6:22pm Aug 1 2010
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6:27pm Aug 1 2010
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ooc:// YES!
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6:34pm Aug 1 2010
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ooc:// Herro?
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6:45pm Aug 1 2010
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:53pm Aug 1 2010
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Name: Akila Monteik Age: 24 Gender: Female S.O: Bi Occupation: She is a singer and she designs cothes Birthplace: Cordell, Oklahoma Personality: She is very sweet and caring. If you treat her bad, she treats you the same way. She lives by a rule. The rule is, Treat someone how you want to be treated. She hates rasists. Her parents were racists so, she didn't want to be. History: When she was born, she had a hole in her heart. She couldn't breathe. She died the five first minutes of her life. When she woke up from dying, she was in her brother's arms. Her favorite brother named Shane, got shot and died. When she was 16, her parents kicked her out for being bi and for her recking their only car. Looks:  tle="View Full Size Image" width="250" height="200" /> Family: (Open) Friends: Anyone that wants to be her friend Other: She has a beagle named Kristen. She also has a cat that she named after her dead brother, Shane. Song: The older I get by Skillet
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8:39pm Aug 1 2010
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ooc:// Okay. This has gone on for long enough. Whenever I get off for any of many reasons, everyone decides to post. I just want to ROLE PLAY! *grumbles in the corner, determined to sit this out until we get some good roleplaying done*
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8:43pm Aug 1 2010
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((Let's roleplay then!))
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8:49pm Aug 1 2010
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8:59pm Aug 1 2010 (last edited on 9:00pm Aug 1 2010)
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Laughter rang through the park, emanating from what would look like to anyone unfamiliar with the two to be a very attractive couple. The male, who was the source of the pleasant tenor laugh, was dividing his attention between his female companion and the lovely surroundings. Blue-grey eyes flashed from under his bangs, while his tall, lean form was relaxed into a friendly openness. A broad smile graced his features, adding a happy glow to his softly pale skin. The girl, equally at ease, sent of her delicate soprano tones, a perfect harmony with that of her friends. After a moment, her emerald gaze meeting his toying one, the acquiesced to his unspoken entreaty. Turning she relaxed under his touch, almost purring as his long, graceful fingers worked her unruly black-brown waves into a french braid that ran down to the small of her back. Still a few stray curls worked loose, the natural copper sheen of them proving a rather lovely frame for her deeply tanned, amber-gold face. Together the two lay in the gra*ss, letting the warmth of the late spring day wash over them. Every now and then one would jab the other in the side, pointing out some cloud formation that they thought worthy of note. It was on just such an afternoon that everything pleasant seemed to happen, and both knew this well. And so they waited for good fortune to bring them happiness in its many forms, content to enjoy each other's company, like having a sibling that one hand picked.
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8:59pm Aug 1 2010
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ooc:// Whoo! That one took a while...
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9:09pm Aug 1 2010
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((Lol XD)) A normal face. No, an extrodinary face. A face you don't see in the magazines because it's to beautiful. Emo. The death of an emo boy could change a person's world. Well, it did. It made the neighborhood wonder what it would be like if it was anyone's last day. Laying in the gras.s, a girl knew her true feelings now. Her brother was the emo who died. This girl's name is Akila Monteik. The extodinary face that doesn't get on the magazine. The singer. The designer. That's her. The emo.
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9:21pm Aug 1 2010
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OOC: May I join? Or well After I come back? I have to run an errend for my mother which will take probably about 10-20 minutes.
9:22pm Aug 1 2010
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With the totally conspicuous manner that only Merielle could accomplish, the pointed out the girl laying in the gr*censored*. It was one of her life goals to cheer up depressed emo kids, even if they weren't really any of the above, just looked that way from afar. A dream was a dream, and James did his best not to squash anyone's dreams. Especially not when that someone could blackmail him to Hades and back. Merielle stood first, pulling up her gangly blonde friend by the arm. She looked up at him pleadingly, having to crane her neck to do her best puppy eyes. For a moment James just glared, only for long enough to trick her into thinking that he would refuse. Of course, for James refusing his 'sister' was impossible, and would've been even if not for the young woman's exotic yet soft, vulnerable beauty, that at first brought on flames, where a second glance would soften those flames to the steady, comforting warmth of embers. He sighed his resignation, for no words needed to be spoken between the two. For now they used their private form of communication, a language of expressions and gestures, most indescernable to the untrained eye. And so James allowed himself to be dragged over to where the young girl lay, following his and Meri's usual strategy. He lay silent on her left, while Meri plopped down with the ever-present aura of confidence and cheer on Akila's right. Her tones were casual and light, as if they'd all been friends for a good while, her training as an actress helping little in hiding her heavy Welsh accent, the only obvious thing she and James had in common. "See any cool shapes? All we've seen so far are dinosaurs and bunny rabbits, though at one point we did see something that rather looked like a puppy getting stabbed by a unicorn. Meri, by the way." "James." Neither of them turned their gazes from the sky, feigning non-chalance well. ooc:// I love Meri...
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9:23pm Aug 1 2010 (last edited on 9:26pm Aug 1 2010)
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ooc:// And to Immortal: new people are ALWAYS welcome! I'd like to even things out a little... Edit: James 
And Merielle: 
Only her hair has grown.
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9:28pm Aug 1 2010
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Akila looked at them. "I'm Akila."She said in a british accent. A tear went down her eye. She saw a cloud that reminded her of her brother. She sighed as more tears came rolling down. Akila's dog and cat came over to her. "This is Kristen and Shane."She told them. She sat up. Kristen looked at her, worried.
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9:37pm Aug 1 2010
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Out of habit Merielle sat up as well, as she saw the pets approach. She had a particular soft spot in her heart for animals, though her own lovely Gracie was out hunting rabbits at the moment. The sight of tears brought on an automatic empathetic reaction, being that tears came to her own eyes. She forced them back, though her eyes stung and watered, hugging the girl tightly. She thought nothing of it, stroking Akila's hair in a comforting gesture, finally allowing a tear or two. "It'll be alright..." The words meant nothing, and never did. It was what James had told after seeing her mother killed by her own father, along with several other men of the Welsh town too small to have been called aught but a village. They had considered it a righteous act: to kill the village witch. Still, Merielle could think of nothing else to say that might help. James watched as Merielle comforted the girl, content to know that his part was to rub the girl's back, watching as his sister worked the magick that was not magick at all but her natural talent for soothing pain and brightening moods.
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9:53pm Aug 1 2010
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ooc:// Le Bump!
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10:06pm Aug 1 2010
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ooc:// GAH! I have no patience.
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10:15pm Aug 1 2010
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Name: Katsudo Yenos Imuri Nickname: Kas or Kat Age: 22 Gender: Male Birthplace: Osaka, Japan Race: Japanese/American Sexuality: Bisexual but prefers guys more due to his past. Looks:  Occupation: Singer, Waiter Family: Father is Japanese, Mother is American. Little sister is Allei. Friends: (Open) History: When Katsudo was 10 he fell in love with a Japanese girl named Yukami. She loved him back but her father took a hold of her and got angry that she had fallen in love with a ‘half breed’. Katsudo was crushed when he found out that she no longer could see him any more. He told his parents what her father had said and that caused them to pack up and move to the states which allowed Kas to grow up in a normal environment where no one cared about his race. It wasn’t soon after that he started dating guys and fell more for them than women. Other: Katsudo curses in Japanese when he is angry. He also dyes his hair bright blue to match his eyes even though his normal color hair is black. He is also a very polite person. He uses ‘sir’ and ‘ma’am’ all the time. He also loves to dress in a top hat and gloves and a tail coat or trench coat. He is a big fan of the butler design or so that's what he calls it. <3 Name: Allei Yasuru Imuri Age: 20 Gender: Female Birthplace: Osaka, Japan Race: Japanese/American Sexuality: Bisexual Looks:  Occupation: Artist. (She makes sculptures and draws for a living) She also plays professional Piano. Family: Father is Japanese and Mother is American. Brother is Katsudo. Friends: (Open) (( Sorry I took so long! My mom kept making me do things. one after another! But i'm here now! ))

10:19pm Aug 1 2010
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ooc:// All is forgiven because you brought HOT ASIANS! I love you. I really do. Feel free to jump in, as I believe that Tribecka left.
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