7:11pm Apr 12 2010
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Posts: 454
((Bye Zombie!)) Jackie rolled his eyes at Rune, whom he thought should try to be more serious even though he was just trying to take in what he heard. He was more concerned about Leah and Dusty who he knew he probably wouldn’t see for a while. I’m glad Rune isn’t the Grim Reaper. Then things would be a whole lot worse. Leah floated up and back down to Dusty again. Her hair covered her eyes and she was frowning as she went over to him. “Not long now.” She sighed. “Dusty, I know I’ll see you after this but I want to tell you now that other than Jackie…” She hesitated, “You are the closest friend I’ve made in my life.” She lifted her head and smiled. She floated over and hugged him. “Please try not to get hurt.”
7:20pm Apr 12 2010
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Rose stuck her tongue out, gagging. She ran over to Susan and yanked the hair-pins holding the bun into place out, giving a sigh of relief when Susan looked more normal. "Oh, good." she gasped. "You look much better now." Rose looked back at Jackie,then around the little camp. "Where is everyone?You know, other than Dusty." she poked Rune in the shoulder. "He alrady told me about that." (I don't mind if Brennion dies. I kinda forgot about him... so if someone has to get killed, kill him. Dx)
7:23pm Apr 12 2010
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Posts: 454
Jackie sighed sadly. "Leah is having problems of her own. I figure she's with Dusty at the moment but i don't know what's wrong right now. What's up with Dusty?" He asked, curious.
8:32pm Apr 12 2010
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Rose shook her head. "Not my secret to share." she poked Rune. "Ask him. Or Dusty. And maybe Leah. Yea, definatly Leah." she nodded. "Why are you still here? Since everyone left, I was sure that you'd be out somewhere, doing... I dunno... looking for food?" she sighed. "You seem to never leave the camp. You're always here..."
8:36pm Apr 12 2010
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Posts: 454
He looked back at Rose, a little annoyed but she was right. He shouldn't ask others business. He was also always here whenever he wasn't out thinking to himself. He was a little hungry too. "I don't have much to do here." He sighed with a bored look on his face. "I don't know what to do either. I guess i kind of don't really do anything." He laughed, with surprise after actually thinking about it.
9:03pm Apr 12 2010
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"Well, for one, you could put a log in the fire." she pointed to the fire, which was going smaller and smaller as hey talked. "You could... Go get berries like you did last time, or maybe go fetch some water that we can use as drinks. There's this really nice stream somewhere around here. It's really, really nice. Plus, you kind of smell." she wrinkled her nose. "Or maybe you can go exploring? See if you can find a way out of this stupid bubble?" she sighed. "Thats what most of us are doing, it's our top priority. For now."
9:10pm Apr 12 2010
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Posts: 454
Jackie took a log and put it into the fire, watching the flames grow. “All right, since I stink so much, I’ll go and fix the problem. I should be coming back with berries since I’m extremely bored and if I can find something to put the water in, you’ll have drinks by sundown.” He turned and left. He saw he wasn’t really needed there anyway. He just hoped whatever was going on between Leah and Dusty would go okay.
9:25pm Apr 12 2010
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"He's a grmpy one." Susan whispered. "but you shouldn't talk to men that way. They are above us." Rose gasped. "WHAT!" she punched Susan in the face. "How can you say that?!" she gasped, trying to get her anger under control. "Men are not superior to woman you idiot!" Rose screeched. (I probably got my history all mixed up. Let's just say that where Susan lived, men were higher up than the women.)
9:32pm Apr 12 2010
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Posts: 454
((Tehe, i think you did. That's okay though.)) Jackie was close enough to hear Rose shouting that men were not more superior than woman. He laughed and walked off in search of the river. He stopped for a moment, deciding that getting berries and wood would be better to do before. He did so using his jacket once more for the berries and popped a few in his mouth. He also took the wood and placed it near the camp. Having the dirt work done, he left to clean himself off.
9:50pm Apr 12 2010
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(xD. It doesn't help that history is my worst subject either. To prove it I have a stupid report card saying that I have a C in that cl*censored*. Plus the teacher is intent in failing all of us. T_T I love Jackie. He's so awesome x3) Rose sighed. She reached for her black bag. She had forgotten she had it. She pulled out some spare clothes, tossing hem to Susan. "Change out of those clothes. You look like a freaking maid."
9:55pm Apr 12 2010
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Posts: 454
((History is my second to the last subject that i'm good at. I sucketh at math and i have to do this stupid Olympics thing somewhere. DX and Jackie is weird.)) Jackie had finished cleaning himself and walked back to the others, picking up his jacket. He walked into the camp and placed it there then went to fetch the wood for the fire that was very low now. He put some wood in and sat back again, eating a few berries. He looked at the others and saw what was happening at the moment. He sat beside Rose. “So, how’s life?”
10:17pm Apr 12 2010
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She laughed. "A lot better now that Susie actually looks normal." she pointed to Susan. "Doesn't she look better now?" she asked, turning to Jackie. Susan looked up at the sound of her name being called. "Please, please stop calling me that Rose." Susan tried go be polite in asking, where as Rose just snorted, very un-politely. Rise turned back to Jackie. "I found some extra clothes in my bag. Ooohh... Here." she reached into her bag and pulled out a bag of Lays chips. "They're a bit stale, but that's okay. It's normal food!" she cried, giggling.
10:29pm Apr 12 2010
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Posts: 454
Jackie took the bag from her and popped it open, sending chips flying everywhere. He was stunned for a moment and laughed when he looked at Rose. There were chips covering her and he wondered if she was going to punch him. He shook his head as chips fell from his hair and got into his shirt. "Snap, i just took a bath." He frowned. He took one out of the bag, getting the greasy sticky feeling you get while eating potato chips. It tasted pretty good even if it was stale. He smiled, thanking her and held the bag open to Rose. Susan you want some?” He asked.
10:37pm Apr 12 2010 (last edited on 10:40pm Apr 12 2010)
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Susan shook her head. "She probably poisoned them." Rose rolled her eyes, grabbing a chip that was in her hair, and popped it into her mouth, sighing in contentment as she tasted the chip. Yes, they were good, but hey also made her feel more normal. She shook her head to get all the chips out of her hair, causing all of hem to whip toward Jackie. She looked at Susan. "Silly Susie. If they were poisoned than why would I be eating them?" she pulled a chip out of her shirt and popped it into her mouth, closing her eys, savourinv the flavor. "No one knows what they're missing."
10:47pm Apr 12 2010
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Posts: 454
“You’re missing out Susan. You ever had potatoes? Imagine that but not as soft or juicy. And they’re a bit saltier if you know what salt is.” Jackie sighed in relief; glad he didn’t get poked in the eye for his mistake. He too shook his head once more to get the chips off of him that Rose whipped towards him. Half of the bag was empty already ad most of the chips were on the ground. He handed the bag to Rose and ate the chips off the ground hoping ants wouldn’t beat him to it. He stood up. “I’m going to get some water. I’m thirsty. All who wish to come are welcome.” He glanced back at Rose and Susan.
10:56pm Apr 12 2010 (last edited on 10:59pm Apr 12 2010)
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"How old do you think I am?" she asked, a bit frustrated. "Of corse I know what potatoes are you dimwit!" she paused, "I'm sorry. Sometimes my attitude gets the best of me." she shrugged. Rose jumped up, dumping the rest of the chips into her mouth. She coughed before putting her hand to her throat. "I'm coming. The salt is burning my throat!" she croaked, faking a laugh. "Have fun Susie." she smiled sweetly at Susan. "Lets go get water." she turned to follow Jackie.
12:16am Apr 13 2010
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Posts: 454
Jackie turned back to glance at Susan, the phone still in her hand. "don't break my cell-- never mind. Have fun as Rose said." He walked with Rose through the forest, trying to follow the tracks he made earlier by scraping trees with his knife. They finally got there and Jackie splashed some on his face and sighed. "So... you want to talk about anything specific?" He glanced over to her.
6:13am Apr 13 2010 (last edited on 2:01pm Apr 13 2010)
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"Susan is so weird." she shook her head. She nelt down beside the strean and drank. She whipped her mouth on the back of her hand, thinking. "Not really. You?" She unlaced her shoes, throwing them off to the side and laued down against on the gra.ss. Closing her eyes, she felt really relaxed. (Braindead Dx)
2:54pm Apr 13 2010
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Posts: 3,141
((Back till 7res time)) Rune slumped down against a tree, suddenly not wanting to talk with the others. He felt kind of sick and the forest almost felt like it was spinning. He was still worried crazy about Dusty and, since he didn't know when sunset was, he was also worried about the others. They'll be fine. He told himself. He shook his head, feeling like a tree had just fallen on him. Dusty's ex pression grew sadder as he embraced her back. He was worried about Leah, even if he couldn't hurt her. Other than Rune, she was the only friend he had and he didn't want to scare her off. Any words he tried to say died in his throat. His body stiffened and he pulled himself away from Leah. He gave her a pained ex pression and clutched at his chest, as he felt the all-too-familiar burning begin to spread through his body. ((Gah, kinda braindead >_>))
6:19pm Apr 13 2010
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(I can't post... gotta wait for Stij. Dx)