10:32am Jun 7 2011
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Inazuki turned again to look towards the sound of a voice, one that sounded rather cool and pleasant to her ears, and found herself face-to-face with the demon lord she'd heard so many stories about. "Ah..I apologize for intruding, Sesshoumaru-sama," she said quickly, pulling her ears back as she bowed. She, ttoo, had a weapon she could use to defend herself, her bladed lance, but she preferred using her claws to using a blade unless her claws would take too long. But enough of her and her battle plans, let's get back to the reason we're all reading this darn thing, huh? Inazuki raised her head a moment later, ears perking forward. "I wandered in here because the forest caught my attention... It's a beautiful forest, if you don't mind my saying so," she said, trying to choose her words carefully. She curled her tail around legs, dipping her head a moment later. "But if you want for me to leave, I will..." She was quite accustomed to moving around after ony a short period of rest. Her strength was mainly in her legs, giving her almost unnatural speed for that of a 3/4 demoness. Yes, sh4 was stronger and faster, and even lived longer, than a half-demon, but she would still have a difficult time agaainst a full demon, especially one as powerful as the one standing before her. "Oh...By the way...My name is Iazuki," she said, trying to be polite while introducing herself. She was unused to civil conversation, so this certainly wasn't her strong point. Sure, she knew the honorifics well enough...but making her words match her emotions was something almost foreign to her unless she was speaking out of anger...which she wasn't.

10:46pm Jun 7 2011
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((-bumps for Morgain lol- c: Duuude.If Inazuki and Sesshy end up together again, how dramatic would it be if InuYasha ended up liking Inazuki? Unless Kagome's here. Then that can't happen. :U))
4:19pm Jun 9 2011
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((Whoo, I gots a bump! ...What happened to everybody else? And yes, Rika, that would be quite dramatic. X3 Now, behold my fail.)) Sesshomaru blinked at the stranger, eying her movements. She had bowed and folded her ears back, as was customary, but the demon lord couldn't help but to be a little pleasently surprised that she knew his name. Well, at least 'sama' had been added to the end, so it was fairly odvious that she knew her place. At least, she was pretending as if she had as to save her own skin from danger. She then straitened herself, wrapped her tail around her self and bowed again. The more she spoke, the more submissive she seemed and this assumed Sesshomaru slightly. That was about when the female gave a name, the name of Inazuki. The demon lord was cautious about this. Why was she giving out her name so freely to him? But then again, she already knew his and he could have pried hers from her is he so chose to. As far as he knew, she had not wanted to start a fight. Inazuki had already comlemented his forest, but that could have been very well rather empty. Weather her words where hollow or not was something of consiquence if Sesshomaru stumbled or underestimated her too much, and suddenly a battle became a very real possibility again. For the moment, the demon decided to be polite. Though Inazuki already knew who he was, it would be nice for him to say it anyway. "I am Sesshomaru-sama of the Western Lands," Sesshomaru hesitated then, but for only a moment. "You do realize that I asked why you where here, yes? I did not ask for your name or if my forest was pleasent to be in, and I do not wish you to leave without this information. I will repeat myself only once," Here the demon lord's tone grew more stern, more serious. The edge of demonicness became clear rather suddenly. "Why are you here, Inazuki?"
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
11:37pm Jun 9 2011
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Inazuki pouted then, her ears folding back again, this time in a more annoyed fashion. "I told you, Sesshoumaru-sama... I wandered in here because your forest interested me. I'm not here for any given reason other than the fact that it caught my attention," she stated, the tip of her tail twitching once before she looked up at the canopies of the trees, her ears swiveling forward in an interested fashion. Judging from her movements and how she reacted tot he forest, one could tell that she respected the trees and had possibly grown up in a forest as well. She tilted her head slightly, her gaze falling back on Sesshoumaru, though her head remained tilted upwards. She was an odd demoness, yes, but there was a reason behind it. Traveling around all the time didn't exactly turn one into a perfectly social person who was polite and reserved. Nope. Inazuki was pretty good at sticking her foot in her mouth, even though she may have meant well.
6:22am Jun 11 2011
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((i has nothing to do XD))
12:56pm Jun 14 2011
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((Foxwolf, you can jump in at anytime. Sometimes for a roleplay you have to make your characters do something unexpected to push the plot line along. You shouldn't just wait for somebody to act with you; Go ahead and try to interact with other characters and feel free to expiriment with your characters a little. If you never try, you'll never know what you're missing. Who cares if it's not logical? You can go ahead and have your character show up for no reason at all! ;D And I might bring in annother character, but I havn't decided on details yet. I know, I fail.)) Sesshomaru calmed himself enough to be patient with Inazuki, but the demon was still a little agitated that he had missed her answer on multiple accounts. To him, it seemed like she was trying to imply something, like she was searching from something she had never found. He had seen this many times, but usually only in humans and his half brother when he cared to think of him. Now curious, the demon lord carefully took in a quiet breath so that he took again Inazuki's scent. It was now locked in his mind and likely would be for sometime, as it was quite difficult for a demon as powerful as he to forget such things. This time, however, Sesshomaru was analizing Inazuki's aroma. Like he had noticed before, it was distinctly female and inhuman, but yes, there was no doubt that she had some mortal liniage. The idea discusted Sesshomaru as he realized how easily her scent could mask her human blood and imediately felt as if his land had been intruded upon. The energy that Sesshomaru produced tracefered in a matter of split secconds to the forest and the trees immediatly became slightly suspisious of Inazuki's presence. The demon lord nearly growled at himself for this, but settled for the much more discreate action of nipping the inside of his lip. Dispite all his years Sesshomaru still often failed to remember how easy it was to upset the balance of the forest, how simple it was to make the leaves stir and roots tremble. As quickly and as suttle as possible, Sesshomaru forgot his suspisious, only to raise them again several moments after the leaves of the forest where relaxed again. Sesshomaru continued to ease, even if it was a little forced. Slowly calm over took him again, but he kept his shoulders strait and his head held high with pride. He watched Inazuki's movements carefully, eyeing them with quick flashes of amber spheres as they darted from feature to feature. The demon forced himself to memorize every flick of her tail and every twitch of her ears and almost smiled. Relations between humans and demons seem to be on the rise, Sesshomaru thought to himself with a brief grimace that was quickly replaced by the same, emotionless ex pression he'd grown so acustomed to. With the mix of blood, the presence of animal features become more common as well. It's quite terrable to think that InuYasha is not the only one with such sin upon their forms alone, but their emotions are far easier to read. This was when the demon lord felt an emotion he had only considered a few times in his life. Pitty. He almost felt sorry for those of a mixed heratage. Demons like himself would reject the human part, while humans ran in fear of the blood of a demon. The world, however, was changing and society along with it. Even Sesshomaru could not change the fact that humans where growing in population and strength, so it should be of little surprise when a sin of the flesh corresponded between the races. The child's features often portrayed such sin openly upon their bodies, immediately outcasting them from both worlds. Again the demon gritted his teeth so that one of his forefangs dug painfully into the inside of his lip. This was not the place nor time for such trivial feelings, especially to those of embodiments of such discrace. This was when a new idea came into his head. Rather than keeping it to himself like the last, he decided to voice the thought outloud so that he and Inazuki had slightly better understanding of eachother. This might help both of their causes in the end, Sesshomaru figured. He saw little point in hiding such a simple accusation that ought to be fairly common knowladge. "For the moment, I believe you. I've no reason to think otherwise as of yet." Sesshomaru paused as a light breeze lifted a few strands of his silver hair off his shoulder. He blinked twice, rather annoyed the the forest was so eager to carry his words. "If you're looking to absorb some kind of power here, you will not acheive it. That I can assure you." The demon's tone was again even and serine but also betrayed his confidence. No force had yet to escape Sesshomaru's claws. Of course there where many slippery forces that often left the demon lord without a trace but in the end he had caught them all and punished them with death. Any offence under Sesshomaru's rien, unfortinately, was death. Though this was of little consiquence to Sesshomaru, it sometimes troubled his forest and because of this conflicts where prefferably avoidable. On the same paw, Sesshomaru could hold a grudge far longer than any cat and it would be of little trouble to him to kill another, lesser demon outside of the forests, plains and mountians that Sesshomaru had claimed. Though I doubt that she will, the demon lord pondered to himself. If she tries anything in my land she will recieve the usual punishment. What consiquence is there to me if annother demon-human decent leaves the world? The edge of Sesshomaru's lips twisted for a fraction of a seccond when he realized that he could not think of an appropriate answer. If she doesn't watch herself, she will die.
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
2:14pm Jun 14 2011
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((Mwahahaha)) Yuki was chasing a deer when she bumped into what felt like a side of the cliff. She looked up to see white hair. She gasped knowing who it was. It was Lord Sesshomaru, the lord of the westen lands, the most feared demon in the world. She backed up scared, she was fast but she didn't think she had enough speed to outrun him, only her brother was that fast. "I-i-i am sorry Lord Sesshomaru i was chasing after the scent of a deer and i guess i didn't smell your scent." She stuttered before standing up so she would have a chance of running if it came it it. ((Is that ok?))
3:02pm Jun 14 2011
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Inazuki's ears perked up at the accusation, then pulled back slightly. "I'm not here to absorb anything, Sesshoumaru-sama." She dipped her head as she bowed slightly, her tail sweeping around her to bring more attention to the slight motion. But when she heard someone else coming, she was alert once more, spinning arond with a soft, defensive growl as the bell in her hair jingled from the sudden movement. She held her tail stiff, relaxing only slightly when a female wolf walked out of the trees. Her gaze shifted back to Sesshoumaru and made herself relax a bit more. "Though I do appreciate your deciding to trust me," she added at last, her tail twitching anxiously as her sense of smell became overwhelmed with the scent of that wolf. But it was then that she picked up on Sesshoumaru's scent as well. He smelled almost like...a mix between the forest and the ocean... It was a rather relaxing scent that the mixed-breed almost let herself get caught in. Then she shook her head, reaching behind her to grab her bladed staff and have it at the ready, just in case the female wolf tried anything. And for a split second she wondered if she had a distinctive scent. She was always moving around, so she never had the chance to really absorb the scents she was around. She guessed she, herself, would just smell like demon and human and not much else... If Inazuki could choose any scent she wanted to smell of, she wanted to smell like a fresh, comforting summer breeze that seemed to carry the scent of life and a comforting sense of belonging. That, and she really wanted to stay in this forest...

11:26am Jun 16 2011
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((Foxwolf: Yeah, that was good! And just like that you're interacting rather than just waiting for an opening. I hope that helps you in other rp's for the future. :D Rika: Oh eem gee, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you gets lots of gifts and money and stuff!)) Sesshomaru had smelled the wolf comming, but had honestly not been thinking of her in the slightest. He shrugged the occurance off in hopes that she would have passed on, but now the demon lord was between two strange demonesses in his terratory and sheer instinct was begining to make him a little nervous. Uncomfortable though he was with the situation, he forced himself to remain calm and, for the most part, silent. Amber eyes *censored*ed from place to place, demon to demon. He cautiously took in the wolf's scent, making sure to seperate it from Inazuki's in his mind. As he caught the scent in the air around him, Sesshomaru realized that this okami's scent was rather familiar. After several moments, he could place it: She smelled like Koga, of the wolf demon tribe, and it was therefore likely that they shared liniage. The demon pondered the situation for a few moments, flicking his head slightly upward as so that he could see both females a little better while still remaining in a proud stance. A few strands of hair feel silently off his shoulders, drifting down easily like feathers being caught in a breeze. Sesshomaru ignored it; his hair falling and swirling was a common accurance since he kept it at such a length. Sesshomaru had in his midst two females: The first, Inazuki, had some degree of human liniage, was respectful and as of yet had not made a move to strike her oponent. She seemed to love the forest, but also seemed slightly akward in the social department and Sesshomaru had no reason to distrust her. The seccond female, her name Sesshomaru did not know, shared blood with the wolf demon Koga. If Sesshomaru recalled correctly, the two had only made contact a few spare times. Koga, he believed, was leader of some pack twards the mountians, hated Naraku and oposed InuYasha. If this female was similar to her brother, then it was likely that she would want no conflict with Sesshomaru. The odds, by the demon lord's calculations, were in Sesshomaru's favor. Neither demoness seemed hostile twards him and judging by the pair's seprate actions and words, Sesshomaru found it safe to assume that neither wanted harm to the forrest, either. Inazuki had already complemented the beauty of it and seemed at peace while the wolf had been hunting. The amber spheres that made up Sesshomaru's eyes darted twards Inazuki as movement caught their attention. "Inazuki," he said, his voice as even as ever with just enough of an edge to display his dominance. As all three were of canine liniage, Sesshomaru was sure this would be displayed clearly enough. "Lower your weapon; wolves are a common enough sight here." With this said, Sesshomaru turned to the wolf demoness. He lowered his head only slightly to show respect. Though he was not partial to wolves himself, he knew that they where very much essential to the balance of the world and the serenity of his lands dispite the havoc they occasionally caused twards human villages. "Your actions are forgivable; may your pack have fair hunting in the future." ((Fail. I really need to rp more to make better posts. Lol, it's been too long of an rp break.))
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
12:26pm Jun 16 2011 (last edited on 2:00pm Jun 16 2011)
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(( I'm on my dsi, so sorry for any typos. And I'm changing Kohaku to a kitten. :D Meaning he'll be younger. Waaay younger. xD Calyx'll be a cat halfdemon just like Kohaku. They be siblings. )) Kohaku's stomach cried out in hunger. The young demon pouted, crossing his arms and glaring at his bigger sister. He let out a mew, “I'm hungry,” Calyx was already sharpening her arrows. “On it, Haku.” She said impatiently as she swung her bow over her shoulder. "You stay here, I'll go hun--go to the village to get some deer meat." She stuttered, tail twitching. Calyx knew there was no village, but Kohaku didn't. In her eyes, the cat halfdemon was too young to know of killing. She didn't want him to be like their father. She looked over to her sibling, who was batting at a flower. He was too peaceful....He wouldn't stand for killing, anyhow. He stratched her accrossed the paw once for swatting at a bee. Kohaku looked up from the flower and stared at her with bright purple eyes. She allowed a small smile before turning away and jumping up on a tree top. The best way was to travel by tree, obviously. She had to be quick--Kill, clean, cook. Her tail swished around as she hopped away from tree branch to tree branch. Kohaku looked up, and grinned. The young cat demon had other thoughts. He was feeling in an adventurous mood today, he decided as he padded along in his sister's direction. Calyx, on the other hand, was tense that morning. She had smelled three other scents in the forest, one of that annoying dog-demon. Or what ever he was. Stupid dog, she thought. She pulled back as annow as another scent filled her nose. Fresh deer. Doe. Young. Tasty. She hopped a few more branches, claws digging into the bark. There she was. A fine doe indeed. Thats when Kohaku stumbled out of the brush. The doe fled. Calyx let out a hiss, shooting the doe as it fled. Kohaku cried out in horror, the doe crying out in pain. It limped away, a arrow lodged into its leg. She balled up her fist, but the missed catch was not much of a probl;em. At the moment, Kohak was. "You shot it!" He cried. Calyx sighed. "You...You said you'd go to the village!" "Kohaku, there is no village--" "You killer!" Kohaku cried, running in the direction of the injured doe. Calyx put a hand to her forhead, running on afer him with yet another sigh. The doe hobbled in the direction of Inazuki and the other two demons. The animal fell at their feet, breathing faintly. Calyx finally caught up to it, but young Kohaku was already looming over the inured doe. "Calyx, do something!" He pleaded. "Its dieing!" In responce Calyx pulled back another arrow and shot its chest emotionlessly. After a few long seconds, its breathing stopped. Kohaku curled up into a ball, trembling. She leaned over the dead anomal and gently slung it over her back. Thats when her tail started to fluff up in fear. Now she noticed the three scents filling into her nose. She grabbed Kohaku and dropped the doe, running up a tree and hissing on instinct. Stupid dogs.
12:49pm Jun 16 2011
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Inazuki's ears perked when she heard her name, the mixed-breed dipping her head as she lowered her weapon obediently. "Hai, Sesshoumaru-sama," she said softly. She returned it to its place on her back, her ears relaxing again.
A moment later she was looking around the forest again, her tail-tip twitching in a contented manner. She smiled slightly, taking in the wonderful scents of the forest. Then her ears perked again, the demoness looking at Sesshoumaru curiously. "Sesshoumaru-sama, can you understand the forest?" she asked carefully, looking genuinely curious.
Being able to understand the forest was one of her greatest wishes. She wanted to know what they said. She could hear the voice, but she could not understand it. Was it because she grew up in a forest, but since then she has traveled?
12:50pm Jun 16 2011
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(Thanks btw, Morgain. Cx)
2:43pm Jun 16 2011
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(( Thar. I finally have my post up. Took long enough. xDD I fail at life. ))
2:20pm Jun 30 2011
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Posts: 934
((Jeezum, sorry I've been so slow. My computer's been spasuming as every turn, so I've been a little cautious to type anything. I'm hoping that it won't shut down again... In a month or two I'll have a laptop and hopefully I'll be able to post more often then. I really do appologize for not posting as often as I should. Zozane, I really like your characters' interactions with eachother, I'm curious to see more of them! Rika, I hope you had a good birthday and that you feel better soon!)) Sesshomaru's mouth threatened to twitch upwards in a smile at Inazuki's obediance, but he quickly caught himself and better hid the emotion. What the demon lord did not expect, however, was for the mix to begin speaking again. With all the respect Inazuki had showed up to this point, Sesshomaru was honestly not expecting her to speak until spoken to. As if this was not enough of an issue for him, the words she spoke caught him even further off gaurd. Debating exactly how to answer, he narrowed his eyes so that a pair of hard amber spheres shown out from the white, dangerously eyeing Inazuki. What had she been trying to play? If she had ment to gain power, she likely would have already done something and she had already explained that this was not in her intrest. What, then? It was possible that she was a spy of some deion or simply wanted information for herself, but what purpose would that be to her? In fact, Sesshomaru could not think of any enemies he had at the moment. The demon lord began to open his mouth to answer, but then quickly clenched his jaw. As if on que, the wind blew. It was warm and low to the ground, causing small animals that dared be this close to the demons to slink back into their hiding places or turn away from the breeze. It was not threatening, but it was enough to tell Sesshomaru that the unbalance had increased. He flicked his eyes away from Inazuki and pricked his ears. Slowly, cautiously, he breathed, searching for a scent. It took Sesshomaru quite some time to find what he was looking for, the presence that had disturbed the wind enough to make it stirr. He was silent and stiff, as if waiting for an attack before he finally relaxed. It was only a few cats, one or two of them by Sesshomaru's estimate. Between the distance, direction of wind and the fact that the scents where quite intertwined, it was rather hard to tell. Three, maybe? Sesshomaru smelled human blood, but also blood of two kinds of demon. Weather the demons where closely related or there was simply alot of heratige in one being was hard to tell. Then there was a prey's blood, prehaps a doe. This indicated that at least one being was hunting, or had been before they stopped. The more Sesshomaru pondered this, the more he realized that his scent had likely been caught. He let out a little swear under his breath, glad that it was so low his ears hardly twitched at the sound. The inu blinked up at the direction of the scents, not at all going to admit how confused the mixture had made his nose. The direction was comming from above, which ment that whatever he'd caught the scent of had acended into a tree before he caught it. He let his amber eyes trace the foliage, annoyed when instead they caught the sun and reflected it off. He had to bl ink several times, as if curing or riding himself of some disease. The way the demon lord saw it, he had two basic options. Thie first would be to attack the beings in the trees and snarl at them untill they either begged for mercy or left, which did not seem like a pleasurable option. He was not in the mood for unessicary conflict today; the only bloodshed he planed on would be that from hunts for prey animals that where ment to be hunted. The seccond option would be to back off a little. Though Sesshomaru was keene on holding his ground, if he assured the beings he was no threat then there was a likely hood of less conflict. Eventually Sesshomaru decided to compromise with himself. Slowly he turned away from the trees and back to Inazuki. He let his shoulders drop in a more relaxed stance, but he kept his ears and eyes alert, letting them absorb everything in his more immediate surroundings. Hopefully this would tell whatever lurked in the trees that he was dominent, but did not seek conflict. It was shortly after these quick actions that Sesshomaru realized he had not yet spoken in responce to Inazuki. Though he was still not sure how to answer, he did not want to raise suspision nor flare tempers. Casting annother glance, almost a warning, into the trees and letting a small edge creep into his tone he said simply, "It is not that I can understand the forest. It is that the forest wishes for me to listen." ((I'm sorry, I think I contradicted myself alot. Sesshomaru can scent Calyx and Kohaku in the tree, but because their scents are so intertwined he can not tell them appart nor knows exactly where they are. He wants to send them the message of 'I'm not moving' without starting conflict. I hope that makes sence. ...Note-to-self: Don't take such a long break from rp'ing again. You will produce contradicting and pointless fail-posts. >.< ))
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
2:24pm Jun 30 2011
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(( Gawd, Morgain, thats a big post thar. xDD /shot ))
2:43pm Jun 30 2011
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Posts: 934
((It might be big, but I assure you nothing happens. I do believe most of it is Sesshomaru thinking and I didn't even edit it... In otherwords, it's terrable and I'm sorry you must read it. -_-''' ))
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
2:51pm Jun 30 2011
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(( So much if there's alot of filler text. xDD 'Tis still awesome to me. :3 GAWDIFAILATLIFESOMUCHINEEDTOUSECAPS. ))
2:59pm Jun 30 2011
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Posts: 934
((What?! No, Zozane, I loved your post! I really love the way your characters interact, especially with eachother! I'm an only child and I love the idea of older-over-protective sibiling relationships and tend to rp them alot! I was really happy about your characters' development and I really hope that this rp continues with them. I also loved that your posts don't have alot of filler. I like fluff, sure, but I can really appresiate an author that gets right down to the point! Go you, and keep rp'ing and writing!))
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
3:28pm Jun 30 2011
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(( D'aww, thanks. <33 I have a killer headache right now and can't post. D; /shot Omg. Zozo's writing a book. O: ))
3:11am Jul 1 2011
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Inazuki's ears perked up at Sesshoumaru's answer, then she smiled slightly and turned to look at the trees, tilting her head slightly. "Then they must trust you... I'm guessing you've seen a lot of them grow up, so I suppose I really shouldn't be surprised," she said softly, then shook her head slightly to clear her thoughts. She straightened her posture, her ears perked almost casually as her tail swept behind her. Then she turned back to face Sesshoumaru, if only at an angle. "I was born in a forest much like this, but I had to leave it and travel when my mother was killed. That's why I'm so interested in your forest and the trees..." she said, almost as if she could tell that the full-demon was wondering just why the heck she was here. Then she let out a soft sigh, turning to fully face the demon lord and bow, her hair falling off of her back to almost hit the ground. It caused the bell in her hair to ring again, causing a bit of color to rise to the mixed-breed's cheeks. Oops... She straightened back up a moment later, exhaling softly and giving the demon lord a small smile, tilting her head slightly. He was a very regal man, and very worthy of the respect she'd heard others speaking of him with, as well as the fear from the humans that had seen him in battle. All she knew was that she was definitely going to try to stay on his good side. ((I feel like I've improved since we last roleplayed Morgain. xD;))
