past day. He felt a little lonely. She was making friends. That was good enough for him. ((THat's okay XD))
2:16am Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 454
((Bleh, I'm heading over to Skunkers' insane high school. I have no inspiration on this RP at the moment without Alice. I actually think i have a better chance of moving on that RP.))
2:17am Apr 10 2010
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((Lol, I'm an only child. Yet I never get any hand-me-downs from my dad. I wonder what he does with all his cloths xD)) Rune saw the look Jackie gave them and pushed Dusty off. "Ok, that's enough!" He said, annoyed. Dusty whipped his mouth on his arm. "I don't see why you always freak out. Saliva helps fight infection and out here we should take every precaution to stay healthy." "It's still not something normal guys do." Rune retorted, trying to whip Dusty saliva off his cheek. "Since when are we normal?" Dusty asked. He had a point. "Whatever." Rune muttered. He looked over at Jackie. "You guys are close, aren't you?" Rune asked him.
2:18am Apr 10 2010
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((Oh, lol. Sorry. xD I'll go post there then xD))
2:20am Apr 10 2010
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((Maybe he burns them)) Jackie Laughed. "Not close enough to lick each other's faces. Plus, that'd be kind of weird if you pictured it in your mind." He looked up at the leaves above him.
2:33am Apr 10 2010
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((Lol, maybe)) Rune laughed also. "I suppose so. Well, I have to admit I haven't been very diligent at teaching Dusty how to act like a civilized human." He ruffled Dusty's hair as if he were a pet, much to Dusty's annoyance.
2:37am Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 3:00am Apr 10 2010)
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Posts: 454
"Ah, so i see." Jackie looked over to them, managing to see Dusty's annoyed face. He still couldn't reach Leah's mind. She couldn't be blocking him out still, could she? He shrugged his shoulders. He was surprised he hadn't noticed anything before. Maybe he should take a break. ((I have to go! I gotta wake up early tomorrow because i have to do this block party thingy for the community.))
3:10am Apr 10 2010
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Dusty stuck his tongue out a Rune and moved out of his reach. Rune simply sighed and stretched out on the ground, trying to make himself comfortable. "Man, what I wouldn't do to be home and laying on the couch watching the weather channel." he muttered, looking up at the trees. Dusty nodded quietly. ((Lol, ok. Goodnight. ^^))
9:35am Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 11:57am Apr 10 2010)
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Rose's jaw dropped when she saw the face-licking. She would've laughed, but she was insanelly tired and had a gigantic headake. She ma.ssaged her temples, sighing. She rubbed her face with her sweater, annoyed that when she went back to her human form she still had all the wounds from her other forms.She pulled a few thorns out of her left hand, licking her hand and spitting the blood out onto the ground before starting the whole prosses again, m*censored*aging her bruised shin. Brennion didn't really care about the whole face-licking thing. He was used to weird people. After all, he was a weird person too right?? Everyone here was a weird person. Jackie was probably the least-weirdest person here.. So what did it matter, singleing out the weirdest People? He turned to Rune, glad that Dusty has stopped licking his face. "You okay?"
9:35am Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 9:38am Apr 10 2010)
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(Sorry, double post...)