8:38pm Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Her Internet's messed up. And I really dunno what to do with my indigo dude. xD))
8:57pm Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 597
"I'd like to try my power out, I just don't want to be able to turn to something and attack a helpless person." Claire looked at all the bright colored people. She couldn't quite concentrate on her power. "I'll have to practice when I'm alone sometime..." She looked at Zara. " How many forms am I able to take, by the way?" This question had stumped her completely.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
11:48pm Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 1,361
((aw i missed alot,sorry i wasnt here guys,i was at a funeral))
11:51pm Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((Its alright, Rocca ^_^ I'll wait unitl after you post to post myself. If you're going to post, that is ;D No pressure.))
I\'m back.
11:53pm Jun 13 2011
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Posts: 1,361
((im writing it up now C:))
12:03am Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 1,361
Slade looked around to all the others "so.....what does this all mean....whats its all for,this prophecy"Turning to Zara suprised that she knew so much about this.Her power was extraordinary his eyes widened as a hue of orange filled her for a second then left.Wanting to try his powers out,even if fire really wasnt something he was looking for.He concentrated,crimson eyes glowed in the darkness,a color of evil.Even though the blood stained orbs were showing Slade's normal content and intelligence.The rush of lava entered his veins,like before when the transformation began,except this time it didnt hurt.It felt good he felt alive.Like he could do anything.Then holding out his hand it shaking in the dark night,a flicker of orange flame rose from his palm.Lighting the group of people around him.He smiled at what he could do.Just before the light slowly faded away.He put his arms at his side once more.Wondering if everyone else would to the same as him and zara.
12:18am Jun 14 2011
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"How many forms?" If there was one thing she didn't like, it was lacking the answer to a question. She hadn't read anything on the forms she could take on, so Zara just took an educated guess. "I would assume that you could take on the form of any animal you've seen before, whether it be in person or a photograph. But I'm not exactly positive." Her eyes flashed over to Slade, who was handling a flame. That was pretty neat, if she did say so herself. So neat in fact, that she wanted to try it herself. She focused her energy, absorbing the traits of the flame boy. Her own hair was now red, her eyes and clothing matching. A more fitting shade, far greater than purple. Finger raised, a miniature flame ignited just above her nail. If she was a smoker, this would come in handy. But it probably wouldn't be much of a threat. The power of fire quickly left her, but she managed to concentrate enough to keep the red coloration. "I like this look." She grinned, half tempted to test out some other powers of the group.
I\'m back.
12:29am Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 1,361
Slade turned to Zara as she overcome his powers,knowing that she wanted his.But he wanted her powers as well and that she could have any powers she wanted even if it was only for a short time.Rembering that Zara was staying with him.But it seemed like that now things had changed in a split second,he almost forgot about his life now.going back to reality even if reality now seemed fake and too good to be true. "so do we just go one with our lives like normals? whats going to happen now?" his voice was higher pitched and worried.Not that he had anything to loose though.He should be happy to have people to stick with.But it was a good qeustion maybe others would ask it too.
12:31am Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 597
"I'm going to try.. the form of a harmless kitten." She thought about it. Taking in everything around her, she closed her eyes. Inhaling, she felt the nasia feeling again. Exhaling, she felt her whole body shrivel. Everything felt big now. She looked up, the brightly colored humans still there around her. Oh my god! I did it! She thought. Breathing quickly, her form left. "Wow." Was the only thing that came out of Claire's mouth.

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
1:08am Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Elias stood up and shimmered back into view, a slight grin appearing on his face as three more of him suddenly appeared around him. "Mm, I think duplication comes in handy...." he said, stepping forward with the other three before all four of them vanished from sight. They seemed to reappear a couple feet away, all of them chuckling. "Which one's the real one?" they said at the same time, cocking their heads simultaneously.
1:15pm Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 597

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
1:49pm Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 2,721
Everyone was testing their powers, and this made Zara smile heartily. Then she heard the desparation in Slade's voice. A sigh was released, and she looked hesitant to speak. "I'm afraid we can't just go back to our everday lives. Unless we want to live in world of complete darkness. Even then, the Wraiths will wreak havoc, and the earth would most likely fall to ruin." Sometimes it was upsetting to know the cold and undenaible truth. "In fact, it appears as though they may have already snagged the green one. He or she should have been brought here by destiny by now. They know more than they should, it seems, for the lack of one color will make it considerably more difficult to-" "Wrrrreeaaahhwk!" The piercing shreik sent a shudder down the purple girl's spine. Almost subconsiously, she now used her thoughts to speak. 'Shadow wraith. And where there's one, there's bound to be more.' As usual, she was right, and several more Wraiths joined the first, totalling to eight. They were outnumbered by one, and the worst part was the wraiths looked full- on ready to fight. 'Brace yourselves!' With that final warning, Zara got into her battle stance, borrowing the power of the White warrior. This was tougher to mirror than the other powers, for whatever reason. The white coloration appeared more like a shade of dull gray on her. But it'd have to do. As headstrong as she was, the now- gray girl charged into combat, attempting to create a sphere of light. It was very dim. So dim, in fact, that the Wraiths seemed to chuckle darkly. "What the hell are you laughing at?!" She blared, dashing straight towards them in anger. Light was useless to her, to she decided to use her brute force. Shoulder out, she attempted to ram one of the many wraiths. One blast of dark energy later, and Zara was sent soaring backwards, far away from the cluster of dark beings. The dark creatures, not feeling very threatened, took a moment to choose their target. Their shadowed eyes locked onto to the yellow girl, and they all seemed to get the same idea. One by one they approached, encircling her. The boss would be happy if they made a capture, especially before the colors had a chance to hone their powers.
I\'m back.
2:44pm Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 11,785
As soon as he heard the shriek, Elias vanished from view. He made several more copies of himself and rushed towards the yellow girl, who was pretty easy to see in the dark since she was colored so bright. One of the copies shimmered back into view, running towards Zara and another running towards the white warrior. "ou two, tell us where we need to be to surround the other colors that are here!" they yelled as they ran. Like hell Elias was living in a colorless world. Without colors, the butterflies lost their beauty, and without light he couldn't watch them fly! So screw these Shadow Wraiths! His copies gew in number, shimmering back into view as the numbers grew to be too many to keep invisible. They broke off into groups, each group attacking a different Wraith while the real Elias stood back, panting softly as he went between being seen and being invisible, moving everytime he shimmered out of view. The other colors had better get a move on.
3:01pm Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 2,721
"Amazing these copies are doing so well..." Zara quizically put a finger to her lip, as of the rest of the world meant nothing. Which to her, it didn't when an abnormality as such occured. She, despite the remaining pain from the dark blast of energy, managed to retrieve a book from the depths of her messenger bag, flipping through the pages. "Indigo may create no more than four copies before it has disasterous affects on their body...." ((Yeah, there's a limit XP Wouldn't be fair if there wasn't. Figured I'd just tell you through my post.)) She'd known there'd been a limitation to the clones. So how had the boy kept stable with so many copies? Perhaps he didn't realize that every duplicate borrowed energy from his being, meaning that with more copies, each one grew weaker until they were practically useless. Including himself. The chaos around her was unphasing, as she was deeply into the words woven into the pages of this novel. "The colors each start with very weak powers, almost useless, in fact. But as time progreses, they will become stronger." That explained a lot. "It is not recommended they fight before they've properly mastered their powers, or at least gotten used to them, and can properly use them." She read aloud. Time to run, or so she thought. There was no possible way they could take down these Wraiths with zero experience. Even if they had to risk leaving the yellow behind, better have one gone then all. Plus, the Wraiths wouldn't kill her, and Zara knew that for a fact. Their boss would need her, to ensure the darkness would last. Her powers were valuable, and it'd be a waste to just get rid of her.
I\'m back.
3:04pm Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((He's tired, believe me. That's why he's shimmering in and out of view. His invisibility is going haywire. He's distracting the Wraiths so you guys might wanna run. xD;..))
3:37pm Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 10,925
"Woah, wait, Shadow dudes. That is so not cool, picking on a girl." Aaron glared at the Shadow Wraiths that were beginning to circle, and without him knowing it, an electric cloud formed above one of them. It zapped the Shadow Wraith with lightning, and it quickly collapsed to the ground. Aaron blinked in shock. "Woah," he breathed, gawking at the unconscious, if not, dead, Wraith. "I did that?"
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

4:10pm Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 2,721
The Wraith, 'Knocked over by the storm' Quickly rose back up, as if unaffected. Their powers were weak at this point, and it was futile to even try. Zara could see the Wraiths slashing at the duplicates. 'Smart. That's a good distraction.' It was rare for her to compliment on another's intelligence, but it was a truly good idea. She could see the indigo boy now exhausted, his powers going out of whack. 'We have to run, now. Even with our combined forces, we'll be defeated, no doubt.' A somber glare cast out from her lilac eyes, directed at the yellow girl, who was the center of the wraiths' attention. 'And we have to leave her, I'm afraid. Its just not worth it to risk all of us for one. Rest assured, when we're stronger, we will come back for her. I will anyway, what you do is your choice. Stay and fight if you wish, but take it from someone who knows their facts-' A knowledgable glint came over her eyes. 'You won't defeat them, and you'll make it that much easier for them to capture you.' And with that, she turned and bolted in the other direction, headed for the forest on the outskirts of the city.
I\'m back.
4:27pm Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Elias was panting pretty heavily at this point, going down on his hands and knees as sweat started dripping. "Run, unless you all want to die! I can't keep this up much longer!" he yelled, still shimmering in and out of view as copies he made slowly started to vanish as well. His indigo eyes lifted to focus ontot he other teens, the poor boy obviously very, very exhausted. "RUN!" he yelled as loud as he could.
4:33pm Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 10,925
Aaron shook his head at Elias. He was too sweet of a person, really, to let this Claire girl fend for herself. "No," He yelled, determined. "I'm...I'm gonna help you!" If only he knew how. He couldn't yet figure out how to actually control his electricity powers, besides being able to conjure up little balls of it in between his hands.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

5:07pm Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 3,950
(Oh, so you all go on without me? ;c Not. Kewl. ) Shay wasn't so sure of her powers. But controlling and creating water and being able to breath and see underwater sounded cool. It definetely would make swimming trips more fun, she agreed with Zara. But she hadn't spoken her name yet. The others had gone into a talking frenzy afterwards, though, so she didn't bother at the moment. But her powers... She wasn't sure yet. Maybe later. Once the Shadow Wraiths invaded, the seemingly calm-ish atmosphere was destroyed. Zara, though, fled and Claire was helpless at the current time. Aww, what a cute kitten! Shay always loved animals, expecially canines. Then felines and equines tied for second. All were, of course, loved even if she had a few favorites. "Claire!" she managed the say in a small shout. The blue girl dove for the now-kitten-but-previously-human girl, and grasped her in her arms. "This is just for now... I'll put you down afterward and you can change back. We need to escape first.. Now!" she spoke. "And my name's Shay.. You asked, remember?" With a slight smile, the colored girl raced off towards the woods, trying to follow Zara. Close, so close... Just a little farther to catch up...!
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -