7:07pm Apr 20 2010 (last edited on 7:08pm Apr 20 2010)
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Jackie watched as the berries disappeared into Rose’s mouth. He couldn’t help but let out a laugh. “I don’t know. You all might not be able to survive without me.” He joked, turning his nose up into the air with a prideful smile. “Anyway, eat up. I don’t feel like I want meat at the moment.”He stuck out his tongue. Leah floated down and came behind Rose. She patted her on the back and picked up a single berry, tossing it up into the air. She would have tried to put it in her mouth, but eating food in ghost form was hard. She instead glanced worriedly over to Dusty and frowned. It hurt to see him in pain but he must have been feeling even worse. She knew he probably didn't have his senses back but she couldn't help but ask him. "Are you okay?" She crouched beside him;she didn't have to worry about being hurt or anything. ((Yay Alice!))
7:16pm Apr 20 2010
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Rune laughed, punching Jackie's shoulder in a friendly manner. "You give a guy one compliment and his ego swells to the size of a hot air balloon!" He smiled. "But seriously, nice work, both of you." Rune said, looking from Jackie to Rose. Rose's quick thinking was probably the only reason they didn't have worse injuries. Dusty responded to Leah by growling at snapping at her. She was one of the reasons why he was so hurt. Still, curiosity got the better of him and he slowly lifted a paw up to try and touch her. His claws were sheathed since he wasn't trying to hurt her. He only wanted to know why he couldn't touch her. He pulled his paw back and looked at her, cocking his head to the side and giving her a quizzical look.
7:20pm Apr 20 2010
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((Gah, gotta go. Dang. >_> Don't get too far without me ^^ Goodnight))
7:28pm Apr 20 2010 (last edited on 7:29pm Apr 20 2010)
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Posts: 454
((Bye ZOmbie!! SLeep well. XD)) Leah sat there as his paw went through her. She sat there beside him Indian-crossed-style and smiled sadly. Return to normal soon please. She thought to herself. She leaned back against the tree and fell into the tree trunk, quickly pulling herself out. She wasn’t concentrating enough on surrounding objects she found, as she began to sink into the ground. She floated back up, this time remaining in the air. She blew her transparent hair out of her face and hovered above him. Jackie watched Leah and Dusty. It was odd to see how Dusty was acting even though he must have been in so much pain. He wanted to help, but he might just be clawed or snapped away. A few months ago, he had taken medical clas$es with Leah, so they knew how to do splints and stuff. He rested against the tree, eating a few more berries.
5:00pm Apr 21 2010
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Rose elbowed Jackie in the shoulder, grabbing another handful of berries and dumping them into her mouth. She turned around, licking her lips, then whiping her mouth against the back of her hand. "Think he's gonna attack again?" she asked, nodding toward Dusty.
11:09pm Apr 21 2010
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Jackie shrugged. “Beats me. He looks pretty warn out right now.” He turned back to the food sitting in front of him and ate a few. He looked over at Susan, who appeared freaked out beyond all imagination and at the moment, bored. Then again, she fainted long ago even though her facial expressions and feelings were obvious to him even in her sleep. Looking turned back to Dusty and Leah, next to Brennion, then over at Rune, and back at Rose. He yawned and closed his eyes. “I’m tired.” He thought aloud.
7:39am Apr 22 2010
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Rose rolled her eyes. "Why shouldn't you be?" She leaned backwards so she was leaning against a trree. "After using my shapeshifting too much, it makes me pooped. Wicked tired. Sometimes sick, too. Maybe it's the same with your power? Or maybe it just has something to do with the fact that it's night." she shrugged. (Seems like she's always leaning against a tree... hmm.)
3:50pm Apr 22 2010
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"I doubt he'll cause any more trouble tonight." Rune said, picking up a berry and examining it. "Dusty isn't the type to try to fight to the death. Once he's hurt, he won't attack again unless he feel's threatened." He put the berry up to his lips, debating on if he should eat it or not. He was starting to feel hungry but the thought of eating made him feel sick. He dropped his arm back down with a defeated sigh. "You guy's can sleep if you want," he offered. "I'll wake you if anything happens." There was no reason for everyone to be exhausted, and Rune didn't think he would sleep tonight even if his life depended on it. Dusty watched Leah in amazement. He looked over at the tree she had sunk through and put his paw against it. When it didn't go through, he tried to push against it harder. Finally giving up, he dropped his paw and looked back at Leah with an annoyed ex pression. He growled at her, confused, before giving up and slumping back against the tree. His head was throbbing dully and it was getting harder to breathe thanks to his broken ribs. He whimpered again and closed his eyes. ((Sorry for not being on yesterday. Allergies kept me in bed all day DX))
9:19pm Apr 22 2010
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Jackie laughed. “It’s not really that complicated actually. When I use my powers, I don’t wear out, I just need energy to use them. That does make sense, right?” Looking over to Rune he felt sympathy though he didn’t know exactly why. “I feel exhausted, but I couldn’t sleep if I tried.” He hung his head. Leah felt bad that Dusty looked so hurt. When would this end? She didn’t even bother to go above the trees to check what time it was. Instead, she floated up a little higher and tossed more logs into the fire that no one seemed to be paying attention to. She grabbed a large block of wood and took out her knife, obviously trying to carve something. ((Haven't really had time to get on. Alice- It isn't like there's really anything else to lean on, right? Zombie- hope you get better))
10:06pm Apr 22 2010
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(*shrugs* Ugh. Alergies are THE worst.) Rose shrugged. "I guess it does." ahe turned to stare at Dusty. She gasped when the logs dropped into the fire, but then sighed when she remembered Leah's power. "Well, I can sleep. I can always sleep. Nothing can stop me from sleeping. Even the fate of the world." she put her head on her knees and sighed, closing her eyes.
10:16pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 454
((looks like a lot but my mind is blank)) Jackie yawned and closed his eyes as well. Fate? What is fate? For once in my life, i don't think i know what fate is anymore. He itched his nose and tried to rest, which would be difficult as he told Rune earlier. He found out that he was sleepier than he thought he was. Leah looked over and switched invisible, secretly grabbing a berry and walking over to behind a tree. She slipped it in her mouth and it fell through her body, dropping to the ground. She frowned. It was then that she decided to fly up and check what time it was. She flew up and was about five feet off the ground when her powers weakened and she fell with a thud onto her back. She groaned. This only happened late at night, so it must have been pretty late. Still determined to check, she tried to return to a ghost. Her powers seemed to switch off like a light switch. She suddenly felt extremely tired and and cold and shivering, she dragged her feet as she wandered back to camp. When she returned, her eyes automatically shut and she plopped face plant onto the ground in front of Rose. It was always like this on her birthday. At least she'd be able to rest for the moment.

10:44pm Apr 22 2010 (last edited on 4:27pm Apr 24 2010)
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"Nice to see you again Leah." Rose murmured, opening one eye. She put her arm around Leah's shoulders and pulled her next to her. "Sleep. You'll feel better when you wake up, trust me." And she said all this while she was on the verge of subconciousness. Rose was used to talking when she was half asleep. (Dunno what to post either.)
2:55pm Apr 23 2010
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Rune watched Rose and Leah quietly before standing up, groaning as the action put strain on his all-ready-sore body. He glanced over at Dusty, who was still slumped against a tree, looking miserable, and walked over to sit in front of the fire. Rune watched the new logs burn for a bit before looking at the berry that was still in his hand. He crushed it between his fingers and watched some of the juice run down his hand before wiping it on his pant leg. He sighed, deciding that the first thing he'd do after he got out of this bubble would be to strangle whoever caused all this. Still, this really isn't too bad. We would have never all met if we hadn't ended up here. He groaned. He was starting to think with that optimistic attitude Dusty usually had. ((Maybe we should skip close to sunrise? I dunno.))
6:42pm Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 454
((that actually isnt a bad idea. Let's go.)) Leah woke up to a dim light surrounding them and she yawned. Rose was piled on top of her. She felt tired still but decided to get up. Carefully moving Rose off of her, she crawled from beneath her and stretched, finding her arms and legs to be most of the pain in her body. From what was left of the berries, she took one and popped it in her mouth, eventually spitting it out to find it had mold on it. She tossed a log into the fire and glanced over at the others. Jackie was asleep. She stripped her hoodie and gently placed it over Dusty's shoulders. He was breathing so she knew he was alive. She decided to go and wash her face in the river, heading off in that direction.
4:30pm Apr 24 2010
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Rose sat up, rubbing her eyes groggily. She saw Leah walk toward the stream. She smiled. Sunrise is near. Sunrise is near! she chanted in her head. She decided she was still too tired, so she grabbed her bag and used it as a pillow.
4:59pm Apr 24 2010
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Leah managed to see Rose stir before she left. She smiled. She reached the river and bent down to wash her face, splashing the cold, refreshing water onto her skin. She wiped her face on her sleeve and pulled her hair back into a hair tie on her wrist. She breathed in the pine smell that she was used to now. She still ached but she felt oh so refreshed. Jackie yawned as he awoke. He shivered and walked over to the fire, still half asleep. Brushing his hair out of his eyes, he pulled his sweater more tightly over his shoulders, his eyes still closed.
4:31pm Apr 25 2010
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(I think that when Dusty awakes we should try to get 'em out of the bubble =])
5:43pm Apr 25 2010
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Rune opened his eyes with a start and looked around in panic. When had he fallen asleep?! He sighed and stood up, stretching his arms over his head and muttered a greeting to Jackie. He dropped his arms to his side and walked over to Dusty, who at some point had transformed back to his human form. Rune crouched beside him and checked his breathing, brushing some of the dried blood from his friend's face. He stood up and left the clearing quickly, not wanting to disturb Dusty or anyone else. He needed to hunt and he should probably see about finding Dusty's shirt and shoes. He paused for a moment before heading in the direction of the river. Hopefully there would be some animals around that area.
4:36pm Apr 27 2010 (last edited on 4:50pm Apr 27 2010)
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Rose got up, sighing. Even though she wanted to go back to sleep, she just was too bored. Which was weird put that way, but hey... She undid the ribbon holding her hair up, running her fingers through her messy blonde locks. "What's on the agenda for today?" she asked, realizing that most people were up and awake already. (ZOMG Stij! D;)
5:28pm Apr 27 2010
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Rune sighed and sat down on a tree root. He was well enough away from the camp for him to gather his thoughts. He really didn't want to have to stress himself out but thinking about the situation at hand, but he knew it was necessary if he wanted to get out of this forest. Dusty slowly opened his eyes. His body felt numb, but that was too be expected. After a full moon he always felt weaker due to his body reverting back its normal state. Slowly, his body started to respond to him and he tried to sit up. Unfortunately, his sense of pain returned at that moment and the results of the night before rushed back to him. He fell forward onto his hands and knees, clutching at his side and biting his bottom lip to prevent himself from screaming. Leah's hoddie fell from his shoulders and he dug his fingers into the soft ground, his whole body shaking from pain.