9:51pm Jun 11 2011
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Shay had just finished up in the Cafe and went outside. She still hadn't finished her hot cocoa, so it was gripped in her hand. As she walked out, the girl took a glance at the clock. With one tiny movement, it became midnight. As she was outside at the moment a few steps from the Cafe, she collapsed and the cocoa clattered onto the pavement spilling brown liquid all over. Her eyes got round and numb, and she winced with pain. Was this.. the... prophecy? Yay..! Wait, it.. hurts... ahh!! She tried to control her rapid and shallow breathing, but it wasn't working. After a few seconds she was able to control herself. She felt no pain. But a new wave of... something washed over her. Like sparkles and magic tickling her skin, it's touch sending a warm yet chilly feeling into her body. But she accepted whatever was going on... whether it be prophecy or something else. What had happened was that her eyes changed to a startling icy blue with dark blue flecks near the pupil. Her hair changed to a very dark navy blue and she was wearing an electric blue short-sleeved shirt with a standard/average-shade-of-blue pair of jeans. Her shoes became a very very light variation of blue-colored tennis shoes. Before, Shay was wearing her special necklace which was a golden chain with an 18-karat, small, golden dog slipped onto it. But now it was the same... Except aqua blue. Her socks were navy blue, too. Shay was not noticing what had happened until she got up and brushed herself off. "I... I-I'm BLUE?!" she said with a fret. CAlming herself down, she realized what had happened for sure. The Rainbow Prophecy was true... and she was a part of it... the blue part to be specific. "W....W-wow.." Shay breathed.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
10:13pm Jun 11 2011
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Kasey herd a clock chime as it sudenly became midnight. He began to levitate up wards about half a foot and from his shoes to his head he began to change. IT happened slowly as if water were trickling upwards. His gray sneakers turned into white leathar shoes. His stone washed jeans turned white and became a pair of slacks. His shirt became a nice neat white botton up long sleeve formal shirt underneath a white suite jacket and up on the top of his head was a white fadora. His hair turned to white as well but other wise stayed the same. His eyes began to ach as he was lowered to the ground slowly. He rub his eyes and closed them. They began to morph into a slideshow almost of all the colors as they faded into each other. "Ow" was all he could say was he lowered himself into a sitting position on the stone steps of the library. His eyes were hurting so he kept them shut. "What is going on" He said a loud mostly to himself. He didn't have a clue as to what was happening and as long as his hurt as much as they did he didn't really care. The pain began to lessen slowly and he opened his eyes. He got a chance to look at himself, "Well....it's nice but not really my style." he said tipping the fadora off his head to look at it. Thats when he saw his hair. It was snow white. His ever changing colored eyes grew big as he looked at his hair in the reflection of the window of the library.
10:14pm Jun 11 2011 (last edited on 10:25pm Jun 11 2011)
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Posts: 597
Sitting there with Kasey, it must have been some what close to midnight. Thinking of her family, she thought she might start heading home. "I think-" She cut off, feeling a rather warm fuzzy feeling inside. Eyes burning (pupil changing to a cat-like pupil) she grabbed her head. She felt rather odd. More warm on the inside. She felt bright, more friendly towards people. Her insticts kicked in. Her eye sight was amazing, her hearing had improved. "This couldn't be it..." She murmered, grabbing her stomach in pain. As she held her stomach, she looked down. Yellow converse? She was wearing black when they came out. As she thought about what happened, she caught glimpse of her light yellow skinny jeans that she now wore. "Really..." She asked herself, confused. A light yellow shirt, darker then her jeans and a dark yellow jacket. Her hair was now platinum blonde, and her eyes. They reflected with sun and warmth. "Kasey, your hair!" She touched it, amazed.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
10:24pm Jun 11 2011
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Kasey saw as Claire clutched her stomach in pain. He wasn't quite sure what to do but he knelt down beside her and put a hand on her shoulder, "You need anything like ice chips maybe" he asked gathering her blonde hair just in case she vomited on the stairs. He felt really bad for her. I guess the bread sticks weren't cooked all that way? He said to himself still not getting that this was part of how the transformation of the prophecey.
10:27pm Jun 11 2011
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Posts: 597
"I'm fine, I just feel extremely warm and fuzzy on the inside." She looked at him. His color changing eyes caught her attention. That's so gorgeous... She thought to herself.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
10:37pm Jun 11 2011
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He couldn't help but find 'I just feel extremely warm and fuzzy on the inside' kind of funny but managed not to laugh. He let go of her hair and took his hand off her shoulder, "Good. I'm glad your all right" He said. He noticed that Claire was transfixed on his eyes. "What? Is there something in my eye?" He asked rubing his eyes trying to get what ever out of his eye.
10:41pm Jun 11 2011
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Posts: 597
"No, they're changing colors. It's really.. pretty." Claire said with a smile, and ran her fingers through his snow white hair. "And your hair is white as snow. It looks good on a guy like you," She said with a giggle, ruffling his hair up.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
10:44pm Jun 11 2011
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"Oh" He said as he stopped trying to get out the elusive thing in his eye. "Well thanks." He said a smile growing on his face again. "You looked quite beatuiful yourself." He put his fadora back on his head and stood up putting his hand on his hips and puffed out his chest. "How do I look" He said making his voice a bit deeper. He stoped the acted and held out his hand to help Claire up off the ground.
10:56pm Jun 11 2011
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Posts: 597
Claire laughed, "Too cute!" She said and grabbed his hand, hoisting herself up to her feet. "Do you think anybody else around here had changed?" She thought aloud, starting to walk, hoping he'd follow her.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
10:59pm Jun 11 2011
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Zara, though not typical behavior, took the offered hand and got to her feet. This room was dark, that was a fact, but in the darkness she could see a faint red glow. Were they eyes? She leapt backwards in freight, then realizing the farmiliar shape. That pair of eyes belonged to Slade. So the prophecy was true, after all. He'd gotten red. What a lucky one he was. In a rushed movement, she swished her hand at a lightswitch, illuminating the room with a faint glow. Her cheeks burned a light rosy color when she'd noticed his apparel didn't include a shirt. Curious, she glared down at her own clothing, her ex pression immeadiatly turning sour. Purple. No. It can't be! Perhaps its just the clothes, yeah that must be it. She pivoted around to face herself in a wood- framed mirror. Purple hair, purple eyes. Yup, she was the violet one indeed, there wasn't a doubt. Looking rather irritated, she gritted her teeth together, trying deperately to contain her rage. 'Violet, really? Some birthday present this is!' Only she hadn't spoken it, but had thought it. And her thoughts projected to her guest. Telepathy was just one of the benefits that came with such a pathetic color. 'Nonetheless,' She thought, sighing. 'We should locate the others.' The sky outside had gone an even deeper black color, the stars struggling to stay in sight. And the Shadow Wraiths acknolwedged this, waiting for their prey to come.
I\'m back.
11:00pm Jun 11 2011
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"I don't know probably. I mean there are seven colors in the rainbow so then there should be five more people who changed." He thought a moment. "Wait but white isn't a color from the rainbow though>" He said. He followed her confuzed at why he had changed to white. If he had changed shouldn't he be an actual color like green or something? But then again maybe there was something else to the prophecey after all he hadn't read much about the whole thing so he probably did miss something about a white person.
11:08pm Jun 11 2011
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Posts: 597
The streets were dark as they walked. She felt like a sun as she walked. "Is yellow my color?" She asked, her face ex pression fell as she thought about it. ((xD wow go me.))

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
11:12pm Jun 11 2011
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"I think so. Your dressed in all yellow after all and your eyes are..." He looked at her eyes. They were like actas with the slit pupil. They would usually look creepy on a cat but on her..she looked even b=more beatuiful than she did before. "..their lovely" He finished.
11:13pm Jun 11 2011
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Posts: 597
"They're just yellow, huh? No cool effects like yours?" She asked sadly. Her eyes were amber before, but yellow.. was yellow even a good eye color?

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
11:17pm Jun 11 2011
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"No their amazing. Their like a cat." after he said that he wasn't quite sure if that was the right thing to say. Obviously it could be taken the wrong way so he quickly added, "They make you look even more amzing than before." He hoped that might cover up his mistake. But the feline eyes did look stuning on her. They were more than just yellow they were multiple shades of yellow. They almost looked like bright honey with lemon in it.
11:22pm Jun 11 2011
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Posts: 597
She smiled at his imput and took his hand. "Thanks," She said and gently pecked his cheek. She didnt feel the burn in her cheeks, she just felt warm again. She pondered on what the color yellow would do for her.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
11:27pm Jun 11 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((Slow down, you two. Gotta wait for the others, after all ;D))
I\'m back.
11:27pm Jun 11 2011
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He licked the feeling of her hand in his. The peck on the cheek caught him off gaurd but he couldn't denie that he liked that too. He continued to walk with her looking around for anyone else that had changed. He began to think about what the not-so-color white ment. What power did he have? He knew that green ment you had power over plants and such, and red was the power over fire but what the hell did white do? Bore you to death because he was bland and color less? He didn't have a clue.
11:28pm Jun 11 2011
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Posts: 1,361
((is it okay if i reply, kate? C:))
11:29pm Jun 11 2011 (last edited on 11:29pm Jun 11 2011)
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Posts: 597
((Sorry D: just soo soo funn..! Zara and Slade should run into Claire and Kasey c: ))

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.