5:46pm Apr 27 2010
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(I'm listening to "Hey Soul Sister" by Train. I luuuvv it! I keep singing along with it. ^^) Rose turned her icey blue gaze to Dusty, wondering where Leah was. Surely Leah would want to be with Dusty when he woke, right? Rose shrugged to herself, the events of last night flowing back into her brain. She turned her eyes to the sky, wishing she was free of the stupid forest. She looked back at Dusty, slinking over to him. "Do you need anything?" she asked, crouchinginfront of him, her eyes sad. "You took a few sharp blows, if I do say so myself." she stood up again.
6:15pm Apr 27 2010 (last edited on 6:16pm Apr 27 2010)
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((Never heard it :| I'd look it up but I'm at the library right now XD)) "Gah! What did you guy's do?! Run me over with a train?!" Dusty spat, annoyed. Eventually, his body became a little more accustomed to the pain and he was able to think a bit clearer. "...Sorry," he said quietly, giving Rose a sad look. "I shouldn't have yelled at you." After all, he was the one that told them, a group of kids with special powers, to use forced against him. He should have expected the pain.
6:36pm Apr 27 2010
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Posts: 1,966
(I <3 that song. That's too bad. no internet at your house?) Rose laughed, covering her mouth with her hands. "Why are you apologizing?" she shooked her head, smiling. "Anyone that was in your position would do the same. Snap at me, I mean. If I were you, I'd do the same thing." She brushed the dust and dirt from the back of her skirt. "But seriously. Anyway, if you weren't hurt and all right now, I'd probably throw a rock at you. For trying to ruin my face." she slid her fingers down the cut on her right cheek. "No blood. Anyway, where's Rune? I'd think he'd want to be here when you woke up. Er... changed back, I mean."
6:51pm Apr 27 2010
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((Yeah, its been out for ages. I bought a modem, but Verizon forgot to send me the CD so my laptop can get its signal >_>)) Dusty cringed as he looked at the cut Rose was pointing at. "Sorry..." he apologized again. He didn't really care if anyone though he had the right to snap at them, he still would apologize for it. He cringed again at her question. "Rune's...probably off somewhere. Even if he doesn't admit it, he hates me around the full moon. I don't think he wants to be around me right now." He said sadly, rubbing his hands together and shivering from the cold. Fur was useful but right now he really wished he had his shirt.
7:04pm Apr 27 2010
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Posts: 1,966
(Ahh... I hate it when my mom unplugs the wireless. I can't imagine what would happen if the internet left my house. I feel sorry for you. D;) Rose shook her head, frowning, putting her hands on her hips. "Pfft. Don't act so hopeless. We all hated you during the full moon." she rolled her eyes. "I mean, seriously. If you were attacked by a were-wolf, would you hate them? While they were... wolf..ish? 'Course. The point is, you're not the were-wolf anymore, your Dusty. The weird, human-looking Dusty."
7:13pm Apr 27 2010
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((Well first you'd probably get very irritable then suffer from withdraw symptoms, cuz that's what happened to me XD)) "Yeah..." Dusty muttered. He couldn't help but remember that night when he first transformed. He clenched his fists. Those werewolves were the only creatures he ever wanted to kill, he still wanted to. He shook his head to clear his mind. No, it's totally different. He realized. Then something dawned on him. "Wait, I'm weird?" he asked, surprised. He didn't expect to be called 'weird' by someone who was different just like him.
7:24pm Apr 27 2010
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(Oh... Oh that's scary! :O) Rose smiled, rolling her eyes. "'Course. Why wouldn't you be?" she looked at the ground, deciding to sit down. She folded a leg underneath her, pacing her hands on her lap. "Becoming 'special' also means becoming 'weird'. It's a package deal." she explained. "Duh." she shook her head.
5:39pm Apr 28 2010
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"Well, I didn't ask to become 'special' or 'weird'," Dusty said grumpily. He crossed his arms over his chest, wincing at the pain it caused for his ribs. Trying to get rid of the pain, he took a deep breath only causing more pain to spike through his side. He clenched his teeth in annoyance and hissed. "This is impossible," he muttered crossly, once most of the air was out of his lungs. How was he supposed to survive in a forest with what felt like broken ribs and a cracked skull, which was still throbbing dully.
5:54pm Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 1,966
Rose shooked her head, closing her eyes, wondering why she was what she was. "None of us did. None of us asked to be 'special' or 'weird'." she cracked her knuckles. "What would I give to be normal..." she shook her head. "This is sooo confusing." she growled.
6:04pm May 3 2010
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Posts: 3,141
((I'm trying to kinda pace out our posts so we don't get too far without Stijix...)) Dusty chuckled darkly, flinching as it caused more pain to his side. "I guess life would be boring if we weren't like this. Plus, I don't think we would have ever met if we were normal." He smiled warmly at Rose. "It's kinda worth the confusion, if you ask me."
2:56pm May 4 2010 (last edited on 8:33pm Aug 23 2010)
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(Ahh.) Rose shrugged, throwing her hair over her shoulder. She flicked a musquito off of her leg, finding it annoying. "But really? Would you rather be nromal, and out of this bubble, than weird and stuck in a bubble for LIFE?" she exagerated a bit on the "life" part, but whatever. (Dunno what to post at the moment... dx) Staff, don't delete this. We're waiting for someone. :/