4:54pm Apr 8 2010 (last edited on 4:55pm Apr 8 2010)
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Jackie frowned. "I haven't heard anything else. She's been kind of irritated since we got here though. I can't get into her mind either." He looked off into the distance. Leah heard her name being called. She stopped in her tracks and let whoever it was that wanted to speak with her catch up. To her amazement, Rose was calling her. She waited as the girl joined up with her. "Is there something i can help you with?" Leah asked quietly.
4:55pm Apr 8 2010
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((But where are you guys? o.O))
4:58pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 454
((Det, Leah, Jackie, Dusty, Rose and Laanie are all out in the forest and Keto, Brennion, and RUne are around a campfire somewhere in the forest.))
5:03pm Apr 8 2010
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Dusty exhaled a sigh of relief, glad that Leah hadn't told Jackie he was a Werewolf. It's not that he didn't want him to know, but if Leah hadn't even told her twin, then he doubted she'd tell anyone else. He laughed. "It seems like everyone's got a mental connection with someone," he thought aloud. Rune decided to just ignore Brennion and stood up, collecting the rabbit bones and shoving them in his pocket. He walked over to the campfire and sat down, poking the flames with a stick.
5:03pm Apr 8 2010 (last edited on 5:05pm Apr 8 2010)
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"Actually, not really. I just wanted to talk." Rose said, shrugging. "so far we're the only girls... I think, and I really don't want to have to hang out with dudes all the time, so..." she shrugged again, turning her icey cold blue gaze on Leah. Brennion smirked. "What? Of course I know that! It's just... easier to wake people up when you kick them. Plus, if I hurt you so much, couldn't you like, I don't know, put your rib back to life of something? Like you do with all those other skeletons?" Keto snarled at the skeleton.
5:06pm Apr 8 2010
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5:11pm Apr 8 2010 (last edited on 5:14pm Apr 8 2010)
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"Yeah? I guess your mental connection would be with Rune then. You guys are really close. I hope Leah and i can stay like that our whole lives. I don't want to lose her. So, anyway, i just want to thank you again. She's tough but when she's badly hurt... well, you might want to step back." Jackie looked him in the eye. "Well, I'm sure we aren't the only girls in the forest. I mean, what if this place is way big? We just woke up here, right? SO what if there are other people here too?" She looked serious for a moment then laughed." Forget i ever said that. I know, i'm crazy." she looked at her feet. ((Bye alice XD))
5:17pm Apr 8 2010
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((What a place to leave Alice xD well bye ^^)) Rune froze, dropping the stick into fire. He mentally kicked himself for being so careless with his Necromancy. He looked over at Brennion, a dead cold stare on his face. "Maybe I can, maybe I can't. Wanna make something of it?" Rune growled. Dusty shook his head. "As close as we are, we don't have a mental connection. To be honest, I don't wanna know what goes on in that guys head." he said with a chuckle. "I guess I dodged a bullet then. She might of beaten me up of I didn't save her." Dusty smiled.
5:24pm Apr 8 2010
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((Urugh... brain lag ^_^)) "I don't know about that, she usually doesn't speak to people she doesn't trust. It's like she suddenly changed today. She thinks she can take care f herself. I don't want to see her with a broken bone. Yeah, you'd probably be dead if you didn't." He laughed then sighed tiredly. Today had been long and strange. How much longer would they have to spend in this huge forest. He'd probably feel better if he knew where he was.
5:35pm Apr 8 2010
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((Lol, now that Alice is gone I'm having my own brain lag xD)) "Well either way I got beat up so at least I got brownie points in the process." Dusty said, smiling. He shoved his hands into his pants pockets and stared at the ground. "This is too weird..." he muttered to himself. Unlike everyone else, who had just woken up here, him and Rune had been exploring the forest around their house and somehow ended up here. He couldn't even remember when they had gotten lost.
5:40pm Apr 8 2010
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((Nyuu! I can't do anything with Leah!!! Grrr...)) Jackie constantly glanced over at Dusty, looking fr words to say. His mind had gone blank, now empty instead of filled and flowing with inspiration like it always was. The silence was awkward and he cleared his throat. "So... why do you think we all appeared here? There's a purpose for everything, so... I've been wondering why we all just randomly met up..." He couldn't think of much else to say.
5:52pm Apr 8 2010
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((Same with Rune >_>)) "I dont know..." Dusty answered. His mind was also blank. Unfortunately, a blank mind meant other things could surface. He looked around nervously. He suddenly knew why he was so scared in this forest. It had been a forest like this when.... He shivered and shook his head. No, don't think about that. You don't want to freak out again. He gritted his teeth, trying to think of something else.
5:58pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 454
Jackie walked onward, not noticing that he was leaving Dusty behind. He stopped and walked over to face him. He looked him in the eye, trying to get his attention. "Are... you sure you're feeling all right?" He asked, slightly worried.
6:08pm Apr 8 2010
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Dusty flinched and took a step back from Jackie, not recognizing him at first. He blinked away the tears that had formed in his eyes. "Yeah, I'm... I'm fine... just tired." he said in a small voice. He sighed, mentally kicking himself for being so stupid.
6:09pm Apr 8 2010
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(I'm here, I'm here! :O I feel so loved. x3) "I think we all are going crazy." Rose laughed, a genuine smile forming on her face. She turned around walking backwards. "You two are soooo slow!!" she yelled over to them. "Come on. I want you to meat someone." she said, turning back to Leah. "Nah." Brennion shrugged. "I won't tell anyone." he shook his head, throwing another piece of wood into the fire.
6:15pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 454
((Yay!! Alice iz Back!!)) Jackie shrugged his shoulders and heard Rose calling. He smiled at Dusty. "Everyone's waiting. We should hurry up and join the others." He turned. "Meet?" Leah asked confused. "I thought i had met everyone here in our little posse." She joined up at Rose's side.
6:19pm Apr 8 2010
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"Have you met Keto? I think you've met Laanie," she said, pointing to Laanie who was beside her. "Have you met my brother?" she asked, tilting her head to the side."His name is Brennion." (Sorry, I dunno what to write. D:)
6:21pm Apr 8 2010
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((Yay, Alice is back! ^^ *hugs* And you left at such an important spot that we had to miss you xD)) Rune glared at Brennion but let the conversation drop. He wondered how Dusty was holding up. Dusty never did seem ok in a forest, even one's he knew. This one must be terrible on him. Dusty nodded silently. Forcing himself to keep up with Jackie. They'd be back at camp soon, then he could see Rune again. That should cheer him up.
6:26pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 454
Leah rolled her eyes back, trying to recall the people she met earlier. "Um... I saw him, but i haven't met him personally. Really, i haven't met anyone personally today." She laughed nervously.
6:29pm Apr 8 2010 (last edited on 6:30pm Apr 8 2010)
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Brennion stared at him for a while, before shaking his head. Weirdo. he thought. He grabbed a tree branch from the tree above him and snapped it off. He took a rock and started sharpening the stick. When the stick was sharpened he started drawing in the ground, creating a circle-shape with weird paterns in it. When he was done he stabbed the stick into the ground. Keto suddenly sat up, staring at a bush. A little squirrel appeared from underneath it, and Keto leaped and caught it in her strong jaws. Rose nodded. "Laanie's the wolf that was with me. She belongs to Brenn. Keto's my wolf, and she's at camp right now with Brenn and... Rude? Rune." she said, remembering the name.