12:52am Apr 11 2010
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Rune took a deep breath, then grabbed Rose's shoulders. "Dusty's a werewolf and tonight's the full moon! Dusty's loose and can't control his werewolf form! He'll kill someone unless we can stop him!" Rune shouted. Dusty looked up at the sound of Leah's voice. His eyes had already changed from their usual black to gold, the color if his wolf form's eyes. "You came..." he said quietly.
12:58am Apr 11 2010 (last edited on 1:09am Apr 11 2010)
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"And we're all stuck in this stupid bubble," she sighed saddly, "And we can't escape or go anywhere..." she frowned. "Wait! What?! A werewolf? Is that why he was licking your face?" her mouth was open wide.
1:17am Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 454
Leah looked at him puzzled, not expecting his response. “Well... yeah I guess I did. I didn’t think you would want to see me though.” She laughed. “I really didn’t think anyone did.” She floated in front of him so she could look straight at him. “I would give you a hug right now if I could, but… I would fade away.” She looked down.
1:28am Apr 11 2010
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Rune sighed impatiently. "Yeah, yeah, thats why he was licking my face. He does that...a lot. That's not the point! He's going to kill us!" He growled. He had to find Dusty. He had to figure out a way to stop him. He didn't have any time to waste! Dusty let out a weak laugh. "Of course I want to see you," he said shyly. "Although I'm can't say I'm pleased that you'll see me like this." He frowned, staring out at the water. ((Computer lag >_>))
1:35am Apr 11 2010
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Leah looked over at him and frowned. She tried to lay her head on his shoulder but her head sunk through his arm. “Sorry, that probably felt really weird.” She turned away. “I hate this ghost body.” She looked Dusty in the eye. “You don’t have to worry about anything. I don’t care how you act or what you look like. I’ll always consider you one of my friends.” She smiled. She was trying to make him feel better. She really didn’t like seeing him looking so bad. “Anyway, it doesn’t really take place until… night, right? And… you can’t control it either, can you?” She frowned.
1:52am Apr 11 2010
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Dusty nodded. He sighed and turned to look at her. "Leah, I'm going to tell you a story and...I don't want you think bad of me after you hear it." He paused but shook his head. He had to tell her now. "Three years ago I was out exploring the forest behind my parents house during the full moon. A pack of werewolves jumped me. They said they were going to play a game with me and if I survived the night they'd leave me and my family alone. One bit me then used some sort of weird potion to force me to transform, even though I shouldn't have been able to until the next full moon. I fought them through the night and when the sun came up, I was normal again and returned home." He took a deep breath. "The next full moon, I transformed again and went berserk. I...I killed my parents...I would of killed Rune and my sister too...if Rune hadn't used his Necromancy to..." he covered his mouth, shaking and feeling sick. He couldn't bring himself to finish his story.
2:03am Apr 11 2010
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Leah saw tears start to form in his eyes. He looked like he was going to be sick. She tried desperately to return to being human, if only for just a moment. After a few minutes, she succeeded, but she knew it wouldn’t last longer than what it took her to get there. She hugged Dusty. “I am so, so sorry.” She whispered. “You don’t have to finish if you’re going to regret it. I won’t be a human for much longer now, but I want to be able to tell you that I care about you. I’m sorry for all the bad things that you’ve had to go through. I think you’re far stronger than I am. I couldn’t have survived what you did. You’re amazing Dusty.” Now wasn’t the time to feel queasy. She just wanted him to feel better. Today would really suck for him so she wanted to make the best of it.
2:22am Apr 11 2010
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Dusty buried his head in her shoulder, forcing the memories out of his mind. "Thanks." He said quietly. Leah's hug seemed to give him new energy. He wondered when nightfall would be. Sadly, he pulled himself out of Leah's embrace. "Usually, Rune and Cherry will chain me up in our barn," he said quietly, more to himself then to Leah. "The next morning Rune would always say I looked like something out of a horror movie, covered in sweat, straw, dirt and sometimes blood." He kicked off his shoes. "I think he's still a bit afraid of me." Dusty paused for a second before pulling off his shirt, revealing the large amount of white scars that covered his body. He looked over at Leah with an embarras-sed smile. "It'll get ruined when I transform if I don't take it off." he explained, laughing nervously.
2:37am Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 454
Leah could feel herself returning to her ghost form. She felt strained. She hovered above ground watching Dusty, glad that he felt a little better and happy knowing she could help him if only just a little. "Dusty, I'll try to help you out tonight since you can't hurt me. I'm a ghost. I can control myself, but i can't return to human until tomorrow. Unless i try really hard like i just did now." She smiled at him pas$ionately. "Is there any possible way that you could slightly be able to control yourself or no?" She asked, wanting to know if there was anything she could do to help.
2:46am Apr 11 2010 (last edited on 2:46am Apr 11 2010)
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((sorry, me dad wantz me to go to bed. I have to go somewhere early tomorrow again. <.< bleh so many places to go to, so many things to do... always busy... anyway, see ya!))
2:49am Apr 11 2010 (last edited on 2:49am Apr 11 2010)
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Dusty chuckled and shook his head. "Rune tried to help me control myself once and nearly lost his head in the process." He smiled, remembering the way Rune had described it the day after. He had been mad. "But there is something I want you to do for me." He said seriously. "If I start heading towards camp, I need you to go ahead of me and tell them what's going on... tell them to use force if necessary." If someone had to get hurt, he wanted to be the only one. He wondered if he should take his pants off as well but shook his head. He didn't think Leah would appreciate that very much. ((Lol, ok. See you! ^^))
8:45am Apr 11 2010 (last edited on 9:22am Apr 11 2010)
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Rose clutched her face. "I don't wanna die!" she cried. "I'm tooo young." she tried to rake her brain for something useful. "Can were wolves climb trees? Can they fly? I don't think werewolfves can fly." she put her finger on her chin and thought some more. "Cause Brenn and I can take the skies and you and Jackie could hide in trees. Or something." she shrugged.
11:36am Apr 11 2010
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(Ohh. Can I make a character that found herself in the future in the bubble? And she's from like, the '50s.)
3:54pm Apr 11 2010
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6:46pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 454
((Sure but i don't know how far the ending is away from this point)) Leah nodded, promising to do as he said. It probably wouldn't be long before he wasn't able to control himself. She sighed, a bit frightened of the coming night and unsure of how it would be. I hope we get out of here soon. Then again, doesn't everyone? She floated up above the trees and saw the light of the blinding sun. It seemed closer than it should be. She floated back down to Dusty and sighed. "It's already about midday. I hope the night goes quickly." She eyed Dusty.
8:14pm Apr 11 2010 (last edited on 8:32pm Apr 11 2010)
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Name- Susan Age-Unknown (looks 17) Gender- Female Special ability- teleporting through time Personality- No one kkknnnooowwwsssss..... Looks-http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x167/music4life3895/Picture15-2.jpg She wears a maid outfit. (Looks like a black long-sleeved shirt with a puffy skirt that has an apron on it *really ugly BTW*) Other- She was trying out her magyk, and then she was teleported into the future. Family Relatives- Unknown Pets-A small mouse named Milli, but she's back in the past.
8:21pm Apr 11 2010 (last edited on 8:22pm Apr 11 2010)
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Susan felt herself falling. She started screaming, feeling herself pierce through something. Time? Or a gigantic bubble? She couldn't tell. She landed with an oof infront of a campfire. fell on her left ankle, and broke it. She howled in pain, not noticing a boy infront of her as she rocked back and forth trying to make the pain in her ankle decrease. (Jackie's the boy.)
8:27pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 454
Jackie looked at her, confused and walked over to her. "Are you all right?" He asked, looking her over. He saw her ankle that had the bone popping out. He sighed and found a branch and ripped part of his shirt. He grabbed her foot and made a splint for her ankle. "Listen, i don't know when we'll be able to get this fixed, but the splint will be all you have for now." He sighed. He crouched beside her.
8:33pm Apr 11 2010
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"Who are you?!" Susan screeched, trying to drag herself away from Jackie, ignoring the stinging pain in her ankle. "And why are you dressed like that?" she asked, wrinkling her nose, staring at the boy dressed in his absurd clothes. "Tuck in your shirt. It is ouragous for a boy your age to not tuck in your shirt!" she scolded. She straightened her skirt, and tried to fix her long black hair, feeling the dirt that was caked in it from when she feel.
8:38pm Apr 11 2010
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Posts: 454
Jackie sighed. Tucking in his now ripped shirt would make him look like a geek. He shook his head. Well, excitement for once. Leah, Rose, Rune, and Dusty were all gone and only himself, Brennion, the wolves, and this weird girl who fell from the sky—Fell from the sky? “How did you get here?”