10:21pm Aug 1 2010
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OOC: Hehe. Well for Katsudo's picture that is not his orriginal playby. I lost who I used for him. It was some Japanese rocker who looked creepy as he.ll, but I am deturmined to find him because it portrayed him perfectly. So his playby might change and might not. -runs off to read where you guys are-
10:23pm Aug 1 2010
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ooc:// Only read my first post. Tribecka is no longer relevant, nor is her character. Plus... She was all moody and stuff. Not fun.
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10:41pm Aug 1 2010 (last edited on 10:49pm Aug 1 2010)
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OOC: Okay. IC: On the other side of the park, Katsudo was laying a crossed a bench with his eyes closed letting the warm rays of sun hit the skin on his face and chest. He was wearing long black dress pants and a white button up shirt, which was currently undone, and a top hat rested on the arm of the bench. He enjoyed the sounds of nature that surrounded him such as the birds chirping in a near by tree and the other people’s voices as they walked by him. It was not long before his silence was disturbed as a girl bounced over the back of the bench onto his chest. “Kuso!” Kas cursed in Japanese as he pushed the girl onto the ground as he sat up glaring at her. “Come on Kas, lighten up. I was trying to have a little fun!” Allei complained standing up brushing her red and black plaid skirt off. She grinned at him before grabbing his top hat and placing it on her head. “Why do you like to be so formal all the time? It’s creepy. We aren’t some high cla.ss Japanese family anymore. We are average!” She giggled taking off down the side walk. She glanced behind her and watched as Katsudo chased her. “Allei! Give me back my hat! Father gave it to me!” he snapped visably upset that she was playing around with it. “Relax! Father gives you all your things” Allei giggled tossing the hat into the air and watched as it landed in a tree above a guy and a girl who were laughing in the gra.ss. “Oppsies” Allei giggled sticking her tongue out at Katsudo who punched her in the arm. “kono ama” he growled sighing as his hat hung in the tree on a branch. “your climbing it to get it” he frowned walking towards the girl and boy and the tree. “Am not!” She pouted following her brother. (( that took longer than I wanteed. My apologies ))

10:43pm Aug 1 2010
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ooc:// No problemo.
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10:50pm Aug 1 2010
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bic:// James and Meri sat up in unison, turning to each other with the same look of admiration, awe, and disbelief in their eyes. Merielle grinned cheekily, eyes twinkling with imagined mischief. When James mirrored the ex pression, she knew that they were, as usual, sharing a brain. They turned to watch the siblings, for that much was obvious from looking at them. With a fluid motion James stood, *censored*isting Meri with the task. He turned to face Katsudo, smiling in his most genteel manner. A flourish of a bow was given, eyes sparkling brightly. "Excuse me, but I couldn't help notice your predicament. Perhaps my companion and I could offer our *censored*istance?" Meanwhile Merielle smirked, giving Allei a small wave. "Indeed. I believe we could prove quite helpful."
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10:59pm Aug 1 2010
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James traveled with his hands in his pockets and his hair in his face, smiling as he traveling partner sang in a very off key manner the most obnoxious song there might be. 'Crazy Frog' is what if was called and if Alex could have a theme song the=at would have to be his. "Lets do the Crazy Frog!! Do do do do do do" He sang, hopping up on the wall wall and walking with his hands out to the sides. James chuckled softly, not wanting to draw more attention that was already being drawn. They were headed to the park, the best place were they could act out and have a reason for it. Alex please...." "CRAZY FROOOOG!" Alex sang louder, beaming as he did so. James laughed again, despite his embarr*censored*ment. They reached the park and Alex jumped in front of James, walking backwards. "Sing with me?" "No, no I'm good. thanks." James responded, closing his eyes and shaking his head. Alex grabbed James' hair and skipped forward, toward the tree they always hung out around. James went along with him, trying not to draw too much attention. ((They're both emo kids ^^ And they're best friends. Not dating.))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:00pm Aug 1 2010
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“I would be honored if you did. I apologize for my sisters incompetence” Katsudo said turning to glare at Allei who had a bright grin waving back at Meri. Allei turned to look at Kas before sighing. “It is not my fault that you still think you are important to the Japanese culture” She said sticking out her tongue before shaking her head. “You see, my dear brother here thinks we are still an important family in Japan. Which I do apologize for his professional, but yet really unusual dress. Normally he wears white gloves or black ones depending on the little attire” Allei explained only to catch Katsudo’s glare in the corner of her eye. She shut up immediately and giggled. “He thinks I am going to climb that tree for him to get his silly top hat” she added shaking her head. “You wouldn’t do it for me even if I was laying on my death bed, but I would rather you didn’t anyway. Your wearing a skirt and everyone would be getting a view if you even tried to climb that tree” Katsudo laughed imagining the situation before shaking his head. “All the more to climb the tree brother!” She giggled once more before shaking her head. “We are thankful to have met you two” Katsudo said turning his gaze to James and Meri. “My apologies, I have not introduced us. I am Katsudo and this is my little sister Allei” He said with a slight dip of his head. “Little! I’m 20 two years younger than you” She pouted not really liking to be called little. Everyone always thought she was younger than what she was because of her small frame and innocent looks.

11:15pm Aug 1 2010
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James shrugged, still grinning. "I think his clothing to be rather charming, if not out of place. Very... Proper." At the mention of skirts being lifted and the ensuing views Merielle supressed a giggle, though her cheeky grin would, for the moment, suffice. Giving a little curtsy she let loose a little of her theatric nature, glad that she hadn't picked today for skirts, having instead chosen a rather nice pair of shorts, though they were awfully short to be considered proper. Still she accepted that her acrobatic skills would be put to the test. "It's a pleasure to meet you both, and a greater pleasure to help." With mutual nods James and Merielle went to stand directly below the hat, and James made a proper basket with his hands. With grace and ease that could only come from years of practice Merielle stepped into his hand with one foot, hands on his shoulders. One fluid motion that was part her pushing off from him and him lifting her, Merielle was tossed quite neatly into the tree. She gripped the branch, steadying herself before grabbing the hat. Holding the branch with one hand she hung for a moment, waiting a second before falling daintily into James' ready arms. The landind was clean, and a feeling of pride swelled in Merielle's chest as she walked to Katsudo with his hat. She held it out to him, as James stood beside her. "You hat, sir?" Her grin widened, loving the attention their little stunt had earned.
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11:30pm Aug 1 2010
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James stopped, causing his hair to be pulled painfully by Alex who hadn't anticipated his sudden stop. "Aw!" He yelped, grabbing Alex's wrist tightly. "Sorry, you shouldn't have stopped." Alex apologized, letting go of his handful of James hair. "I don't think you should be pulling me through the park by my hair anyways Alex." James said, releasing his wrist. "Why'd you stop anyway?" Alex asked, ignoring James' statement. "Are you blind? There are people by the tree already." James said, fizing his hair back to the way he liked it. The was apparently news to Alex because he looked up at the small group. "All the more reason to keep going." Alex said. "Alex~ No." James said quietly, "Lets go over there, at the swing." James suggested, pointing at the lonely swings. Alex sighed and changed directions for his shy friend. "Poor James, he's never going to blossom." Alex said loudly as if James couldn't hear him. James glared at him but he felt his face get hot anyway.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:32pm Aug 1 2010
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Katsudo smiled listening to James talk about his clothes. He glanced down at his own attire. He was a little taken back when he noticed he had not buttoned up his shirt due to he was chasing Allei. He gave a slight laugh before addressing James. “Thank you” he said with a friendly smile. Kas and Allei watched James and Meri as they worked at getting his hat. It was quite impressive he had to admit. There would be no way Allei could do such a thing like Mari had performed. In fact Allei was very clumsy and would only fall and break her neck if she attempted something of that nature. Allei watched as Meri successfully got the top hat and presented it to Kas. “You are very acrobatic. Impressive” she smiled warmly. “Thank you Madam” Katsudo said reaching forward taking the hat from her hands. “You are quite agile. That is a very good thing” He added very impressed by her stunt.
11:42pm Aug 1 2010
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Again she bowed, relishing this moment in the spotlight. James allowed her to bask, only to have noticed his own clothing situation. Worse than having a few buttons undone, it seemed his button up, with sleeves rolled up to his elbows, had come completely undone. He could have sworn he'd buttoned it for public decency, but... He blushed, the delicate pink blossoming across his cheeks as he glared at Merielle, who'd been watching him with a smirk. She pretended to ignore him, thinking it was very kind of her to help him regain Kas' admiration after her performance. She continued, replying to their praise with a dusky blush and modesty that would put a saint to shame. "Oh, really, it's nothing. I was in gymnastics and dancing so long it's like breathing to me. Besides, such tricks would be impossible without a strong, sturdy base like James to get me into the air." Patting her friend's shoulder she smiled, meeting Allei's gaze steadily. "Perhaps I could teach you a thing or two. I do love to have someone who doesn't know all my tricks the way James does." At her words James rolled his eyes, flustered by her audacity.
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11:56pm Aug 1 2010
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Katsudo nodded before listening to her speak. Although he seemed focused on Meri, his true focus was on James. It seemed to him that both he and James had a little predicament but when James notice his he blushed which Kas had fully caught. The blush brought a smile to his own face before he cleared his throat and turned to his sister. “That would be a great thing to do Allei. Your such a clutz anyway maybe she could fix you. Teach you a little grace” Kas smiled reaching up and lightly touching a strand of Allei’s hair which caught her off guard. Her brother actually was being nice to her and she fully noticed his gaze turn soft as his eyes seemed to melt into a liquid blue. “Oh… I…” Allei was still taken off by Kas’s sudden change of direction before she refocused on Meri with a light nod. “I would love that. And in return…do you play the piano?” Allei questioned slightly ignoring Katsudo who was still messing with her hair. He released the strand of hair before glancing up at the sky seeing he had no clue how to bring up conversation, instead he focused on the sky. It was such a beautiful day out and he was enjoying every bit of it.

12:06am Aug 2 2010
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Katsudo's notice of his open shirt only deepened James' blush, while his display of brotherly affection toward Allei melted his heart. His own sharp blue eyes softened a little, and he took a step toward the man almost... sheepishly. To think, he was usually so debonaire. Yet here he was, reduced to and akward m*censored* of gangling limbs. For a moment a little of his former boldness returned, and he pushed the edges of his shirt back, masking the motion by tucking his hands into his pocket. Clapping gleefully Meri grinned. "Oh, how lovely! We would have so much fun together." At Allei's question all joy left her, replacing her smile with a grimace. "Actually, I'm rather terrible at piano. It's not for lack of trying, believe me, but the talent seems to ever ellude me. James would more than willingly whine your ear off with complaints of the months he had to suffer through while I attempted to learn." He nodded, sharing in her dour ex pression for a moment. "It's true. While blessed with a lovely voice an a body that seems naturally skilled in graceful movement, the learning of any kind of intrument has always been beyond her capacity."
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12:15am Aug 2 2010
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Katsudo seemed to chuckle at the slight thought of Meri and her piano torture upon James. He shook his head lightly before glancing at Allei. “Allei here is amazing a piano. She has a gift sent from the angels themselves. It is her natural talent that she aquired when she was 8” he smiled focusing his attention back on James and Meri. “I would not say it was from the angels themselves, but I do have a ear for the lovely black glazed instrument” Allei smiled before aquirring a thought. “How about this. You teach me grace and I will teach you all the wonders of the piano…unless you want to settle with a pretty picture instead. I am an artist too ya know” She smiled quite proud of her accomplishments in life and her little hobbies and talents.
12:27am Aug 2 2010
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((Akila's sad because her brother just died.))
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12:32am Aug 2 2010
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(( James: wanna come hang out with the other Emo kids Akila? Alex: It'll be fun! ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:38am Aug 2 2010
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James climbed onto the swing and Alex got behind him, putting his hands on James' back. "What're you doing?" James asked, his hands freezing on the swing chains. "Don't push me, I know how to make the swing go." James said childishly. "Fine. I was just being nice." Alex joked, making his voice sound sad as he went to sit in the swing one over from him. "I'll race you!" Alex cooed, pushing himself back. "You're on." James growled, pushing himself back too. "On your mark... get set...Go!" Alex said enthusiastically and both Alex and james lifted their feet in their race to get higher than the other faster.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:39am Aug 2 2010
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James listened with interest, finding himself quite eager to learn everything about these two that he possibly could. It was a strange thing, to find one's self so suddenly thrown into those kinds of emotions and instincts. He tried to shake them off, only to find himself failing miserably. Finally he gave in, allowing himself to indulge in his curiosity. Allei's suggestion of teaching Meri the piano had him wanting to claw off his ears, though he managed to resist that urge, at least. Surely it would have shamed poor Merielle to no end. He needn't have done anything about it anyways, for at the merest hint of trying to learn the instrument Meri's eyes widened in horror, and her brain raced to search for any excuse. "Well, I was that my greatest trouble was that my fingers are the only ungraceful part of me, and besides my hand-span is not nearly great enough to reach across the keys properly." To demonstrate she held up one of her truly petite hands, frowing. She shrugged, looking content with her lot. "But it would be wonderful to hear you play some time. I do love cl*censored*ical music, and the piano has such a beautiful sound. I could try my hand at art, though. It would be a perfectly fair trade, I should think." Feeling very proud of herself, Meri didn't even bother with James as he heaved a barely masked sigh of relief at the arrangement. It seemed he could keep his ears fully intact for now.
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12:42am Aug 2 2010
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((Akila: Sure!)) Akila saw some guys. She giggled and ran over there She watched them as she giggled at them. "Hey, I'm Akila."She said. She smiled as she picked up Shane, her cat. Kristen barked her.
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12:43am Aug 2 2010 (last edited on 12:50am Aug 2 2010)
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