Rough Times Ahead...(Wolf Pack RP...)

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12:11pm Jan 5 2013 (last edited on 12:19pm Jan 5 2013)

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Posts: 158
Sorry about that, I didn't mean to, but didn't know how to express what I was trying to say without powerplaying a little. Also, I didn't actually control what they were saying. Sorry if I ruffled anyone's feathers. :(
I would like you to join though, and promise not to do this again. Really sorry.


12:39pm Jan 5 2013

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Posts: 2,052
Name: Solaris

Age: Young adult

Gender: Female

Rank: Hunter

Personality: Solaris is a very adventurous wolf who acts like she isn't afraid of anything. She loves to explore whever she can and I could be considered as hyperactive quite often. Sometimes she can make decisions too fast, but nevertheless she is kind and always loyal to allies. She has a fear of water as, unlike other wolves, she cannot swim.

History: Unknown, but she had a younger brother who was killed by humans.

Crush: Open/looking

Other: I hope it's not too late to join...

Adopt one today!

2:18pm Jan 5 2013

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Posts: 698
Fall blinked sleepily as a cold wind swept through his fur. Getting up, he yawned and stretched, crawling out of his den. Seeing Shadow first, he nodded a greeting and sat down. Fall's tail flicked as he saw Alla and he let out a short bark as a greeting. Shaking his fur free of the light dusting of snow it had accumulated, he followed her into the forest.


5:32pm Jan 5 2013

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Posts: 158
Alla sensed Fall following her. As quietly as possible, she simply said to him " 'Morning," and continued on. She started to quiet her footsteps and her breathing, searching her surroundings for any sign of life, other than Fall and her. She waited, still as a statue, for 25 minutes without hearing so much as a squeak or a growl, or even little footsteps. Today was going to be a slow hunting day.


1:12am Jan 6 2013 (last edited on 2:32am Jan 6 2013)

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Posts: 2,763
Name: Nala
Age: Puppy
Gender: Female
Rank: Pup? (lol)
Personality: She can be a bit mysterious at times and can make others suspicious of her. She is very adventorous and is disobediant unless the situation calls for obidiance. Nala loves to find new friends and is very good at fighting.(For a puppy) Nala tries to act brave in the face of danger and will often cause mischief around the pack.

Nala has ragged fur and a little scar on her cheek from an accident.  (explain through the story) One of her paws are black and her tail has a light black lining at the tip of it. She also has bangs covering her right eye.

History: She was born along with 3 older siblings ( Fang, Shadow,Bolt) ja[injection]vasc[injection]ript:nicTemp();who hated her because she was a runt. Her mother (Luna) ja[injection]vasc[injection]ript:nicTemp();did nothing to help whenever she was being bullied by her siblings. After getting tired of it all she decided to run away and found the pack.
Crush: She may be too young unless theres another pup o3o
Other: At night she will run deep into the forest to explore without anyone knowing.


6:45am Jan 7 2013

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Posts: 17
Name: Asche

Young adult


Rank: Hunter

Personality: Asche is a pretty relaxed wolf. He doesn't plan much ahead, preferring to roll with things as they come. Sometimes things work in his favor, and sometimes they don't. This carefree attitude makes him pretty easy to befriend, and a trustworthy pack member. He also loves pups, and gladly takes time to play with them.


tle="Flare" href="">

History: Asche used to be in another pack, and go under the name of Flare. However, while Flare was still half grown (a teen in wolf years), he lost his pack in a forest fire. Whether they were dead or simply separated, Flare tried searching for them. Almost a year passed before Flare, who was now fully grown gave up on finding them. He then put his past and his name behind him, and went looking for a new life in a new pack.


He is highly afraid of fire, for obvious reasons.


6:55am Jan 7 2013

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Posts: 9,781
(All accepted. As long as you don't do it again it will be fine,Avarocks.)

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

8:25am Jan 7 2013

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Posts: 17

A short distance from the pack, a lone male known as Asche turned in his sleep, accidentally bumping into the tree he had used for shelter. The bump caused some snow to fall on his neck, giving him a rather unpleasant awakening, even through the thick fur. Fighting back a yawn, he crawled through the lowest branches, shaking off any more snow that fell onto him in the process. Though the scent of other wolves hit his nostrils, the first thing that came to his mind was food. Even if he wasn't hungry, his first impulse wouldn't be to track down the other wolves. They would probably cross paths whenever they were supposed to, anyway. With the last bit of sleep finally losing its grip, the young wolf made his way towards the hunting grounds.

6:38pm Jan 7 2013

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Posts: 9,781
(I'll wait for the rest of the intros.)

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

7:37pm Jan 7 2013

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Posts: 2,763
(( I shall post my intro after I finish my homework :3))


7:52pm Jan 7 2013

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Posts: 9,781

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

7:53pm Jan 7 2013

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Posts: 2,763
Nala woke up from inside the pups den and looked around. "Its morning! Its morning!" she cried out and tugged at another pups neck waiting to play with somebody. The pup just shoved her away and fell back asleep. "Go play in the forest Nala! Cant you see we're all still tired?" another growled. Nala felt hurt that the others didnt want to play and walked outside. A cold gust of wind hit her and it seemed fresh outside. She looked over to the forest and ran towards it. While she was their she saw another male wolf as some snow hit his head. Nala giggled a bit and continued to walk away. She figured it was just one of the other wolves of her pack. 
(( Kind of a sucky intro :P))


7:57pm Jan 7 2013

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Posts: 9,781
(I guess I'll post real quick then wait for Becky.)

    Shadow saw the pup known as Nala run to the forest and was happy she had already gotten the hunters to go on their hunt. She went to follow the pup and make sure she didn't get herself hurt,or worse.

(Brain dead. Hey Sly,what about our private rp?)

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

8:06pm Jan 7 2013 (last edited on 8:07pm Jan 7 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 158
(Ha ha. On this one I'm leaving it open for someone else. I want to experiment. See what they come up with. c: )
Meanwhile, Alla sniffed the air. Something was coming. Her tail softly began to wag, and she slowly followed the scent. She heard fast paws running now. Perhaps a hare? Alla began to drool. She hadn't had a morsel of wonderful hare meat in a long time. The promising scent grew stronger. The paws began going faster, like they were sprinting. Alla couldn't help it. She grinned. She wanted this meat so badly. SO badly. Her paws went faster and faster, and she began to run after the scent.
In front of her she saw a gray blur. That was it. She went on hunting mode, her fur raised on end. Her fangs gleamed in the morning's light. She was almost there. There was a boulder directly in front of her and the prey. Alla would be able to corner it there. She cornered it easily, and was moving in. Her snarl and fangs made her look completely terrifying. And hungry. Just about to deliver the fatal blow, she snapped back into reality. She cocked her head, confused. Her "prey" wasn't a hare at all. Actually, it was far from being prey... (*dun-dun-duh*)


8:09pm Jan 7 2013

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Posts: 9,781
(Shadow isn't grey. *Me no post.*)

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

8:13pm Jan 7 2013

Normal User

Posts: 158
(Oh, I'm not actually sure who it is. I wasn't thinking of Shadow when I posted it, so it's not her. I guess it could be Nala or Asche. I really wasn't thinking of one wolf in particular. (: )


8:34pm Jan 7 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,763
(( Oh ill make it Nala if its fine with you ^^)) 

Nala could feel herself cornered into a rock and saw nothing but glowing fangs. Her eyes seemed to buzz around until they finally came steady on one of the wolves from the pack. Alla. She shook her ragged pelt and gave her a scared look. "Dont eat me!" she cried. Nala then lie down in a protective mode and whimpered. She wasnt sure what Alla would do. She looked angry at her yet she didnt know why. Instead of lying there and whimpering like a fool, Nalla quickly rose up and scratched Alla across her nose and tried her 'fearsome' growl. Though in reality all she probably did was barely scratch her face and do a weak, cat-like growl instead.But in Nalas world she had just tamed a mighty beast.


11:27pm Jan 7 2013

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Posts: 17
Alla wasn't the only one chasing after what she had thought was a hare. Asche had also noticed the young wolf cub's scent, but it went past him before he could determine what it was. Figuring that it was probably some sort of sign, he curiously began to follow it, until she heard a whimper of "Don't eat me!", most likely coming from a pup. Picking up the pace, he noticed what was indeed a pup about to get attacked by an older, fierce looking wolf. His carefree demeanor got pushed asite in favor of a more agressive one at the bl
ink of an eye. "Hey!" he barked out, raising his fur intimidatingly. "What do you think you're doing to that pup?"

6:53am Jan 8 2013

Normal User

Posts: 9,781
(Yay! This rp hasn't died yet,surprisingly.)

    Shadow was a bit farther behind when she saw the pup get cornered by one of the pack. She ran over and seperated the two before the pup would be attacked. Turning to face Alla and said,"Even though we may be to hungry to smell right doesn't mean you can't try and not mistake the smell of a pup for a rabbit." Then she turned to the pup and told her,"Next time you go in the forest,tell someone first." She then backed up a bit and sat down to watch them.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

7:15am Jan 8 2013

Normal User

Posts: 158
(Thats perfect! Nala is great for the part!)
 Alla blinked. "Oh, Nala!" she cried, disgusted with herself. Fondly, she licked Nala's nose. "I'm so sorry!" She said, then frowned. "I would never eat you!" Nala must've been so terrified. Alla touched her snout with her tongue. There was blood. Nala must've tried to attack, the brave pup.
 Alla whimpered, which was very out of character. She was so disappointed in herself. She looked behind her. Shadow and a unknown wolf was standing there, watching. To Shadow, Alla merely whimpered "Sorry,".  Then she looked the other wolf in the eye and said softly,
 "Who are you?"

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