5:15pm Jun 14 2011
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There was no way Kasey would just leave claire here. He put out his hands in front of him and consentrated on trying to make light. It came out in a bright burst but quickly faded into about as light as a flash light thats batteri is about to die. He had sent a few of the attackers back but that didn't seem to phase them much. "Claire run!" He said. He intended to follow her if she did but he wasn't going to leave her. Besideds as a cat shouldn't she be able to run faster? He tryed to aim the light but it wasn't working. The light was uncontrolable like a high pressured water hose on ful blast. The attackers tryed to stay away from the lights as much as possible and hissed as they were sent back about a foot if they did get touched. Kasey couldn't hold the light for much longer and the Shadows seem to sence that. They smirked at him and seemed to be waiting back untill his light faded.
5:48pm Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Derp. I'm gonna have Elias pass out. P:))
5:51pm Jun 14 2011
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The Shadow Wraiths, amused by their enthusiasm, cackled at just how foolish they were. The leader of this pack, a larger and more intimidating Wraith, shot out a black shadow rope from his faded hand, perfectly aimed. It lunged for the blue girl, entangling around her ankle. The Wraith reeled the rope back, hoping to at least trip the girl over. If she was dumb enough to hold onto the cat, it could easily be a two for one. Two of the the other Wraiths gathered around the indigo boy, now weak. If he went without a struggle, they weren't going to hurt him. The boss likes them lively, anyway. Two more Wraiths enclosed the White Warrior, keeping a short distance from his light. Not like it'd do much anyway. The remaining Wraiths clustered around the orange and red boys, smirking with delight. Zara turned her head back to see that the others were in trouble, and she paused for a breif moment. 'Those damn idiots! Why couldn't they listen when Elias told them to run. He's the only one in this group, besides myself, who has any common sense!' She doubled back, dashing into the action. There was nothing she could do at this point. A stall would be the best, and that was risky. There was no time to think this through, and she simply borrowed the powers of the yellow girl, turning a mucky shade of dandelion. Her body then shifted into the shape of a skunk. And with a slight flick of the tail, she sprayed a foul liquid. Even the Wraiths had a sense of smell, most of them raising their misshaped hands to their faces. The leader, however, did not give in, keeping the shadow rope taught around the blue girl's ankle. The boss would be displeased if they returned empty- handed. "Damnit, I swear, if you all don't get the hell out of here now, I'm not coming back to get you!" Even in skunk form, she was harsh and perhaps a little scary. ((Poor Elias D;))
I\'m back.
5:58pm Jun 14 2011
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Elias shook his head, panting heavily. He stared at the others, then came into total view as he collapsed, all of his copies vanishing. He panted heavily, his gaze movign tot he toher colored people. "Get...out of here..." he said as loud as he possibly could before he fell unconscious, having depleted every bit of energy he had. Why couldn't they just listen once in a while...?
6:01pm Jun 14 2011
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Kasey gained some control over his lightes but they were flickering quikly. Hsi forhead beaded with sweat. He looked from the shadow hauling Shay and Claire a way then to the one that was focused on him. He shot one hand in Claires attckers direction and the other to his. He closed his eyes and tryed to pull all his concentration into his power. His lights flickering lessened but still was pretty bad but the light seemed to intensify a bit.
7:45pm Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 3,950
(Trying out some different fonts. :P ) Shay tripped over her the Wraith's shadowy hand-thing, but spread out a single arm to fall onto. It sure helped. Claire was being clutched in her other arm. Neither were hurt, apart from a possible scrape on Shay's part and a bit of dirtiness. Pff, water'll wash that right off! Wait... she had water. That'd be easier that way, then. BUT THAT WASN'T THE MATTER AT HAND! Clearing away the unnecessary thoughts for now, she struggled to free herself from the Wraith's grip. It was obviously the leader or boss of the others. Larger, stronger, better. And definitely good at holding onto blue girls' ankles. "LET. GO. OR I WILL MURDER YOU!" she threatened. Twisting her body about like a snake, she got onto her back and curled up into a sitting position. "Eheheh... Death pinch." she said with a smirk. This pinch usually left red, hurting marks on people.. and they lasted a long time. Using her thumb and forefinger, Shay pinched the Shadow Wraith's hand-thingy and dug her nails into it. She squeezed and sqeezed and squeezed until it left a chunk out of the whole entire entity. The Wraith's hold loosened a bit and Shay was able to break free. Her powers, for now, were not to be used for she didn't know how. Plus, they were weak, so all the more reason to refrain from that at the moment. The blue girl again ran off until she was well away from everybody. The noises were muffled-sounding and barely audible. If you didn't know it was happening or didn't pay attention, you wouldn't even notice. Claire was still held in her arm. "I'm sorry, Claire, did I squeeze you?" Shay said with a bit of a worried tone. She set down the kitten beside her. (Lol. I actually sometimes do use the Death Pinch o' mine in real life when necessary. o_o )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:17pm Jun 14 2011
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"Wraaaaahhhwwwwnnn!!" The leader sang out, the high pitched call carrying a distance. Zara glanced to the indigo boy, and then to the leader. "Dammit! That's a call for back-up." She could speak some basic Wraith words, but not many. Het glare set on the boy for a mere moment, then shifting to the forest. "Thank you. I swear, I'll be back for you." The girl vowed to the now unconscious boy, drifting out of her skunk form. She made a mad dash for the tree line, the majority of the dark creatures still holding their noses in disgust. She shyed away from the leader, who seemed to have little interest in Zara. "Guess I'm not good enough for the beast." She muttered under her breath, shaking her head. In the depths of the tree line, she could see shadowy figures crowding by the dozens. And far behind them, a black- haired, black- clothed boy stood, smirking with pleasure. The violet haired girl froze. They must be desparate if they called the boss. The boy looked to be no older than twenty, with chin- length midnight black hair. His eyes glowed an entrancing amber tone, lighting up the treeline around him. By the looks of it, he was no taller than five foot ten. His skin tone was rather pale, and he was decently thin. Not that the ever- so- stubborn Zara would admit it, but she found him rather handsome. She was just far enough away that she couldn't make out his speech, but she saw that he outstretched a hand in a commanding motion, the Wraiths charging for the blue girl who possesed the kitten. Meanwhile, the Wraiths back in the city, weakened by the horrid stench from the skunk spray, were still recovering. The light from the White Warrior dealt more damage then before, sending those who'd crowded him back a few feet. After wafting the smell away from themselves, a pair of Wraiths near the indigo boy snatched him up, ready to take him back to the hideout.
I\'m back.
8:23pm Jun 14 2011
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(At least someone cares that Elias passed out. ;c)
9:16pm Jun 14 2011
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(I care D: But Shay is sort of fighting for her life >_> ) Shay saw what looked like millions upon millions of Shadow Wraiths coming at her and Claire. Oh no. OhnoOhnoOhnoOhno. What now?! Her powers would be useless crap against these guys, and she didn't even know how to use them. So what now?! "OHMIGODDD!!!" ... Well, what a wonderful thing to say in a situation like this. Truly helps, y'know. Gahh. A weak "help" was shouted but her vocie cracked with fear. She scooped up Claire. If only she would change back! What do to, what to do..!! (I'm stumped about what to do with her to save herself and Claire..)
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
9:40pm Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((You don't save yourselves >D Bwahaha!)) The boss, with a graceful pace, stepped into the circle created by the Wraiths, which surrounded the two colors at every turn. "If you decide to come easy, my Wraiths will not harm you." His voice flowed very smoothly, with a medium tone. But you could just tell he meant business by the look in his large honey- colored eyes. "You have nothing to fear, so long as you comply with my demands." He seemed to focus on the blue girl, scanning her over. "Relax, you look so stressed." His grin was warm, and yet deceitful. He paced around with pride in every step, occasionally glancing back to the pair. "So what'll it be, are you going to give up and come with me, or are you going to attempt an escape? I'm sure my friends would love the entertainment." He smirked wickedly, some of the larger Wraiths settling next to him, their mouths gaping open in grimaces. The boy's ears seemed to catch on something. "You-" He pointed in Zara's general direction. "Violet girl, if you even try to interfere I'll have to deal with you personally." The purple girl backed down, suffering from the pain of watching this. He seemed so gentle, and yet so dark and villainous. Was he always evil? She just had to wonder. Perhaps he'd been corrupted by some event of his past. Several of the Wraiths in the city had left, carting the indigo boy away. He'd been placed in the lair's (Which strongly resembled a castle) Dungeon. It was rather confortable for a dungeon, with a clean, fresh bed and plush carpetting. The boss wouldn't have it any other way. Anyone who visited his lair would be in luxury, even if they were his prisoner.
I\'m back.
10:01pm Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 11,785
(Well, Elias is out for a while. XD
Btw, someone should insult Elias and call him an idioy for what he did and blame him for them getting caught.
Then maybe Zara could stand up for him and yell at them for insulting him?)
11:25pm Jun 14 2011
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Posts: 597
(( o__o Sorry, I've been riding all day. )) Wolf, I need to be a wolf. Claire thought to herself, but her tiny body form would have to change, which woudl take a lot of energy. She focused deeply, inhaled, the nasia feeling came back. She felt a rather hurtful feeling in her gut as her inner wolf came out. Letting out a long and vicious growl, she looked at the dark haired boy. The light blonde wolf with sun-lit eyes looked at. She meant business as well. Teeth showing, she felt her powers weakening. She backed away enough to make sure she could have a leap at any Shadow Wraithe in her way. Growls came from her, but would she be able to keep form much longer?

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
12:39am Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 1,361
((hey guys,what did i miss?))
12:57am Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 597
((Just how they tried to escape but the shadow Wraithe leader came in and he wants all the colored people to give up. Umm. They captured Elias D: ))

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
1:28am Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 1,361
((how should i uh,jump back in?))
12:41pm Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((You could run into the forest to meet up with Zara, who is a short distance away from the herd of Wraiths and their boss. I'm gonna wait for Ice and/or Dart to post before I continue.))
I\'m back.
4:49pm Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 5,578
Kasey saw Shay get out of the leaders grip and run off twords the trees. He followed them with his eyes. He looked back to the shadow that was trying to get to him. He smirked and took his hand aimed at the other shadow twords him. The light was becoming easyer to handle so it wasn't much of a problem to cause the shadow to be cast back about 10 feet. He shut off the light as he began to run after Shay and Claire. He noticed from some distance away that they were being surrounded by a guy and mini army of shadows. He hid himself behind a tree(which didn't do much since he was in all white) and watched. He shook his head slowly as he thought about what might happen to Claire if they capyured her. He gritted his teeth and tried to think of something to do. He was still pretty weak from his act back in the city so it wouldn't be smart to just run inblazing his not soloyal lights at them hopeing everything would turn out fine. He needed a sure fire plan.
5:27pm Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 5,578
((Hey I just thought I should tell you that i'm going to be leaving in about a hour and a half and i'm going to my friends mountain house (they don't have internet) for five days. Just thought I should give you a heads up))
5:52pm Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((Noted. The Rp will continue, we'll just assume your charra is there with them. *Waits patiently for Ice*))
I\'m back.
7:05pm Jun 15 2011
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Posts: 3,950
(I'm here. D: Just got on a while ago. It seems everybody is waiting for me. o3o ) Shay saw Claire transform into a wolf. A better form for this situation... But what now? She could tell that Claire was weak. The evil boy seemed to glare at her yet be "kind" at the same time. He spoke words, but they were barely heard. Every gear in Shay's mind was working, trying to figure out a way to escape. The words of the boy echoed in her head making her always start back at square one. What would she do?! "Um..." she managed to utter. "Ih... ihm..uh.." "Guten Tag..?" she said unhopefully in a small voice. It was sort of a joke at the moment.. Except jokes weren't needed right now. Oh God...!! Were her powers going to work at all? Would they be strong for at least a moment now? This was an impossible puzzle to solve. Well... almost impossible. So there had to be a way to solve the problem. Time for math. Let's go through the steps of problem solving. Step 1: What is the problem? I'm surrounded by evil goons and their equally evil leader. I can almost do nothing to solve it, especially since my powers are close to crap. The thing is, it's either give in, get captured, and thrown in a dungeon.. or feebly try to escape with, most likely, no avail. Step 2.. Ahmg!! C'mon, brain, work! Ahhg... Shay just couldn't remember. "Halp.." she mumbled. Oh yeah, great work at thinking. PFF.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -