8:10pm Apr 19 2010
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Leah floated over to Rose and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Be careful." She lughed. "YOu okay though?" She turned her attention to Dusty and stood before him, her arms crossed and a warning frown on her face. She couldn't even resist being good to him when he was in this state. She felt sorry fro him and crouched next to him. "Attack if you must, but you'll lose a plenty blood. I know you can't control yourself right now Dusty, but you're in there somewhere, so hear me out. It must be frustrating to try to hit your target and never succeed in getting it." She shook her head. She had too much pride in her words. "Be prepared, this is only the beginning." She flew over to the others, observing them. "Leah! You're crazy." "Well, he can't break my limbs in a second like he can to you guys so it isn't dangerous. We need a plan to knock him out or something." "Well, think about it. For now, Is everyone all right?" Jackie looked at the others.
8:20pm Apr 19 2010
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Rune forced himself to stand up and walk over to join the group. "Nothing's broken in me, although I can't say I enjoyed being a human Frisbee." He looked over at Dusty. "Man, we did a number on him." he said quietly. His felt his stomach lurch as he realized how hurt Dusty was. That blow to his head might end up being fatal in the end. "Man, oh, man..." Rune muttered, trying to shake the thought from his head. Dusty's ears twitched at the sound of the the humans voices and he whimpered again. He didn't want them to attack anymore. Even without control of himself, his instincts told him he was defeated and he should be begging for mercy and forgiveness.
8:24pm Apr 19 2010 (last edited on 8:44pm Apr 19 2010)
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Rose held up three fingers. Keto jumped away from Brennion's side and joined her. (ooh a secret signal. >D) "Woozy, but good." she kept her eyes on Dusty, though she was answering Jackie. Brennion sighed. Laanie sighed next to him. "All good here." he answered.
8:28pm Apr 19 2010
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Leah closed her eyes. She felt like she was being too cruel. She glanced over to Dusty who was sitting against the tree. He looked like he was in pain. To be honest, so was she. It must have taken a lot inside of everyone to hurt him, mainly Rune. She sighed and floated over to the others, circling them. “I think he’s defeated but you should still be cautious. The moon ends tomorrow morning. Stay alert.” She whispered, dashing up above into the trees where she would be unseen. It was difficult for ghosts to cry, but she felt like she was about to. There was a deep stabbing pain on the inside. She longed to be home with his parents. Jackie watched as she disappeared. He let out a sigh and sat beside a tree directly across Dusty’s only about fifteen feet away. He would be cautious all right. Keeping a pile of rocks by his side, he leaned against the rough bark.
8:36pm Apr 19 2010
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Dusty looked up at the boy who approached him and cringed away from him. He knew this one could hurt him badly if he chose to. Rune watched and walked closer to Dusty, kneeling in front of him. Rune swallowed a lump in his throat. Dusty didn't deserve this, going mad then being beaten within and inch of his life. How was it fair? He reached out his hand to touch Dusty's face but quickly pulled back when Dusty snapped at him with a growl. Rune looked away, not even fighting the tears that started streaming down his face. He have the energy to hide them and he didn't care what anyone thought of it. ((Last post guys, sorry. Be back on tomorrow. Goodnight :3))
8:44pm Apr 19 2010
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Rose sighed. She put her head in her hands, tears streaming down her cheeks. "GOd, how did all of this happen?" she whimpered. "None of us asked for this." she frowned. Especially Dusty and Leah. But hey, I'd love to be normal too. she closed her eyes, wishing life was waaaay easier in real life, like it was in books and movies and TV. (Eww! Short post!)
8:45pm Apr 19 2010
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Posts: 454
((Aww... bye Zombie)) Leah wiped her eyes and the ghostly tears dripped off of her fingers, vanishing into thin air. She had no reason to cry. She laughed at her childishness. Looking through some branches, she was able to see the others without them being able to see her too well. She eyed everyone in the camp, mainly Jackie and Dusty. She also caught Rune in a state of sadness, which made her want to feel bad too. The good thing was that no one was hurt too bad. The bad news was that the good news was a lie. Dusty seemed to be hurt very badly, both physically and mentally. She brought a hand to her head. Being a ghost was strenuous. Jackie pulled his knees to his chest. He wasn't happy. No one was happy. And if anyone was happy, they should be ashamed of being happy. Happiness. He rolled his eyes. Is there such a thing? Sighing, he looked back at Dusty. He didn't look so good at the moment.
8:56pm Apr 19 2010
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"Do you guys wish you were dead?" she asked, her voice muffled because of her hands that were covering her mouth. Her blonde hair was haning infront of her face, creating a veil that covered her face. It shown like pale starlight in the moonlight. (Dunno what to post for now... D; Poor Dusty.)
8:59pm Apr 19 2010
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((I have to go for dinner. I don't have enough time to post at the moment. I'll be back on later. <.<))
9:03pm Apr 19 2010
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(Kay. Have a good... um... dinner. ^^)
10:18pm Apr 19 2010
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((I'm back.)) Jackie laughed at Rose's comment. "If you want me to take that literally, i guess at the moment, i kind of do. He sighed and looked up to where Leah took off. He felt that ever since they came here, they were slowly peeling away from each other. It hurt him, but he knew that t was beneficial to all of them. Jackie stood and walked over to Rose, and meaninglessly brushed her hair out of her face, smiling. "Guess for now we should all just hang in there." He stood again, walking back to his large rock pile. He was tired. Leah continued to watch the others. She too was tired and flew up above the trees to check the time by looking at the sky. It was sunset. The worst part of the day hadn't come yet if Dusty wanted to continue to fight. Floating back into the trees, she leaned back to glance at the leaves. One landed on her nose, causing her to sneeze. She sniffed and closed her eyes, suddenly snapping them open, remembering to keep alert.
9:41am Apr 20 2010 (last edited on 1:16pm Apr 20 2010)
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Rose sighed, and tied her hair behind her face with the velvet ribbon that was wrapped around her wrist. "I need to cut it." she noted. "It'll be easier when it's shorter." She grimaced, throwing the now-braid behind her back. The gash on her cheek hurt a lot though, despite her acting normal. She put her thumb onto the cut and winced, pulling her thumb back, seeing it was covered in blood. "Ugh." she grimaced again. (Zomigod. I forgot Susan. >>) Susan fainted in the corner of the clearing, never having seen a were-wolf. She hadn't ever seen a real wolf either. Or teleportation.Or ghost people who didn't seem to be affected by anything. Or even people who could shape-shift into other things. She just wanted to go home. Brennion sat next to Dusty, keeping him under his watchful gaze so if Dusty awoke, or tried to kill someone again, he would be the first to know. (I won't be able to get on anymore today. If I get on, that'll be a miracle.)
6:10pm Apr 20 2010
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Leah wished she could return to her human form so she could rest. Now was one of the rare times that ghosts felt tired. She also knew that she had excessively used her powers more than she had in her life. She sighed in exhaustion and relief. Hopefully, Dusty wouldn't attack anymore. Jackie looked at the others, suddenly feeling a sharp stabbing in his stomach. He forgot how hungry he was. He stood up and smiled at the others. "I'm going to look for some food. Keep an eye on him." He pointed to Dusty. He walked off into the forest, tossing a sharp rock up and down in his hand. If he were to be attacked, he had plenty of things to throw. ((Aww... bye alice.))
6:12pm Apr 20 2010
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Rune flopped back onto the ground and looked around at everyone. No one seemed seriously injured, a few scratches here and there, but nothing Dusty would fret over the next day. He spotted Susan and rolled over onto his stomach, propping himself up on his elbows. "The girl from the 1940's p*censored*ed out." he announced, not really caring but figuring it was worth mentioning. He stretched out and cringed at the pain it brought. Nothing was broken but he'd be dealing with bruises for some time. He flipped over onto his stomach again. "I'll find them," he muttered quietly to no one in particular. "I'll find them and I wont just kill them, I'll destroy them." He closed his eyes and sighed. He had said that so many times about the werewolves who changed Dusty, and now he vowed to do it to the ones that had put them in this stupid forest. They wont get away with this.
6:25pm Apr 20 2010
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Posts: 454
Jackie found some berries as a squeaking rose from his pocket. He forgot about Scratch. Pulling the small creature out of his pocket, he handed him a nut, placing him on his shoulder and softly rubbing his head. Jackie to his jacket and again used it as a basket to carry berries. He stopped at a large area filled with berry bushes and picked them off one by one, placing them inside. He must have picked two whole bushes when he was finished. The “basket” was overflowing with berries; there was enough for everyone times two. Deciding he had more time on his hands than he thought, he carried it down to the river and dipped it in the water. He carried it back and sat it down carefully, having to hold it in his lap to keep the berries from rolling out onto the ground. He popped a few into his mouth, enjoying the delicious taste.
6:37pm Apr 20 2010
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Rune smelled the berries but instead of feeling hungry it just made him feel sick. Still, he got up and moved to sit by Jackie. "I'm sorry, dude." Rune said quietly. "None of this would of happened if we weren't here." He looked up at the tree Leah was in. She had only known Dusty for a short time, but Rune thought that she was even more upset then he was. He sighed and looked down at his hands. What good was he? Three years had p*censored*ed since Dusty had become a werewolf and all Rune had done was hide from him during the full moon. Maybe if he wasn't such a coward he could of helped more and Dusty might of been better off.
6:45pm Apr 20 2010
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Posts: 454
“Hey, don’t worry about it. It would have happened anyway even if we weren’t here. Leah just needs some time to be alone.” He glanced to the direction Rune was looking. He popped a few more berries into his mouth and handed one to Scratch who happily squeaked. Leah was listening to their conversation. She was hungry too. She went up into the trees. It was dark out, most likely around seven or eight now and the moon was beginning to rise higher into the sky. She sighed. She was hungry too but in her ghost form, she couldn’t eat anything. She was already beginning to feel the effects of her humanity returned to her. She hoped Dusty faced the same results.
6:46pm Apr 20 2010
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Posts: 454
((*She went up into the trees.* meant above the trees... doesn't feel like editing.))
6:58pm Apr 20 2010
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(:O look who showed up!) Rose ran to Jackie, having realized she had been starving while he was gone. She plunged her hand into the basket, pulling out a handful of berries. throwing them in her mouth hungrily, she sighed. "What would we do without you?" she laughed, poking Jackie in the shoulder. "Good berries."
7:02pm Apr 20 2010
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"I suppose you're right, still, we didn't help." Rune sighed. He was exhausted but he couldn't and wouldn't sleep. He watched Scratch and smiled slightly. "He's cute," Rune commented, holding out one of his fingers for Scratch to sniff. He looked over at Rose and laughed darkly at her question. "We'd all be dead. He's the only reason Dusty hasn't ripped us to shreds by now." Dusty slowly opened his eyes and yawned. He shook his head to get rid of some blood that was dripping into his eye and looked around. The forest still seemed to be spinning causing him to growl in frustration and fear. Like this, any of these humans could attack him and he'd be useless to defend. He clutched his side where Rune had hit him, knowing at least one of his ribs were broken. In a situation like this, he was as good as dead.