11:43pm Jun 11 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((GAH. DX Um...I'm just gonna have Elias walk out and suddenly be all indigo. xD; He's not gonna feel a thing, if that's okay.))
7:51am Jun 12 2011 (last edited on 7:52am Jun 12 2011)
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Posts: 2,721
((You can reply, just limit your posts a bit. Unless everyone is on. I wasn't talking to you, Rocca, sorry for any misunderstanding ^_^ And yes, our charras will meet yours, Goldy. And yes, Rika, he can feel nothing. You're quite the observant one for picking that bit of info out of my post ;D Where's Bunny? She still here by any chance?))
I\'m back.
8:45am Jun 12 2011
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Posts: 11,785
After a while, Elias let out a soft groan and simply walked out of the cafe, his arms crossed. Next thing he knew, he was getting stared at by everyone that was walking by him. And, seeing as he wasn't exactly a stickler for attention, he let otu a soft growl, staring down at his... Whoa, wait a minute. Whoa....whoa.... Last time he checked, his pants were black, not some kind of dark blue. He stopped where he was, brows furrowing, followed by his eyes widening when he saw that his hair wasn't black anymore either. Why the heck was it blue?! This caused Elias to spin and stare at his reflection in a window, followed by his reflection disappearing. He took a step back, shaking his head as his now-indigo eyes widened further. Holy crap! It was TRUE?! He was actually indigo, and that whole stupid story was TRUE?! ((...I should not be allowed online after not sleeping for almost a whole day. 8D))
6:55pm Jun 12 2011
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Posts: 597

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
6:58pm Jun 12 2011
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Posts: 5,578
((Bump bump))
7:06pm Jun 12 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((Please limit bumps as well. I appreciate it, but too many bumps can be excessive. And you two can post a couple times, if you wish ^_^))
I\'m back.
7:24pm Jun 12 2011
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Posts: 10,925
"What the hell?" Aaron said, stopping short as he suddenly felt a current rush through his body. He blinked, and although he didn't know it, his eyes glew orange, his hair shortly following suit. He also felt...more active, and hyper. He looked up at the sky, and a cloud began to form, spewing electricity. "Woah," He said, stopping to look in a store window. "I'm a part of that prophecy thing! It's real!" He thought he'd must be dreaming.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

7:32pm Jun 12 2011
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Posts: 597
"Let's keep walking, we might find more people like us," Claire said, skipping ahead. She felt so playful and energetic. She also felt like yelling and letting the world know she was there.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
7:35pm Jun 12 2011
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Posts: 5,578
Kasey had to jog to keep up with Claire. She seemed so happy which in turn made him happy, "Sounds like a plan." He said. He saw a purple ish blue kid standing outside a cafe. He didn't seem to happy with his clothes or hair so he figured that he was one of them too. He pointed him out to Claire, "I think he might e indago." He said.
7:39pm Jun 12 2011
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Posts: 597
"Let's go take a look!" She said and ran towards the kid. "Hey.. are you part of the rainbow prophecy?" She asked, looking at all his indigo clothing. Stupid question.. of course he was. Unless he just liked the color Indigo.. She thought to herself.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
11:15pm Jun 12 2011 (last edited on 11:15pm Jun 12 2011)
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Posts: 1,361
Slade slowly walked up to the mirror next to Zara,barely able to recongize himself.Not that this was a good thing,he looked completely insane,red eyes and hair.Atleast Zara looked good and would be accepted in society,but not him.He wasnt sure if he was really ready for the stares he would get now.Letting out a sigh.Wincing before turning away from the mirror.Looking down at his bare torso he rembered the large black cross that was tattooed on his left hip bone.Slade wasnt a religious person really.He just liked the look of it even if it seemed stupid to get it.He admired that people had such hope and devotion to something like that.He couldnt never handle that.Then turning back to zara in the room. "hey,you can read minds and talk to people through it,better than having the power of destruction and pain,but that of knowledge"Looking to her "you look pretty with purple on"He smiled,blushing slightly.Then she ran out the door,he ran out after her.The cold city air of the night hit him,yet it didnt bother him at all.Slade still felt warm,burning up actually in the night as he ran with her. "is it....cold outside?" Turning to her,voice qeustioning in the silent darkness.Then he saw a black figure standing there in the darkness.

11:32pm Jun 12 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Fff. I still find myself wondering if elas is ever gonna get someone. xD;))
11:43pm Jun 12 2011
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"I can't neccessarily read minds. I only hear the thoughts people are willing to give." The baffled and rather angry girl actually spoke this time. "And, as far as I'm concerned, I'd much rather be able to destroy my enemies. Especially with fire." Zara pretty much ignored his compliment about her new coloration, with the exception of a tiny smile, which she turned her head to hide. As she glanced, she noticed a dark figure. 'Shadow Wraith.' She thought aloud, at the same time shivering. It was rather chilly out, after all. The wraith, seeming as if it didn't want a fight, vanished from sight into a dark mist. Shifty little creatures. She shrugged this instance off, continuing down the now barren streets. This place had become a ghost town. Quickly. She noticed in the near distance several kids of different bright and vivid hues. One of them white. 'That might be the White Warrior.' She informed in thought. 'Actually, I'm fairly sure of it. There's not many other logical explanations for that appearance. And Indigo boy is there, too. Along with Yellow girl. What luck.' Her grin showed satisfaction. The Violet girl approached them without a second thought, examining the group thoroughly. "I see the prophecy has hit you, also." She spoke, straightening herself so she'd be a little taller. Sucked to be the shortest one in every gathering. "Well, since we're most likely stuck with eachother until this whole thing is over with, I might as well tell you all that my name is Zara. And my friend back there, the red one-" She pointed a finger to her guest. "That is Slade." Her glare was friendly, and yet fierce. ((I'm sure he'll find someone, Rika ^_^))
I\'m back.
11:56pm Jun 12 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Elias shimmered back into view, looking over his shoulder as other people walked up. He let out a soft scowl cross his features. "I'm Elias, and don't expect me to be all buddy-buddy with anyone," he mumbled, crossing his arms as he vanished from sight once more, suclking against a wall. Well...there went his next few weeks of glorious solitude. Looks like he was going to have to learn how to get along, huh? He didn't want to, but he knew he had to if the world was to have any hope at all.
11:59pm Jun 12 2011 (last edited on 12:02am Jun 13 2011)
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Slade was a little shocked by Zara's angered reply,her priorities obviously different then his.He was more confused than anything,Zara wasnt the person slade thought she was,not that anyone ever was an open book for everyone to read,but her intentions seemed cruel and ran on instinct. "i prefer not to harm others" he said looking at her with his blunt justified reply but other than saying that it was probably best just to let it go.But his softened anger lowered as he saw others in the distance brightly colored as they were just like him. "hey,guys...well i geuss the prophecy wasnt made up" his eyes shifting to the sour indigo boy across from him.Not really liking his bad attitude after all they all jut met in this odd conditon.No reason to be rude.
12:02am Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((Goodnight ^_^ I'm gonna wait for the others to post before I continue.))
I\'m back.
12:25pm Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 597
Claire jumped at the sound of two other people - Red and Violet. Just our luck, we're meeting everyone here so suddenly. She looked at the two, they looked rather familiar. "So," She looked at Zara, then to Slade, "What color is Kasey going to be? Did his color just not come through all the way or what?" Claire shrugged to Kasey, his snow white hair still a huge amazement to her.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
12:45pm Jun 13 2011
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Zara grinned, her book- smarts actually seemed to be useful for once. "Ah, yes, he is a lucky one. Or unlucky, depending on how you see it." She paused, raising a lone finger for emphasis, her eyes narrowing. "We are looking at the White Warrior who, until now, was never actually confirmed to be a part of the prophecy." Her lilac irises shifted to the upper left, as if recalling some information. "According to what I've read, you should have power over light, able to create it. Because of this, you should also have the ability to see in pure darkness, which is a very valuable skill considering these circumstances." She gestured about the pitch black atmosphere, hardly able to make out her own hand. "But I'd better warn you, those Shadow Wraiths aren't going to like you." She chuckled darkly. "You see, they don't really like light. In fact, they hate it. Because they can't survive in light, that is, so don't be mad when you're the first targetted." Zara's firce gaze softened, as if to reassure. "But I wouldn't worry, because a well- aimed beam of light will send them dashing in the other direction."
I\'m back.
3:35pm Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 597
Claire smiled, "Hmm. Power of light, that's pretty neat." She looked at Zara, then down to her bright yellow clothing. "Sorry to bother you, but what does the color yellow do?" She thought about it. It couldnt be light, because white was light. Nothingcame to mind when she thought about it.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
3:43pm Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 3,950
Shay was unhappy about the reactions she got from people inside the Cafe. She had re-entered to check up on herself and find a bathroom mirror or something. Oh, God, such stares! It was like they were looking at an abomination. Pfff, ignore them. Screw them. Soon everything would be fine, partially thanks to her. Looking in the mirror, she saw a completely different her. Very unpleasing, too. Shay had adored her previous eye and hair color. When she was younger, the girl had always wanted blue eyes. But she soon realized that her green eyes were wonerful all by themselves. Well, look how that turned out! Dark, dark, dark blue as a hair color? Ummm.... YECH!! Especially on her. Maybe this this color wasn't so pleasing for bodily effects... even if it was her favorite color. Too much blye, though, could be a nuisance, she realized. Stepping outside, she fully noticed something important: Everything was pitch black, like the color was sucked out of everything. Which it was. Also, the colors Red, Yellow, Violet, Indigo, and White were standing outside chatting about. What luck! But... What about the remaining colors: Orange and Green? Huh, they'd catch up with them sooner or later. At least Blue arrived to the party! "Hi," she said in a small voice as she stepped into the group.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -