9:15pm Apr 10 2010
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((And start the torture of both Leah and Dusty? xD))
9:20pm Apr 10 2010
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(Oooh. But Rose never came back to camp. She's sleeping at the tree near the edge of the bubble.)
9:29pm Apr 10 2010
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(Gotta go.)
9:34pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 454
((Sounds good. Bye alice))
9:58pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 454
((Doing time skip)) Leah woke up, her back leaning against the tree stump. She gasped. I was that day. Her body was already beginning to take transformation. She began to go into a state of panic and ran into the forest, trying not to be seen by anyone. Jackie was still asleep. She hoped he would understand. Just before she left, the night before she had made a note to him, saying she would try to find a way out of here. She wasn't lying either. That was what she was going to do. She continued running, trying her best to keep her humanity but was changing even more. Frustrated, her feet began to sink into the ground as she tried to keep running. She saw soon that she was no longer a human and growled angrily. She floated up, trying to think of how to find out an escape.
10:13pm Apr 10 2010
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Dusty opened his eyes slowly. Sleep made him feel sluggish. Wait...sleep?! He sat up quickly, looking at his hands. Still human. So night hadn't fallen yet. He sighed, standing up. He looked around, Leah was already gone. He knelt beside Rune, who was still asleep, and drew a circle with the letter D in it. Rune would understand when he saw it but Dusty doubted anyone else would. He stood up and dashed into the forest without looking back. The only thing he could worry about at the moment was putting as much distance in between him and the others as he could.
10:18pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 454
Leah was hovering above a branch. What to do, what to do, what to do… She was even more frustrated as no thoughts of how to get out came into her mind. She had to think of a way out. She remembered the fortune cookie. She desperately tried to remember the words. Sure there was a virtual reality and death… She thought back to the lady that told her she was dead .She couldn’t remember her words. She groaned, struggling to remember. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps. Someone was running her way. She took cover higher up in the tree, hoping they wouldn’t notice she was there.
10:29pm Apr 10 2010
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Rose jumped up, ready to put a log in the campfire, before she realized that she wasn't at the camp. She sighed,remembering last night. Maybe she should get back to camp. Not that anyone was probably missing her or anything... she sighed again, laying her head down against the tree, wondering why she was sooooo tired. Maybe it was from all the shapeshifting?
10:55pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 454
Jackie sat up, awake now. He smiled and looked over to Leah, or he wold have if she was there. There was a slip of paper on the ground where she slept. He picked it up and opened it. Happy birthday brother! I really wanted to spend the day with you, but i have to find a way to get us out of here. I promise i'll make it up to you later. I'm sure the others will enjoy partying. Feel free to have fun without me. I'll e back tomorrow probably. Love you, Leah. He frowned. Oh well. He slipped it into his pocket and glanced around at the others. Leah wasn't the only one missing. Rose and Dusty were gone too. What on earth could they be doing? He sighed.
10:59pm Apr 10 2010
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Dusty had been running for quite some time before he had to stop. Fatigue was already starting to affect him. Not long now... he thought sadly. He forced himself to keep moving away from the camp. Rune sat up. He smiled. Finally he had woken up on his own. No rude awakening today. He looked around the camp, waving to Jackie, who was already up. Where was Dusty? His hand brushed something on the ground and he looked down. It was the message Dusty had left him. "Oh no...Dusty!" Rune muttered. He couldn't believe it.
11:06pm Apr 10 2010
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Rose stood up, deciding that she was hungry. Before she left her tree though, she found a rock and threw it at the bubble, wondering if the rock would go through. It just bounced back. Maybe a sharper one would be better. She walked slowly back to camp, pulling out one of her little silver knifes that she kept around for shaving the fur off of animals she was going to eat. She started picking at the dirt that was gathered underneath her fingernail, wincing as the blade cut into her finger, causing blood to drip onto the ground. She grimaces and stuck her tongue out for no apparent reason and started walking back to camp again.
11:09pm Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 11:09pm Apr 10 2010)
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Posts: 454
Leah saw Dusty running underneath her. She waited until he pas-sed until she came back down. She couldn’t really sit down since she was a ghost so she hovered instead. She floated in a pace back and forth to try to think of what to do. She was tempted to go ask Dusty but he probably had problems of his own and didn’t want to be bothered. Half of her wanted to go back to camp to see if Jackie was all right, but the other half was making her want to hate herself for being born. She flew full speed to the bubble’s edge, bouncing back. Ow, my face. She sighed. She kept her hand on the invisible wall and flew around, keeping her hand there. She flew at full speed, seeing the bubble was larger than she thought. There seemed to be no escape. Discouraged, she floated back down in the middle of the forest, far away from the others. That was also where she planned to stay.
11:35pm Apr 10 2010
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"Dusty!" Rune shouted, standing up. He wasn't sure whether he should be scared that Dusty was loose or mad that he hadn't told him. He looked around and spotted Dusty's fresh shoe prints in the ground and dashed off in the direction they were going. "Dusty!" he shouted again as he ran. He looked around, desperately trying to find his friend. He slowed to a stop, gasping for breath. This was getting him nowhere.
11:42pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 454
Jackie watched as Rune ran off. He was confused. Ah well. He looked at the fire which was burning out. "It's about time we got out of here." he looked at the dirt. He picked it up and looked at it closely. It was probably fake. Everything was probably fake. He knew he would wake up to this being a bad dream. For now, he sat staring at the fire. Some birthday. Leah floated down to the ground and decided to go back to camp. She'd throw on her invisible shield so no one would be able to see her. On the way, she p*censored*ed Rune, a discouraged look on his face. She entered the camp and everyone was either asleep or sad. Today was only going to get worse. She sighed and decided to go look for Dusty.
11:43pm Apr 10 2010
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Rose tripped on a root on the way back from her tree and fell into Rune. Straightening up, she asked, "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be back at camp? Dusty'll probably be looking for you." she sighed.(Remember she doesn't know that Dusty and Leah are gone.)
11:56pm Apr 10 2010
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Rune nearly screamed when Rose tripped into him. He was already at his whit's end. "Rose!" He gasped. "Dusty, he's...he's...the full moon...gone!" Rune realized that he wasn't making any sense and tried to get his words straight. He opened his mouth to speak but closed it again. It didn't matter what he said, she didn't even know Dusty was a werewolf. He sighed, unsure what to do. Dusty sat at the edge of a stream, breathing heavily. He wasn't sure how far he had ran, but he hoped it was far enough.
12:12am Apr 11 2010 (last edited on 12:22am Apr 11 2010)
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"So... Dusty left because... For some reason concerning the full moon... And you are looking for him?" She tried to piece together what Rune said. "Well, if Dusty ran away it must've been so he could be alone, or else he would've just stayed at the camp. And if he wants to be alone, then why go after him?" she questioned, trying to think logically. "And what are you, a girl? That was probably the most girlish screech ever." she rolled her eyes, linking her arm through Rune's and dragging him back to camp.
12:25am Apr 11 2010
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"Wait! Rose!" Rune protested. He was panicking again. "You don't understand! Dusty's loose...if I don't...he's gonna....we're gonna...!" He continued babbling to Rose, now totally unaware that he wasn't making sense. He dug his heals into the ground and tried to pull away from her. How much time was left until the moon rose? He had to find Dusty, he just had to!
12:40am Apr 11 2010
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"For God's sake Rune!" Rose felt like slapping him. "Just spit it out!" she sighed, exasperated. Buys were so weird. "Is it that impossible to form a complete sentence?" she questioned. "What about Dusty?"
12:48am Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 454
Leah floated around in search of Dusty. She saw him. The figure sitting by the stream. She realized he probably didn't want to see her right now but she went to him anyway. She floated beside him, not trying to get his attention. "You okay?" She couldn't help but ask.