10:10am Jul 17 2010
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{{I know right? I'd allways though he was like twelve or thirteen.}} Kyla said,"Now when we get out don't tip the boat please,i don't feel like getting dunked today." She gave him a look like she meant it and he gulped and nodded. Kyla eased to boat to the s*censored* and pulled it onto land with Cody's help to hide it,seeing as it as how they got around... Kyla flipped her blade(a daggar to be specific) in her hand and caught by the tip for sheer amusement. Though she wasn't alert that rory was lurking somewhere a few feet behind her. Cody smirked,"So, happy i didn't tip us in the rapid then." Kyla scowled,"Yes, but you almost did."Cody only laughed and she said,"Dorkasaur{{Tis my word, use it and face consequences of me ratting you out.}}."
10:11am Jul 17 2010
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{{Anti,why? it just barely started not to long ago.}}
10:23am Jul 17 2010
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[[I didn't even know he was a guy until he said something like "be my girl" in one of his songs on the radio and I had to Wiki him xD]] Rory continued to stare, curious at their behavior. What kind of person acted so nonchalant while playing with a dagger? Obviously the male was used to the behavior because he hadn't even flinched when she flipped it. Suddenly feeling very out in the open, Rory back up into the shadows, his feet not making even the slightest sound on the gravel. From his new position, he could watch the pair without them seeing him... at least not right away. Being a Vampire, Rory was rarely in the company of others. He never went into towns like some other vampires. It only took one vigilant eye to notice his lack of reflection in something before a whole mess of Hunters were on his tail. Even though he was on the same side as them, Hunters didn't follow reason. They lusted for blood as much as Vampires did--for different purposes of course-- but it always ended up with someone dead regardless of Vampire or Hunter.
10:36am Jul 17 2010
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{{Yes i know, when i heard his songs first time i thought it was a lesbian singer. X( }} Kyla wasn't a blood thirsty moron like some. Though she didn't hear Rory move and threw the daggar and it slammed into a tree near him,"Come out, i know you're there." She growled. Kyla was very expirienced in feeling a presence behind her moving. She afetr all had been a vampire once... Cody jumped when she did that...he still had no hell of a clue how she did that little'i know when someone's there' thing she did...maybe it was one of the side affects of returning to being human... but he'd guessed he'd never know.
10:45am Jul 17 2010
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[[Lol, I didn't know what to think xD]] Rory jerked his hand off the tree purely from reflex, even if the dagger wouldn't have it if he had stayed put. His eyebrows shot up to his hairline as he stared at the female. That was odd--inhuman even-- yet she still seemed like a human. A hunter maybe? "Just my luck." He muttered, stepping out from behind the tree. This time his feet crunched slightly as he stepped out onto the gravel. He had a smirk on his face from seeing the male jump. It amused him enough to stay calm. "What do you want?" Rory asked coldly looking the pair up and down carefully.
10:51am Jul 17 2010
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"Doesn't a vampire like you know how to steer clear of trouble?", Kyla asked, his calmlness intriguiged her...no oned ever been calm in her presence.(besides Cody that is.) She flicked her fingers a secret signal for Cody to leave for a moment. Cody saw the signal and shrugged before heading into the forest.
10:58am Jul 17 2010
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"I usually hang out by this river." Rory answered, continuing in his same cold and calm manner. "To me, you're the ones who aren't steering clear of trouble." His gaze, previously fixed on the female, moved to the male after he spotted the signal and noticed him leaving. With speed only known to a vampire, he moved into the male's way, blocking him from leaving. "Where do you think you're going, cutie?" the Vampire said with a smirk as he leaned against a tree. "I can't have you running off for help, now can I?"
11:07am Jul 17 2010
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"Aw but we don't need help," Kyla smirked,"Have you ever heard of Kylarin Warrith?The vampire hunter who used to be one?" She ballanced teh hilt of another daggar in her palm. She was no where near intimidated by this vampire. Cody raised and eyebrow,"Dude, if you think we need help you got issues."
11:17am Jul 17 2010
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Rory's smirk was wiped off his lips like a slap to the face as he stared past the male at the female with wide eyes. He'd never heard of her, but the idea of a vampire turning human had surprised him. The look lasted less than a second before he shrugged it off as pure myth, an intimidation tactic to throw him off his guard. He shrugged it off. "I don't get out much." he said simply, turning his attention back to the male. "Off the record, I have a lot of issues. They're part of my charm." He smirked again, looking at him with an almost lazy ex pression. "So do you have a name, human?"
11:24am Jul 17 2010
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"Cody Warrith." Cody stated simply. Kyla said calmly," And i would be Kylarin Warrith although i prefer Kyla,No measly human hunter could've known your position in the shadows."She crossed her arms across her chest and opend her mouth,the fangs from vampirism didn't go away you eitehr sawed tehm off or left them.She chose to leave them to prove her authority as a human. She showed her glistening sharp fangs to the others... Cody shivered she'd never shown him or told him she still had the sharp fangs of a vamp. {{I made another roleplay if ya wanna join in, it will determin whether or not i decide to go on hiatus for long or not. The plot was originally a dream of mine. XD}}
12:02pm Jul 17 2010
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"Well that certainly makes me feel better." Rory said, his voice quivering slightly as he stared at Kayla's fangs. How was that possible? A Vampire turned human... it was like reviving the dead. It was disturbing to him, that was for sure. It made him anxious. Thankfully, spotting Cody's shiver out of the corner of his eye snapped Rory out of it. "Fangs bother you, Cody?" he purred, grinning at the male to show his own. "So what are you going to do to me?" Rory asked, addressing Cody more than Kayla. Both interested him, but he was finding it easier to stay calm around the other male.
12:09pm Jul 17 2010
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"No, I just didn't realize my own sister still kept hers.plus, as long as you don't bite me i won't do anything with you" Cody said with an adorable scowl. He was more of teh type to gie the blood sucker a chance while Kyla on the other hand had limited patience when chatting with vamps. Kyla tapped her foot anxiously. She was getting bored...and quickly.
12:17pm Jul 17 2010
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Cute... Rory thought, blinking in slight surprise. Amazing what a simple look could do. "Oh really now?" he said. "So you won't do anything with me? Well that almost makes me wanna bit you, despite your scary sister over there." He teased. Feeling Kyla's impatience, he quickly added, "Although I've never actually bit a human before. I prefer animals myself, honestly."
12:23pm Jul 17 2010
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That struck a chord for Kyla and she burst out laughing,"A vegetarion vamp?No frikken way." Her ex pression now like this: :3 Cody turned red at that,"I don't want to be a vampire." he insisted. Though, he already knew that people couldn't change unless the vampire bit their neck. *nod* Cody had let the same exprssion Kyla had appear on his face, though it was natural for the Warrith family, the creepy thing was being in a room with all of them with that same identical ex pression...
12:29pm Jul 17 2010
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"There are other places I can bite besides your neck." Rory said deviously, noticing the blush on Cody's face. He suddenly looked from Cody's face to Kayla's and raised an eyebrow. "Well that's not creepy at all." he muttered. "And yes, I guess you could call me that. Believe it or not, I hate the bloodsuckers as much as you probably do." He gestured to the stakes hanging from his waist. He knew he probably looked crazy, a Vampire being a Vampire Hunter, but it was just his mentality.
12:36pm Jul 17 2010
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"Don't blame me for our odd ex pression blame genetics," Cody giggled and span around and jumped up and down,"Zach!" he chanted. Zach pounced on his twin brother,"heel-llo Co-Day" they laughed."well i say," Cody said. Zach scowled,"Is Kyla starving you?" Cody shook his head,"Nope." Mia walke dout of the bushes to Kyla's side,"I guess we will never understand our brothers." Kyla sighed,"Unfortunately Mia, we will never understand them." Cody turned back to Rory,"this is my twin brother Zach." they both gave their identical grins. Though they were far from the same when i came to looks, after all Zach ahd his Dirty blonde hair and gray eyes while Zach ahd dark brown hair and brown eyes.
12:53pm Jul 17 2010
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"Twins, eh?" Rory muttered, glad to turn the conversation away from Vampires. It bothered him slightly that the number of probable hunters had doubled, even if none of them had made a hostile move towards him... except the knife throw at the start. He stared at the twins for a moment, their grins once again making him pause, before looking at Zack. "Nice to meet you, Zack." he said, being polite.
1:01pm Jul 17 2010
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Mia shook her head as her as her and Kyla had a silent conversation. Zack noddded,"Uh huh.Nice to meet you as well." It was kind of obvious taht Zack wasn't interested in anything but attempting to get Cody to teh river nd dunking him, seeing as eh did taht to teh rest of the group often...though he hoped that they didn't gang up on him and toss him in the river. Cody said,"Stop it!Wait!Noo!" he thrashed in the air a moment and Zack fell over laughing his head off when her heard the splash.Cody, couldn't swim... Kyla and Mia gasped,"ZACK! you Jack @ss you know he can't swim!" Zack ofcourse, was allways the obnoxious one who allways endagered the lives of others and especially Cody.Kyla grumbled damn, niether of you can swim eitehr...
1:14pm Jul 17 2010
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"You threw him in knowing he couldn't swim?" Rory said, clearly surprised at how willing Zack endangered his twin's life. He looked at the others, noticing that none were moving to help Cody. "Just my luck!" he muttered, fumbling with the clasp on his belt. He finally got it undone and it dropped to the ground with a clank. "I'd throw you in too, Zack, but that'd be one more human to save. He quickly moved over to the river and waded out as far he could before he had to start swimming. He dove under, grabbing Cody's arm and hauling him above the surface, he shook his hair out of his eyes. "Cody, are you ok?" he asked.
1:17pm Jul 17 2010
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Zack shrugged,"i do it all the time." Kyla was the only one who knew how to swim in the group,she snapped,"Hell, i'm going to have to teach you all you swim now aren't i?" Cody spat out the water that had invaded his lungs and nodded,"Fine.He does that all the time anyway..."