6:05pm May 15 2011
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((xD Lord of the Rings bloopers are amazing. xDDD))
11:11pm May 15 2011
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((I needs my brother Sesshy! we needs someone... T-T))
6:27pm Jun 1 2011
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7:04pm Jun 1 2011 (last edited on 7:04pm Jun 1 2011)
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((Blades of Blood. My bio does contain just a dash of spoilers for those of you who havn't seen "The Final Act" or read the manga. It's not that big a deal, though. Now, behold the fanart of doom that is FAR too good to be my art. lol)) Name: Lord Sesshomaru of the Western Lands (means "killing perfection") Age: Unknown, but only appears to be about 19-20 Gender: Male Race: Inu Yokai (powerful dog demon, full blood) Appearance: In his human form, which is most common, he apears as a tall young man with silver-white hair, pale skin and demonic marks on his face, wrists and ankles that betray his heratage. On his left hip he carries Tokajin, his demonic sowrd, and Tenseiga, the sowrd of Heven with the ability to recall souls from the dead. His true form is a large, white dog with similar markings. In both forms he has a scar on his upper left arm, a reminder of when InuYasha cut it off with the Tetsusaiga. Personality: Sesshomaru is cold harted twords strangers and veiws humans as weak. The only thing lower than that of a human is a half-demon with useless abilities, embodiments of the sin of mixing two breeds that should never cross. As such, he loaths his younger halfbrother, InuYasha, for he weilds what he finds as his rightful inheritance. He has a special hate for his father, too, now dead, and even for his mother who abandoned him when Sesshomaru was still very young. Weapons and Abilities: Sesshomaru has many abilities besides his superiour strength and demonic sences, he has others as well: Tokajin: his usual sowrd filled with demonic energy and hate. Sesshomaru is the only demon that has power enough to weild it. It's most powerful move is the Dragon Strike, which is only used in times of dire need as it consumes much of his own demonic energy. Tenseiga: His inheratance from his father, this is the sowrd of Heven with the ability to recal souls from the dead once and can even save a hundred lives in one sweep. Sesshomaru can also open a portal to the Netherworld, though he only does this if he truely needs to. Whip of Light: Sesshomaru has the ability to summon a whip of pure energy, used to strike his oppenents from a great distance. Poison Claws: Sesshomaru's blood has demonic poison, and at his will he is able to send this poison to his finger tips and into an enemy's skin, eyes or open wounds. Usually, he only does this to start an infection, but if he uses his demonic energy, his poison can be enough to consume and kill an an entire human. Mokomoko: The fur on Sesshomaru's shoulder can be extened to bind or hold enemies, but can also be a soft bed when he needs to replenish himself. Flight: Self explanitory, though Sesshomaru hates to utalize this power. Teleportation: Self explanitory, Sesshomaru changes into a ball of demonic energy and appears from place to place. This drains his energy considerably. Immortality: Sesshomaru has extended life and, supposing that he does not die in battle or of sickness, will live forever. 

((Art (c) to rightful artists. Both taken from deviantart.com))
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
9:13pm Jun 1 2011
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((Aceepted! 8DDD))
11:45pm Jun 1 2011
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((Yes! Muhahaha~! Now, to wait for a decent starting point. I would post an intro, but It's kinda late where I live. my brain's not working, so I'll do it tomarrow. So glad to be back on Res. <3 ))
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
5:13pm Jun 2 2011
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((I MISSED YOUUU. -glomp-))
5:31pm Jun 2 2011
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((*is glomped* YES~!! I was missed! You've no idea what that means to be! I really missed all of this- all of you! Roleplaying, the people I've interacted with... this site in general is just so wonderful, I'm so glad to be a part of the comunity again! <3 I sincerly missed you, Rika! You've always made me smile! Hmm... I should probably think up an intro now...))
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
5:35pm Jun 2 2011
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((I did? ;U; -likes being able to make people smile- And I could bring in Itazuki (Previous known as Itami :U) first and you could have Sesshoumaru nearby? Since she has a crush on him from all the stories she's heard. <3 She's still gonna call him Sesshoumaru-sama, btw. Be all respectful-like. P:))
5:38pm Jun 2 2011
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((Respect is deffinately a good thing to have with Sesshomaru. He's a rather proud character, but common, who doesn't love him? lol, okay, you can start. I'm too full of fail today. X3 ))
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
6:33pm Jun 2 2011
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Itazuki let out a soft sigh, her ears perked as she sat within the tree she had chosen. She brought her tail around her waist and leaned against the tree, eyes soft. "This is such a beautiful forest," she said with a smile before she jumped out of the tree to land gracefull on her feet. She spun around a bit, then let out a soft giggle as she fell to the forest floor. She then reached out to lightly trail her fingers against the rough bark, a fond look upon her face.
"I wish I could speak with the forest...it would be so amazing to know what it might be thinking..."
(I have no inspiration while on my phone.)
7:10pm Jun 2 2011
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(That's okay, I'm restricted by my home computer and that gives me something to go off of. ;D )) Sesshomaru placed a pale hand on an old tree, one of the ones that he'd watched grow up. A light breeze ran through the very tops of the trees so that the leaves made soft sounds as they brushed one annother. The forest had a voice, and often Sesshomaru was sure that we was the only one that could hear it. He'd grown up with the forest, had seen it bloom and grow throught the ages. Imortality was lonely, but the forest and the mountians would always surround the demon lord. This was subconsiously comforting to Sesshomaru, though he would never admit to such a human emotion. As the demon slowly stepped away from the tree, he let his long fingers scrape across the bark before returning his arm to his side. His fingertips had tingled at the contact, proof that dispite the years that had passed Sesshomaru was still not used to having the limb back. It was odd, and he caught himself simply letting it hang at his side too often for his likeing. He tried to use it more, attempted to find uses for it once again, but every time the fingers of his right hand touched the scar on his left arm he was painfully reminded of all the things he couldn't do without it. The demon lord let out a little sigh and shook himself. He was not to dwell on such things, not now. His forest was at peace for the moment ans Sesshomaru wanted to be sure that it stayed that way for at least a while. Peace was rare in this times and though any respectable demon would appresiate a good fight, even Sesshomaru cherished the brief spans of time in which he could relax and take ease. This feeling could not have lasted for long, Sesshomaru knew, and he was proven once again as a scent his his nose. Sesshomaru tilted his head slightly up to catch the breeze that most humans could not even feel. The scent in the air alone told Sesshomaru many things, but it still took him a moment to dig through the ever familiar smells of flowers, new leaves and water that the forest provided on a regular basis. Once Sesshomaru was pass this small barrier, he at last could distingwish the scent that had caught his attention to begin with. The scent was mixed with pine leaves, causing Sesshomaru to wonder if that was just because the source was in his forest. After a few silent moments, the demon lord could also tell that it was feminine and inhuman. A trace of it, perhaps, but it was surely once scent. It was one figure he was after, one source. That ment that the human traces was either in her blood or on her clothes, and really Sesshomaru didn't care which. Weather she was hostile or not, this was unfamiliar demon blood in his forest and Sesshomaru didn't like the intrusion. Taking every step with care, Sesshomaru began to edge twards the scent as silently as possible. The fingers of his right hand twitched as he mentally prepared himself for a battle, likly a short one. Only few demons had survived a long encounter with Sesshomaru, so why would this one be any different? Sesshomaru stopped suddenly, causing the slight breeze to pick up a few strands of his silvery hair and blow them over his shoulders. His amber eyes blinked a few times in surprise. As he had drawn nearer to the source of the scent it had become more and more distinct. Sesshomaru was expecting a female demon, but not a young dog like himself. The demon lord blinked a few more times, caught off gaurd by what his nose was telling him. Dog demons where fairly common, but not in the western lands that Sesshomaru cared to look over. Why was one here, then, and a female no less? The thought irked Sesshomaru deeply, and he now burned with curiousity. Perhaps he wouldn't be fighting right off hand. It would make sence for a few questions to be answered first, wouldn't it? Yes, Sesshomaru decided. An interigation would be in order. With this decision made, Sesshomaru stood a little taller and rolled his shoulders back into a rather proud pose rather than one of stelth. He still took cautious steps, but these ones where purposeful rather than attempting to be silent. He didn't bl ink when the breeze or his own momentem made his mokomoko, the pelt cast proudly on his shoulder, shifted or when his hair was carried around his waist and shoulders. He was walking proudly, as to make an acseptable entrance when he appeared before this stranger, just as any aristocrat should. Finding the strange demon was easy enough, so Sesshomaru took in a deep breath just loud enough for his own ears to hear. It was quiet, but directly following it was a slight change in the wind before it set back its normal course. The demon lord blinked calmly as the trees began to whisper of what what happening as it so often did. What Sesshomaru was waiting for, however, was to see if this strange demon girl would notice his near presence even while he stood in the shadows. An encounter, an encounter, the trees whispered to eachother, spreading the news very quickly. Sesshomaru could not help but to smirk at their words, as if they where telling Sesshomaru what was about to happen. If Sesshomaru knew anything about the forest, he knew that trees where often very good at keeping sevrets even to the most trained of hearing. Their foresight was usually fantastic, but only rarely did they tell Sesshomaru something of great relevance. For the moment he ignored their whispers, keeping his keen eyes trained on the girl a few paces away.
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
7:14pm Jun 2 2011
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((Will read and reply after I go mow grass. x.x))
7:58pm Jun 2 2011
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Inazuki's ears perked up at the very faint sound of footsteps nearby. She stood up, spinning around and making the bell attached to her long, silvery hair jingle in a ratheroddly soft, soothing tone. She took a small step back, her ears pulling back as she let out a soft, defensive growl, prepared for what could possibly turn into a battle. Her tail flicked behind her, the demoness focusing on the area she heard the footsteps coming from. Then she paused, relaxing when she heard what could possibly have been a whisper through the trees. She cocked her head, looking at the trees curiously. She knew the trees could talk, but she was moving so often that she could never stay long enough to be able to tell exactly what they were saying. So, almost subconciously, she moved over to one of the younger tree, trailing her fingertips against the bark, a curous look upon her face. She was there merely to look at the trees, and hadn't come to cause any sort of fight. She loved the forests and their natural beauty...beauty that a battle could easily destroy...

1:09pm Jun 4 2011
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11:28pm Jun 5 2011
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(what hapened?)
5:53am Jun 6 2011 (last edited on 6:00am Jun 7 2011)
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((lol who has Ah Un?)) Kaz Umi walked around. She was a free two headed dragon and was rare to be seen. She wasn't tame, so it made her unpredicible, she could let you pet her then she could turn on you so it would be beter not to be near her unless you can read dragons. As she walked, she was looking around, not just for anything she was looking around for a mate. She knew mating season was near and that she wanted a clutch of eggs. Yuki jumped out of the waterfall that kept the packs den hidden. When she was outside she breathed in the air before she ran off to begin a hunt. She always loved fresh meat in the morning and loved to hunt for it herself.
10:39am Jun 6 2011
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((Uh. I don't think anyone has Ah-Un.))
10:49am Jun 6 2011
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((darn XD can someone be him please XD))
12:32am Jun 7 2011
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((Sorry, my computer really hates me. "Oh, you're going to start roleplaying again? Watch me crash!" Man, I really need a laptop. -_-' RuRu: All that's happened is that I made Sesshomaru. He and Rika's character, Inazuki, are just running into eachother. Meanwhile, Kaz-Umi, a dragon very similar to Ah-Uh, is walking around looking for a mate and Yuki, Koga's sister, is about to do a morning hunt. ...PS: I love your signature. X3 Foxwolf: Sorry, but could you use a little more punctuation in your posts? It was a little hard to read just because it was so choppy. Thanks so much!)) Sesshomaru's ears twitched at the sound of the bell on the stranger a few yards from him, but he remained still. His lips twisted into a slight grin when he heard the female growl, but that grin quickly faded so that he dawned a serious ex pression again. Her actions confused him, if the demon lord was honest with himself. He was not sure why this stranger was touching the trees, why she was so eager to please them. Why, then, was she snarling at him when she knew of the damage of a battle? The situation made the demon's head spin until he gritted his teeth a seccond later. He blinked his eyes a couple times, then set his shoulders again and strode from his shadowy hiding place so that he was in sight of the stranger. Now that he was in the sunlight filtering through the trees, Sesshomaru could finally look the stranger up and down. He took in her appearance and her scent in a glance, memorizing it in case he would need it in the near future. For the moment, she was of no threat but Sesshomaru knew very well that that could change quickly. The demon world was a harsh one and even his lands where no exception. "Stranger," the demon lord stated expressionlessly at the female only a couple yards away. He felt his right forearm tense as if he where about to grab his sowrd, but he quickly surpressed the urge to reach for it. He could block many strikes using only his body and there was no determining what this strangers' motives where. There was no point in procrastinating, Sesshomaru decided. "Why are you here?" Sesshomaru had always been fairly quiet in a world in which demons had a tendancy to use their voices and snarls to demonstrage a false sence of strength. It had been the lord's experiance that dogs seemed the quietest of all races, but he, especially, rarely used his words. He tried to state things simply with a vocabulary even the lowest of creatures could understand so that he would not have to repeat himself. Despite all of Sesshomaru's years and experiance, he knew full well that his temper was short and that even he could be rather rash when proded at length. This particular day Sesshomaru wanted to keep peacefull. He was in no hurry and had no particular quarrel with this or any stranger. His forest was calm and so he was as well. His only current threats where that of a few angry panthers without a clan or purpose and the typical everyday demons that where all too easy to dispose of. Sesshomaru was not at all in the mood to disrupt his forest's current state of ease, even if his fingers where itching to do otherwise. If all went well, the stranger would coparate and there would be no fight or squable between the two. If there is a fight, Sesshomaru decided as he locked his amber spheres for eyes on the stranger again. Then I shall finnish it quickly. I do not want to paint the trees with blood on an otherwise beautiful morning.
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)