11:33pm Jun 7 2011
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Posts: 597
Claire managed to find a book - of course a book on animals. "This looks somewhat interesting." She said with a smile, looking at all the different colored birds. She found a peacock then started to speak, "It's pretty cool how they fan their colors out just to attract a mate or to scare predators away," She said with a faint laugh, looking back up to Kasey. She closed the book gently and tucked it back in the shelf neatly.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
3:31pm Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 3,950
( ._. )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:51pm Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 597
((o___O Ice, have your girl go to the place where Elias and Aaron are at c: ))

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
6:46pm Jun 8 2011
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Posts: 5,578
"Two for one deal I guess" He said think it kind of a lame joke after he said it. He picked out a book and since it was in the same section that Claire got her book it was on animals too. This book was on Jungle cats, "Why do people say that Lions are King of the jungle. They live in Agrica" He said. He wasn't sure if Claire would know the answer but the question was more him just thinking out loud.
10:59am Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 597
"Well, their appearance is very striking. They watch over land like nothing else. They watch their mate and cubs. Very protective. They're also very strong to," Claire blushed, thinking that her mouth just ran for no reason.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
4:19pm Jun 9 2011
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Zara shuddered back at the sight of his scar. How unpleasant. But at least they had something in common, and a common enemy at that. She herself didn't have any blemishes as such, no scars or bruises. Well, not physically of course. But, if she ever happened to see her mother again that probably wouldn't go over too great. Her light blue eyes showed no forgiveness for that woman, who single handedly destroyed their family. Escaping from her self- pity, Zara shook herself to life, grabbing at her cup. It was filled about half way with ice, the material an elegant, thin glass. She first dumped in multiple teaspoons of sugar, then dropping her lemon wedge in. The tea came next, releasing a fresh steam until the ice kicked in. "I suppose I could stay until midnight. Not like I have anywhere to sleep, anyhow." Realizing that this made her sound like a hobo, it was time to clarify. "I mean, I have a home and everything, but there was a bit of an acoholic accident on my bed" And this made her sound like she enjoyed a drink or two. "Not that I drink, someone else spilled it." Yeah, she never had much of a way with words. "Big day? Yeah, its not really anything special. Just the prophecy and all, ya know? People are gonna be worked up. Probably not the best day to be out on the town." She stirred the ice in her tea around with her straw.
I\'m back.
7:07pm Jun 9 2011
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"I guess that makes sence now" He thought a moment. "How do you know so much about animals anyway. It's amazing. I doubt I would be able to remember half the stuff you do." He said sitting down on the spare chouch in the library.
9:53pm Jun 9 2011
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Posts: 1,361
Slade nodded his head,looking over at the clock that now said 11:43 wondering where the lady had went.The restuarant was completely silent now,not even the sound of klinking dishes in the back room.Looking around it had seemed that the people working here had just left them there,strangely forgeting."seems like no one is here..." He said in a whispered hush tone,half of him was afraid but the other intrueged,giving a wry smile"i wonder what sort of seceret rooms are in this old place,considering this strip of buildings are over 90 years old"the wild adventurous side of him slightly showing.He was always up for anything like this,even if it was risky. "maybe we should look around?" then looking down at what Zara had said. "you,could uh sleep at my house....i mean i could sleep on the couch and you could sleep on my bed if you need" Slade said nervously,feeling like he had said something he shouldnt,but it wasnt like there was going back now.So he simply changed the subject. "i gotta say even i dont believe in this whole prophecy,im kind of excited about it becoming midnight,even if it cant be true...in a weird way,i sort of want it to be true"

10:40pm Jun 9 2011
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Zara simply revealed a mischevious smirk, putting a finger to her lip in thought. Exploring this place seemed rather exciting, and she had her share of nosiness, giving her the strong desire to conduct a thorough search of the joint. However, she didn't realize a dark outline had been observing them from afar, watching thier every movement. Shadow wraith. And where there was one, there was likely to be more. As she turned her head, she caught the slightest glimpse of the figure, so slight that she didn't recognize what it was, seeing as it had vanished into the light. It was a fact that these beings were useless, almost nonexistant in the light. The confused girl took this sighting as her eyes playing tricks, shrugging it off as though nothing. She swiveled around when he'd said she could stay at his place for the night. "I'll take you up on that offer." This had gone over quite well. Hardly knew the boy, and already he'd invited her into his home. That was admirable. Taking a deep breath, she paused. Zara almost wanted to believe in the prophecy. Almost. I mean, life as is was so ordinary and depressing, with no magic in this world at all. The whole prophecy thing would add some spice, to say the least. "Yeah. Can't be true, no way. That's just not how this world works." She finally said, sighing in the process. Nonetheless, this wouldn't stop her from having her fun for the night. Slowly, her somewhat short figure started towards the back room, her black hair struggling to touch her shoulder blades. It wasn't the kitchen, but that strange room tucked away in the back of the restaurant, the door looking as though it was about to disintegrate into the gentle breeze of the ceiling fans. "Coming?" She projected her voice over her shoulder, waiting for the boy to follow.
I\'m back.
12:13pm Jun 10 2011
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Posts: 3,950
Shay continued onwards when she became hungry. Midnight snack time!~ Walking inside the nearest Cafe, she went and ordered a chocolate chip muffin and some hot cocoa. Coffee wasn't her thing at all. When she was younger, her father always had coffee to drink, and she asked if she could try a teensy-weensy sip. Her father had said "Sure," and when Shay took a sip... It tasted like terrible dishwater! Just like her mother's tea! BLECH. So she never had coffee - or tea. Ever.
Her order was soon done and she paid and sat down in a booth. Woah. That muffin was huge. Ah, well, if she couldn't eat it, she'd find somebody else to give it to, right? Like when she gave the homless guy her newspaper. Hm.. maybe the rest of her muffin could go to the homeless guy, too? Taking off a piece, she nibbled at it and looked at the clock on the Cafe's wall. 11:45. Fifteen minutes 'till midnight! Almost time for the Rainbow Prophecy! This made her excoted. But the time passing by would feel like an eternity now... gah.
Looking around, Shay saw a guy that had spilled some coffee on him. Ouch, was he OK? It really looked like it hurt. Well... No use crying over spilt milk. Um.. or spilt coffee? Wait, was 'spilt' a word? ...Could the actual term be 'spilled' instead? Hm... Uh, whatever.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
12:32pm Jun 10 2011
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Posts: 597
"I spend most of my time researching animals. Animals in zoos.. I take that kind of offensive. They're trapped, like they could be out in the wild expieriencing life in a whole different way." Claire groaned. "I feel bad for them." Sighing, she started to head towards the door. "I wonder if the sky will be pitch black when this whole prophecy happens." Speaking aloud, she smiled at Kasey and beckoned him to follow her out the library doors. "Thank you," She spoke to the librarian who waved them out.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
5:48pm Jun 10 2011 (last edited on 5:48pm Jun 10 2011)
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Posts: 1,361
Slade smiled and ran up next to zara as darkness swallowed them to the strange door.He was happy that she had accepted the offer,well atleast she didnt think he was a creeper or anything of that nature. "11:55 now" He said with a sigh.The door scared him slightly even if he shouldnt be,its not like anything bad would ahppen to him,but still his heart raced a little. "do you uh...want me to open the door" Looking over at her,it ice blue eyes timid but up for the adventure. (sorry writers block :X))
11:14pm Jun 10 2011
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Posts: 5,578
Kasey followed her out thinking about the prophecy again, "Maybe it will" He said waving to the librarian. Quite frankly he couldn't wait till midnight. Maybe it will happen. But if it doesn't it's like life is terrible or anything it just sounds cool.
11:16pm Jun 10 2011
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Posts: 597
She walked out of the library and just sat on the stairs infront of the building, waiting for the prophecy to happen. "So, have you had a nice time tonight?" Claire asked with a smile.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
11:18pm Jun 10 2011
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Posts: 5,578
"I have." He said sitting down next to her. "Have you?" He asked. A smile was on his lips as he from the dark sky to her. ((Epic Fail XP))
12:32am Jun 11 2011
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Posts: 597
"Indeed I have," She said with a pleasent smile, leaning back against the stairs to rest her back. "It's just been too long of a day. I wanna see if this Prophecy will happen. If not, I'm going to head home and go to sleep! If not, I'm gonna stick around to see who are the rainbow warriors, or some strange thing." She bumped Kasey's shoulder to show a little affection.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
8:03am Jun 11 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((Can you hold off for a little, everyone? Thanks ^_^ Its not that you're going too fast, its just that I will soon post the whole intro thing for the prophecy. Away from home at the moment, sorry.))
I\'m back.
12:41pm Jun 11 2011
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Posts: 5,578
((Sure thing Kate))
6:30pm Jun 11 2011
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Posts: 2,721
"I got it." Zara tried to turn the knob, but it wouldn't budge. Locked. She wore a frustrated glare, which soon transformed into a mischevious smirk. "I didn't want to have to do this." She paused, sizing up the old and slowly- falling- to- shreds door. "But its the only way, I'm afraid." The petite (Though you shouldn't point that out) girl braced herself, hesitating, wondering if this was truly the right move. And without further wait, she reared her foot, kicking it rapidly and forcefully into the oak door. There was a cracking noise, like a branch snapping. No longer able to do so much as hold its own weight, the door surrendered, collaping in several pieces onto the floor. Perhaps Zara should've considered that this was vandalism, and probably would be frowned upon. But reckless as she was, this didn't occur to her, who simply pranced on into the room as if she owned the place. Antiques were cluttered about the space, couches, chairs, shelves, painting, things of that sort. The majority of it looked as though it was about to disintegrate right before them, as the door pretty much had. On an olden clock, adorned with a pair of curved hands and roman numerals, the hands shifted ever- so- slightly. Midnight. Zara suddenly felt light as air, as if her soul was drifting from her body, up towards the skies. She actually levitated about a foot in the air, in fact. Her previously jet black hair shimmered for a split second, then transforming into a rich violet color, about the shade of a plum. And then the feeling of heaviness set in. Unwillingly, she crinkled to the floor, falling harshly onto the tiling. Ouch. Her muscles locked in place, and she couldn't move an inch, paralyzed in that spot. The pain was great, mostly just from the fall. Her eyes were forced shut as they shifted into a lilac shade, stinging as they adjusted. "What the hell?!" She managed to muster, now able to move. But only slightly. She was still pinned to the floor, heavy as an anvil. If her eyes weren't closed at the moment, she may have noticed the outift revamp, her black overcoat filling with a lavender color. Her black shirt and matching pants were now the color of an eggplant, her shoes mimicking the now lavender overcoat. Eyes showing pain, she opened them slowly, glancing over to make sure her new acquaitance was alright. What Zara hadn't read, nor could have, was that each of the prophesized colors could react different to the transformation. Most would shift with no trouble, as long as their bodies were accepting of the change. But when the powers and changes were rejected (And that was a given for the ever- so- stubborn Zara), there could be a bit of a struggle. Which was what had occured in this instance. ((Thanks guys ^_^))
I\'m back.
8:11pm Jun 11 2011 (last edited on 8:32pm Jun 11 2011)
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Posts: 1,361
((using different fonts,if its hard for anyone to read,let me know ill change it)) Slade raised his eyebrows in shock "wow,good job" before following after her into the small eerie room that seemed to be littered with once new items.The air was musty and thick with age,as if there had not been new air in this place since the day that old clock on the wall had been hung up.The hands shifted to midnight,suprisingly it somehow still worked.Slade thought for a split second. Suddenly burns swept through his body,his skin felt as if someone had splashed boiling motor oil on him.Heat pierced through his veins like lava singing everything inside,his heat like hot coals smoldering and catching on fire.Pain overwhelmed him,centering his thought as if each breathe was a second closer to death.Slade screamed in pain and fell to the ground. His once ice blue eyes flashing to crimson,groomed sandy blonde hair becoming maroon and unruly.Slade's pale skin was now darkened with a tan tone .An old t'shirt that hung on his lean musceled farm burned away across his skin, lighting the room with an deep glow before burning out into blackness once more.Leaving only his brick red long coat on his upper body,exposing his torso.His tennis shoes became red-black boots and old jeans now scarlet skinny jeans. The boiling of his skin and blood simmered and the pain faded slowlyas if it had lasted for hours.Opening his eyes he stood up from the dusty floor splintered with wood."Zara! are you okay?" seeing that she had fallen to the floor as him.He kneeled to her holding out a hand to help her up "what the hell happened" his voice scratchy and tired sounding, as he turned to her only seening the outline of her figure in the darkness,then quickly a car drove by from outside flasing a white light onto her. Showing now that Zara was well,purple,his heart skipped a beat in complete shock.Looking at himselft,Slade could only able to tell the outfit change,but not color. "the prohecy.....its....its true...and were is my shirt?"Slade was completely baffled with what happened,his mind couldnt let him think about anything but now,and not what there future could hold.
