5:00pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((OK, umm...where are they?))
5:02pm Apr 7 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 454
((By who you would be talking about--))
5:03pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((What? What is the setting of this RP?))
5:05pm Apr 7 2010 (last edited on 5:09pm Apr 7 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 454
((oh right. Okay, sorry. um... should it be in maybe a huge city or perhaps... a forest? I think the city sounds pretty good. THen there's lots of places for the people to wander aimlessly around.))
5:11pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Forest definitely ^^)) The thump, thump, thump of a small brown foot sent up small swirls of pine needles and leaves, causing stirring motions in the trees surrounding the small girl. Her teal hair swung past her eyes as she ran, from whom she did not know, only to run. Her breaths came in little pants and gasps, her sweaty hand reaching up to brush her hair out of her violet eyes. Her lithe body was covered with only a small ragged t-shirt and a pair of dirty old shorts. Her hands and feet were caked in dust and her hair greasy and oily. Stopping for a quick breather by a tree, Raithe bent over, reasting her hands on her knees while she sicked in great lungfulls of air.
5:22pm Apr 7 2010 (last edited on 5:25pm Apr 7 2010)
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Posts: 454
((Okay, great!)) Jackie sat up, and moved his hair out of his eyes. What was he doing here? He stood, feeling pain in his leg. He was at home with his sister, Leah. Suddenly he pas$ed out and then when he awoke, he was here. The sound of footsteps on leaves was all he heard and the rest was still. This forest was too dark for him. Way darker than it should have been. Leaves crunched and he rose to his feet, brushing off the brown and yellow leaves that clung to him. He could feel something. A strong pas$ion, a desire, and a feeling of loneliness, sadness. He had this power since a young age to detect the feelings, desires, and such of others. He turned his head and walked in the direction that he felt the strongest empathic connections. He wondered what Leah was doing now, but she needn't worry. Everything would be fine. ((wow, that took long))
5:42pm Apr 7 2010
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Raithe gasped and stood back up, brushing leaves and dirt off her filthy clothes. Sighing with regret, Raithe turned and walked through the forest again, trying to save what little energy she had by walking instead of running.
5:48pm Apr 7 2010 (last edited on 11:19pm Apr 7 2010)
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Posts: 454
Jackie took a deep breath. His mind was telling him to run, but he didn't feel like running. His feet broke out into a jog and the connection was getting stronger. He looked in the spaces of the trees he pas$ed, also listening for footsteps other then his very own. Constantly he stopped, either to change directions, listen for noises, or just to catch his breath. From the tree he stood behind, he found what he was looking for, the connections calling out to him were coming from a girl who appeared to be alone. Cautiously and quietly, he followed after her, noticing she stayed in the shadows, which he decided to do as well, thinking it necessary so she wouldn't notice him following her.
5:48pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Rune crouched by a small stream, splashing some water into his face. The cool liquid ran down the front of his neck and he rubbed his still-wet hand along the back of his neck to cool it off as well. When he was finished, he wiped his face on his sleeve and stood up. "Remind me again why you brought me out here, Dusty," he said, turning around to face the other boy he was with. "I thought you'd enjoy it." Dusty said, smiling. Rune scowled. "The real reason." He could always see through Dusty's lies. "Oh alright! I wanted you to play a trick on a bird. You know, one who just caught his lunch?" Dusty admitted, shooting Rune a hopeful look. "Not a chance." Dusty only smiled and grabbed Rune by the arm. "Maybe you'll change your mind if we find one!" He said as he dragged a protesting Rune farther into the forest.
5:50pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Raithe paused and closed her violet eyes, concentrating on her surroundings....a bird, owl maybe? A small squirrel family, ants....butterfly...and HUMAN!? she jerked her eyes open and glanced around cautiously, her eyes narrowing. "I know you're there so come out before I come after you," she growled.
5:56pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 454
Jackie stepped into the smallest bit of sunlight. "Though you hide in the darkness, i can still see you. But i don't just see you. I see everything within you. Your emotions, your feelings, even your dreams and desires. However, none are to be spoken. They should be treasured, as i do each and every day. I ponder people and their empathy. And now, I'm not the only one who's here. There are more people in this forest than you think." He whispered and retired back into the darkness, slipping behind a tree. What was said had been said and nothing more.
5:57pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Raithe sighed, "And I too, can see your greatest hopes and most devastating failures. I can feel your love, what you cherish and take joy in. But I can also change you, down to your very esence, your core, your emotions," she hissed, her eyes darkening a shade.
6:03pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 454
His face stayed calm,"That you can, and you are welcome to do it. I would like to cherish my emotions. My mind is stronger than the regular humans mind, even those who are like us, but with all your willpower and that large strength inside you, it is possible. I must leave now. I fear my sister is worrying about me. I don't know the way out of here, but i can find it soon enough." He turned to leave.
6:08pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Rune and Dusty had been walking for a while before Dusty suddenly stopped, causing Rune to bump into him. "Why'd you--" Rune began but Dusty slapped his hand over Rune's mouth before he could finish. He used his other hand to point in front of them where two other people were talking. Both boys silently ducked behind some plants just in time to hear what the male had said. They glanced at each other and silently agreed that they shouldn't make themselves know. They could sense something different about the two people. Something they shouldn't get involved with.
6:10pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Raithe snorted and turned around, stalking back into the undergrowth, "See if I care if you get lost," she called. She walked forwards steadily, trpping over Rune and Dusty, "Yeesh, who sits in the middle of a bush in the forest!" she yelled agrily, standing up.
6:14pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 454
"Obviously them", Jackie pointed at the two people crouching on the ground."Besides, it was your fault for not watching where you were going. You just ran into a bush." He laughed, teasing.
6:16pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Raithe turned back on him, "Oh? And what if I meant to do that?" she asked, rasing an eyebrow. ((Brainlag <.<))
6:17pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 454
"I'd say that's pretty reckless, but i wouldn't call it strange for someone like you. just ask those two." Jackie looked expectantly at them. (fail)
6:25pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Rune and Dusty stared in horror at the two people, unable to answer. "This is all your fault," Rune spoke up first, glaring at Dusty. "Dragging me into some forest just to prank a stupid bird!" Dusty glared back. "Is now really the time?!" "Yes, because if they kill me, I want you to know it was all your fault!" Rune growled. Totally caught up in their argument, both boys completely forgot about the others. It was common for this to happen, even if they were close friends.
6:29pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 454
Jackie slapped his hand over his eyes and walked off, away from the others where he would be able to get away from the loud noise. He would be able to hear his thoughts clearly once away from all the noisy people, a chance he didn't get very often since he lived in a large city. He was nearly away from them when his sister's voice rung out of nowhere. He ran into the trees in her direction.