3:26pm Apr 10 2010
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6:58pm Apr 10 2010
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Leah too, was surprised. She sighed. Tomorrow would really suck for everyone. She had already planned to stay away from the others, far, far away from them, so she wouldn't cause any trouble. Then again, what was so bad about being in her ghost form in front of the others? She shook her head. She was going to stay away. Then, Jackie kept bugging her about tomorrow too. She was upset that he was so looking forwards to it, since it was his birthday as well. They were after all, twins. She sighed, clearly upset. It would have been better if it was the day after. Oh well.
8:00pm Apr 10 2010
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(Hi. Where'd ya go today? I was online almost the whole dya. D:) Rose put her arm over her eyes and leaned back against the tree, sitting down on one of the roots. She was so uncomphortable, she layed down next to the tree and fell asleep instantly. (Dunno what to post.)
8:06pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 454
((Hi alice. Sorry i wasn't here today. d i'm a member of one of the disaster preparedness things with the police department so i had to go to town to do this booth thing with all these other people there. Exhausting. :P)) Leah couldn't think of anything to do for the rest of the day. She was sure everyone was hungry, but she couldn't find anything laying on the ground that seemed eatable. She leaned against a tree stump and sat Indian-leg-crossed. How could they get out of here? Her mind whirled with thoughts of escape, that would have turned out to be scrap material. She blew the hair out of her face. What were they going to do? ((Dunno what to post either.))
8:09pm Apr 10 2010
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(Say no more. I completely understand.) Brennion kicked a tree that was near. "Why are we standing around here? Let's go try to find a way out of this stupid forest!!" he felt like scratching something. (Are we allowed to swear? Because I'm really getting tired of calling it the "stupid Forest")
8:15pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 454
Leah laughed. "Good luck. I'm out of ideas." She closed her eyes and crossed her arms, taking a deep breath. Fresh out of ideas was the only thing that ran through her head. A frown curved at her lips. Brenn and Rose were completely right though. This was a pretty stupid forest. ((i would prefer you not, but if you really want to, i mean it depends on what your saying.))
8:18pm Apr 10 2010
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(Kay. Nothing to serious though >.> I don't wanna end up withj soap in my mouth.) Brennion elt like screaming. We know that there's a bubble around us, but what happens if we dig underneath the bubble?"
8:21pm Apr 10 2010
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Dusty curled up on the ground, feeling tired and depressed. He wished he could be home, where he wouldn't be so worried about the full moon. Sighing, he closed his eyes, thinking he should get some sleep so he could think with a clearer head when he woke up. Still sleep didn't come. He chuckled at the idea of digging under the bubble. He doubted it'd be that easy. ((Gah, sorry for not posting for a while. Kept getting distracted >_<))
8:22pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 454
"Well you sound mighty confident. If your wise idea works, tell me." She walked off into the forest. His plan didn't sound too bad, but that must have been impossible considering it was a bubble. Bubble, sphere, circle, hence the name "round". Maybe she should check it out. She took a deep breath. Though she would spend the whole next day as a ghost, it was worth a try. She began to transform to her ghost form.
8:24pm Apr 10 2010
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Rose opened an eye and jumped behind a tree, intent on following Leah. Once she reached her, she saw her changing into a ghost. "That's... amazing." she stood their, appaled, with her draw dropped. "Lemme come with you." she said.
8:30pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 454
Leah heard Rose's voice and stopped the transformation. She looked over at her nervously. "I thought i'd see if your brother was right. I doubt it though. A bubble is usually round, right?" She turned her attention back to her. "You're the only one, right? There isn't anyone with you?" She glanced around anxiously.
8:33pm Apr 10 2010
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Rose shook her head. "Just me." she siged, tired. She felt as though hshe was going insane. "You know what Leah?" she scratched the bottom of her bare foot. "I feel like I'm going insane. I don't want to be stuck in this.... ugh! This stupid bubble!"
8:43pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 454
Leah hung her head. "No one does. I know.. don't know that is, why we're here. Listen. The bubble probably surrounds us everywhere. Forget I said anything or that you saw anything. I'm heading back." She ran back to camp and sat down next to Jackie who welcomed her. Great, she felt depressed again.
8:46pm Apr 10 2010
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Rose decided to keep going, she ran as far as she could. Just when she started to think Leah was lying about the bubble, she ran into something solid, and she bounced back a few meters into a tree. "Yup." she shook her head. "There is a bubble around us." she hung her head, giving up, deciding to just lay there, putting her head against the tree, not wanting to go back.
8:57pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 454
((Ahh... dunno what to type.)) Jackie tapped Leah on the shoulder and smiled warmly, making Leah smile a little. Scratch hopped over to her and she began to rub his tiny little head. Wonder when Rose is coming back. Stupid Bubble. She was too familiar with this forest now. She didn't want to spend another day here.
8:59pm Apr 10 2010
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(I'm not gonna post anything. I really have no idea what to post. Do you think they're gonna get out of the bubble? And I think that if I was Rose I'd kill myself. :P That would be soooo frustrating. being stuck in a bubble I mean.)
9:04pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 454
((I agree. The story kinda lags... i'm braindead right now.))
9:06pm Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 9:07pm Apr 10 2010)
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(I'd make Rose kill herself, but I don't wanna get rid of her. I looovve Rose so much. xp. Did people put them in the bubble? If they did, then the people could like.. I dunno... visit or something?)
9:10pm Apr 10 2010
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((*pops in* I've had serious brain lag too, which explains my lack of posts today xD))
9:12pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 454
((Yah...nothing much else to post. I think we should have another time skip. :P))