4:09pm Jul 18 2010
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Mia only growled at the blade on her throut,she may not have chosen to be a hunter but the talent and ability was tight in her DNA. Kyla snarled,"Would i lie? I do not need my siblings to suffer as i have, i went through hell those past few years, life isn't all that important to me right now." Kyla stepped toward the light shining through the trees and her hair took on an odd scarlet color... Mia bit her tounge... she'd never seen what Kyla had seemed to have hidden away for all those years...suffering,pain, and disipline of the sword radiated from her aura...she wondered why she'd never sensed it before... after all they'd been roaming together for a long time...maybe Kyla's mental ability was even more vast than she knew... Kyla stashed the bottle away... if her neck wasbitten into atleast she could return to human again...though she had no idea the consequenses of becoming a vampire twice and returning to humanity twice..she'd take the risk,who cared?,she certainly didn't.
4:41pm Jul 18 2010
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Zero losened his grip on Mia slightly. He felt he wouldn't get the reactions he wanted from her, it wasn't going to be as fun as he had first though. "So I let your sister go free, to wander around a happy little human while in return I can do one of two things to you. Am I correct?" Zero eyed Kyla up an down watching her movements as she stepped into the pale light of dawn that was begining to seep through cracks in the leaves. He watched her hair become an odd scarlet in colour, the colour was almost like fresh blood. Zero bit his lip, smiling gently. He comtemplated making her a vampire, though that could be dangerous, giving one so skilled more power to use. He could just kill her, drain her dry of her blood, but where was the fun in that? Zero made his decision. He would keep Kyla, just as he kept Shanoa, only he wouldn't change Kyla... not for a while anyway. He would keep her with him, hidden somewhere for a while and weaken her, then he would turn her, not allowing her to die but leaving her hungry and too weak to fight. Vampires didn't need to feed, they could go an eternity without it, they just chose to feed. It gave them warmth, a feeling of blood in their bodies, a sence and a taste of... life. "I must say, it seems an unfair trade. Not for you, but myself." Zero began to explain. "You see, it would be so very easy for me to just dissapear with you sister. you wouldn't be able to find me, or keep up with me. You know who I am do you not?" Zero watched as the light of dawn began to seep further into the sky, before long he'd have to get inside, somewhere dark, before he burnt, badly. Zero tightened his grip on Mia once more, pulling her arms closer to her sides and pressing his own arm closer to her waist. "I am Zero Matrix. A Vampire Hunter like youself must have heard of the name Matrix. We're a well known family to all Vampire Hunters."

4:52pm Jul 18 2010 (last edited on 4:54pm Jul 18 2010)
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"Death or turn me would be your options,though, i have many more tricks up my sleeve than you'll ever know...yes i've heard of the Matrix coven,being that my parents were murdered my them(that okay?),just let her go. Take my sister away and find that i have plenty more special talents than being an average hunter" Kyla said...Mia could tell that in that crack of sunlight that Kyla's skin seemed uncomfortable an...when his arm was tightend around her waist she had to take in deeper breaths so she didn't suffocate... Cody(the brunette) and Zach(the blonde) rested alex to teh ground and waited for her to wake up...they didn't like when a human died or seemed anywhere near death...
5:26pm Jul 18 2010
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"Those are indeed my options. Though, mebeing me, I could twist those slightly." Zero smiled again. He noticed Mia having to breath harder in order not to suffocate. Deciding that Kyla could at least be half tursted he loosened his grip on Mia slightly. "So my family, they killed your parents? Now this is something they haven't told me. I suppose they would have but we haven't been in contact for the past twenty odd years." Zero ran his tongue along his fangs, he looked to the sky thinking. "Allright." He said. "here, have your sister." After a moment of hessitation, Zero let go of Mia and took two steps back from her. "Now, Kyla. You will willingly come with me, will you not?" Zero tilted his head to the side, smiling to show his fangs. He beckoned Kyla to come towards him by curling his index finger inwards. The pupils in his eyes became smaller and the grey colour of his iris showed. His eyes now looked rather hypnotic. Alex coughed slightly as her eyes flew open. She reached her arms upwards and caugh a hold of the nearest person to her. She felt clothing, a shirt, she grabbed it, holding it tightly. Alex tugged slightly on the shirt, bringing herself up to a sitting position and then to her feet. Not seeing who she had grabbed onto exactly, she flung both her arms around the person's neck and held him tight. "I'm... so. So, thankful." She muttered, still holding onto this persons neck. She noted that he had ash-blonde hair. "Thank you... I'm.. I'm sorry too, for trouble I have caused." Alex's breathing slowed a few seconds later and she let go of the blonde's neck. She wobbled slightly, but managed to maintain her balance."You wouldn't have happened to have seen a katana lying around?" Alex looked at both the people who had helped her, they were both male and were probably hunters themselves. Shanoa stayed put in a nearby tree,watching over the three. She shouldn't be noticed here, but there was one danger, the sun was rising. She would have to return to Zero's home soon, before she was burnt by the sun. Shanoa had once stayed out too early once and been caught in the sun. Her arms were badly burnt and this didn't make Zero too happy. SHe healed up quickly enough though. Shanoa looked to the sky, she could spare about an hour before the light became dangerous.

5:45pm Jul 18 2010 (last edited on 5:53pm Jul 18 2010)
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"Mia go find our brothers, Now." Kyla ordered Mia's eyes widend in fear as she took off, Kyla's stare was not a friendly one...and not one you often looked into for anything but a fight. After Mia scurried away Kyla's eyes became catlike slits before she met Zero's gaze...she couldn't be hypnotized in any way possible...she allowed her existing fangs to hang over her lips,she showed no sign of emotion and most definately appeared to not be running off... she'd moved only when there was a foot of space between her and the vampire."You know what i like best about my family?", she asked then continued,"I still have an ancestor living today.Older than you by far too it appears." {{Bringing in my other Charrie...Bio posted with my other bios...}} Ace paused upon the situation before her... Kyla had just given herself to save Mia, t was noble but no where near necesarry. The wolf hid herself in the bushes...she didn't need a fight now did she? Kyla knew how to handle this. ~ Kyla tensed when a breeze flew across her skin...Ace, her ancestor, could only be around when this in particular breeze rolled in...the ancient poawer radiated from this breeze and came for behind ehr in the thorn bushes...she relaxed, Ace would have her back in this fight to be free again... ~ Zach said,"Right here." He pulled the Katana out of his belt where he was planning on holding it for a while. He held it out to her, it wasn't his after all...
6:30pm Jul 18 2010
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Zero had almost forgotten about kyla's brothers for a moment. He remembered having sent Shanoa to follow them, he hoped nothing was hapening to her now. For all he knew, the female he had earlier could be perfectly fine and Kyla's brothers and the girl could now be after Shanoa. Zero bit down hard on his lip, warrying over Shanoa. He shook the thought from his mind, he had to stay focused here. Apparently Kyla wasn't planning on giving herself up as planned. "Ah, young one." Zero said, smiling sweetly. "I know of your living fossil. Of course I know of her. My family, or Coven as you so put it, have been a very close unit when it comes to watching over things in this world. We Matrix have been around, some longer than your fossil. There isn't many things about this world that we don't know." Zero stepped closer to Kyla, placing his hand gently on her shoulder, he moved his hand closer to her neck, running his finger up it and pulling her chin upwards so that her eyes met his. "Once thing I'm pretty sure I know is the fact that you're not planning on giving yourself up so easily as you had said. Am I correct?" Zero removed his hand from Kyla's chin and stepped back slowly. "Ah, thank you." Alex said, smiling at seeing her katana once more. She gently took it from the blonde and placed it in the leather sleeve on her back. It felt comforting feeling the katana's weight on her back once more. "I should probably introduce myself." Alex nodded at the people who had rescued her. "My name is Alex, Alex Shan. I'm a vampire hunter and I'm guessing you guys are too?"

7:06pm Jul 18 2010
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"I don't plan on being intimidated or weakened in any way at all. Other then that i am apparently owned." Kyla responded. "My fossil, as you call it, knows about you family as well, she also has managed to remove few Matrix from the realm of the living." she ended. Ace became very disgusted with this vampire... he was a Matrix, indeed her enemy. She had been around far long enough to know the danger of them... ~ Cody and Zach nodded."I'm Zach and this is Cody." Zach said calmly nodding to his brother. Mia ran smack into Cody and she said frantic,"He's got Kyla!" Cody was breathless and couldn't do more than grunt whiel Zach spu around and yelled,"What!" Mia nodded,"She exchanged herself for me." Zach shook his head,"Man that woman is mad,what will we ever do without her to guide us?"
4:40am Jul 19 2010
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"I see that." Zero replied, his voice was cool and calm. It was melodic and sweet, much more so than before. It was this kind of voice that usually drew humans twoards him, made them curious. He doubted Kyla would be effected by his voice. He wasn't trying to put on such a sweet voicejust how his voice was naturally. "I know that already. How do you think we know of your fossil and what she can do?" Zero purred, smiling to show his fangs. His fangs were a pearly white, longer than any other vampire's. They came down and hung over his bottom lip, curving slightly at the bottom to end in a delicate and prefectly shaped needle point. His fangs being slightly curved had an advantage, once he stuck them in, there was no getting them out for his victim. If they struggled, it would only cause them pain. The curv in his fangs would hold onto his prey's flesh like a hook. Not that his fangs were curled exactly like a hook, it was more of them pointing backwards slightly in his mouth like his lateral incisors and his first premolars. Zero slowly ran his tongue over tham. "Hello to you btoh and thank you for saving my life." Alex nodded at the two of them. She jumped backwards slightly, almost hitting Zach, as a girl appeared running into Cody. She appeared to be panicked. Whoever she was talking about must have been the vampire who had caught her. Alex decided it was time to return a favour. "You won't need to be without her." Alex chimed in. "I could help. I know I can't do much right now, but if I could get my brother, we might stand a chance." Alex looked at the three. "In which case it will be Five hunters, against one vampire." Alex looked to the girl, she didn't know her name yet. "Hey, did you happen to catch the vampire's name? Just so we have an idea of who and what we're dealing with?" Shanoa was listening in on this conversation, they planned to attack Zero, all of them. Although Zero could probably fend them all off, there was still a slight chance he could get hurt... or worse. Shanoa shivered at the thought. She shivered so violently that she almost lost her balance, shaking the branch she sat on. A few leaves tumbled from the tree. It didn't look good, her position might have just been given away. Shanoa remained perfectly still then, hoping they wouldn't notice. If they caught her, it wouldn't be too good for Zero or herself. If they were clever, they'd use her against Zero, if not they'd kill her. it would still hurt Zero to know she was dead, but then at least he wouldn't have to comply to what they wanted.

9:58am Jul 19 2010
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Kyla nodded,"Indeed i know of how you know of her, after all she was meant to be as.sas.sinated over two hundred thousand years ago." She wasn't intimidated by his fangs, she just seemed to find much more alluring and simply amusing..."Ah, yes, i will need to retrieve a few things from my place down river a bit, though i warn if you neter the cave with me, don't touch anything, my things are far beyond most hunters reach and indeed powerful enough with some things that they'll kill on contact. but no need to worry that's not what i'm going to get." Mia nodded and said,"i'm Mia, and secondly Kyla gave me that look you know." Cody and Zach looked to eachother and said in unison,"You mean the catlike stare are we correct?"Mia nodded."Damn, you know what that means Zach..." Cody said sadly.Zach's voice was hollow,"indeed, it meant to stay out of her way... and we all know what happend to her boyfriend who tried to tag along...." The Warriths all sighed sadly,"Yes, he was put to death for sticking his nose into Kyla's ordeals..." Ace decided she better steer clear of this one...she headed to find the rest of Kyla's siblings, she already knew that the girl was lost.... {{She's getting her mothers dress,-Nod- it looks like this: (the dress and shoes alone... and this hair style is what she'll make her hair go into when she wears the dress(below)...)
5:18pm Jul 19 2010
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5:43pm Jul 19 2010
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6:14am Jul 20 2010
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OoC: Buump~ I'll make a post later xD
9:38am Jul 21 2010
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{{Okai. :D}}
11:13am Jul 23 2010
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7:50pm Jul 23 2010
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{{Bump. X_X}}
11:05pm Jul 23 2010
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[[You killed me with all your posts. I don't have the attention span to read all that x_x]]
9:32pm Jul 24 2010
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{{Argh, If HappyBunny doesn't post this thread will die! X_X}}