3:21pm Apr 8 2010
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Jackie wasn't listening to them though. He didn't even hear what they said, more what they were even doing. He sat curled up, Ratchet beside him, gnawing on what appeared to be a nut. That chipmunk. He always stored nuts in his pockets. At least he did his business elsewhere. He stared Ratchet in the eyes, feeling completely lost. He couldn't think and his brain and ability to hear voices pretty much shut down for the night. He was tired too. Believe it or not, this was the longest time he had been away from Leah. He closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep.
3:28pm Apr 8 2010 (last edited on 3:29pm Apr 8 2010)
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Soft snores where coming from Brennion. Laanie's emerald eyes kept flickering back from Rune to Jackie and back again. Making sure none of them would try to touch or hurt Brennion. Keto, stay here. Rose sent. She lifted her nose to the ground and tried to follow Leah's sent. Or at least Dusty's. The weird wolf-human smell was strong. and foul. He needs a bath. Rose grimaced, making a weird snarl on her wolf face. Ickk... Her paws made soft sounds on the gra.ss, and every once in a while she would have to jump over a fallen tree making a thump sound.
3:36pm Apr 8 2010
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Jackie awoke, startled. He looked around. There were less people here than before. That was probably because Rose left. He stood up an came closer to the fire, realizing that it was a lot colder than he thought. He picked up his jacket, Ratchet curled up warmly inside the pocket. "Silly Chipmunk." He thought. He looked at the others. He decided he should go look as well, since the two hadn't yet come back. He slipped his coat on and walked into the darkness.
3:51pm Apr 8 2010
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Brennion, a heavy sleeper, didn't wake up from his sleep, even as people started leaving. Laanie, on the otherhand, sent a glare at Rune's sleeping form and turned to follow Jackie. Keto started at Laanie longingly, wishing she oculd go to, go find Rose and the others. But Rose told her to stay there, and not leave... and Keto always did what Rose told her to do. So she turned her head back tgo watch Brennion and Rune, watching to make sure they were safe throughout the night. Laanie pressed her nose to the back of Jakie's knee, as if saying that she was gonna stay with him and help find his sister alongside of him. Rose, tripped over a root. She glared at the root, annoyingly, wishing it was gone. She realized that the scent of the two people stopped here. She lifted her head to the moon and howled, piercing the night with the glorious sound, knowing that Laanie and KEto would surely hear her. Laanie's ears pointed in the direction of the howl. She started to run forward a bit, and then turned her head back to Jackie.
3:54pm Apr 8 2010
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((Gah, kinda late and out of order, but since Alice made Rune asleep, this is what Rune did before he fell asleep ^_^;;)) "Thanks," Dusty answered simply, rubbing his eyes. He smiled at Leah. He trusted her...but he wasn't ready to share details of that night with anyone just yet. Too soon. He sighed. "I guess we should get back. Rune and Jackie must be worried sick about us." He liked being alone with Leah, away from the chaos of the others, but knew they should of been back by now. Rune had kept quiet ever since Dusty had left. It hadn't bothered him that Dusty had hit him, it was probably to least he deserved. It was his stupid prank that had caused all this, after all. He was sure Dusty was safe, he would scream if he was in trouble. Plus, even though it wasn't the full moon, Dusty was stronger than any human. Rune yawned, he needed sleep, but he didn't trust the two keeping watch. Quietly, he recovered the rabbit bones from his meal and moved out of the fire's light. "Wake me up if anything enters the camp or approaches me." he commanded softly. The rabbit bones trembled, showing the command had been received. Satisfied, Rune made himself comfortable and curled up to go to sleep.
3:57pm Apr 8 2010 (last edited on 4:00pm Apr 8 2010)
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Posts: 454
Jackie nodded and followed after Laanie. He broke into a swift sprint and took off after her. The wolf ran fast. He gave her credit for that. By now, Rose had mostly likely found the trail. That was most likely the sound of hat bloodcurdling howl. He didn't think that Leah would stray so far and he didn't even know she could go that far. Then again, he recalled her ghost powers, which she could travel at extremely fast in that form. He grunted and began to pick up his pace in the direction of the loud howling. It shouldn't be far by now. Leah heard a howl. As of the the location, she had no idea where it had come from. She looked over at Dusty. He looked unhappy. Though they had only just met, she felt that she wanted to know him more. She hoped that later on they could learn to trust each other. For now, they needed to start to head back.
3:57pm Apr 8 2010
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(Ooohh, sorry. I thought he was sleeping. If you want, ofrget I said that. D:)
4:03pm Apr 8 2010 (last edited on 4:09pm Apr 8 2010)
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Laanie stared back at Jackie. Can't you be any faster? she thought, a bit annoyed, but polite enough not to snarl and growl at Jackie. He was only human after all... right? Rose started running again, keeping her nose to the ground, trying to separate the scent of the were-wolf from the scents of the forest. But before she even took a few steps, she ran into something hard. A person. A girl. Found 'em. She scent to Keto and Laanie. Laanie suddenly took a leap in the air. And started running faser, forgetting to run a bit slower for Jackie. She hoped he understood. Keto glared at the skeleton. He you, sack of bones. I'd eat you if you had flesh, but since you're already dead... Keto laughed, making a strange growl, snarl, howl sound.
4:07pm Apr 8 2010
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((No lol, you just jumped the gun, he was supposed to go to sleep xD so its fine)) Dusty's head snapped up at the sound of the howl. "Let's go it's the others." he said, forcing himself to stand up. The sound of the howl seemed to pump new energy through his body, enough to help him ignore the pain. He watched as Rose bumped into Leah and smirked. "Does this mean we're 'it' now?"
4:11pm Apr 8 2010
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Jackie followed Laanie further. It was probably just his slowness but it seemed that he kept lagging behind as Laanie continued to speed ahead. Leah looked at him confused, not quite understanding his joke. She was a bit startled when Rose bumped into her. Her strength was immense, almost knocking her over from her sitting position. She looked at the wolf and back up at Dusty. She rose to her feet.
4:17pm Apr 8 2010
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Rose glared at Dusty, before turning human again. "Sorry, sorry." she offered her hand to Leah. "Didn't mean to walk into you or anything. When I'm wolf I usually see with my nose, not my eyes." Then she looked at Dusty. "It? What?" Laanie appeared beside her, panting, emerald eyes staring at Leah, then Dusty. Brennion sat up, wondering why there was only to people. And where was Laanie?
4:22pm Apr 8 2010
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Dusty scowled. "Haven't you people ever played hide-and-seek?" He asked, leaning against a tree then immediately yelping and jumping away. His back was really sensitive. He glared at the tree before looking back at Rose. "Did Rune or Jackie come?" he asked curiously.
4:26pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 454
Jackie finally caught up with the others. He must have been the slowest person on earth. He groaned in exhaustion and tackle-hugged Leah. She hugged him back. "To answer your question, There's Jackie. Let's get back to the others. They're probably really worried now if not asleep." Leah brushed her hair out of her eyes with her fingers.
4:30pm Apr 8 2010
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"Ten bucks Rune's asleep." Dusty said. He put his hand on a tree to support himself as he started to make his way back to the camp. He probably would of asked Leah for help but now that the others were here he had to put up a strong front. He couldn't let them see how hurt he was.
4:31pm Apr 8 2010 (last edited on 4:32pm Apr 8 2010)
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"Rune is... sleeping. I think." Rose tried to remember. "I dunno 'bout Jackie though. But Laanie's here." She pointed to the emerald-eyed black wolf. "You guys should come back. Not everyone feels like looking for you two." (Gah, late post.)
4:35pm Apr 8 2010
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"He's sleeping. Or was. I dunno." Rose said, trailing behind with Laanie. She pulled her hair into a tight ponytail, tying it with a deep violet ribbon that was usually tied around her wrist. Keto, we found 'em. She sent to Keto.
4:37pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 454
Jackie hung his head when the group began to move again and went over to Leah's side. She was watching Dusty. He put his hand on her shoulder and she continued staring. "I can feel it too. He's hurt." Jackie looked at her. "Yeah, well... it was his fault anyway. He didn't have to come to my rescue when i fell from that tree." She said stubbornly, running ahead of everyone. Jackie sighed and joined Dusty's side. "Thank you. For catching her fall, i guess." He smiled at him.
4:47pm Apr 8 2010
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Rose ran past the guys that were talking quiertly. She tried to catch up with Leah. when she spotted her, she called out, "Leah?" hoping that they could talk. Brennion stood up and threw some of the wood into the fire. "Keto?" The large icey-blue-eyed wolf stared at Brennion. Brennion shivered. He would never get used to staring into those cold eyes, even if his sister had an identical pair. "Are they coming back?" Keto nodded. Brennion stumbled over to Rune's side, kicking him in the ribs to wake him up. "They're coming."
4:49pm Apr 8 2010
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((God, I'm going to quit if you keep on posting this much without me D8< There's no time to post anything))
4:50pm Apr 8 2010 (last edited on 4:52pm Apr 8 2010)
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Dusty let out a strained laugh. "Well apparently I didn't need too, but I guess it got me on you guys' good side." He stumbled but caught himself and used a tree to pull himself upright. He gave Jackie an embaras$sed smile. He paused. "What else did she tell you?" he asked. "Oww, you jerk!" Rune shouted, instantly awake from the kick. "Ever herd of touching someone's shoulder to wake them up?!" He glared at Brennion. ((Lol, Det, sorry. You're somewhere off in the forest though so you have all the time you need to come back in))