3:30am Apr 8 2010
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Dusty was about to respond when he heard the branch snap. His instincts and reflexes took over and, using his powerful legs, he lunged into the air. He grabbed Leah and did a flip in mid-air so when they landed, Dusty landed squarely on his back, protecting Leah from the worst of the fall. He didn't move for a few minutes but finally he opened one eye to look at Leah, who he was still holding tightly, and said, "That rat happened to be my best friend." ((Hope I wasn't God-modding, I can't tell if I was or not ^^;;))
3:39am Apr 8 2010 (last edited on 3:43am Apr 8 2010)
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Posts: 454
((It's all good. :3)) Leah let him go, embarras$ed and quickly got off of him. She extended a hand towards him to help him up. "Sorry... about the rat. I didn't mean to... you know." She apologized, or tried. "Anyway, that was really dumb of you, hurting yourself for me. I could've landed on my feet. That's what we have them for. Besides, now that you know i'm... a ghost, i could've flown up any time." she turned from him, taking her hand away before he could grab it. "Geez, guys treat girls like they're so delicate." She laughed, heading off in the direction towards the other people.
3:53am Apr 8 2010
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"It's ok," Dusty said, letting out a soft laugh. "Anyways, my body just kinda moved on it's own." He sat up, and pain shot through his body. He gritted his teeth, showing his unusually long k-9's. He had been careful to hide them from the others up until this point but at the moment pain over-ruled caution. He forced himself to his feet and stumbled after Leah. Unfortunately, his foot caught a root and he tripped, crashing into her.
3:59am Apr 8 2010 (last edited on 4:00am Apr 8 2010)
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Posts: 454
As he fell onto her, she was practically hurled to the ground. If she wanted to and she had the power to do so, to possibly turn into a ghost and let him fall, she could have but decided to repay him of the trouble. "Moved on it's own, huh? Ditto. Anyway, i think i'm going to be bruised for the next week. Now, could you do me a favor and get up so i don't have to be in this position facing your face?" Leah looked up at him, slightly annoyed.
4:08am Apr 8 2010
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Dusty's eyes were closed and he gritted his teeth against another wave of pain. He was grateful that she hadn't let him hit the ground, but it was still annoying now that he knew both of them would be bruised. "S-sorry," he gasped, finally forcing himself to roll off her. Even though nothing was broken, Dusty was the worst at dealing with pain and this was pure agony. He wondered if he just stayed there for a while maybe the pain would go away.
4:14am Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 454
Leah quickly jumped up. "I'm so sorry. I can help you get back to the others if you'd like. YOu look like you're in serious pain. Anyway, I think your friend is worried about you by now. The same goes with my brother." She smiled and crouched beside him. This time she held her hand out when she stood, waiting for him to take it.
4:20am Apr 8 2010
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"Unn, just leave me alone," Dusty grumbled. He turned onto his side, facing away from Leah, partially to take the pressure off his sore back and partially to hide the tears that were starting to form in the corners of his eyes. He hated how badly he was dealing with the pain. "Just go back to the other's." He knew he was being childish but he didn't care.
4:28am Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 454
"No way, i'm not just going to leave you to die. Listen to me. You were just crushed to the ground by 95 pounds. I don't think you're fine." She frowned unhappily, and sat down next to him. "Guess we'll be stuck here if you don't need any help." She looked over her shoulder to glance over at him.
4:35am Apr 8 2010
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'Really? She felt heavier, or am I just that bad?' Dusty wondered. He waited for a few minutes to see if she would leave and she didn't he turned painfully back onto his back. He stared at her face for a few minutes, talking in every detail before blurting out, "I'm a werewolf." He wasn't sure why he said it, the best reason he could come up with was he knew she was a ghost and Rune had said to be honest.
4:38am Apr 8 2010 (last edited on 4:47am Apr 8 2010)
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Posts: 454
Leah turned to look back at him. She wanted to believe him. Honesty was what that Rune guy told them about. She nodded and smiled, "I believe you." She turned around again and began to sift sand from the ground through her fingers. "I really do. No lie." ((I'm not tired but my sister iz going to bed which means i have to as well. I'll be back on here around maybe 11:00 AM or 12:00 AM res time. XD Bye!))
4:50am Apr 8 2010
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Dusty wasn't listening to her though, his mind was elsewhere. Suddenly, tears began streaming down his cheeks and he threw his arms around Leah, holding onto her as if his life depended on it. As he came back to his senses, he quickly released her. "Sorry...that...I do that sometimes...I didn't...mean to...it doesn't..." he stuttered, his face flushed with embaras$ment. He looked away, he always seemed to do something stupid when he thought about that night.
12:41pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 454
Leah looked at him comaps$ionately. She smiled and placed her hand on his shoulder. "It'll be okay. I'm here if you want to tell me stuff. You can tell me anything." She removed her hand and looked at the ants that scurried along over twigs and leaves, carrying on with their work.
2:40pm Apr 8 2010
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Rose stared at the fire, wondering how she ended up in the forest in the first place. She was stroking Keto's fur, who had his head on her lap. Brenn was beside her, chewing on a rappit's foot. "Save some for Laanie." Rose rolled her eyes, tossing the rest of her squirrel to Keto. (Are the others still around the fire? You know, other than Dusty and Leah?)
2:45pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 454
((Dusty and Leah are out in the forest still. Everyone else is there though. I'm not sure if Raithe is there or not.)) Jackie sighed, feeling sick to his stomach. He wondered if Leah was okay. He should have been able to find her or at least Dusty. He lay down, suddenly feeling as if the rabbit he ate wasn't the most appetizing meal in the world. The others sat around the fire for warmth. He wondered also how Rune was feeling now, as he glanced over at him. He knew what it felt like to be yelled at and rejected but he wondered how hard Rune was taking it. He turned back to the dirt this time and lay on his stomach, this time making sure not to get leaves in his mouth.
2:51pm Apr 8 2010
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Rose stood up from where she was sitting against a gnarled tree. She started pacing infront of the fire. "So, anyone know where we are?" she sighed, not remembering how she got to the forest and where she was. Keto's eyes followed her. "Where'd they go?" Brennion asked Jakie. "Wasn't theremore people here before?"
"Wait who are you?" Rose stopped pacing and glared at Jackie with her usual arrogance and annoyance clear in her eyes.
2:57pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 454
Jackie sat up and glared back at her, also quiet annoyed. "The name is Jackson. Call me Jackie, or Jack. And just for your information, I'm as unhappy as you right now. I have no idea where we are, and more importantly, where my sister is. By now, she should have come back. I can't... help but worry." He looked down at the dirt where his chipmunk was curled up in a little ball. He rubbed his hand over the small creature's fur. Tears were welling up in his eyes though he had no reason to cry. He mainly wanted to cry from frustration and exhaustion. He held the tears back and sighed.
3:00pm Apr 8 2010
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((So...what happened? d8))
3:02pm Apr 8 2010
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Rose just snorted. She felt bad about how his sister was gone, but it was her problem. If she wasn't so afraid of the... whatever it was that crawled up her arm, she wouldn't have gotten herself in this mess in the first place. Brennion nodded, knowing that he would've felt the same way if his sister was nowhere to be found. "I know what you mean." he sighed. "If Rose dissapeared..." he shook his head. "I can take care of myself you know." Rose snorted from beside Keto. Rose glared at her brother, and so did Keto. Having two pairs of strangely glowing icey blue eyes glaring at him, Brennion shivered. "I'd help find her for you, if I knew where she was, but... I don't no where she is." Brennion offered.
3:02pm Apr 8 2010 (last edited on 3:09pm Apr 8 2010)
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Posts: 454
((Hi Det. Lots happened. You should probably just read through then catch up somewhere.)) "We... might as well just wait. If the night goes by without them coming back though, i'm going to go search for her. She's strong. She can take care of herself. That much i know." Jackie smiled to himself. He looked back at Ratchet who ran up his arm and onto his shoulder. Come back soon Leah.He thought to himself. "For now, night is coming really quickly. It would be best if everyone got some rest." He glanced at them all and lay down on the leaves. He took off his jacket and out it behind his head as a pillow. He looked up at the leaves above him and breathed in the pine scent deeply into his lungs. For once in his whole entire life, he didn't know what emotion he was supposed to feel.
3:13pm Apr 8 2010
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Rose shrugged, not really caring what time it was. She stared at Keto, and slowly she morphed into a wolf. A wolf identical to Keto, except with platinum fur, just like her human hair. The only think that remained of her human form was her cold, icey blue eyes and the blackish-blue lightning bolt tattoo. Tell them me and Keto'll keep watch. she sent to her brother. "Rose and Keto'll watch and wait to see if they'll come." Brennion spoke, sitting back down next to Laanie, brushing pine leaves of his jeans. Laanie rested her head on his chest as he layed down, putting his arms behind his head. "I feel like a freak." he whispered.