1:39pm Apr 17 2010
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Rose leapt back, freaked out.she unsheathed her claws and prepared for a fight, fighting the animal instincts that were trying hard to take over, the instincts that told her to fight the were-wolf. She flexed her muscles, not knowing what to do. Brennion was still sleeping. (Hmph what a loser. >.>)
2:55pm Apr 17 2010
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Rune was the first to take action. He knew Dusty better than anyone and knew had had to take advantage of the momentary pause. Makeshift spear in hand, he lunged at Dusty and forced his weapon into Dusty's side, catching the werewolf off guard. Warm blood splattered onto Rune's face and Dusty howled in pain. Dusty growled and backhanded Rune with a large paw, sending him flying several yards before he crashed to the ground. Rune's spear still piercing his side, Dusty turned on Rose, snarling. She looked the most threatening at the moment. He attacked, slashing his claws out at her face. ((Aww, don't be so mean to Brennion XD I kinda like him :3))
4:06pm Apr 17 2010
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Rose yelped at the pain, warm red blood streaming down her right cheek. She momentarily lost her cheetah form, turning human again, before shifting back to animal form as a wolf and leaping onto Dusty, long-sharp claws going for one of his eyes. She snarled loudly, long canine teeth gleeming. Beside her she could see a streak of black. It was Keto, who dug her claws into Dusty's flank. (Fine. >.>) Brennion woke up, not really relizing that the wolf and the battle was actually not part of his dream. He stood up slgishly, brushing his bangs from his emerald eyes and staring at the wolf with amusement. I'm so imaginative. he thought to himself. He thought he was still dreaming.
8:26pm Apr 17 2010
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Leah looked at the others who all seemed to be perfectly on guard, that is, except for Brennion. She shook her head disbelieving it. Floating over, she knocked on the back of his head. "Dude! Wake up! This isn't reality!" She flew back over to her brother's side. Jackie glared at Dusty, still shocked that he was a werewolf. He glanced over to his sister and raised his hands, lifting up rocks from behind him. In a swift movement, the rocks were thrown over Dusty's head, covering him for a few minutes. Leah held her breath.
8:37pm Apr 17 2010
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(Did he foget that Rose is like, right there? She's sort of right infront of his head, so the rocks could easily hit her. Dx) Rose winced as a rock hit her in the back of the head. She turned her head to glare at Jackie. Seriously dude? She turned her head back to Dusty and clawed at his muzzle. Brennion turned to see who slapped the back of his head. A little freaked out that no one was there, he pinched his arms. Ugh, so not dreaming. He shifted into his wolf form, leaping toward Rose, with Laanie in pursuit.
4:56pm Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 454
Jackie looked back at Rose apologetically, forgetting she was there. This time he aimed, covering Dusty with branches and Rocks, and eventually a fallen tree. Leah looked over to Jackie, afraid he was going to hurt Dusty and himself. “Jackie you’re going to kill him!” she panicked. Sense snapped into him as he saw what he was doing and stood back. He sighed in disgust. I must be more of a monster than Dusty is.
5:07pm Apr 18 2010
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Rose slid off Dusty, turning back to human form. She started to back up so that ahe was behind Leah and Jackie. She put her hand on her cheek, rubbing away the still-warm blood. She winced when she felt bellow her eye. She could feel a gash there from when Dusty clawed at her face. She would definatly not come out of this fight unscared. Keto slashed her claws across Dusty's flank. "Knock him unconcious!" Rose suggested. "Then maybe we can relax or something!"
4:39pm Apr 19 2010
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Dusty howled in pain as each attack hit hard. Slightly dazed, he pushed the tree off himself and stumbled backwards, shaking leaves and droplets of blood from his head. He stepped back. This group was strong and he was outnumbered but he wouldn't back down. He snarled, his gold eyes flashing dangerously. Rune groaned and forced himself to his feet, he wasn't about to wimp out of this fight. He was surprised that being backhanded hadn't snapped his neck, but he wasn't complaining. "If we knock him out, he'll probably stay out for the rest of the night!" Rune said quickly. He picked up another branch and tested its balance. It was weighted like a club and just might do some damage is swung right. He sighed and gripped it tightly. He wished he could fight like a Necromancer and not a cornered human.
6:57pm Apr 19 2010
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(I could like... make her shapeshift into a boulder or something... :P)
7:10pm Apr 19 2010 (last edited on 7:10pm Apr 19 2010)
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Posts: 454
Leah stared in horror as each attack was fired towards Dusty. Come on! Snap out of it! She thought to herself, almost screaming it inside her mind. Nothing would happen until tomorrow, when he would return to normal. She shook her head and picked up some heavy rocks, hurling them at Dusty’s head. She had only just told Jackie not to kill him. Now she was afraid she might. She wanted to back out, but in this state he seemed invincible. He’s still Dusty though and I still like him no matter what. With that little bit of confidence in her mind, she tried even harder to do what he told them to do. Jackie backed off. Dusty would more quickly kill them than any of them hurting him. He gritted his teeth. Throwing another few trees onto him, he managed to hear Rune’s words. It would most likely be easier to keep everyone safe if Dusty were unconscious. He was angry too. You could call Jackie a clean freak and now, he was a really dirty person thanks to this stupid bubble. After this, he was looking forward to another bath. For the moment, he concentrated his attention on Dusty. ((FUnny Alice. GO ahead.))

7:23pm Apr 19 2010
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((Gah, you guys get on just as I have to get off. Evil Library Hours. DX)) Dusty dodged the trees easily, getting used to his body. He smirked and turned on Leah, dropping to all fours to face her. Rune took his chance to lunge at him, swinging his stick and hitting Dusty square in the ribs, cracking them. Dusty snarled and grabbed Rune by his collar, flinging him against a tree before returning his gaze back to Leah. He was figuring out the best way to finish her off. ((Ok gotta go!))
7:25pm Apr 19 2010
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{Zomigod! I just found some bubblewrap, so I probably won't be posting for a little while.} An idea popped into Rose's mind. She ran to Jackie. "See if you can throw me!" she cried. Brennion, hearing this turned to his sister, an incredilous look on his face. His thoughts were something along the lines of: WTH? Rose, seeing her brother, turned anhd made a thumbs up sign at him. She turned back to Jackie. "I can shapeshift into some big... thing. Oooh, like a boulder!" she laughed, giddy. "And you can drop me on him!"
7:26pm Apr 19 2010
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{Aww, bye. D:}
7:33pm Apr 19 2010 (last edited on 7:34pm Apr 19 2010)
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Posts: 454
Jackie knew that when Leah was in her form, she wouldn’t be able to get hurt. He continued to hurl things at Dusty, trees, twigs, logs, branches and rocks. Rose ran up to him and he felt stunned. "Um... well, it's worth a try, but don't blame me if you get hurt for it." He glanced back at his sister. Come on Leah, you can do it! He smiled to himself. Leah laughed mocking him. She wouldn’t have been doing it if he could control himself but it was ridiculous to see him rampaging around ridiculously. I’m sorry Dusty. She looked up at him and crossed her arms, looking him in the eye. “Well little critter, take your best shot.” She scoffed, a smirk on her face. “Don’t be surprised if you miss me though. It’ll be as if I wasn’t even there.” She floated in front of him, waiting for him to make an attack. Using a special trick she recently learned, she made multiple decoys of herself and they floated around him. She would make him confused then try to give the others a chance to knock him out. However, she didn’t know if her strategy would actually work.

7:37pm Apr 19 2010
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Rose nodded. "Ugh." she frowned, grimacing. "I hate going boulder. It makes me feal so fat." Rose concentrated hard, grimacing as her flesh and skin turned hard, so that she looked like a statue. A pretty nice-looking statue if I do say so myself. she thought to herself, laughing. A little moment later, she looked like a giant, round boulder. Keto made a terrible wailing sound, not knowing where Rose had gone.
7:48pm Apr 19 2010
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Dusty snarled as he was pounded by more items but tried to ignore it. He slashed at Leah, howling in surprise as his claws went through her. He did this for each of her clones with the same results. Snarling, he backed away, unsure of what to do. He had never faced someone he couldn't touch. He approached her again and this time gently touched her with his paw, pulling back as it went through. He whimpered softly and cocked his head, giving her a confused look. ((Haha! Back, for maybe one or two more posts, I'm not sure :/))
7:50pm Apr 19 2010
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(Post Stij! POST!)
7:52pm Apr 19 2010 (last edited on 7:55pm Apr 19 2010)
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Posts: 454
He looked over at Rose and nodded his head. Impressive. “Ready? Batter up.” He used his levitation and slowly lifted rose off the ground, hurling her at Dusty, aiming as best as he could. It would be a great shot. He laughed. Leah laughed as Dusty failed at touching her and landed over to his side. "Keep it up, you're trying your best. She pet his head and floated back up above him, though she only saw a large round thing sailing towards her as her decoys vanished and she faded as the boulder pas$ed through her body. She rejoiced in her mind. Glad I wasn’t human when that happened. She glanced over to Jackie who had a strange ex pression on his face. Leah shook her head and floated over to him. “What’s up?” She asked casually. His head snapped up as Leah appeared from nowhere beside him. “Look.” He pointed over to Rose.
8:00pm Apr 19 2010
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Dusty felt the large boulder come in contact directly with his face before he could do anything to stop it. Blood gushed from his forehead as he staggered backwards. He slumped against a tree not unconscious, but too stunned to do anything at the moment. He whimpered and clutched his head. Trying to stop the forest from spinning. Rune blinked open his eyes and forced himself into a sitting position, not trusting himself to be able to stand. "Is he out?" he asked, his eyes blurring slightly. There was only so many times he could be flung around without pas-sing out.
8:04pm Apr 19 2010
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Rose staggered a bit, turning human again. "Ugh. Remind me never to do that again." she rubbed her aching temples, shaking her head slightly. She stuck her tongue out and stood up. "We make a good team." she high-fived Jackie before turning back around and started walking toward Dusty. A few feet in front of him, she slowed down, approaching causiously. She nudged him with her foot. "Sorry Dusty." she whispered.