8:08pm Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: I could make another charecter who is a vampire hunter? :3 Just so we don't have a lonely vampire hunter XD
8:17pm Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 3,029
((Lol, thanks, but you dont have to))
8:29pm Jul 14 2010
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: It's no trouble ^-^ I preffer having a few charecters anyway~ 
Name: Alex Shan Age: 18 Gender: Female History: Alex was brough up in a family of vampire hunters. She was trained from a yound age to fight against vampires and slayed her first when she was 15. Slaying vampires is the only way she knows and hasn't been taught any differently. Since her first kill sha hasn't looked back or had any regrets. Her family have announced the Matrix clan as their sworn enemies since long ago and so her family have been on an everlasting mission to kill any Matrix they can find. Persona: Alex is brave, head-strong and intelligent. She is wise for her age. Alex is a very cool and calm person, even around vampires she remains calm and focused. Looks: (above) Crush: None. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None. S.O( Sexual orientation): Bisexual Other: is a Vampire Hunter.
6:41am Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 2,020
8:10am Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 4,310
{{You weren't the only vamp hunter ya know...my charries are a band of determined vamp hunters.}}
8:47am Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: That isn't mentioned in your bio though x3
8:49am Jul 15 2010
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Posts: 4,310
{{Lol,i just fixed it.}}
5:00am Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Bump~ Is this thread going to die? o-o
10:58am Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 3,029
((Wahh, I dont want it to die! Quick! Someone start the rp D:))
4:58pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 5,748
((bump and not it))

7:26pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 4,310
{{Sorreh all,i was swimming and coudl get on earlier.Oh and i call not it on starting.}}
12:21am Jul 17 2010
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Posts: 3,029
((How to start? Nvm))
A pink haired boy and a black haired girl sat under a thick and large oak tree polishing there swords. Both were raipers made of pure silver.
"Its quiet tonight Nemian."the girl gently spoke.
"That's their favorite time to come out Aliluja."the boy responded.
6:44am Jul 17 2010
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Wheee long post time >:o Oh and since Ranni, you're charecters are all vampire hunters, does that mena we haven't enough normal humans? becaus eif not I will make my vampire hunter a human x3 BiC: "Shanoa." Zero's voice was soft, sweet and melodic, like that of an angel's. He tilted his head backwards slightly, turning it to look twoards Shanoa who was standing a little way back from him. "Come here." He gestured for her to come closer. SHanoa nodded twoards Zero and walked slowly, elegantly and cat-like to stand at his side. The two vampires were standing atop a large tree, looking down at the world below them. There wasn't much to see, mostly woodland. It was quiet out there. Of course it was quiet, everyone had to be. This world was a dangerous one for both human and vampires. Hunters lurked through these woods, almost as silently as the vampires could. Everyone had to be carefull. "Humans?" Shanoa whispered in Zero's ear. Her voice was just as sweet as Zero's but not as melodic. Her voice was more monotone, it had no emotion in it. Zero carefully placed his arm around Shanoa's shoulders. "Food." Was his simple reply. He smiled a slight half-smile. It made him look almost normal, he would have looked normal if it wasn't for his eyes. Zero's eyes held the fiery emotions of a vampire, they showed hunger and blood lust, they were the eyes of a predator. His pupils were wide, so wide that the iris was no longer visible, his eyes were completely black, like the night itself would soon be. Shanoa looked to the sky, the moon was slowly dissapearing behind the clouds. As it did so, her pupils too grew wider untill they became completely black, allowing as much light as possible to p*censored* throught them. Having such large pupils was a common thing for vampires, it allowed them to see better in the dark. They could see so well that Shanoa could pick up all the details of the leaves failling form the tree she stood in. The wind picked up slightly and the moon dissapeared behind the clouds plunging the night into total darkness. "Now" Zero said simply, he soon quickly dissapeared into the trees, moving at lightning speed. He knew exactly where the humans were and the best way to get them. That was by hunting alone. He'd always hunted alone. Shanoa remained in the tree. She sighed before sitting herself down on the branch. Shanoa crossed her arms accross her chest. Zero would be back soon, with a human. He had never let her hunt, or taught her how. He just dressed her up in old traditional clothes and fancy dresses, treating her as if she was a doll. She had no idea why he treated her like that, not that she wanted to complain about it because she liked being treated as she was. It made her feel as if she was treasured and meant something to someone, even if it wasn't in the way she wished. ~~~ Alex walked slowly, carefully through the woodlands. She carried a katana on her back, only for protection. Tonight she wasn't hunting, just trying to save lives if they needed to be saved. She thought she'd take a break from the hunting and purpously picking fights, just for tonight at least. Alex didn't see that it would do any harm. Alex stretched, reaching her arms into the air. Many late nights in a row, while staying up during the day, were not very good. She was tired and doubted she could do any fighting tonight and so she hoped to god no one needed saving or that there were other hunters around who might want to help out.

8:12am Jul 17 2010
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Posts: 4,310
{{Lol, Mia will be normal i suppose.}} Kyla was practiced in the art of vampire slaying. Although she tried to convince Mia, she refused every time to even be near her treasured weapons. Zach ofcourse stayed with Mia at all times, but only because he didn't need her to be a vampire. Kyla had been to hell and back, she knew what it was like to be a bloodsucker and never again would she,the only one who could would be if she was madly in love with the guy, otherwise, she said screw you. She was one of the most known vampire hunters in the century, no one like her, no one had accomplished what she'd done either to return to humanity. Though for some odd reason her blood is apparently sweeter than your average human and vampires tended to come to her like a magnet more often than not. ~ Mia held Zach's hand as they went to the nearby village market. He needed her protected at all times, after all, she'd been hunted her whole life. "What would you like?" Zach asked. Mia looked into her brothers blue eyes and said simply,"Food." She was so hungry she swore that she was losing her insides. Zach asked again,"What kind of food." Mia smirked,"the kind you eat." Zach scowled,"Fine,i shall get you some jerky and a huge muffin." Mia called after him as he went to one of the peoples carts to purchase the items he required,"Blueberry please!" ~ Cody lounged in a tree sound asleep above Kyla in the darkend forest. He ofcourse snored and was not at all prepared for a vampire fight...though he didn't have to worry about that, Kyla was a master of bloodsuckers, she knew every weakness and strength,though she'd been one so he didn't fully know to count it or not...
8:52am Jul 17 2010
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Posts: 3,141
[[I is joining please ^^]] Name: Rory Koin
Age: Frozen at 17 Gender: Male History: Only on a need to know basis. Persona: Cold hearted and not the kind of guy most would stick around with for long. He pushes people away, but only out of fear of rejection. He hates being a Vampire, but still believes it gives him an advantage in some cases. Looks: (Above) Crush: Open Boyfriend: None Sexual Orientation: Gay (Deal with it) Other: Is a Vampire Vampire Hunter (A Vampire that hunts other Vampires)
9:02am Jul 17 2010
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Posts: 4,310
{{ Yush, now post your intro.}} Kyla's blue gazed followed the stars that she could see through the dense forest trees. She simply wasn't even sure why she took up the job of a vampire hunt after all, though it ahd advantages such as them fleeing at the very sight of her...or well, simply trying to bite her,though everyone knows vampire can only change the person if bitten in the neck.(yes, i know i'm very original). One suddenly leapt at her from no where her blade within her palm in an instant and slid it skillfully into their chest...soon after a few moments of snapping its teeth and struggleing it finally went limp and she removed her weapon. Vampires were getting to be too lousy and simple to kill...
9:32am Jul 17 2010
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Rory stared down at the slow moving river only a few inches from his feet. His reflection stared back up at him, a slight scowl on its face. The Vampire often visited this spot. Water was one of the things that would still support his reflection. He was glad for that. Although he was far above vanity, his reflection reminded him that he still looked human at lest. Whether that was a good or bad thing, he had yet to decide. His fingers slid down his side to grip his right handed weapon--an odd creation that was only about two feet in length that ended in an arrow-headed spike and had an crescent moon style axe head on one side and two long spikes on the other. It had many uses, both in combat and in every-day life, but his favorite was that he could use the flat of the spike to drive a wooden stake home. His other weapon was simple short sword that he used with his left hand. It was only a secondary weapon, but it still served its purpose. Several wooden stakes also hung from his belt. It was all he dared carry. Any other anti-vampire weapon could backfire on himself. Sighing, Rory dropped his hand to his side and turned from the river, walking off at a slow pace. For once he was just relaxing himself. No hunting and really hoping he wouldn't run into any targets. Usually not his style, but everyone needed a break once in a while. He yawned slightly, pausing in his strides and covering his mouth, before dropping his hand again and continuing his walk.
9:43am Jul 17 2010
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Posts: 4,310
Kyla was by now annoyed at how Cody had managed to sleep through practically anything. "Wake up sleepy head," she said and hucked a rock at him before laughing as he startledly fell out of the tree."No fair," he whined before looking down and seeing the lifeless vampire at her feet."Oh..." he said now understanding. Kyla said,"Now my little brotehr,where shall we be off to now?" She asked him. Cody paused a moment,"well...we could go to the river for a canoeing rip right?" he asked. When she nodded he practically jumped up and down like a silly teenage girl who was meeting Justin bieber in person...though don't ask.{{Yesh, unfortunately i have heard of beaver and think he is annoying...}} Kyla took lead and followed his instruction to where he and Zach had last hidden the canoe(sp?). She found it alright, and they took to the river and headed upstream. Cody grinning the whole time,even when he was splashed. She eventually gave in and ended up grinning the whole way with him...oh well, if you can't beat 'em join 'em!
10:02am Jul 17 2010
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Posts: 3,141
[[I don't mind him so much... although it was a total mindf--- to find out he was a 16 year old guy O_O]] Rory paused after he'd lost sight of the river and turned around to face its direction again. His eyes were narrowed in concentration. An odd... splashing sound was coming from the river, sounding out of place. It wasn't like the natural sounds of the fish splashing. It was something different... larger. He picked up a swift pace, returning to the river. His curiosity always got the better of him but he considered himself the guardian of that river. He often went out of his way to keep it clean, removing trash and tree trunks alike in order to keep it flowing at its content pace. In exchange, the river drew the animals that he fed on to it. Rory had always been in tune with nature so it was no surprise he felt like this. Pushing himself through the last like of plants--a line of ferns that grew at the edge of the rocky bed at the edge of the river that was sometimes covered by water during the rainy season-- he stared out at the water. It wasn't hard to find what was causing the disturbance. It was two humans in some kind of boat... if it could even be called a boat. He raised an eyebrow at it and its pas-sengers.
10:07am Jul 17 2010
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Posts: 5,748
((i think im gonna drop out this is moving to fast ish for me and i suck at rps))
