3:54pm Jul 17 2010
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{{Yes.}} Cody nodded. The others simply waited for him to go...
4:36pm Jul 17 2010 (last edited on 4:57pm Jul 17 2010)
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Shanoa had remained sitting in the tree for a while now. The night was slightly lighter now that the clouds had moved and the moon was in view again. It was only at this time she realised that she was near the river, mostly because she was silently listening to all the conversation going on beneath her and observed the scene of this human known as 'Cody' was thrown into the river. Shanoa almost laughed, but she managed not to. Shanoa looked down, watching all these 'Hunters' and the one Vampire who was apparently 'Vegetarian' communicate among each other. Her eyes were mostly on the one known as 'Zach', she liked the look of him. Shanoa also like how careless he was of his brother, she smiled slightly watching the people below her. She was surprised that she hadn't been found out yet. These hunters, although rather childish, all looked rather skilled. Zero was a few miles form where he left Shanoa. He was no longer moving fast, but slowly now, he'd found a girl, a human girl with long red hair. Zero smiled and bit his lip. The colour of her hair made him think of blood. She looked tired too, she wouldn't put up much of a fight. Zero moved quieter among the braches looking down at the girl, keeping his eyes focused on her. Then he struck. Alex had no time to move. She didn't even notice the vampire, usually she would have noticed but she was fatigued. Alex didn't even have a chance to call for help properly. The vampire had moved so quickly that he'd thrown her sword into a nearby tree, pulled both her arms against her side and managed to clapse his hand over her mouth. Was it going to end now? Zero smiled, his left arm was wrapped tightly around the girl's waist, his right hand was pressed firmly against her mouth. Zero said nothing, he just stood perfectly still, unbreathing, listening to this girl's heartbeat, feeling the warmth from her body. Slowly he moved his lips to her neck and breathed on it than ran his tongue up to her jaw. He felt her shiver, he grinned. In one more quick movement Zero let her go before pressing a pressure point near her neck, the girl collapsed, completely paralysed in his arms.

4:58pm Jul 17 2010
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Kyla felt teh same feeling she had when another person was around...she called otu,"Who's there?"She stared directly to the place where Shanoa was located... The otehrs gave ehr suspicious looks..they still were confused on how she kenw someones position..
5:06pm Jul 17 2010
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Shanoa looked down at the girl who had called out. She wasn't shocked at all that she'd spotted her, she'd seen how she had easily detected the other vampire, Rory, not long ago. The trouble now was deciding whether to show herself or not. Shanoa stood up on the branch and moved back closer to the trunk of the tree. She's try stay hidden and silent for now, just too see what happened next. Another reason was her now knowing too well how to deal with hunters. Zero had never let her fight, never let her get hurt, never taught her anything. If she got just a scratch on her now, he'd be regretting that. Shanoa bit her lip, she was tempted to come down from her perch, but soon thought better of it. Zero was making his way back, silently and quickly through the trees. The girl lay limp in his arms. "Don't worry." He whispered to her sofly. "You won't feel a thing." He grinned, showing his fangs. He noticed the girl's bottom lip twitch as she tried to speak. "Shh." He whispered again, his voice soothing and melodic. Zero focused ahead, he'd be back with Shanoa soon.

5:15pm Jul 17 2010
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"I don't hurt those who are weaker than myself if you're tehre, but try my patience and feel the edge of my blade." Kyla warned. She wasn't about to let this go for anything Mia spoke up,"Kyla maybe there's," Kyla interupted,"No. i know there's someone there." She amy be a vampire hunter but she wasn't dangerous... Zach sighed,"Come on Mia lets get outta here this can get pretty ugly." Cody chimed in"I'll go too."Mia nodded and the group left Kyla all alone...she could handle herself.
5:39pm Jul 17 2010
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Shanoa didn't know whether to trust the situation or not. She looked below carefully, seeing the one she had been focused one, Zach, leaving. Shanoa swallowed the lump in her throat before elegantly leaping from the tree. Her feet hit the ground soundlessly, she bent her knees upon impact so that the shock would be absorbed, thus causing her no damage. As she brought herself up, she pushed her hair away from her face. Shanoa cleared her throat. "Hello." She said graciously, her voice was soft and almost melodic, but held no emotion. Zero paused a second. He senced a group of hunters nearby, wher ehe had left Shanoa. His eyes looked panicked for a second, untill it came to him that there had been no blood spilt the scent wasn't in the air... yet. Zero looked around cautiously before setting the girl on the ground. He watched around again before removing one of his many an various belts he liked to wear. He took the girls wrists and bound them together tighly using his belt, then he took a dagger from his pocket. Zero held rested the girl against the trunk of a rather large old oak, he lifted her arms, bound at the wirsts, and pressed them firmly against the trunk of the tree. In one swift and accurate movement, Zero swung his arm, dagger held firmly in his grip, there was the sound of the air swirling around the blade before it neatly cut into the belt and the tree. Zero looked at what he had done, rubbed his chin then pushed the dagger slightly further into the tree. She wasn't going anywhere if she came too. The belt he had used was strong and thick, it wasn't going to break. He looked carefully at the girls wrists, they were slightly red from where the belt was digging in. He touched her hands softly, they were cold, there wasn't much blood getting to them so they would be weak. No chance of her escaping. Zero looked around once more before moving silently and undetected twoards where he had left Shanoa. She'd probably need halp soon.

5:48pm Jul 17 2010
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Kyla raised her eyebrow. This vampire appeared to have no expirience with anything at all...She sheathed her sword and placed her dagger back on her belt."No way i'm going to hurt a weakling." she stated. Death was her game and life was ehr name, she didn't take lives of those too young or too weak, she only saw it as slaughter then... she sniffed...and guess,"I am guessing there is anotehr who takes care of you, am i wrong?" she asked the girl.
6:02pm Jul 17 2010 (last edited on 6:11pm Jul 17 2010)
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"That is correct." Shanoa replied, straight to the point, her voice still monotone. She looked down at the dress she was wearing and tutted. There was some dust and dirt on it, Zero wouldn't be too happy. She bent down to dust herself off. "He's currently busy. But I'm sure he'll be back soon if you wish to speak with him?" Shanoa questioned. Zero was lurking a few hundred yards away, he still remained undetected, and that's how he would stay. It seemed that Shanoa was in no danger, he needn't panic. Now what was left was for him to return to the girl he'd left by the oak tree and take her back to his flat. Shanoa would know to meet there afterwards. Alex blinked her eyes, slowly at first and then quickly. She gasped, mostly from shock. How could she have let that happen? It wasn't really her fault. Her mother had said that she dissaproved of her being a vampire hunter and demanded that she helped with housework during the day. She thought back, remembering why she had been named Alex, it was because her father had wanted a son to bring up and train to be a vampire hunter. He was dissapointed with Alex's mother for giving birth to a girl, but he accepted it in a way and trained Alex to become a hunter. If it wasn't for her beign tired, she probably could have faught off the vampire. Alex shook her head and then winced in pain. She tried to move her arms, but couldn't. Her breathing began to quicken, but she soon calmed. She looked up, her wrists were bound together with a belt, and that had been stuck against the tree using a dagger. It was in pretty deep. Alex tried to pull foward slightly to ease the dagger form the tree, she couldn't. The pain was too much and the dagger was in too deep. She looked around, slightly panicked. She didn't want to be vamp food, that wasn't the death she wanted, neither did she want to become a vampire. Coming to her sences, she realised there would be other hunters out, probably some vampire's too. It was probably worth the risk anyway, she was dead if she didn't take action and there was a slight chance of her living if she did. Alex too a deep breath before shouting out. "Hello!?" Her voice was loud and run out, echoing through the trees. "Someone!? Please, help!"

6:10pm Jul 17 2010
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Kyla laughed,"well, my dear taht won't help you with my fellow hunters around,you're very lucky to come upon me and not some other blood raged hunter." When she laughed her fangs clearly showed,she wasn't a vampire though which threw most off..."I'm Kyla Warrith, i will tell you a small story of what happend to the guy who made me sit around like a helpless child,he died, I was independant and young though,so what did i know about vampires?plenty,you see they murdered my parents and separated my siblings." she continued,"Well, the dude paid alright, and if you haven't heard my name from anyone or why am i so heard of then there is many things i need to dissucss with your little friend who cares for you."
6:23pm Jul 17 2010 (last edited on 6:27pm Jul 17 2010)
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"Other hunters wouldn't have been able to detect me so easily." Shanoa replied, her voice still monotone, her face expressionless, even her eyes held no emotion. She wasn't in the least intimidated. She watched Kyla laugh, looking closely at her fangs. She wasn't a vampire that was one thing Shanoa could be certain of. "I have heard of you." Shanoa nodded twoards Kyla. "The Vampire Hunter who once was. You're not like any other hunter, you're much more skilled and not so wreckless. In a way I admire you." Shanoa remained emotionless, her ex pression not changing, her eyes un-blinking. "One thing I do not know... something which I would like to know." Shanoa looked around her, making sure Zero wasn't withing hearing distance. He wasn't, that was good. "How did you reverse the vampireism?" Alex was still struggling slightly, it seemed hopeless. Nothing she did even budges the dagger, it just caused her pain. She could no longer feel her hands and her wrists were throbbing. She sighed and hung her head. No one had come, not a single person, or vampire. She hadn't completely given up hope yet, there was still a chance that some hunters were out, some would hear her and come to help. "Please!?" She cried out once more. "Somebody!? Please help me! Anybody!?" Zero had the girl within his sights once more. He sat high in the tree he had pinned her too. He watched her with a content smile, it was fun to see prey struggle knowing that their efforts would be wasted and their energy too. It made taking their blood from them a much easier task. Though, Zero had to admit that the blood did taste much sweeter when they struggled, it felt like it was more rewarding, much more satisfying. He bit down on his lip, the thought of warm blood corsing through his body as he slowly drained a human of it. It was certainly a wonderfull thing.

6:28pm Jul 17 2010 (last edited on 6:31pm Jul 17 2010)
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"How you ask?Simple, i went to the place taht was most dangerous for a vamprie to go. The place some call suicide while i call it humanity.There is a place where the sun touches the earth first and within that place there is a cliff side that holds many a dozen caves, only one holding the key to my humanity.Luckily i found it and cured myself and within the next few days i was able to walk the sun once more. That is how." Kyla said calmly. She spoek true with every word...she was glad to feel ehr oh so present heart still beating..it was a great comfort to her... Cody Zach and Mia heard teh girl.. they came over to ehr slowly."My goodness, dear!now let us get that belt from your hands." Mia said hands on ehr hips. she wasn't a hunter though which amde ehr all the more vonruble...Cody and Zach went to inspect teh dagger,"It's wedge to far in for me to get it out!" the said in unison.
6:51pm Jul 17 2010
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OoC: I hope you don't mind but I changed Zero's looks o-o New picture is in the bio on the first page~ "There's such a place..." Shanoa murmered to herself. "I've been told it was just legend. A myth, folk lore. So this place exists?" A slight trace of emotion entered her voice and filled her eyes, the emotion was hope. her face remained expressionless. She listened closely so Kyla and from her body language, could tell she was glad of something, probably to have a beating heart in her chest. Shanoa could hear her heart beating from where she was standing. Slowly she moved her hand and placed in on her chest where she should have been able to feel her heartbeat. There wasn't one. There were just a few things she missed of being human, it was the warmth of the sun, the feeling of bathing in it, actually needing to breathe and being able to hear her heart beating. It saddened her, not being able to have these things. Was it all worth it though? Giving up and etarnal life, full of new and interesting things to discover in the darkness, just to become human again. She had no life to go back too. Everyone she knew thought she was dead. And then there was Zero to think about too. Alex stopped moving. There was no point struggling, it only hurt to do so. "Thank you, thank you." She murmered to the three that had come to aid her. "Please, don't you have something to cut the belt? It... it hurts." From her previous struggling, Alex's wrists had been cut into and were now bleeding, the pain made her flinch. "You have to, hurry. He'll be back soon." "So very soon." Zero said, a loud clear voice. He was leaning against the tree, no one had noticed him come down. He sniffed the air, the girl's blood filled the air with such a sweet smell. But there was a sweeter one, the other girl. Her blood smelt so delightful, so tempting. Zero bit his lip again, smiling at the other girl. He moved quickly, so fast no one could see him. Before anyone could bl ink, Zero was positioned behind Mia, one arm around her waist, haolding her arms to her sides so that she couldn't move, his other holding a wonderfully crafted dagger to her throat. It was a silver dagger, not something vampires usually carry around with them. Zero had it from a previous victim of his. He moved his head in twoards Mia's neck, pressing his lips to her soft skin. He took in a deep breath. "You smell simply delightful." He smiled, pulling his head away to look at the two males, watching for their reaction.

7:03pm Jul 17 2010
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"Don't you dare, Kyla will have your head on a platter,or betetr yet i dare you to try and catch Kyla herself just let Mia go." Zach said though hsi eyes begged...Cody cut the girl loose and handed her some ace bandages for the wounds... Kyla said," Fortunately i brought around a hundred bottles of vamp cure and i ahve one on me. If you want it just ask." Kyla could tell something was wrong with Mia...She said," I need to go ti appears there is trouble within my ranks of family," She said ebfore setting a bottle of metallic silver liquid and placed ti on teh ground so she could grab it if she wanted...Kyla's scent and blood especcially lured vampires into ehr midst...seeing as ehr blood made any average humans seem bland an tasteless...she stalked trough the trees until seeing Mia in zero's arms she said simply,"Leave her, take me instead." Cody and Zach gasped in horror... Kyla didn't give in that easily but for once her eyes said it all...she did give up.Mia's jaw dropped in shock, Kyla would lose her humanity again just to let her have hers?
7:28pm Jul 17 2010
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"I wouldn't need to try." Zero replied with a content smile. He watched closely as the blonde cut his origional prey loose. He eyes the blood on her wrists and his mouth watered slightly, not much though. He closed his eyes, leaning in twoards Mia's neck once more. He flashed a grin at the others, showing his delicately pointed fangs. They were larger than any other vampire's. Shanoa looked down at the bottle on the ground. She was slightly baffled and confused, so she simply knelt beside the bottle, not daring to touch it. She stared into the bottle. Inside it was a silvery metallic ((Almost typed Matallica XD)) liquid. Silver was dangerous if it entered a vampire's bloodstream, it wasn't just the werewolves who could be killed by it. Shanoa eyed the bottle cautiously, it would all be a bluff, it might not work at all, did she really want to give up an eternity with Zero? It was a pretty nice life with him. Shanoa shook her head and left the bottle where it was. She decided to follow in the direction that Kyla had gone. She soon found the hunter again, along with the rest of them another girl and... Zero? Was he in trouble? "Zero?" Shanoa murmered, walking up behind Kyla, p*censored*ing her and coming up behind the two Known and Cody and Zach and the other human... who was bleeding. The scent of blood filled her nose, Shanoa tried hard to resist lunging at the girl who was wrapping her wounds. She froze on the spot, trying to remember what Zero had said, not to lung at a bleeding human in a barbarian way... it just wasn't proper. Shanoa clenced her hands into fists and bit down hard on her lip, she closed her eyes. "Shanoa." Zero replied to his friend, nodding twoards her. "Go from here, I can handle myself." His arm tightened around Mia's waist. "Why wo-" Zero began, but he caught the scent of the new arrival's blood in the air, it was even sweeter than this girl's blood. It was almost as sweet as a vampire's. Zero's eyes narrowed as he stared at Kyla. "I know of you." He said simply. "Shanoa, leave. Now." "No." Came Shanoa's simple reply. She had relaxed now, no longer feeling the need to attack this girl. "Now. Shanoa. Go!" Zero almost growled. But he sensed Shanoa wasn't leaving, he just hoped to god no one would hurt her. He wouldn't be able to find another girl to replace her anytime soon.

7:35pm Jul 17 2010 (last edited on 7:41pm Jul 17 2010)
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Kyla signaled Cody and Zach to go with the simple twitch of her fingers. Thye pulled the girl along with them. Kyla could be dangerous and they knew all to well the consequences of interfearing when Kyla was on the job... Mia gave her a panic strikken look she wanted to go. Kyla held a mettallic liquid(in a bottle) in her palm.It was not silver at all... merely the blood of a creature who willingly sacraficed themselves to give vampires a chance for humanity again...Kyla felt that everything seemed to slow...she could hear ehr own heartbeat above the and the sound of blood pulseing in her ears. She flipped her natural pinkish hair over her shoulder...it then reached down to almost ehr butt in the end but she ignored it...She quickly put the bottle securely away. She atleast had an escape fom vampirism...she didn't want Mia to suffer as she had, the blood alone was thick and could maybe even drown a vampire from it...
9:06pm Jul 17 2010
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((may i join?))
sorry i've been goin on in off DX
uryu is offline no one go far in the rp's im in
10:30pm Jul 17 2010
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{{As long as you're literate.}}
10:33pm Jul 17 2010
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[[I'm just going to make it so that Rory had left earlier, since there's too much I missed out on ^^]] Rory had been walking for some time now, only faintly worried about the group he had left behind. They may have seemed idiotic, but they were Hunters after all. Hopefully, they could take care of themselves. A while ago, however, he'd noticed the faint smell of blood. It was probably nothing, but it still concerned him. He wished he knew what Cody's blood smelled like. Then at least he'd have some peace knowing for sure it wasn't him; or have to rush back to save him again. After a bit more walking, he stopped dead, listening to the sounds of the forest. He swallowed at the burning in his throat--the thirst. When he had left the river the first time, he had intended to go hunting, but those plans had been dashed. It wasn't hard to find prey in the forest. This place was practically untouched by human filth. In fact, all it took was a few seconds of Rory standing completely still before a white rabbit came hopping into his path. He lunged immediately, grabbing the rabbit by the scruff of its neck, standing back up and reaching to snap its neck all in one fluid motion. The rabbit, however, seemed to have other plans. It gave Rory a cute look before he could snap its neck that literally brought the vampire to his knees. "Damn it all!" Rory cursed, looking at the rabbit he still had by the scruff in his hands. Why did prey always have to be cute. It made it so hard to kill them. The rabbit twitched its nose and Rory hung his head in defeat, unable to take its life. He dropped the rabbit to the ground but oddly enough, it didn't run. It just stayed there, staring at him and twitching it's nose. After a moment it hopped away, back in the direction Rory had come, but turned around after a few hops as if expecting him to follow it. Rory blinked, confused by the rabbits strange behavior, but stood up anyways and began walking towards the rabbit. The rabbit hopped on but stopped and looked at him when he stopped, as if not wanting to put more than two meters between them. "You are an odd rabbit." Rory muttered, starting to walk again and watching how the rabbit stayed exactly two meters in front of him. [[I kinda wanna make that rabbit some sort of mythical/magical creature x3]]
3:30am Jul 18 2010
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OoC: Which girl did Cody and Zach pull along with them? o 3o I'm guessing it was Alex xD BiC: "Shanoa." Zero wasn't panicked, just slightly frustrated, his voice had a warning tone to it. Right now he needed Shanoa to leave, there were hunters here and she couldn't fight. She would have to hide herself away for now. The only way to get her to leave now was by giving her orders. Zero watched closely as Kyla signaled for the other hunters to leave, they took his origional prey with them. Zero's eyes narrowed, a cunning look crossed his face. "Shanoa, please." Zero's voice had a tone of authority to it now, it was still ever so sweet. "Follow those humans, they have something I want." Shanoa didn't want to leave, but been given orders to do something, she had to. "Yes Sir." She said simply, nodding. Shanoa then took off into the trees, following Zach, Cody and Alex silently. If Zero had taught her one thing of being a good vampire, it was how to stalk silently and undetected like a predator. Alex had began to grow rather weak now. Although there were bandages around her wrists, Alex hadn't had enough feeling back in her hands to tie them on tightly enough. Blood slowly oozed through the bandages, at this rate it wouldn't be able to clot and heal. Her eyelids grew heavy and her head felt light. Then the forest around her began to spin. Alex gasped once before letting herself fall to the ground. It was a mix of exhaustion, shock, panic and bleeding that have overwhelmed her and caused her to faint. Zero had his lips pressed softly against Mia's neck again, teasing both her and Kyla, purpously making the situation tense and Mia much more uncomfortable. He kept his focus on the bottle in Kyla's hand, it was filled with a silvery liquid. He calculated that it was something important and he should destroy it the first chance he had. Zero then kissed Mia's neck, smiling sweetly afterwards. He lifted his head away to look up at Kyla. "So let me get this straight." He announced, smiling a half-smile which looked, rather intimidating. "If I let this girl go... you will willingly and without a fight, give up your life... to me?" To Zero, it all seemed just a bit too good to be true. He didn't trust to the Vampire Hunter to keep her word. Zero lightly pressed the dagger against the soft skin on Mia's neck, it wasn't enough to cut her, but just to touch her skin. The blade was cold and upon feeling cold most humans shiver, he was trying to get that reaction from Mia.

3:59pm Jul 18 2010
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