6:43pm Apr 7 2010
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Dusty heard Jackie walk off and jumped up, startling Rune. "Come on!" he said simply, pulling Rune to his feet. Dusty didn't want to be left with Raithe and figured chasing after the other boy was a much safer option. Grabbing Rune's hand, he quickly pulled his friend after Jackie, hoping he hadn't gotten too far.
6:48pm Apr 7 2010 (last edited on 7:04pm Apr 7 2010)
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Jackie ran up to Leah who was calling out his name loudly. He hushed her and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her behind some trees. "Shh..." "Why are we hiding?" "Umm... i don't know. How did you get here anyway?" "Shortly after you pas$ed out, i ran around the house and then i pas$ed out and woke up here. Is that how you got here?" "Sheesh, panic much? But yeah, same thing happened to me." "Are we hiding because there's other people here? I can turn us invisible you know. GHost powers remember?" "DO it then!" "Alright sheesh." Leah rolled her eyes, turning them both invisible. ((I'm sorry, i GTG! Ill be back at 10:00 res time! Bye!))
7:05pm Apr 7 2010
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Dusty skidded to a stop causing Rune to crash into him. "Oww will you stop doing--" Dusty clapped his hand over Rune's mouth to quite him but Rune pulled his hand off. "Stop doing that too!" "His scent ends here." Dusty muttered. Even though it wasn't the full moon, Dusty kept some of his Werewolf traits such as keen sense of smell and hearing. "What?" "His scent ends here," Dusty repeated so Rune could hear him. "and I can smell another girl too." Rune dropped to his knees and began digging in a pile of leaves. "Ok, so where are they?" "I dunno, too many scents." Rune found what he was looking for and pulled his hand away from leaves. Dusty smiled. Hanging onto Rune's hand was a mouse skeleton. "I love that you can do that." Dusty said. Rune shrugged, poking the skeleton with his finger. "So what's our next move? Go home?" Dusty shrugged as well. "Dunno."
7:12pm Apr 7 2010 (last edited on 7:14pm Apr 7 2010)
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((Hehe! Sneaked on!)) Jackie let Leah go and they silently walked out, their bodies returning to normal. "I think they're gone." Jackie smiled. "ANd who cares if they're not?" Leah looked at him annoyed. "Um... good point. Let's find a way out of here." They looked around and began to walk west, looking for any signs of an escape out of the forest back to their big city.
7:15pm Apr 7 2010
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(What did I miss? :O Or should I just read through 'till I catch up?)
7:16pm Apr 7 2010
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((Hi alice! Aw, you came when i was about to leave! i have to go soon but i'll be back at 10:00 pm res time! YOu should probably just read and try to get your characters in somewhere.))
7:17pm Apr 7 2010
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(K. I'll have to leave soon again anyway, so I'll read post, and then whatever.)
7:22pm Apr 7 2010
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Dusty turned his head to the side sharply, then dashed off, startling Rune. He ran for a few seconds before jumping out of the bushes right in front of Jackie and Leah. "Hah! Found you!" he said triumphantly. Rune jumped out after him a few seconds later, the mouse still in his hand. "Don't run off like that--" he shouted at Dusty before spotting the twins. The mouse bones collapsed in his hand before falling to the ground. "Oh...hi..." he said, looking at the two nervously.
7:25pm Apr 7 2010 (last edited on 7:30pm Apr 7 2010)
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Rose Ann was holding tightly onto the branch of an old oak tree, just a few meters above the people gathered bellow. Huge tawny eyes gleaming with curiousity, framed by a face so feline that anyone who walked by would think they saw a real cat. But no. She's human. Was human anyway, thought she was human, before she realized she could change forms. Suddenly she sneezed as a disqusting fly landed on her quivering black nose. She nearly fell from the branch, only her long and hard cat claws digging into the bark of the branch. There was a sickening crack and the branch fell to the ground, leaving a long, lean tabby cat and a rather large branch tangled up on the forest floor, where everyone could see her.
7:37pm Apr 7 2010
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Dusty's head snapped up at the sound. A growl rose in his throat. He had spotted the cat and man did he hat cats. Rune looked over at Dusty then followed his gaze up to Rose. He grabbed onto Dusty just as he lunged. "No! Bad Dusty! Don't kill the kitty!" Rune shouted, holding down his friend. Dusty relaxed slightly, showing he gave in, and Rune released him, letting out a sigh. Suddenly the branch fell and both boys jumped. Rune rushed over to the cat. "Are you ok?" he asked, quietly, holding out his hand to touch her.
7:46pm Apr 7 2010 (last edited on 8:04pm Apr 7 2010)
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Rose leaped back, snarling, transforming back into human form, letting out a hiss. Very catlike, even though she wasa still in human form. She shook her head and her long, thick hair flew around her head. "I'm fine." she grimaced, glaring up at the twisted yew tree with anger. How can you be angry at a tree? she asked herself, thinking she was growing crazy. "Rose Ann. But you can call me Rose." she swallowed. "Does anyone know why I'm here? I kind of... just... woke up here." Behind her the branches of a small bush started quivering.Rose turned and looed at the bush expectantly, and suddenly a pair of icey blue eyes could be seen in the middle of the bush. Rose smiled, gald that her wolf companion throughout the years was still with her. "Keto." she breathed, putting her arms around the wolfs dark silky head, burrying hernose in his soft fur.
"Anyone know where we are?" she asked. Someone now was next to her, hand on her shoulder. "Rose." The person sent through her head. "We've been looking for you everywhere." "We?" Rose said telepathically, raising her eyebrows. "Laani, Keto, and I." he said outloud. Rose nodded. (Rose Ann and Brennion(her brother, see next post for bio) can share thoughts telepathically. Something that has to do with having the same power they believe.)
7:59pm Apr 7 2010 (last edited on 6:29pm Apr 9 2010)
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Name- Brennion Carter(Brenn) Age- 16 Gender-Male Special ability-Same as his sister (if that's okay?)Shapeshifting. Personality- Same as his sister. Looks-http://i25.tinypic.com/smcdx4.jpg(Shoulder length hair), emerald green eyes, tall, tan, and has a croocked smile. Other-Brother to Rose Ann(Rose) Family Relatives- Rose Ann(Rose) Pet-Laanie Gender-Female Age-Young Adult Species- Wolf Looks-Exactly like Keto, but with emerald green eyes.
8:03pm Apr 7 2010
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"That cat just turned into a human," Rune said, surprised. He looked back to Dusty, who nodded, signalling that he saw it too. A wolf emerging from a bush added to the boys surprise. Rose's question caught them off guard as well. "We do...well we did...Dusty where are we?" Rune turned to he friend. Dusty looked around then shook his head. "Truth is I stopped knowing were we were ages ago." "Ugh, great, that means we're lost too..." Rune sighed. He looked back to Rose. "Anyways, my name is Rune and the young man over there who tried to eat you is called Dusty." He introduced.
8:08pm Apr 7 2010 (last edited on 8:09pm Apr 7 2010)
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(I edited my last post, just so you know. Added in Rose's brother, Brenn.) Rose snickered, grimacing, glaring at the brothers. "Something about a bird." she sighed, a bit annoyed. "I think it's a forest." Brenn said. "No duh, stupid." Rose punched her brother in the arm, not at all being gentil. Brenn rubbed his arm where Rose punched him. "Oh, this is Brenn. He's my brother. His wolf there, Laanie, is sister to Keto, my wolf. Both of them are attached to us in some way, so they know when we're in trouble." "We shapeshift." Brenn said after a moment. "Just to explain the cat thing." (I gotta go. See ya. :D)
8:39pm Apr 7 2010
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((See ya, and just pretend like they noticed him when he showed up *doesn't feel like editing*)) "Shapeshift...?!" Rune muttered. Dusty was equally surprised but didn't say anything. He quickly walked over to Rune and grabbed his collar, pulling him down so he could whisper in his ear. "Should we tell them?" Dusty whispered nervously. Rune turned his to Dusty and hid his mouth behind his hand. "Did you have to make it so obvious that we have something to hide?" he hissed. "But...no. Not yet at least. We better just act normal for now." he finished. He pulled away to look back at Rose and her brother. "That's pretty impressive." Rune said giving them a fake smile. Dusty nodded.
10:19pm Apr 7 2010
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Seeing that they were all caught up in conversation, Jackie began to back up from them all. Leah looked his direction, confused and seemed to understand his facial appearances. She nodded in agreement. The people were just like them. With special abilities. Jackie and Leah slowly scooted into the shadows, not managing to have been noticed.
10:30pm Apr 7 2010
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Dusty sighed. Those two never learned. "I know you guys are trying to leave so get back over here." he announced to Jackie and Leah. Both his sense of smell and hearing tipped him off. Now that he knew where they were and what they smelled like. They wouldn't be able to get away that easily. 'So much for acting normal' Rune thought, bending down to scoop up the mouse skeleton and pocket them. Full skeletons were hard to find.
10:40pm Apr 7 2010
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Leah stood to her feet and went to face Dusty and Rune. She pouted and said upset,"What do you guys want anyway? We're only trying to get back home. Sheesh." "Maybe we should stay. Obviously, there's something they need to tell us. Anyway, these people are quite fascinating." Jackie slowly approached. "You would say something like that. I wasn't the one who wanted to be a psychologist." She crossed her arms and stubbornly sat down at Dusty's feet. she began to run her fingers through the leaves and pine needles. "Hey, don't get mad at me because i like studying people, ghost girl." "Yes i am and i'm proud of it." She looked up to Dusty. "What are you staring at?"
11:02pm Apr 7 2010
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Dusty blinked. "Err...nothing," he said quickly, looking away. There was something about Leah that fascinated him, but he couldn't tell what. "And I only think that we should stay together. This forest is unfamiliar to all of us, so we don't know what's out here. Our best option would be to stick together until we know where we are." Rune nodded. "I agree. I'm sure each of us could hold our own against danger, but the fact is we stand a better chance together. Safety in numbers." "So what do you say?" Dusty asked.
11:08pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 454
"It's a good plan." Jackie crouched beside Leah, an apologetic look on his face. He didn't like it when his sister was upset with him as they shared a close connection. She turned her head, still a little upset. "Whatever." Leah found a small branch and snapped it in half. "Well, looks like we'll be stuck together for a while. We might as well stick together for the time being. Though, i woke up here just as soon as i was about to enjoy my lunch. I guess you could say i'm a bit hungry." He laughed. Seeing it wasn't making anyone happy, his laughing faded away and turned to embarr*censored*ment. He looked at his feet then up at the others, unsure of what to do next. He eyed them all. They each seemed to have different expressions on their faces, shock, excitement, sadness, loneliness, and even the slight tint of being annoyed.