6:38pm Apr 13 2010
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Posts: 454
((Sorrry i'm so late. Gets out of school at five res time and computer is going slow right now Dx)) Jackie laughed. “Yeah I guess she is kind of strange. But in a way, she reminds me of my mom.” He looked over at Rose’s puzzled ex pression and tried to imitate his mother in a woman’s voice. “Tuck your shirt in. Do the dishes and take the trash out. Make sure you don’t scuff your jeans.” He looked over and laughed. “Sorry about that.” Leah looked down at the gr*censored*. She didn’t want to leave Dusty all alone to suffer. She had controlled her powers but she wished thee was a way she could help him control his own. Her nose was getting runny and she wiped it with her sleeve. She felt a painful sadness come over her but she knew not what it came from. She looked up and wondered if she should check the sky once again. She shook her head and lay down in the gr*censored*.
6:55pm Apr 13 2010
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Rose laughed. "I don't remember my mum. She left when I was young." she shook her head. "I lived with my dad for a little while, but then he got lost in the alps, hiking. We used to live in Switzerland. Is that weird? Anyway, so then... then Brenn and I used the money that our dad left us and we enrolled at a boarding school ,with the help of a really close friend of ours. They never found him. My dad I mean." she shrugged. "You're lucky to have parents. I'd rather have a mother who always tells me to tuck in my shirst, clean my room, order me around, as long as I had one. It's better than having none at all." she put her arms behind her head and laughed. "I must be boring you. Talking about my life. Sorry." She looked up at the sky, staring at the setting sun. Something nagged at the back of her head. SOmething about sunset, something that concerned Dusty. Shrugging the thought off, she closed her eyes again.
7:05pm Apr 13 2010
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Posts: 454
Jackie sighed. "Sorry for bringing that up. Tell me as much as you want though. I'll listen. Seriously, people's lives are really the only thing that fascinates me. It's kind of strange." He itched his head, laughing. He sat next to her and looked more closely at her, waiting for an answer.
7:09pm Apr 13 2010
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Rose rolled her eyes. "We're all strange." she poked him in the shoulder. "Some more than others." she said, nodding her head in the direction of the camp, where Susan was. "How did she get here?" she asked, pursing her lips. "She says she's from West Virignia, but I highly doubt that." she shook her head.
7:14pm Apr 13 2010
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Posts: 454
“West Virginia? Was that even a state during 1941? I need to brush up on my history. Anyway, she says she fell into a large bubble from the sky. Kind of weird right? I would think she would bump off of it but she went right through. Maybe you have to be on the outside to come in?” He grabbed his head and leaned back. “I hate confusion.” He grunted.
7:22pm Apr 13 2010
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Rose shooked her head, grimacing. "I think that she needs mental help." she sighed, tucking a strand of platinum blonde-hair behind her ear. "You were there right? Did she fall from the sky?" she thought for a moment. "I guess maybe you can only come in the bubble if you are stange. Like us. We can do things normal humans would never even dream of doing. Well, they might... but," she shook her head again, "Anyway."
3:02pm Apr 14 2010
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((Ugh, I wont be around for long today. I swear, whoever destroyed my internet connection at my house is getting their head bit off! >_>)) The sun would be setting soon, Dusty could feel it. He was trembling violently and he dug his nails into the ground, trying to keep from crying out. The last few minutes before sunset was always painful and tonight was no exception. He looked over at Leah before he panicked and dashed off into the forest. He knew she would find him soon enough, but he wanted to spare her from having to watching him transform. He leaned against a tree, gasping for breath, as his body changed into the form of a large black werewolf. Aside from a tuft of white fur on his chest, he looked like he was made from the shadows. ((To lazy to describe the transformation >:P))
5:25pm Apr 14 2010
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6:34pm Apr 14 2010
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((Bleh, school. I might not get on too soon tomorrow because i have to go to Bakersfield to do this thing to represent my school. Cl*censored* president isn't very fun. Meetings suck. DX)) Leah watched as he dashed off. It was happening now. She desperately wanted to be able to see if the way he described it was as terrible as he thought but chasing him into the trees probably wouldn't make him feel very good. She looked back at the reflection-less water and straightened up, slowly floating after him. Jackie sighed. "Maybe you're right. I can't help feeling that this bubble involves Leah, but when i really think about it, it's the same with all of us. We all have to be here for some reason, or we wouldn't be here at all. Right?" He looked back at Rose, hoping she was following him in his conclusion.
6:45pm Apr 14 2010
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(rofl) "Maybe." Rose smiled, turning her head to stare at Jackie. "This can't be normal though. Maybe someone... imprisoned us in this bubble. I mean, with Leah being all ghost, Brenn and I being shapshifters, you being... telepathic? Or something? And then there's Dusty. And Susan, maybe she really did come from a different time. That would explain the 1941 thing. And the ugly clothes." she wrinkled her nose. "Maybe only people like us can get in, but normal people can't?"
9:07pm Apr 14 2010
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Posts: 454
"But you know, the real problems we're facing are one, why have only people like us come here, two, why are we here, and three, how do we get out?" He let out some air and leaned against a tree, crossing his arms. "You think we should be getting back now?" He glanced over to Rose.
9:41pm Apr 14 2010 (last edited on 2:05pm Apr 15 2010)
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Rose shrugged, sighing. "You can go back. I want to stay here." she laid back down beside the stream, lazily throwing her arm over her eyes, wishing she had a matress to rest on.
5:32pm Apr 15 2010
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Dusty snarled as his instincts took over. He staggered but caught himself on a tree, leaving long claw marks on the bark. He sniffed the air, ignoring the smells of the forest, they were nothing interesting, but when he caught the scent of humans his mouth twisted into a smirk. He shook his head, as if shaking away the last of his sanity, and let out a loud howl. He was ready to hunt and he enjoyed giving his prey a fair warning. After all, he was only like this one night a month, he had to enjoy it while it lasted.
7:00pm Apr 15 2010 (last edited on 7:05pm Apr 15 2010)
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Rose jumped up, hearing the howl. "Jackie, we have to go!" she cried, grabbing his hand and pulling him back to camp. "The howl, that's... that's Dusty!" she panted as she ran. "He's a were... werewolf! And he has no control over his instincts. He could kill one of us!" she bit her lip, feeling afraid for once in her life.
2:01pm Apr 16 2010
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2:12pm Apr 16 2010
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Dusty pawed around on the leaves for a few seconds, allowing his paws to get used to the sensation before walking off in the direction that he smelled the humans. He grinned, even as far away as he was, he could still smell the scent of fear. He was temped to let out another howl, but he held his tongue. He wanted to try to sneak up on these humans. At the sound of Dusty's howl, Rune jumped up, making himself dizzy from the sudden movement. He leaned against the tree for a second until it pas-sed then dashed off in the direction Rose and Jackie had went. The couldn't afford to be separated right now.
2:22pm Apr 16 2010
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Rose, even though she was a human, could make out the sounds of thunping paws coming near. She took a deep, shaking breath, tears forming in her eyes. She spotted Rune coming towards them. "Rune, it's past sunset! And do you hear that?" she pointed in the direction of the muffled footsteps. "He's coming."
6:49pm Apr 16 2010
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Posts: 454
((hi sorry i haven't been getting on recently. It's been hard with school and all. I didn't win an award at that competition thing either. Bleh, those math tests were a waste of time DX)) Leah narrowed her eyes and darted through the air to the camp where she came up to the others. "Everyone, Dusty is coming this way. He told me you should use force if you have to. He doesn't want anyone to get hurt and i honestly don't want to hurt him, but we don't want to let anyone get killed here." She eyed them each. Jackie was in some state of panic but he knew what was to be done. He only had powers of telepathy which meant he wasn't great fighter. But when situations cropped up, he would have to use levitation(which is part of telepathy mind you). He prepared himself. He was also confused as to why Leah was in her ghost form. He shook his head and looked towards the direction he thought Dusty might spring up in.
7:17pm Apr 16 2010
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Rose grabbed his arm. "Don't attack unless we have to. We don't want anyone to be lost too fast." she breathed. She took a step back and concentrated, feeling her body lengthen and sharp teeth piercing through her gums. She shifted into her Cheetah form. It was one of her fastest morphs, and it could also be used to fight. Brennion was still sleeping. (He's a heavy sleeper. Dx What a stupid character. I don't really like him anymore. :p)
11:49am Apr 17 2010
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Rune cursed and looked around. He was still furious at Dusty for not telling him about the moon so he wouldn't hesitate to try to beat Dusty unconscious. He grabbed a sturdy looking stick and quickly sharpened the tip with the small pocket knife he always carried around. If he couldn't get a corpse to fight Dusty, he'd do it himself the old fashion way. Dusty paused and sniffed the air. There was a group of humans just ahead. His mouth watered at the thought of his fangs ripping through their flesh. He crept forward, step-by-step until he was at the last line of plant-life that would hide him. Snarling, he jumped past it and landed on his back feet. He looked at each human before dropping to all fours and howling a battle cry.