12:50am Aug 2 2010
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"Hey!" Alex said excitedly, slowly down his swing. James copied his movement, but was quieter than his overly hyperactive companion. "Hello." He said, stopping his swing completely, he knew Alex would beat him anyways. "I win!" Alex cooed, stopping his now. James glared at him, "I'm James Alexander and this is -" Alex cut him off. "Kingsley. Alex Kingsley." He said, imitating james Bond's way of introducing himself on those old black and white TV shows he and James watched all the time.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:51am Aug 2 2010
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“Oh…well then art it is versus the piano” Allei smiled with a light nod. She thought for a moment before getting an idea. “You two could always come to our home. We have a music room, or that’s what I call it, but Father says it’s a library. Silly Father, there are only four books in that room so it could not possibly be the library” Allei giggled thinking about that room. “I would love to play for you guys but Kitty here….” Allei said poking Katsudo’s side. The poke startled Katsudo which caused him to jump side ways seeing his mind was in sort of a daze thinking about the day. “Kitty…” Allei continued, “He should sing along with me. He has a lovely voice. It makes mother cry every time she listens to him practice” Allei smiled warmly up at her brother. “No no, Allei. I will not sing along with you and your piano, besides these two would not know the words in which I sing nor the meanings” Katsudo said politely gaining back his composure as he now focused on the conversation. “They would if you explained the song to them” Allei said sticking her tongue out. “Kas here sings. He made mother a CD for her birthday and it was the most beautifulist thing in the world!” She said placing her hands together and swaying lightly. “I do not think that is even a word Allei” Kas frowned at her attempt to make words again.

12:53am Aug 2 2010
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Akila giggled. "Is it okay if I hang out with you guys? By the way. This is Shane and Kristen. I named Shane after my brother that died."She said.
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1:00am Aug 2 2010 (last edited on 1:01am Aug 2 2010)
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James' smiled warmly, "No, go ahead." he said, not minding at at. "Sorry for your lose." He added quietly. Alex, on the other hand, didn't like hearing about sad things didn't say anything about it but instead got up to offer his swing. "You want to swing? I bet if we asked James nicely he'd do that 360 thing he's so good for us~" Alex said sweetly to James and Akila both. He smiled and blinked at James, asking his silently. James frowned at him, which to Alex meant that he would do it. "Wicked!" He barked happily.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:01am Aug 2 2010
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The bickering made James smile, part out of simple joy to see that this was indeed how siblings acted, not just he and Meri, and part of of having found a familiar emotion in all this jumble in his mind. He laughed, giving a nod. Looking to Kas he did his best puppy eyes, which, not to toot his own horn, had the tendency to be very convincing. With this pleading ex pression properly in place he spoke, keeping his voice soft. "Oh, we would love to hear you sing! Besides, singing requires no translation, for I'm certain that your tone and the music itself would lend the words all the explanation they need. I'm sure you have a beautiful voice..." Merielle jumped in, adding her own, equally piteous begging eyes to the siblings. "He's right. I'll bet the two of you sound incredible. Besides, Beautifulist is most definitely a word. I use it quite regularly. Please, Katsudo, won't you sing for us? I promise to do so for you as well..." Together, with the combined powers of their eyes James and Merielle turned on Katsudo, pleading shamelessly. They desperately hoped he would agree soon, before they broke down into giggles as they were prone to do.
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1:03am Aug 2 2010
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She giggled. "Thanks."She said as she got on a swing. She watched Shane and Kriten play around. She was a normal emo girl, nothing could change that. She had on a black and puple shirt with a skull in the middle. That was the shirt that Shane inspired her to do.
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1:09am Aug 2 2010
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(James and Alex are wearing the clothes in their pics on their Bios ^ ^)
"No problem." Alex said, wrapping his hands around the bar and letting himself fall, swinging when his arms resisted the gravity. "Alex! Don't do that!" James hissed, leaning into the chain on his swing. He hated when Alex did things that could possibly cause him to fall and break his stupid hallow skull open. Alex laughed at James paranoia and smiled at him upside down. James glared at him and grumbled and he started to swing again. Something about like 'If he hit his head it wouldn't effect anything anyways' "Do it! Do it!" Alex chanted loudly, making James' face turn hot.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:15am Aug 2 2010
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Akila laughed. "You guys are funny."She pointed out. She stood on the swing like she always used to do. she then sat on the bar that was holding the swings.
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1:16am Aug 2 2010
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Katsudo was currently glaring at Allei causing her to giggle when she motioned towards Meri and James. Kas heard James’s voice and turned his head towards him, regretting immediately as he did. Kas’s blue eyes met with James’s which only made him frown. “But I…” Kas started to say not really wanting to do it, but the pleading only made it worse for Kas to say no. In fact they were really hard to say no to because they both had those stupid puppy dog eyes that melted his heart every time. “I…” Katsudo started to say but felt a tug at his heart and his eyes softened to a liquid blue as he nodded in defeat. “Fine…I’ll sing for you two, but quit doing that” he said sighing spinning around placing his hands on his face as if trying to hide. “Awww, Kas!” Allei cooed hugging him from the side. “It will be okay. You really are a good singer and your songs are so sad…wait do you even have one happy song?” Allei asked stepping back trying to think. “Maybe” Kas said not really knowing of a happy song he had, but then again he was not really thinking. He was currently hiding behind his hand with his back turned towards James and Meri. Allei shook her head and addressed the other two. “He doesn’t like singing in front of people. He’s embarr*censored*ed by his own voice” She smiled warmly patting Katsudo’s shoulders.

1:22am Aug 2 2010
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ooc:// Immortal, you and I will have to continue this tomorrow. At the moment I fear the Wicked Witch (my mother) or one of her flying monkies (my father) will come swooping down the stairs, screeching that if I don't go to bed at once they'll get me, and my little dog, too.
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1:23am Aug 2 2010
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OOC: Alright. Night.
1:29am Aug 2 2010
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:46am Aug 2 2010
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As soon as Katsudo turned both Meri and James found they could no longer contain their laugher, exploding into infectious giggles. They doubled over with it, clinging to one another for support. Soon tears streamed, and it became clear that they were laughing not only at Kas' reaction to the Puppy Eyes, but everything funny that was in their heads as well. Meri even went to far as to fall onto the ground, to be helped back up by James. It was quite a while before either of them could speak, as every time they tried another fit of giggles would burst forth. Eventually James gathered enough breath and fortitude against it all to speak, trying to look dignified and failing miserably. "Sorry about that. Anywho! Yay! I can't wait to hear you sing." He gave Kas a quick hug, in hopes that this would give him the courage to carry through. "Shy people are so cute. Wouldn't you agree, Meri?" She gave an emphatic nod, grinning ear to ear. "It's alright, Kas. Sad songs always have a beautiful, soulful quality to them. You really would be making our day."
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10:56am Aug 2 2010
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Katsudo frowned harder beneath his hands hearing Meri and James’s laughter. He wanted to go somewhere and bang his head against a tree or better yet a brick wall. His heart tugged a little bit a little terrified to sing in front of the two. He was used to singing in front of his parents and Allei no on else. The touch of James seemed to freeze Kas. His whole body tensed up as he lowered his hands from his face. He spun around facing them then nodded lightly. “I only sing when Allei plays. I find it better to keep a tune to her piano” he said looking at James with a slight pink blush across his cheeks. Allei nodded and did a little spin. “Yay then it is settled. You sing and I play” She giggled looking at her brother. “Oh….hehe. When shall this lovely date take place?” She asked with a smirk playing with the edge of her skirt. She was extremely eager to let them hear her work and was happy that Kas would have a new audience.
11:15am Aug 2 2010
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Seeing Kas blush made James go pink as well, and the sight of both of them had Merielle chuckling maliciously. James shot her a look, silencing her effectively before turning to Katsudo. "Of course. We expected it would be so." Merielle ignored her friend now, turning to Allei. "Any time would be good for us, though the sooner the better. We have a tendeny to, ah, forget. If you want, we could even give you a lift. James does seem very eager to spend more time with your brother." Ducking in perfect time Merielle dodged a fist, giggling. She acted as if nothing happened, looking inquisitevely at the Asian doll that stood living and breathing in front of her.
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11:16am Aug 2 2010
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ooc:// sorry that took so long. Had to make the Evil Monkey think I was working.
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11:18am Aug 2 2010
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Just a heads up, this is very borderline in violating the site terms. "Do NOT Roleplay anything inappropriate! Roleplays with intercourse, graphic violence, or anything else inapprorpriate will result in a permanent ban on accounts involved! If you find this behavior on any part of the site, report it immediately!" Along with that Yuri and Yaoi roleplays are NOT allowed, BUT you can roleplay shounen ai and shoujo-ai. And if you could please change you ti tle to reflect that, it would be best. Marrhet, Support Staff
Cookie peas?
11:23am Aug 2 2010
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ooc:// Of course. Also, I love nutella, as well. Just saying. Have you ever tasted Nutella and regular peanut butter together, with slices of strawberry in between? It's delicious. Makes me wonder what a Reese's Cup would be like if strawberries were added.
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11:23am Aug 2 2010 (last edited on 11:24am Aug 2 2010)
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Allei giggled and nodded lightly. "A ride would be great, right Kitty?" she asked poking Katsodo's side who lept away once more startled. "Quit doing that!" he snapped glaring at his sister. "Oh but you look cute when you jump. Your all ticklish and stuff" she giggled harder turning back to Meri. "This should be a fun evening" she smirked swaying back and forth on her heels as she looked up at the sky. Katsudo's eyes softened as he turned back to James. "You wouldn't mind giving us a ride would you? Our house is a little ways down the road kind of near the mall. Tw blocks form it to be exact" he said with a small smile trying to ignore his giggling sister beside him who was seeming to enjoy every moment of his discomfot. OOC: Okay. ^.^
11:25am Aug 2 2010
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Lol, no I haven't but I could always go to the store and pick it up. It is about grocery time anyways. Have a fun roleplay. ;)
Cookie peas?