6:35pm Apr 8 2010
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"It must be nice, to be around your pet. My pet, Labyrinth... he's at home. We disappeared so i hope he's is okay." Leah sighed. It was really dark out already but she could see the campfire off in the distance. Two shadows also eerily lurked there. She looked over at Leah, examining her facial expressions. The guys hadn't caught up yet. What was taking them so long?
6:35pm Apr 8 2010
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Rune watched Brennion suspiciously as he drew. He didn't ask what he was drawing, he didn't really care, but he wasn't going to let his guard down around him, especially when he was outnumbered. He flinched as Keto jumped onto the squirrel. Deciding to have a little fun, he muttered "Ok little squirrel, jump out her jaw and scurry up that tree." The squirrel did just that, pulling itself out of her jaw, leaving most of it's fur and flesh in her mouth, and scurried up the tree.
6:40pm Apr 8 2010
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Jackie walked with Dusty, not quite knowing what t say. All in all, he was at a huge loss for words. He couldn't wait to get back. The food might have been good when he first tasted it, but now the rabbit and squirrel really didn't agree with his stomach.
6:43pm Apr 8 2010
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Keto snarled and lept at Rune. She swallowed the flesh and spitting out the fur, her energy was back. She bit into his left leg. "Keto!" Rose broke into a run, morphing into a wolf at the last moment. she wrestled Keto to the ground, pushing her paws onto Keto's chest. Stop! Keto stop! Please! Keto slowly started to stop wrestling her. Brennion glared at Rune angrily, Laanie appearing at his side.
6:48pm Apr 8 2010
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Rune howled in pain and tried to kick out with his free foot but hit nothing. He felt Keto being ripped from his leg and tried to drag himself away from the wrestling wolves. Dusty heard Rune and, forgetting all his exhaustion and pain, dashed off in his direction at top speed. He got there in a few seconds and immediately grabbed Rune by the waist and dragged him away from the campfire and wolves.
6:50pm Apr 8 2010
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Jackie chased after Dusty, startled by his quick burst of energy. He ran to the campfire but Rune and Dusty were already nowhere to be found. He looked over to Leah. Leah looked around. Everyone looked upset, either with a glare on their face or hatred emitting from them. Slowly, she began to speak. "Hey... i think if we're going to stay here all together for a while, we should try to... get along. I mean, pay no attention to me; it was only a suggestion." She tried not to look into their eyes. She went over and sat down beside a tree, looking down at the ground. "I just... want to go home."
6:55pm Apr 8 2010
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Rose leaped off of Keto. She rolled over and liked her flank, where there was now a shallow gash. She turned to human form and kicked Keto in the ribs. "You." she said airily. "Come with me. We need to work on your temper." she said, grabbing Keto's neckfur and twisting it in her fist as she pulled Keto off with her, the opposite way into the forest. She glared at her wolf, while Keto had sorrow in her eyes. She had done wrong, and she was sure she would get punished from it. Brennion narrowed his eyes after Rune and Dusty. Laanie growled deep in her throat, snarling after Keto. The only thought going through Laanie's head was that Keto didn't do what he was told. Protect Rune and Brennion. Those were Rose's exact orders. But did Keto protect? No she just bit someone. Laanie shook her head. "Leah right?" Brennion turned his emerald eyes from where the boys had just been and looked at Leah. "Where'd you go?" he asked, tilting his head to the side.
6:57pm Apr 8 2010
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Rune and Dusty sat behind a tree, gasping for air. Dusty had dragged him out of the camp but they were still close enough that Dusty could hear everything that was going on. Rune was curled up, clutching his bleeding leg and quietly sobbing. "Oh, man, oh man," Dusty muttered. He didn't care how or why this happened, but the scent of blood was overwhelming. Splash had jumped out of Rune's collar and was licking the blood from Rune's leg. Dusty pulled off his jacket, pushing it against Rune's leg, trying to stop the bleeding.
7:03pm Apr 8 2010
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Once Rose and Keto were alone, Rose stood straight and tall and angrily glared at her wolf. "You know how this works." Rose grimaced at Keto. "You disobey, you pay." She turned into wolf form and extended her claws. Keto looked at the ground sadly, knowing that his punishment was physical pain. He always got physical pain when he did wrong. He just had to except it. He starred at the ground sadly, feeling the pain as Rose's claws rake dacross his cheek. (Ooooh... Keto was a bad boy... (making Keto a boy, just saying. I don't want him to be a girl.))
7:03pm Apr 8 2010 (last edited on 7:07pm Apr 8 2010)
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Jackie sighed and walked off again. It was very late, but he needed to think. Everyone was separating as quickly as they came together. When would they find the way home? What was the purpose of even being here? Leah looked up at Brennion and nodded. "I shouldn't have come back." She didn't feel like talking, nor did she have any words to say. She couldn't help but feel that she was the reason that no one was getting along. If she hadn't freaked out, she wouldn't have shown everyone her true form, or crushed the poor... dead... bone... thing, or made anyone have to search for her. She might as well be dead. However, that was impossible, since she was already a ghost.
7:06pm Apr 8 2010 (last edited on 7:09pm Apr 8 2010)
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"Not your fault." Brennion sighed and rested back against his tree. "What ever happened whould've happened whether or not the went looking for you." he said, guessing what she was thinking. He closed his eyes and watched through Rose's eyes for a moment, seeing what she was seeing. He shook his head, sadly, knowing that Rose taught Keto through physical pain. Rose licked the blood off her paws, spitting it out. Keto was bleeding from several wounds, not enough to kill him, but enough to make him hurt and weak. Rose was sad, sad that she had to hurt Keto, but knowing it had to be done if Keto was every going to learn, and more than a little bit annoyed, annoyed that KEto dissobeyed her.
7:11pm Apr 8 2010 (last edited on 7:12pm Apr 8 2010)
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Tears swelled up in Leah's eyes. "I shouldn't be here. I'm a ghost. I don't exist. Ghosts are meant not to be seen by people. They don't matter in the world. I don't deserve to have people surrounding me." She looked up to keep the tears from falling." I'm just like them." She stifled a laugh."Dead nobodies."
7:16pm Apr 8 2010
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Dusty looked around frantically. Suddenly, he spotted the exact plant he needed. Cherry always used it when Dusty got scratched up up the woods. It fought infection and stopped bleeding. He picked a generous amount and began chewing it to draw out the juices. When it was chewed to a pulp, he spit it out and began smearing it on Rune's leg. Usually it stung badly, but Rune had already p*censored*ed out. Dusty took his jacket and tore off the sleeves using them to wrap Rune's legs. Dusty sighed, he was no doctor, but he knew Rune would be ok. Slowly he picked Rune up and began walking back towards camp. Even though he was smaller than Rune, Dusty was strong and Rune's weight was barely a burden.
7:17pm Apr 8 2010 (last edited on 7:21pm Apr 8 2010)
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"Don't say that!" Brennion shook his head, not knowing how to comfort a girl. He poked her in the arm. "Your not completely ghost," he said when his finger didn't go through her arm. "See?" he laughed. "We're all just stressed." He turned his head as he heard people come back to camp. Rose stood up and led Keto gently to a small stream. She stood by it and tore of her sweater, shoes, and stocking, jumping into the cold water. She gently pulled Keto in with her, and lightly rubbed the now-dried blood out of her fur. "Come on Keto. Relax. The water'll clean out the wounds." she said gently.
7:21pm Apr 8 2010
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At this point, Jackie was pacing back and forth behind some trees. He wanted to get some things off his mind and did so by talking to himself. He laughed. "I'm such a lunatic." "Thanks but, i think I think i'd prefer to comfort myself on my own for now." She snapped, not trying to be mean, but couldn't help it. Before he could stop her, she changed to her ghost form and flew up into the trees above the fire.
7:23pm Apr 8 2010 (last edited on 7:28pm Apr 8 2010)
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(I edited my last post to add Rose in it, just saying.) Brennion sighed, used to this behavior from Rose. Girls. He could never understand them. What went through their minds, he didn't know. (I know, short...) EDIT:// "Keto, Keto, Keto," she sang his name over and over again, slowly feeling Keto relax. "Keto, Keto, Keto," She kissed the top of his forehead and swam backwards, hitting hjer hea don a rock. Not hard, but enough to hurt, and draw a bit of blood. "Yow!" she screeched, rubbing her forhead, putting her fingers infront of her eyes so she could examine it. There was blood on her fingers. "Eww." she shivered, feeling pain above her left eyebrow, getting blinded by blood flowing slowly into her eye. She ducked underwater and shook her head, seeing cthe water around her turn redder. She leapt out of the water and grabbed her sweater and dabbed at her head, wipin away the blood. (She's fine.)
7:27pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 454
((Yeah, i saw it ^o^)) Jackie decided to wander back to the camp. Camp? He was calling it a camp now. Sooner or later, that was what it'd be. Leah was sitting, or rather, floating over the fire in her tree. No one could get up here now. There were light branches and being a ghost, she could float there the whole night. Now it didn't matter anymore, since everyone knew about her second form. ((It can be short. It's fine.))
7:29pm Apr 8 2010 (last edited on 7:29pm Apr 8 2010)
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(Edited my last post, added more Rose in it, too. ^^ I don't know what to post now, though.)
7:29pm Apr 8 2010 (last edited on 7:31pm Apr 8 2010)
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Dusty crept into camp quietly. He didn't want to talk with anyone and right now Rune was his first priority. He set Rune down in a comfortable spot and sat beside him, completely exhausted. This had been a long day but he knew he'd have to keep watch over Rune through the night. Splash sat beside him, the same thing going through it's mind. ((Ugh, I'm being so slow with my posts >_<))
7:31pm Apr 8 2010
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Brennion took of his coat and draped it over his face, blocking out any light. I want to sleep! he mentally groaned, wishing Rose was back so he would know if she was fine.